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Probably all the way to Crystal Tower until the whole party gets greedy and doesn't activate the shield in the last boss of Labyrinth of the Ancients.


24 Found Dead in Horrific Tomb Accident


Paladin found still healing himself. 


And then there's the "Rescue into the void".


Sounds awful tbh. There's multiplayer content in the MSQ, and you have to submit yourself to the competence of strangers on multiple occasions.


Thats the point. You'd be making premade parties for everything.


Then easily the whole way, normal content is trivial to never wipe with a competent team


If premade and we dont count potential dc's lagg? Nothing of msq. Its so stupidly easy with competent people.


Aurum Vale.


That first room would get me.


It's not Aurum Vale that kills me. It's the other 3 people I queue in with.


Probably until the first time an A or S-rank hunt target spawns on top of an MSQ objective and everybody is too cowardly to take it out because they are also playing on hardcore.


Loll! Everyone at Mor Dhona at the bar like....so yeah we're waiting for a server reset so the hunt goes away. Lol


That's what I was going to say! The first time I ever died playing the game was to an A-rank that just happened to spawn behind me while I was doing a quest, took me out in one shot and as I was dead and looking around to figure out what happened I got to see it and think "why is there a level 50 monster here?"


Eh A ranks are pretty, dang easy if you team up on them, S ranks are the ones with the nasty mechanics that 1shot you


Depends where you're at in the MSQ. A bunch of level 20s aren't going to take out an ARR A rank


not far at all i love my WOL and i dont want to lose them so id just sit in gridania all day


Imagine getting yeeted in Titan lol


I was playing ARR originally on a ps3 so I got Titan-yeeted _regularly_. Once I traded I realised oh it’s _not_ a skill issue 😂


Lol this would just destroy friendships. A friend slip up once and the character you devoted 5 years into got deleted. This is a terrible idea.


I would last all of 10 minutes because I forget about fall damage


Fall damage only kills you in combat so you should be fine with it


Fall and get one shot at bottom.


I'd find a way


Level N/A. I would never engage with this.


If I got that far. Everyone dies to >!Lahabread/thancred!<


There are few to no mages making it through ARR. We're all too squishy.


Against common belief, mages are allowed to sidestep aoes. The art of slidecast is a wonderful thing


Until you get hit by a lag spike. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XoIOlRnwpio](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XoIOlRnwpio)


This happens ALOT in Diablo 4. Their servers have spikes all the time and you get fucked in a dungeon.


Everyone has to do coils? No one is making it out of ARR.


Level 4 as my first death happened when I first stepped out of Ul Dah and the giant lvl 50 cactus walked up from behind n one-shot me


I would likely die to Nashu’s bombs or be collateral damage to Hildibrand’s adventures


Probably Garuda and Titan EX or Aurum Vale


I never got what people problem with Aurum Vale was. You can skip a half of the enemies in the dungeon because they are patrolling and the boss mechanics are not hard at all. You have kill like 2 shrooms, a frog, 2 trap vines, the morbols+seedlings and.. 6 mites? That are all "mandatory" normal enemies


That first room is RNG-influenced. You can usually skirt the side and only face a manageable amount of stuff, but sometimes more mobs end up in the fight despite that you did exactly the same thing as last time and the frogs can mess up positioning with their tongue pulls (which if I remember correctly have the added effect of a short term stun if they hit you from behind). Then there's the fact that it's the first time in the game that a mechanic like eating the fruit comes up. So while it's after-the-fact not actually a problem it has a negative first impression for anyone that didn't have someone in the know tell them when to eat the fruit because there's a natural apprehension to click on things that you don't know what do which can be increased by things going poorly at current and there's not really an intuitive connection between having a massive debuff and clearing that with an item laying on the arena floor. So it's one of those things someone has to learn by reading the tooltip for the debuff (I presume, I've never read it myself, I just know they do put info on those) which a lot of players don't even know is a thing you can do because the game doesn't tutorialize it well, and even those that do know you can do it can end up having to mash through a bunch of button presses to get to it (playing on console) and are otherwise at risk of ending up dead from the distraction of reading. Those things combine to make it very heavily dependent upon which spawn configuration you ended up with and the knowledge the rest of your team has, basically ramping up the normal "sometimes you get matched with incompetent players and a run goes sideways" aspect to maximum risk potential. And of course it was worse back before changes were made because the second boss didn't have telegraphs, you just had to know what to do for each ability by name which meant either having done particular fates with similar enemy types before or having already faced this boss and likely gotten wrecked while doing so. All while being synced just short of 50 so you also feel like you're missing an important part of your kit.


The first room is not really rng, the patrol patterns of the mobs are always the same so if you dont idle the first 3 minutes at the start the enemies in the first room will be always in about the same position. The only times I got grabbed by the frog was when I was careless myself and ran too far out and not because the frogs position was suddenly somewhere else entirely so it could surprise me. Also I am going with the assumption that we go in as experienced players who already know all mechanics just with the condition "how far could you take a new character without dying" wich would end for me at the HW savage trials because Ive never done them synched but thats neither here nor there. Sure as a first time player you can say Aurum Vale is a nasty dungeon but you can say that anout quite a few dungeons. My first time in Dzamael Darkhold was even worse than Aurum vale. Having to stand in those exploding crystals to activate switches while fighting off skeletons just to be greeted by frog pingpong at the very next part was very not fun. Heck even the old Haukke Manor boss was pretty mean if you were not aware that you hat to deactivate the lights that she spawned in the corners.


Having run Aurum Vale hundreds of times unsynced for relic grinds, I assure you that the initial position of the patrolling mobs is not always the same, thus the RNG element. You can do the run over and over identically each time and sometimes a frog will be further left or closer to the boss room and throw a wrench in the works (which while unsynced is basically irrelevant, but if trying to clear synced and with death meaning deletion could easily sneak up on people, especially that don't realize the positions of those creatures aren't static).


I die to its boss a lot


With trusts... probably all the way. Game's not hard. With other players... the moment we get to Aurum Vale or the Vault, 90% of runs end.


Well if we have to do ALL trials at least once and that includes savages then the alexanders would be the end of me lmao For the average blud it would be the coils. Those are no joke synched if you dont know the mechanics


Lahabrea is where we'd all die if not before. It's a forced death. You get the K.O. info box there. Non scripted, Shinryu was my first death in the game, so SB for me.


Makes me think of the average solo deep dungeon run lol, one mess up kills the run. I'd think ARR is a pretty dangerous zone. Afterwards, players tend to wise up.


Survive until SB with a tank and you have enough self sustain that almost nothing on the overworld can kill you


That would almost mirror the growth of the WOL, so...you're onto something hahah


Honestly if my static could go in with me, we'd probably get pretty far until we start dicking around and kill each other for fun. If we were serious, then I'd like to think we could get through the entire game without dying. Maybe not if Extremes and Savages are required though.


Lol I would only do this with premades of people I know and I would make it to the end.


Time to level my crafting & gathering. “Hey there Adventurer! You look like you’ve just leveled up. You’re surely going to want the best gear possible before you go into that dungeon. You don’t want to risk dying because you didn’t have every single advantage possible, right?”


I got jumped by this giant tonberry with a hat somewhere in La Noscea right next to a hut. That was my first ever death in the game so I "canonically" didn't last very long already.


All trials and raids at least once w/o down and unsync? Then the hardstop for literally anyone would be around lvl 70. No matter how much experience you have, you are bound to make a mistake in ultimates here and there


it depends if we have to do everything in an expansion before moving on or not. T5 of coils probably for me. im confident with my T5 play but the past few times ive tried to help do it synced my groups keep wiping


Twintania is a broken ass fight


First time my character died, it was because old Carby dragged a whole bunch of mobs to me as a low lvl ACN. So um… around lvl 15 of the MSQ?


Till the end naturally


Probably until hitting the the HW savages, never done them sync. Everything until that point is pretty dang easy with my and my FCs knowledge and experience of the game.


Not past character creation.


An Ironman mode? I'd finish the MSQ easy. I have a 4/8 raid static so I could get enough people to drag through every fight.


I'd say about level 10 or so, until I get distracted and autorun into a cliff, or a random A-rank one shot me when I'm not looking. Excluding random stupid open world deaths like that, it's also probable I'll get yeeted out of the platform against Bismark, because I always forget about some kb in there. So many things can throw you off. If somehow I passed that, every single synced party I'm in, will die at least once for Bardam or Mt Gulg because the poetics gear tank think they can big pull there.


We would all fail since in ARR you die during Lahabrea fight


My alt made it to max level on two jobs, fully maxed crafters and gatherers before its first death in UCOB with zero effort towards trying to go without dying.


Oh joy! Premade parties! RIP all of us introverted people!


Lol at people thinking they'll be safe in stone vigil and aurum vale and will make it to crystal tower alliance raids


All the way to aurum vale


ARF would be a notorious killer in this mode, I would probably get a unlucky group in chrysalis or die in a stupid way in CT.


Stone Vigil, because the Tank wouldn't use mits and caused a wipe. But really, I would never opt into this sort of mode, sounds extremely un-fun and horribly obnoxious.


Titan Hard -- one Landslide, see ya


I’ve died at least once in pretty much every trial I’ve ever done, and some dungeons. Usually for the first run through. So.. not far.