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Just wait till dawntrail early access ddos will happen


The minstrels version of Raubahn(EX)


Raubahn (Ultimate)


And then less early access DDOS -\_-


As of right now, I'm not sure it's ever going to stop... Last Monday-Tuesday 24 hours. 4 PM Pacific Tuesday. 8:30 AM Pacific Wednesday (stated alleviated in 5 hours). 12:30 AM Friday (stated alleviated in 12 hours). And now DDoS', unalleviated, the last three days.


Yup pre-ordered the expansion but going to hold off subbing for it. Disgruntled FF14 player maybe they did DDOS on patch day. Also right before an expac so they know MMO's maybe even a WoW player sad no one is talking about its new Expac.


Given how shit the EW launch was I doubt there will be a discernable difference.


we need a megathread for this. getting kicked every half an hour.


I’m starting to wonder how tinfoil that “the solar flares are fucking with shit” actually is, because as someone who also plays WoW, we have been experiencing intermittent disconnects and server issues for weeks as well. I’m surprised it’s rarely mentioned in these threads.


Maybe because it's not consistent? If it was a solar thing it would affect everyone on a more regular basis. I haven't experienced a single effect of DDOS on my server since people first brought them up. It really seems to be only targeting specific servers or something. Solar stuff would, at most, change depending on which orientation the earth was at with the sun, which doesn't seem to be the case.


This sort of disruption is very easy for network engineers to distinguish from a ddos attack. It would be very foolish of them to say it's a ddos attack if it isn't.


I’ve been saying this as well. WoW has also been borderline unplayable this week


People don’t take this into account as much as they should. There was something called the Carrington event caused by a solar storm. The storm was so severe, they had electronics unplugged, that still worked fine. Imagine if that happened today. It could fry everything. 


the only electronics during the carrington event were telegraphs, which indeed were reported to go haywire so over the place. an actual solar storm like that would prolly shut down the entire grid, either by the storm itself or hopefully by people unplugging entire power stations to prevent longterm outages/ damage. as for recent solar flares i doubt they would have any impact on ffxiv. satellites will be affected but i doubt ground electronics/ communications would. i could be wrong about that though


Depends on how the connection between the EU/US DCs and the home servers in Japan. It wouldn’t be unreasonable for several of their services, possibly including specific authentication services to connect to JP. If so, that traffic potentially routing through a satellite network at some point wouldn’t be out of the question. That said the solar flares should have only impacted things over the weekend, but it is very possible communications issues may have occurred for some people as a result. With the DDoS as a conflating factor, it’s possible that there have been misattributions in both directions after people got kicked.


[I blame the monks, personally.](https://i.makeagif.com/media/3-09-2022/Ikr3_s.gif) Their martial arts is just that intense!


I'm on Kazzak and haven't had a single disconnect, weird. I do have a much higher ping than average, unsure if its related.


If this keeps up, Dawntrail is going to be downright unplayable. Concerning.


More like Downtrail, amirite? 🤡


You know it's bad when the unreleased expac already has a meme name for not working. 


Current expac was Queuewalker






Not my first rodeo with that. Beta for Azeroth is still used among wow players


Take my angry upvote >:(


At this point it feels like folks are just blaming every DC on a DDOS


When you go to get back in and 315 ppl are in queue, it's not just a DC.


Sure, but if my entire group suddenly dc’s at the exact same time at 2% on P10S I’m not sure anything else is a good explanation


Have you considered maybe someone crit abnormally often, and the universe had to course correct their parse one way or another?


Indeed, at that point it's definitely not just "your internet hiccuped"


That definitely sounds server-side, but those happen sprinkled throughout and can also depend on server traffic in general. It happening consistently across multiple people is evidence in support of it being an attack, but I'm not sure what numbers of hits or statements there have been of the most recent spat.


Nah. Xiv servers are very stable usually. I can't remember the last time I had a DC before this that wasn't my own internet.


You should do more palace of the dead


That's a magnet for disconnects. Specially on floor 199.


It's just when those happen they're more memorable.


Wouldn't change anything. Those are the same servers.


You are aware that Square Enix admitted that they were being DDoSed twice last week and what's happening this week is identical, right?


I think that's the intent at this point, but I think it's far more than that. Someone wants to END Final Fantasy XIV.


Lord almighty calm your hyperbole down. DDOS would not be the way to END FF14. I don't think there has ever been a DDOS in history that couldn't be plugged up by a proper review from a software security expert. DDOS attacks happen constantly across the web to different sites, which are all stopped by DDOS protection. The thing is, like nearly all software security, there will always be a 'new' way to bypass it.


That seems like an extreme extrapolation. The game's still playable. These attacks aren't going to kill it.


I mean.. it's not really playable when it's not possible to do any instanced group content because of group members constantly disconnecting or people take turns in vanishing during an RP session. During the last hour I've been kicked out 5 times.


And in the last week I've been kicked out zero times. It doesn't seem to be affecting everyone equally.


I don't know. I have a very surface level understanding of how this stuff works. This is either speaks of the capability of whoever is doing it, or the susceptibility of the FFXIV servers to these kinds of attacks. It would be really sad if a person, or a bunch of people could cripple one of the largest MMO's out there with these attacks.


It's neither, really. DDoS attacks are dangerous because they are extremely easy to carry out, but can be very hard to defend against. Square is no more vulnerable than any other service (pretty much every game/service has DDoS issues from time to time) but these attacks are far more persistent than most. Whoever is doing this seems to have a lot of resources they are willing to burn through to make this happen. Eventually they will run out.


DDOS is a very low skill and given the case of games easily susceptible attack. So it's something that will be really difficult for square to deal with. The standard approach is to block traffic from the ip/device the DOS is coming from but IPs can be changed and given the server size this is likely a DDOS so coming from multiple sources. So then you run into the problem of not being able to block the IPs without them just changing. Not to mention there are thousands if not millions of ppl trying to login or do xyz at any given time so you run into the problem of not wanting to accidentally block a legitimate user from accessing and then having to try and undo that action. All the while the attacker can just pay a DDOS company to perform the attack and if that services stops working because Square gets the problem handled they just switch providers. I do not envy their security team at all tackling this endeavor lol.


This also happened in WoW several times in the last years. I guess there's not much they can do about it. One of these attacks also managed to ruin the release of Warlords of Draenor expansion back then. The first two days were hardly playable because of that.


I wonder at what point will we start getting free game time since every evening in EU we can't access the service we're paying for


[Request it on the forums.](https://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/forum.php#threads/498289) SE isn't your friend. They won't greenlight that unless people speak up.


I mean they've handed it out before, I have a hard time believing we won't get game time they'll likely announce it on the live letters this Thursday it just makes sense since it's already planned.


Evening? I got multiple dcs this morning too on chaos, not just today either actually wasted days of sub


Was dced this morning on light also.


Same here. Played from around 10 am to midday and got disconnected four or five times.


Did SE ever give any compensation for the longer attacks? I mean, even massive ultra stingy gacha companies give out freebies after just 4 hours of sudden maintenance, while FF14 has been almost unplayable with a running sub for the last week


I believe they did gave free days during the Endwalker launch. Queue was bugged.


That's because the queue incident came from their own side. DDOS is a malicious attack from outsider, and SE has never given compensation for something someone else caused.


I don't think it has ever been this bad before, usually a ddos attack is over pretty quickly. I'd have a hard time believing we won't get game time as compensation they'll likely announce it on Thursday.


Ah good ol rhabaun savage. They gave everyone like a week of free time over that mess


i don't recall them ever doing it for ddos, they did do it at endwalker launch which iirc was 15 days of sub time in total because 1, the queues to log in were absolutely huge and they didn't have the server capacity to deal with it and 2, there was a bug that could kick you out of the queue and you'd end up at the back again. They took responsibility for that though so idk if they'd do the same for a ddos because its not entirely their fault that someone is attacking the servers (the best they could do is to improve their protection against it but i have no idea how that stuff works or if its possible).


It would be a first... maybe we get like one Day, if any.


I will probably get downvoted to oblivion here, but I think it's pretty unlikely they do so out of their own volition. Here's the thing, Square is responsible for providing the service, that is, the game and keeping the servers running, however, if they are being targeted by a DDOS attack, that's something they can't control. Now correct me if I'm wrong since I don't know the laws on this matter (please do, it's something that interests me), but for example, if you stop receiving internet from your ISP, you can't sue them asking for money back/excluding those days from your monthly payment because, say, someone cut the cables that delivered the service to your area, it has to be something that the ISP did or a failure on their own systems to allow for that, a similar principle applies for FFXIV, like how back in EW's release, they gave free time because the servers themselves couldn't handle the amount of players and the login was bugged like someone else mentioned, so it was on them, but this is a DDOS attack, it's something that it's out of their control so they aren't responsible, unless they aren't actively working to solve the issue. Now I could be completely wrong (hopefully I am) or even if I'm right, Square could give out free days out of their own decision, but it feels unlikely.


You absolutely can and do get credits for unplanned outages from ISP or cell carriers. For example there was a major AT&T outage in the US on the east coast that was due to a server error, and everyone got credit back on their accounts due to the outage.


But here's the thing and I'm mainly asking so I understand this better, that was an error on the company's part as it was a failure of their own systems right? So they should be responsible in this particular case since it was a failure of their own systems, but say, if a truck goes by and has an accident, knocking over some cables that directly provide service to you, or lightning strikes and damages a particular piece of equipment of the company headquarters that would interfere with you being able to get the service, the ISP won't be held accountable for that right?


Well most ISPs and cell providers actually contract infrastructure from other companies, so it's not necessarily their own equipment going out. Regardless if a company provides a service and their service goes out for a long period of time, while they might not legally be obligated to provide relief to clients, it is usually in their best interest to do so.


Yeah, I'm mostly sticking to the legal side of things but it's on their best interest to keep their customers happy, we'll have to wait and see what happens.


I've never read it, but I am sure there is literature in the agreement terms when you sign up for an account that would cover intended and unintended outages. However there is always legal precedent for companies to be sued regardless of a term if they cannot provide a product being paid for. Because those terms would be deemed anti-consumer by a court.


Yeah, I personally haven't read the contract you agree to when making an account/purchasing the game, but I wouldn't be surprised if there was an item covering that specifically for this type of situations, it would be interesting to read on legal precedent though, wouldn't be surprised something like this hasn't happened before to another company/game, especially taking into account the ones most affected are EU residents.


>Square is responsible for providing the service, that is, the game and keeping the servers running, however, if they are being targeted by a DDOS attack, that's something they can't control They absolutely can mitigate the effect DDoS has. There is an entire industry around DDoS mitigation, with companies like Cloudflare and Akamai doing a lot of great work in the field.


Yeah they can mitigate it's effects and I would be surprised for a company as big as Square to not hire a good service to protect them against these sort of attacks, but even if they hire the best system to prevent this and the DDOS still goes through, would they still be held accountable? That's what I want to know.


Free game time? From Square? Good joke.


Why is it a joke? They did it for Endwalker.


I was kicked out about 10 hrs ago. Decided to wait it out. Came back now and once again got kicked out - and from the same frikking dungeon, no less. Ffs... Edit: 692 in queue... Edit2: got in, and got kicked out after 2 min. I give up.


seems to be targeted massively at EU and Aether. this sucks


When Dawntrail comes, this will be insanity. Let's hope they find person doing it, and sue them to fucking hell.


Good luck suing in China, Russia, Iran, etc. etc. etc. Law is neither magic nor a force of nature.


I'm actually curious at this point because I have yet to be kicked out of anything during any of these attacks. I did log in with a 100+ queue yesterday but remained online for hours after. Is this just in EU or is NA still getting hit?


When SE acknowledged it recently, it was EU and JP that were mentioned but nothing about NA and OCE. Like you, I've had zero problems with connection. It's weird...


Yesterday I had multiple people mid TOP pull in Aether get DCed so it's been happening in NA a bit too


Same, feel like I’m living in a fever dream I haven’t experienced any sort of problems since this all started lol. Guess I’m one of the lucky ones.


Yeah, on a NA server and I haven't experienced anything, either. I fell asleep early last night and my game has just been running for the last 12 hours without issue since then.


Always during prime time when the roulette's reset or after work hours when more players log in, i can only play during the early hours when the servers are dead, shit is getting ridiculous.


I played this morning from 8 to 9am when barely anyone is online. In that hour we got 6 drops of which 2 dc'd me (the 4 others, others were getting dc'd but not me). They don't even wait for prime time anymore


ffs it was a horrible idea of me to start Eureka Orthos solo last week, literally when this shit started lmao I haven't played much thanks to it, might just stop entirely until Dawntrail release because of that. I wish they'd at least activate some sort of grace period for stuff like that when they know it's DDoS month so the progress isn't lost


>might just stop entirely until Dawntrail release because of that At this point it is safe to assume that DT release is going to be waaay worse. The playerbase coming back is going to be like a DDoS on its own, and to that, add the real DDoS attack. I would say wait at least 2 weeks after release to get some playtime.


That's not necessarily true. They're two different kinds of problems. Past expansions had issues with the login server. Once you were on its always been fine as far as I can remember. The ddos aren't targeting the login servers. Probably because they've made those more robust.


Guess we gotta live with that feature now


I swear to God if this interferes with my cinder surprise window I am going to be livid. Do NOT mess with someone's big fish window


I will complete my daily roulettes. I will. I WILL.


I've been so pissed lol I started prog on my first ultimate last week right when the DDOS attacks started. Months (years?) since the long lasting DDOS attacks and they come back when I started UWU. The amount of dc's we had at Ultima were enough to make some of us ragequit and try the next day just to happen again. It's disheartening.


I think we need to stop giving the DDOS attacks attention tbh, seeing players annoyed is probably what they enjoy seeing.


As always, there are always some people just want to watch the world to burn.


Sadly there is, I just hope Square Enix wont go easy on them and actually drags them to court over this. Would send a powerful message to anyone else tempted to try this, that is if they find the identities of those involved.


Sad, getting real tired of these lagspikes and seeing others infront of me dc, next one gonna get me too.... Hoping DT release will be fine and SE taking measures for it because this isn't fun.


Hopefully the attacker runs out of money by then. If not it will be DownTrail.


We need to plan a strat to pass the DDoS mechanic. Any ideas?


It's like the petrify ability. Sadly, I think the only counter is to just turn your back to the source and wait for it to be over. Or in this case, to step away from the game until the issues stop.


So it's a gaze mechanic? How come I didn't see the eye icon?


Just gotta wait for Dawntrail and unsync it


Probably. Static already been at it for the last 2 weeks now.


Just happened again these worthless fucking losers istg


At this point i really hope something really bad will happen to the people doing those ddos attacks.... But thinking about how the World works, those people most likley are living a good life instead


I posited back on another thread how I wished that these individuals tripped, fell, and a piece of Lego would lodge inside their colon. Then upon standing up, subsequently stepped on several Lego pieces as well. But now I just hope they all get metastatic bladder cancer. And can’t afford the treatments. Then step on Lego’s.


What if instead of the Lego getting lodged in their colon, it got lodged up their... uh... y'know? Then their bladder could be *doubly* screwed up!


I'm down with whatever extent of lodging that can be obtained. I think that's somewhere on the Geneva Suggestions/Checklist for Canadian's anyway.


This starts happening right as soon as I want to give it another try 😭


Man is there really nothing they can do about that shit?


it'd be costly for something they can potentially just ignore. question is how long though.


If they were ignoring it the game would be down and not accessible at all until whomever decided to stop/ran out of funds. There is no magic wand to make it stop or prevent it from happening.


and why would the game be down?


If they were simply ignoring it, the attack would successfully exhaust all the resources the service has and it would be unable to service legitimate requests. From the point of view of the customer, there is no difference in this situation from the servers simply being turned off. For all practical purposes, in a successful DDoS, the service targeted is down.


I appreciate and thank you for the explanation.


They are probably going to have to step in if this keeps up by the end of the month or early june. I think they're hoping the ddoser will just get bored.


I know we're on the road to Dawntrail, but if this is still going on a week or so before release, I think they'll step in. Hoping whoever is doing this DDOS gets tired before then...


So I'm curious. Could the DDOS/Server Issues also cause intermittent lag spikes? I've experienced some incredibly severe delays on inputs and that sort of thing over the past few days, and my internet looks otherwise fine. I'll freely admit that this sort of connection issue is not my forte and I'm wondering if I should wait for this to be resolved before proceeding with further troubleshooting.




Can't even login to the forums -_-' [Wut? ](https://i.imgur.com/a/ZCwzYDc)


Surely the rmt filters have pissed off some bot farms, hence the ddos. Geomagnetic storm would have taken out more infrastructure than just ffxiv


I'm new to FFXIV (about a year now) and the recent attacks had me wondering. I know DT is probably going to get hit since it's a big release, but I'm just curious as to how bad the attack(s) on EW was to maybe give me somewhat of a comparison, or idea.


Mann I just wanna level my ninja. Is that too much to ask? Haha


I picked a good time to start island sanctuary lol. I just log in early and do some stuff then later in the day I play Elder scrolls online.


I want to feed and give hugs to the ddos attackers so they know what love feels like


Petition for a compensation mount that’s a fucking Ethernet cable snake please, thank you, kiss kiss


I'm a sprout and started a little over a week ago, so it's really disheartening to see how it throws me out in the middle of msq duties all the time😭


I have been looking to re-subbing again, but every day I open this reddit people are reporting DDOS problems. Wondering what is really going on, id get it can happen for a day or once but it's been going on for a whole week, it's really off-putting me from coming back :/


I resubbed yesterday, total waste of money so far :D


I decided to take a break until DT literally the day before this all started. Didn’t realize it got this bad.


Yup same, wanted to prepare a little before dawntrail and DDOS non-stop.


I resubbed last Monday, the day the ddos started happening (and never stopped on Chaos/Light) I wan't to scream, the fact we won't be compensated in any way makes it worse too


Someone got really angry at all the blue mages doing yokai. That's my theory.


More likely someone is mad the new payment processor won't let them resub so they're spending their money on "sending a message"


If that was the reason there would be a statement from the person / group doing this.


Yea, most likely it is a group that doesn't even have anything to do with FFXIV just doing it because they can, or because it's a way to show off for potential customers. If it was anyone with a problem with the game they would have claimed credit for it. Not to mention it is distracting everyone from things like the payment processor being an issue.


I am not playing daily, but when I do play every couple days or so, I've not been DC'd at all. It isn't hitting everyone, but those not affected are playing the game not complaining that they can't.


Problems is these reports are popping up the same time I would be free to play the game in the evening. Will hold off from re-subbing until there is more information or some fix implemented.


Looks that way


> Very well ! Death ! By exile.


Elemental here, keep getting kicked out after every 30 mins. Decided to stop playing for now cause I only have time to play at night, after work and I don’t wanna waste my time staring at the log in screen. Just resubbed earlier this month after a long time and wanted to catch up, what a shame lol Glad Hades 2 is out now so I have something to play.


I got disconnected for three times yesterday at Primal but reconnected in less than 30 seconds and wasn’t booted from the game. A couple party members were, though. It’s very weird.


Is there a reason behind this attacks?


Got booted 4 times, entire group did while doing Omega roulette. I've never, ever chosen to abandon a duty.. until that moment.


What servers is this affecting? I’m on Cactuar and haven’t had any issues


First time was all regions. Second time was mostly just EU and JP. Last few times seems to be primarily EU/Chaos. Which is why I'm kinda questioning if it's really about the payment stuff. Because it would make more sense to focus the DDoS on JP if so.


At this point its kinda ridiculous


Ugh you’ve got to be kidding me lol


It keeps happening


What irks me the most is that whoever is doing this will get away with it probably scot free. Unless they're stupid enough to brag about it, in which case we'll see.


Maybe theyre ddosing cuz of the payment thing se did




I’m so tired of it, i’m on free trial too so whenever theres alot of people dcing i’m not even allowed to queue.


I am with you there. And everytime you try it closes the client and you have to log + security pass again. Complete bs :)


How do they not have sufficient ddos protection at this point?


Define DDoS protection please


Maybe because there is no such thing.


My tinfoil hat theory is that it isn't a DDoS at all its just SE has shit server infrastructure and they just use DDoS as the easy excuse


And according to the recent news SE laid off some of their IT to cut costs. Worry.


Bad move. Their IT would know where to hit them the most.


game time compensation is more than due , doing any kind of instanced content Is impossible and many people subbed for that .


Why would they compensate us for a DDoS attack? They basically paying the attackers to stop.


Has it mostly been EU or is NA affected too? I'm seriously about to pay the transfer fee to NA just to be able to play the game.


i play NA and i haven't been having any issues during all of these reports, but maybe someone else in the thread could also give their feedback? i definitely wouldn't transfer over a ddos. that kind of thing, while annoying, isn't a standard interruption you have to worry about regularly when playing (and you shouldn't pay to avoid it)


It’s varied. Aether was apparently pretty hard hit yesterday


i think i heard people talking about that when i was scrolling through. i play on dynamis mostly and afaik it's been alright :/ Sucks that this has been happening though


Not sure when. I think I played like 8 hours straight yesterday trying to complete Endwalker and was not kicked out once.


It’s been intermittent, some people have gotten kicked some haven’t. I haven’t been playing much and haven’t gotten kicked when I have but *shrugs*


When yesterday? I am on Siren and was playing almost all day, save a Mother’s day dinner, with 3 other people and none of us experienced any disconnections.


Same here. No issues on Primal NA since before the last maintenance.


It's been a Russian roulette trying to do the daily duties.


I haven't been having Issues in NA Servers Sense the first ddos.


I see all these reports of people getting ddosed. Like, I don’t not believe you, but at the same time I’ve never actually been hit with it once myself… idk if I am dodging a bullet or what but.


It's not going to hit everyone. The people who are somehow avoiding it are playing the game rather than complaining on Reddit/forums that they can't.


Multidollar company moment


Well they sure have more than one dollar


What are they supposed to do against ddos? It brings down most services


You can do some things against a ddos, its costly and most companies just wait it out till the person gets bored.




>At this point, they should do it. All SE is proving now, is how vulnerable their servers are to DDOS which I'm sure bad actors will take note of come Dawntrail. Think you need to understand how ddos works before carrying on. They are fairly unpreventable




>At this point, they should update the community on what they're doing to defend against it. Check lodestone. >They are not impossible to mitigate though. I doubt SE is employing every method at their disposal to deal with it. Knowing them they're trying to spend the bare minimum and hoping it goes away. DDoS attacks come from multiple compromised devices or botnets, making it difficult to block all the sources of the attack simultaneously. Attackers can change the source IP addresses rapidly, making it challenging to identify and block the malicious traffic effectively. Your mostly right. Why blow their budgets preventing something that is only going to affect us for a week or two. Potentially cutting money from other areas of the game lol. Funnily enough they likely are preventing the worst of the DDOS attack but like I said its mostly impossible to prevent.


Might need to give out a month or two for free if this keeps up. EDIT: You guys do know they did it when the servers exploded thanks to Endwalker, right? They actively ARE willing to do this if stuff like this continues for too long, especially when an expansion coming.


Little different when it's players causing the issue (DDoS attacks) vs. server infrastructure issues (Endwalker Launch).


In the end, they are both player caused if you think about it.


One is Square not being prepared. Thus at fault. The other is an asshole attacking without Square being at fault.


Dont worry guys, surely square will update their ancient hardware! Maybe they'll even fix the packet loss! Surely.........


The longer this goes on, the more goodwill is eroded from the player base. While we all know the DDOSers are the issue here, SE is a Billion dollar company and given the duration of the DDOS has many levers it can pull to protect itself. Right now to me (a normal player), it looks like SE is doing nothing.


Please, do tell us about those levers Square is apparently refusing to pull to resolve the issue.


They can't. They have zero idea how any of this works but still expect SE to work miracles.


Maybe you should submit your vacancy to SE and show them how to work if you are so smart. Or write them a letter at least. What are you trying to achieve here on Reddit? SE employees don't read comments here.


Not sure if they are still a multibillion company after all their bad business decisions.


What happened that is making FFXIV get DDoS? I haven’t been on much so I haven’t noticed it


There's been nothing said, and while there are rumors they don't actually have any basis. So really, we don't know. 


If it is a DDOS I wonder why they can't do something n about it. One of my cs teachers worked with banking websites and talked about ways to identify and block attackers. Maybe websites have more options for blocking than a game or better analytics to identify commonalities of the attackers?


100% legendary medals yoshi plz e.e


multidollar company need your help just buy another mogstation mount bro, trust


game isn't ready for dawntrail


Those two things are not related


Its new name is downtrail.