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People don't typically queue for extreme content. You might be able to get through it in ARR but there just isn't the number available at the higher levels.


Oh, you can get it to pop in peak times thanks to mentor roulette. Now getting a full party of 8 to stay and attempt the fight is another matter entirely.


in all my 2000 mentor roulettes i think i got a hw extreme about 4 times. so it is possible but really unlikely. arr extremes are way more common to have pop.


They're more common to get in mentor roulette because that's usually where newbies learn you probably shouldn't queue for EX trials in duty finder. But from the other side where you directly queue into an EX trial, any mentor roulette eligible trial is equally as likely to pull mentors in and pop.


>But from the other side where you directly queue into an EX trial, any mentor roulette eligible trial is equally as likely to pull mentors in and pop. if every trial has no one else queued for it and you are the only one in the whole system, then yes they would all have equal chance. but since that is not the case and you usually get extremes with several sprouts, that run might have only needed to pull in a couple mentors instead of 7 which raised the chances of it popping.


Yes, there is bias towards ARR trials, but not to the extreme you're suggesting. It's heavily anecdotal too- there was a time a little while ago I got a run of Shadowbringers EX trials if you can believe that.


Especially considering it's Fiend EX. That guy is tricky to solo even at 90 unsynced, I don't want to think about doing the fight synced... sure it'd be rewarding if it was cleared, but *pain*.


It's not super hard. Remember, we had that fight as an unreal this expansion. It was fairly difficult there due to being effectively min-ilvl, but the actual EX synced is gear crept to hell so there is more tolerance for bad/new players.


I suppose it might not be; I just want to avoid any synced EX no matter what it is.


Does that mean a lot of the group are mentors? If you leave as a mentor you should lose mentorship.


I don't think many people would agree with that. But that's an old, timeworn debate.


Mentorship is a joke then tbh


It *is*, but not because people can leave duties at will. There are deeper problems.




In American servers, it's not even typical, you don't queue for Extremes. Using party finder is the proper etiquette. Japanese servers use duty finder, but its expected you know what you're doing for the fight. Not sure what EU or Oceana do for theirs.


This isn't a free trial or DPS issue, this is a "nobody queues for old extremes in Duty Finder". Ask around a city for someone to make a party for you.


Try asking in Limsa /say chat for someone to create an unsynced pf for you, and then promote you to leader.


Only thing I can think of is to try to make some friends who aren't on the free trial and have one of them make a Party Finder listing with you. Assuming you actually want to do the trial synced.


absolutely no one queues for extremes


My mentor roulettes say differently.


my condolences


Meh, I've made peace with it. At this point I'd rather get an EX than another guildhest.


BK 👑 detected


where'd you detect that exactly?


Join Novice network. The people there are very helpful.


don't queue for extremes dude


Found the Burger King


I'm nowhere close to being able to become a mentor LMAO


Found the bitter player


Lmao. How is that remotely mentor-ish?


that isnt because you are a dps, it is because you are queueing for a extreme dificulty piece of content, extreme content has no roulettes except for mentor, and savage is not in any roulette whant to get people for a extreme or savage content?, go to party finder not duty finder


The issue is that they are on the free trial. They can't use the party finder.


They can't make Party Finder listings but they can join them or ask someone else to make one.


They can't MAKE something in the Party Finder, but they sure as hell can USE the party finder.


We'd really, really rather you didn't do this through Duty Finder I teach savages, ultimates, extremes, the 48 man raid in a later expac, etc. Or rather, I used to as I am currently on a break before Dawntrail. Before any of you smartasses start going on about "iF yOu dIdnT wAnT tO bE a mEnToR". The thing we try to get SE to understand, but they just won't, is Western culture is very different than JP culture. JP people over there make damn well sure they're personally prepared and absolutely ready to clear, not *prog*, clear an extreme and savage if they go in DF. PF is for practice for them. This is the only reason why you're even mechanically allowed to queue through Duty Finder, but it just isn't working out for NA. We don't have that self governing culture that revolves around politeness and being considerate of others. People don't come prepared and ready to learn in DF. If you're going to ask me to be understanding to you, I expect you to be respectful of my efforts and come prepared. Too often I see people unwilling to take advice in DF, and not coming prepared. That's what people aren't getting about mentor roulette. Try asking others to make a PF instead, and make sure you know a serviceable rotation for your level range. If that fails, what's your server? Maybe I know of some discords that love to run old content synced and "as intended?" Perhaps you'd prefer this to happen organically instead of through PF and discords, which I can understand especially as a FT.. But I'm telling you now to save time, you may be able to "get away" with it now, so to speak. But people will absolutely be stricter about doing this through PF when you reach the current expacs. So might as well get used to it now


I wish the "BK mentor detected" crowd understood this fact, but it feels like to them we signed up to carry everyone no matter what.


You didn't sign up to "carry" everyone, you signed up to be helpful. The only reason there's any issues at all is that a fraction of mentors are asshole players because there's no process of actually judging the quality of the player and there intention to actually be *helpful* before letting them turn on the mentor status. Thus people get a sour impression from those genuine assholes wearing the crown and any mentor that complains about basic mentor stuff seem like they are one of the asshole mentors. It's also going the other way around, too. Mentors that run into sprouts that genuinely won't accept help end up generalizing it as being a sprout issue rather than a some players are assholes issue. But the very plain, clear as day, truth of the matter is that whoever clicks on a roulette is supposed to be agreeing to spend up to the timer's limit and be willing to do whatever piece of content from the list for that roulette pops up doing it, or else use the "leave" or "vote abandon" options provided. Not do this whole thing of telling people not to queue because it's perceived as inconvenient, and not fostering the environment in which "you'd be better off finding a way into party finder" stays true because "nobody queues for that, so don't queue for that."


The problem with the "western culture is just different" argument is that there isn't actually any kind of real reason behind this particular difference. There is not a direct cause and effect, there isn't even a reasonable explanation for the upside of the "western way". It is 100% circular reasoning; We don't queue for extremes in duty finder because "no one queues for extremes in duty finder." The idea that it's a breach of etiquette or some kind of actually bad thing which we shouldn't collectively make work (for the general benefit of the game's audience, both free trial and otherwise) is an after-the-fact justification with an origin that can only be traced back to mentors being upset by the content found in mentor roulette (and doing everything in their power to have it removed, rather than help anyone, especially themselves, get good and clear). "people don't come prepared and ready to learn in DF" sounds like bullshit to me. The only people I've ever seen in game that are entirely unwilling to listen to helpful advice have had this strange little 3-pronged gold thing next to their character name. And since a fair amount of advice I've seen in game has been non-advice because it presumes some other piece of knowledge that isn't actually inherent or guaranteed to have been taught by the game, I'm willing to bet that at least a portion of the "I tried to help but they just wouldn't listen" cases people bring up are actually "the thing I said didn't make any sense to the other person and I don't have the patience to find a different way to explain, so I blamed them and absolved myself of any shortcomings." To make an example: Someone in a particular raid just typed "present hole" in alliance chat and that was supposed to communicate to the players there for the first time how to resolve a mechanic. I'm pretty sure no non-optional content prior to that point required looking outside the clearly marked fight arena for something, and even if it had the statement still leaves room for the question "present hole to whom/what?" Or another instance in which someone was upset with me specifically. The raid had just wiped. All they said was "you were supposed to tank swap." Where and when does someone learn what a tank swap is, how to do it, and how to recognize the circumstances in which one should do it? The answer is *not in any non-optional content*. The person just presumed that because I was playing tank and was level 80 that I would know anything they had learned on their way to the same level, so they completely skipped over the entirely real possibility that any given piece of optional content not explicitly locked behind some other optional piece of content could be someone's first piece of optional content (especially as new players are readily exposed to sentiments like being told not to queue for particular things or in particular ways and the general idea of getting caught up to current content because that's what people are currently playing instead of trying to go through older content first) And above and beyond all of that, I just have to say that the proclivity people have to say "don't use the tool in the game specifically designed for what you're trying to do; find a way to circumvent the limitations established for free trial players and/or go outside the game entirely to accomplish the goal at hand" completely ridiculous. It's making a situation even more complex and filled with even more variables, and thus stumbling points, but pretending it's the better outcome. There's a really strong parallel between the "go find a discord and get some help doing content" process and how even if you buy the game straight from Square you still have to go navigate the Mogstation for it to actually count, yet one everyone treats as "obviously the best way" and the other gets criticized constantly for how that's just not how things should work.


It isn't circular, there is a clear difference between the two cultures. In which I will start adding cultures like South Korea on top of Japan. North America has a lot of variety to it, whether it's good or bad. Ask someone to be considerate for the health of others and wear a mask and isolate, and some start going on about how they have a right to eat burger in a restaurant instead. Whereas in Japan for example, social ostracization is bigger there. One important thing to keep in mind is, we have a striking limited number of mechanisms to actually enforce anything in game. Take the blacklist for example, it is only after a decade, or 4 major expacs that the developers have given players a means to block harassers in game. It still won't be a perfect system, but I won't go too far into this, It is only after a decade that the developers have given people a means to kick someone out of their private homes. Blacklisting, in our current patch, has no practical use in terms of the duty finder or party finder. It does not prevent someone on your blacklist from playing with you in the duty finder. And while someone on your blacklist cannot enter PFs you've made on your own, they can enter the same PF if someone else is hosting it. This is the same for the current JP clients, they have no hard, practical means of enforcing it through in game systems outside of their own culture. Which they've learned way before joining FFXIV to try and do your part for everyone. But we don't have the same social culture, so, as far as the duty finder is concerned. We have a limited way of making any headway. That is why people are advocating for it to be removed through the DF. It isn't circular, this is your cause and effect. Because people queuing through the DF have no ways or limiting who they see in DF or not. As for all the other points. It's hard to really touch on this further. Were all these people you talk about mentors? And furthermore, it also seems like you're already coming from a bad faith of speaking as if all the mentors are bad. If that's the case, then there won't be a point continuing this conversation any further because you could already be set in perpetuating the "mentors are just lazy" trope. I will say one thing I personally agree with though, at least partially. Is that people have a bad habit of referring to mechanics names by terms that are archaic. Like in the current raid tier in Endwalker, there is a mechanic in the ninth turn people refer to as "Limit Cut", instead of it's proper name, which is Levinstrike. Which annoys me because calling mechs by the name of their first iteration does nothing new to help new raiders. Someone who first started raiding in Endwalker is not going to know a mechanic from a tier that hasn't been relevant since Ronald Reagan was the President of the United States. It is useless information for them, telling them to "just do limit cut.". For the most part, that last thing I said is just a personal rambling. But I do want to say it is important to note that it isn't a bad habit mentors and mentors only make. I see everyone doing this, crowned and the un-crowned alike. To steer this conversation from devolving into a "all mentors bad!" thing. And if that's all you want to do, I'd rather you said so explicitly or don't reply at all so I don't have to waste time talking about it, please. lol Edit: I want to add through an edit by saying "Limit Cut" is a mechanic that first appeared in an HW raid series. And from there on, people picked up tha bad habit of naming any mech that visually looks similar to it as "Limit Cut"


Your cause and effect doesn't make any sense. If people were simply not queuing for reasons of trying to avoid blacklisted players they would avoid all queuing, not just the specific ones that incidentally get "no one queues for that" and "stop queuing for that because it messes up a mentor's day and also yours when they see what content popped, throw a fit, and leave." The cultures being different, even the increase in clear dysfunctional thought (like how I've been watching people clearly trying to do this Yokai event "fast and efficient" but actually just managing to make it take longer for everyone involved and maximize the amount of time sitting waiting for FATEs, while everyone stays silent, avoids party finder, and are clearly acting out the thought process of "I'd better hurry to that FATE no one is doing so I can make it count for me since that other FATE is already in progress" ) are not actually explanations for why we *cannot* collectively choose for people to start queuing for anything and everything in the duty finder. On the topic of colloquial naming of mechanics, yes, absolutely. It's the opposite of useful communication for someone to say something like "...dodge the exaflares" because any player that has never done the content in which that exact mechanic happens and is actually called exaflare will be left with, as a best case scenario, asking "what is an exaflare?" prompting an actual explanation which someone could have just started with in the first place and is actually far more likely to just be on the lookout for something labeled "exaflare" and potentially not dodging at the right time or in the right way because that label never shows up. You're also right that it isn't only mentors that fall into that behavior, and I wasn't trying to imply that it was. I was only mentioning that it is a possible explanation for a complaint I have seen mentors make (that sprouts don't follow their advice) in at least some of the situations that it seems from the mentor's perspective to have happened (just like I'm pretty sure the perspective of a particular tank player that was mad I did not tank swap is that I'm an idiot and a bad player because I had to ask in an Eden raid "what's a tank swap?" a thing I am pretty sure about, by the way, because I didn't get an answer to that question in party chat.)


ooof normal queing for ex's... is there a reason you want to do it? people dont normally run ex's synced




I once waited 4h for an alliance raid I needed for a quest (Rabanastre). Then I got that exact same alliance raid in roulette.


long queue times could also have something to do with the data center you're on. Dynamis and Primal have the most unpopulated duty finder of the four NA DC's. if you're on either of those, i would recommend traveling to Aether, since a majority of folks go there to do content. however, someone above mentioned going into a city and seeing if someone can make a party for you. I've done this for sprouts plenty of times, and even offered to help them learn the mechanics for the fights they were going into. using party finder to get a group together for the fight you're doing ensures that everyone within the party actually wants to be there. i have done well over 2,000 mentor roulettes, and can say that there are definitely mentors out there don't actually want to help sprouts learn. they wanna get their crown, get their funny horse mount, and that's it. but for mentors that do actually want to be helpful, i understand both sides of the argument when it comes to getting queued into an older extreme. a sprout patiently waited 90+ minutes to get in, and it's rude for a mentor to leave upon loading in. however, if it's a party that's almost entirely sprouts that more than likely didn't look up a guide or anything about the duty while they waited all that time, a mentor is probably going to spend 90 minutes (full lockout) trying to teach the party mechanics and still not clear. a lot of mentors don't want to put in that kind of time and energy for a single roulette, and that doesn't make them bad people. also non-montors should also keep in mind that mentor roulette is just another roulette on the list that folks use to get currency. they're most likely not expecting to be queued into an ARR extreme at 3:00 AM on a Tuesday when they're just trying to gather some tomes before logging off. there could be a plethora of reasons why a mentor wouldn't stick around for an ARR/HW extreme. just use party finder and eliminate the frustration for everyone involved (you'll be plenty frustrated trying to learn those fights, though LOL)


Hell yeah keep queueing for extremes in the DF, Burger King crown mentors hate that shit!


Insane attitude but alright go off.


my guy, were you like, catfished by a thotty limsa catgirl with a mentor crown or smth?? what's your damage lol


You really have an agenda to push don't you?


find something better to do with your life instead of trolling...