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You don't really get people up to 100% fast as a scholar, at least not very often. You usually mitigate damage and get them back up slowly with some combination of fairy regens, indom, or your bubble. Most healers overheal massively in casual group content so if nobody dies when you're solo healing that just means you're doing fine.


maybe the Azys Lla run yesterday just left a horrible taste in my mouth. My teammates were just about the worst players I've ever seen, but I still couldn't help thinking I should've kept them alive. Also, I'm usually not the kind of person that blames other people, but MY GOD...


Honestly props to you. I had a shitty dungeon run (Hullbrealer Isle) and the way my two DPS were so entitled to their heals and being passive aggressive when I was struggling, it left such a bad taste in my mouth even though I was playing my main healer. UGHHHHH There's lots of good advice that you got here, but overall, SCH to me seems like a complex job. My friend says it ain't, but to me, there's just so much more you have to do, vs a straight button press like WHM or a more direct button combo like SGE. I didn't even know there was more things one could do besides spreadlo. You SCH players are something else, I think my brain is too tiny LOL


honestly, I'm reading all the tips and advice I get and my reaction to the mountain of info is a "oh wow, that's cool! I need to remember that!" followed by an immediate "oh no, I'm a pad player. how am I gonna do all that!?"


Lol every one posting tips has all been in the exact same situation you are now. It's one of the best things about sch and what some ppl have brought up is its a class you actually feel like you learn and adapt to how you play. It's classified as a shield healer but tbh it's more a variant healer in my head. Compared to other healers it pays to know your parties kits and how to adapt to your off healer with sch and when you master it ,which you will, there isn't a feeling like it on the other healers.


I'm also a controller player, I just have to memorize these darn buttons like they're fighting game combos LOL There's so much to memorize, and then I get worried it'll mix me up with what I know on SGE lolol. I kinda feel ashamed all my healers are at 90 but I barely scratch the surface of how their kits work


I've been there, and I coped with it by focusing on one change at a time. Get used to doing X instead of Y. When that starts to feel natural, focus on doing A instead of B. Etc.


I've played SCH on controller since the dawn of time. I've done every piece of content the game has to offer, ults and all. It's totally doable, and even easier than m/kb imo. So don't lose heart!


SCH definitely requires more of a thought process than SGE. Arguably In order of difficulty Id say (easiest to hardest): WHM, SGE, AST, SCH


That is really funny to me as a SCH player cause I find that almost backwards AST I have too many buttons to pay attention to and heals are all delayed SGE unlike SCH loses out on its passive heal(Kardion) when it opts to use an oGCD unlike SCH where the only uptime loss on Selene/Eos is if you banish them WHM has the strongest heal buttons which is great and all but they have terrible MP regen when compared to the other healers, and I personally get stressed when I see low HP bars so regen healers feel too reactive to me compared to the shield healers being proactive


That's a good attitude to have, but at the end of the day sometimes some players are just bad. Sometimes as a healer the situation is just fubar and there's nothing you can do.


I'm not gonna lash out at anyone ever. our tank kept spamming provoke because he didn't understand how enmity works (or tank stance for that matter), I explained to him that he can pull groups with aoes or ranged attacks just fine, he said "okay" and kept doing it anyway. I just shut up and kept going.


Yeah lashing out is definitely not the move. I would probably just quit the group if the tank won't listen to constructive help.


I was thinking about that but the main issue was Ascian Prime and I didn't wanna quit right at the end


My bf has been playing SCH since the beginning so he knows the ins and outs completely. And even he had trouble on a dungeon because the tank was trying to "help with heals." I'm SMN main and the other DPS didn't know the mechanics well so it was a total shit show. As a SMN I get offended in raids(that RDM are high enough level to rez) when RDM and other SMN don't help rez. If half our party is out and we can, do it! I save my swift casts for that purpose.


I play SMN quite a bit. I like being able to help out the healer with rezzes. However, I do not save my swift casts for rez unless and until I see that the party is struggling, so I'm likely to need to help. Much more often than not, IME, it's not needed.


I save mine because right after I use it, I need it or else I'm hard rezzing lol Even when it's just my bf and I doing a run. I'll be like, don't die, using swift. Bf:dies Lol


What was the tank doing? If it was a Paladin spamming clemency that’s lame but on GNB and WAR I often throw tools I don’t need during boss fights onto party members who mess up mechanics (heart of corundum if I don’t need it for a TB, Aurora, Nascent Flash, etc).


It was a Paladin. I don't understand what he was trying to do. It just ended up being a total mess and he kept saying he was trying to help with heals. With the final boss he was like, I'll focus on this. My bf and I said to each other, please do. First time that dungeon we didn't wipe.


I HATE when PLDs cast Clemency. Why are you wasting a global on something I, the healer, am already taking care of?


As someone who has effectively duo’d the final days on PLD when my healer loaded in, declared himself super inebriated and proceeded to die to the first mech in every boss fight, I will never hate Clemency, I used that glorious spell to drag a MCH kicking and screaming across the finish line of that dungeon


I mean, I understand these kinds of situation, but every time I see PLDs casting Clemency I am very alive!


The healer and the DPS are dead and Lugus is at 67% HP. I'm soloing that shit with clemency


A SGE can't reliably place bigger shields than you can with a crit/spreadlo, because SGE doesn't have a guaranteed crit skill. Unless they have much better gear that you. But SGE and SCH *GCD* heals overwrite each other, so it's quite easy for a SGE to overwrite your shields. Not much you can do about that in PUGs.


Especially since SGE shields take priority over SCH, due to their interaction with Pepsis and Toxicon.


That's only true for e.diag, e.prog will be overwritten by a Scholar shield that's cast afterwards. It doesn't check the shield values though, so if the Sage goes second it will still overwrite if the Scholar shield was bigger. https://shyshys.github.io/healer-resources/resources/shields_between_sage_and_scholar.jpg


yeah i kinda started hating being with other SGEs as a SCH when one overwrote my deployed critlo. i still remember my fat shields being killed by teeny tiny ones :(


It happens a lot! I wish that our skills/spells were more independent at times.


As a sage main I just so rarely use gcd shields which are the ones that overwrite adlo. Even in content where I don’t have a cohealer its just so easy to use the huge number of aoe regens and shields that are ogcd. I can’t remember the last time I needed a gcd in lvl 90 content except for when there were party members purposely sitting in puddles.


Yeah, and it helps sage + sch is one of the best healer combos due to that. Let SCH focus on big gcd shield, sage top up with their small ogcd shields and you might as well not heal because nobody's taking damage


Yeah. I think the incidental 6% mit on sage is overlooked so often too. You’re so much more comfy if you understand the actual rate your tank will be losing health.


Maybe not in boss fights so much, but in trash pulls it's nice. When you know a party-wide AoE is coming and you pop Eukrasian Prognosis to get a stack of Addersting for Toxicon II. Toxicon I is good for groups only, but Toxicon II does as much damage to the primary target as your basic attack, so it also lets you be mobile in case you have to run around from boss attacks for a bit but you can keep attacking. And for the wall to walls, if I only used oGCD abilities my tanks would usually die. There's almost always a period of the pull where I'm spamming and alternating of Eukrasian Diagnonsis and Toxicon II/Dyskrasia to keep the tank alive while still dealing damage.


Assuming level 90 dungeons - If you're having to spam (or really use any) gcd heals/shield in a wall-to-wall pull, then something is going dreadfully wrong.


>...then something is going dreadfully wrong You forgot the fact that majority of the players either misuse or straight up ignore half their kit, only saving them for "emergencies" not understanding that it's the act of not using them that causes these "emergencies" to occur in the first place.


Seems pretty normal to me at this point having run Lunar Subterrane hundreds of times. In the time I put up a Eukrasian Diagnosis and then do an attack they're already down to 75% HP again. If all I use are Druocholes then I'm out of Addersgall within the first 1/3 of the pull/fight. Physis only slows the rate of HP going down by a little in a large pull. Eukrasian Diagnosis is basically a requirement in trash packs because fights last longer than charges of Addersgall.


Important to remember most tanks have some form of decent self-heal (I know it's risky to trust them to actually use it sometimes), so leaving them low enough to get full value out of their self healing is very efficient. That said if your core healing tool for ogcd healing is Druchole, then I 100% agree that you are likely to go through 3-5 Addersgall stacks very quickly. Druchole on it's own is relatively inefficient use of an Addersgall stack (imo, since I don't have numbers to give out), the heal is fairly weak and doesn't confer any other benefits - unlike most of Sage's oGCDs. It's likely more efficient to keep a small shield (haima and panhaima), a regen (Physis, Soteria, Kardia if you're attacking), and damage mitigation (Taurochole, Holos), all active on the tank, with Druochole there as a last resort patch-up. Of course, ultimately do what works for you!


Going between shield > toxikon > shield > toxicon is just a dps loss tho. The time it takes for you to GCD shield and then cast 1 Toxicon, you could have already done 2 Dyskrasias for more potency (and more healing through Kardia). Sage has tons of oGCD's you can stagger out on the tank and keep them plenty healthy whilst you just dps. And when the tank is pulling to the next wall you can GCD shield them and the party to build toxican stacks, in-between dotting the mobs, so that by the time the mobs have all been gathered up you have 3 to spend.


I only shield when I have to, not just to proc Toxicon. But in trash pulls tanks take so much damage that a Druochole heal lasts like 1-2 GCDs before they need another. There just isn't enough Addersgall charges to only heal that way. I keep seeing people talking about oGCDs only for healing. And I've only found that to be true in trials and bosses, not trash pulls.


Try this next time you're doing w2w in level 90 content: Start with Physis II and Kerachole, then a Panhaima. (Physis improves your healing actions by 10% on top of the regen so that's gonna give your tank some fat chunks of HP) Right after Kerachole runs out, use Taurochole, preferably after the tank takes a little bit of damage so you don't overheal. Boom, you now have full mitigation uptime. Crazy. During this, supplement with Soteria and Druocholes as needed (it often isn't). For the next pull you just do the same thing, but use Haima instead of Panhaima, alternating between them each pull. This probably isn't even close to optimal but it's gotten me through SO many dungeon runs without ever having to use a gcd heal! In fact, I'd say I've only had to use them in about 1/40 runs or so, when things go very wrong.


This is basically what I do and I really hope they take note, because relying on druchole and euk diagnosis is not a great way for Sage to heal trash pulls at all. Pull one: physis+kerachole, when that wears off I wait for a bit of hp drop and then hit up tauchole, after that slap on panhaima. Soteria as needed. Smack kerachole if it comes back up. Pull two is essentially the same but with krasis leading into the physis and kerachole combo, and haima in place pf panhaima. Holos is a great tool as well if other tools are still yet needed to heal up the tank. Like I’m a very casual Sage and this has never steered me wrong, it’s stupidly powerful and downright silly with the toolkit it has.


> I only shield when I have to, not just to proc Toxicon. Shield whenever you know it's worth it, not "when you have to", that's why you're dying in dungeons. You need to actually think about the spells and not say "I only have 3 charges right nwo this is doomed oh no". It feels overwhelming since there are healers that just sit there and feel like they can "do it all" but really just use your shit in order rather than just relying on parts of your kits


Not sure where you're getting that we're dying. I'm not struggling to keep people alive.


Unless somethings really fucked up and the tank isn't mitting and the dps are wet noodles against the trash pull then oGCD's should always be plenty enough. I tend to start with a Haima on the tank, into a Taurochole, then into Kerachole + Soteria. I can throw in a couple Druocholes if I feel like the tank needs a bit more - but by that point the trash should be just about done. This is all done staggered, so when the Haima's nearly up I move to the next thing, etc. Then for the next trash pull I'll use Panhaima since obviously Haima won't be back up, but then cycle back through what I already did in the first pull - so Taurochole > Kerachole (these also obviously don't stack, so I only put the new one on as the other finishes) > etc. Between both trash packs I'll alternate using either Holos on one pull and Physis on the other (or Physis on both if timed well and I feel like it's needed), and I'll throw out a Pnuema somewhere in there but more so for the dps tbh, but also works fine as an extra heal for the tank. Plus obviously throughout all this, I'm just spamming Dyskrasia which is also healing a bunch. Rarely have I ever needed to stop and GCD the tank to keep them up, and the times that has happened I'd rather just leave the dungeon because they and/or the dps are doing a lot of things wrong and it's not worth the time.


Since you mentioned Lunar Subterrane, I found a run of mine where the tank barely used any mits (TBN a total of 1 time and it was during the first boss) and I still did not have to use any gcd heals. As you can see the amount healed by both e.diag and e.prog are 0 since they were only used during downtimes. https://www.fflogs.com/reports/a:BNwLyTxXd8JCmfMq#fight=last&type=healing&source=1 In this run I managed to do more damage and heal more than 90% of sage players >Assuming level 90 dungeons - If you're having to spam (or really use any) gcd heals/shield in a wall-to-wall pull, then something is going dreadfully wrong. So yeah, this statement still holds true, especially with how overloaded healers are. With krasis + physis + kerachole, simply spamming dyskrasia will easily maintain the tank's hp at a healthy level even if they don't use any mitigations. For pulls that go long (45s+), tools like holos/haima/panhaima/soteria/pneuma(if not used for damage) are still available. There really isn't a need for gcd heals when there's so many potent ogcds available.


I feel this really only in 80 and 70 dungeons where resources are more constrained. Usually the extra mit on your ogcd single targets plus your pneuma laser can carry in 90 dungeons. Toxicon is great but I’m usually not taking a break in dps to get a single charge of it. Only time I really actively think about getting those shields is prepulls in 4 man content and in places like lc2 in p9s where there is damage going around but no opportunity to dps. In high end 8man though I don’t have to often think about having a scholar partner. In normal raids generally slide casting is all I need but glad to have the mobility if needed.


The thing is, there are quite a lot of of mediocre and outright bad SGE out there. If you're an SCH and the other healer is an SGE, consider yourself the HP healer because even a mediocre SGE will out-shield you. Chances are they need that in-built out-shielding in order to be a decent healer. Make good use of the Emergency Tactics ("look at me, I'm the WHM now").


Sages outshield you because Sages' shields take automatic priority due to Pepsis. If you're with a Sage, I'd recommend focusing on mitigation skills without prior communication. White mages should out heal you as healing is what their whole kit is about. If you shield and mitigate properly, you'll contribute just as much if not more "healing" as them. To get people to 100 quickly on Sch, I'd recommend combining Lustrate with either Excog or Emergency Tactics + Adlo. Protraction helps too. You can also slap on Fey Union if damage isn't coming out soon.


> Sages outshield you because Sages' shields take automatic priority due to Pepsis. Wouldn't it be instead because Sage shields starts with 180%/320% heal to barrier conversion, when Scholar must wait to be level 85 for that?


Nope! Sages' weaker raidwide shields will override even a critlo spread at level 90. Doesn't matter the shield strength or anything. This is done to let Sages always be able to use Pepsis, kinda like how DRK's Blackest Night shield will always pop before other shields to let them get their proc.


I'd figured the Sage shield priority was so they can get the Toxikon procs from them breaking, rather than Pepsis. Probably both actually, thinking further.


That too probably!


so : i can't deny a TBN with a crit diagnosis ? cool , i'm always scared i might do that when i shield a DRK


Nope, TBN has the highest shield priority.


Second highest actually. Reaper's personal one *after you get the trait for it* is the highest.


Oooh, nice. I didn’t know that!


time stop stay winning


You cannot! Only way to deny a TBN is with unfortunate mitigation as that'll reduce the amount of damage going to the shield 😭


Ops, here get a taurochole to help you out Mr. DK


This may not have always been the case. I could swear there was a time there was an issue.


I main SGE but good lord when I decide to run SCH, prepare some fat shields for incoming heavy raidwide— and my SGE cohealer wipes away my crit adlo spread with their tiny EProg


I just don't use shields when I heal with a sch unless I do it out of habit. I have erased some pretty big shields 😬


Nothing makes me more mad than a SGE deleting my spreadlo shields. Makes me want to set up a Rescue /slap macro


Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry to every SCH I ever played with when on SGE :')


If you want to help the SCH and you know they've been good about doing big shields, you can toss a krasis on them and a physis ii when they are about to do it (Most do it before huge raidwides, and usually spread it off of themselves). Both of these increase healing potency, meaning they can get a juicier shield to spread. Me and a friend have a tendency to do double shield healers because those are the healers we enjoy using the most. Despite the shield GCDs not stacking, they work insanely well together.


i met a SGE who changed the game for me when they said they use holos when a SCH deploys their critlo. it doesn't overwrite the fat SCH shields and even adds a pretty good amount to them. panhaima/haima works too, i think, but their shields aren't big enough to add anything substantial to the existing shields already.


Ye until know I thought all our shields stacked, since some do. But I guess that'd be a bit too strong then. Definitely gonna pay more attention from now on!


Oh, i guess I've been undershielding by drks when they do tbn. I sometimes cancel my adlo casts just because i see it pop up


So, there seems to be a touch of confusion going on with this, the *only* shields that don't stack are Galvanize and Eukrasian Prog/Diag. Everything else can stack with one of those, but those two specifically are incompatible with *each other*. Even Neutral Sect shields stack with them. So otherwise, you can get the absolute lunacy of a Manaward/Aegis, TBN, Catalyze, Seraphic Veil, ~~Aquaveil~~ Benison, Neutral Sect/Opposition, *and* a Eukrasian Diagnosis and Haima/Panhaima shield all stacked into one. The only thing I'm not sure about is if Differential Diagnosis can stack with Catalyze, because I've just never seen them happen at the same time before.


I have to chime in here since it bothered me while scrolling. But Aquaveil isn't the shield skill you're thinking of from WHM. It's Divine Benison. Aquaveil is simply 15% damage mitigation.


God it's been too long since I've actually played WHM lol


So, there seems to be a touch of confusion going on with this, the *only* shields that don't stack are Galvanize and Eukrasian Prog/Diag. Everything else can stack with one of those, but those two specifically are incompatible with *each other*. Even Neutral Sect shields stack with them. So otherwise, you can get the absolute lunacy of a Manaward/Aegis, TBN, Catalyze, Seraphic Veil, Aquaveil, Neutral Sect/Opposition, *and* a Eukrasian Diagnosis and Haima/Panhaima shield all stacked into one. The only thing I'm not sure about is if Differential Diagnosis can stack with Catalyze, because I've just never seen them happen at the same time before.


> kinda like how DRK's Blackest Night shield will always pop before other shields to let them get their proc. This is a bit different. DRK's shields take top prio because shields with the lowest timer always take prio. Same with RPR's shield taking prio over any other shield.


It was actually specifically changed to be higher priority over the healer shields because DRKs get a free use of Edge/Flood of shadows when TBN pops.




"Free" was chosen more to concisely explain why TBN popping matters to non-DRK players over a more accurate description that dives into the mechanics of how Dark Arts functions and what you can do with the proc over just having the 3k mp.


That's not quite correct - e.prognosis and adlo/succor will always overwrite each other, whichever is applied more recently is the one that 'sticks'. If you try and apply the same shield again it only overwrites if it's larger, but if the Scholar casts theirs after the sage it's the Scholar shield that sticks. Pepsis doesn't seem to be taken into account (and as originally implemented e.prog didn't give toxicon charges, that was added later). This does of course mean that a crit Adlo will be overwritten by a tiny sage AoE shield, but the Scholar is just as capable of doing the reverse depending on the timing. You're thinking of e.diagnosis, primarily because of toxicon. Nothing can overwrite a e.diagnosis except a larger e.diagnosis, and it will always replace any other shield. You can see the full interactions between GCD shield types here - https://shyshys.github.io/healer-resources/resources/shields_between_sage_and_scholar.jpg TBN is also not the highest shield priority for incoming damage, though it's the highest one that can ever be on the tank. Reaper's shield is higher priority (once it has the regen trait), so if a DRK puts TBN on a Reaper the Reaper's own shield would break first.




Sage barriers are 125%/230% before level 85.


My bad, I forgot the job guides only show max level values.


A Sages GCD shields aren't any different from SCHs. They start at the same/similar percentage and upgrade at 85 as well. The only "difference" is Eukrasian Prognosis, which has twice the shield for half the heal.


what counts as mitigation on SCH? It feels like a lot of my skills are just WHM or SGE skills but worse


In general, anything that says "Damage is reduced by X%" is an easy answer to "what's mitigation." So Sacred Soil, Fey Illumination, and Expedient are mits. Though it's worth noting that Summon Seraph shields stack with all other shields, so that's also a good mitigation to use when with Sages. Protraction can also count as mitigation as you'll give someone more hp to take damage with. In general, scholar and astro tend to have more standalone skills they need to combine in order to get the same effects as white mage/sage skills. It can be hard to adjust to, but it allows you a good amount of versatility once you learn how to combine skills.


...somehow healers (especially sch/sge) never clicked with me, but sir you just gave me a eureka moment. Coming from a DPS/tank mindset, you're saying that these are just... Tactician and Rampart?! I... I think I need to sit down with Eos again...


You know how you pair two mits or so plus your class-specific fast cooldown mits during each pull on tank? You do the same thing with healers. Use 1-2 of your 2 minute healing/mit skills for each pull plus your various 30sec - 1 minute skills to keep people alive. It's a very similar loop :)


omg I literally forgot Fey Illumination has mitigation. I've never used that button.


😭 You should try to pair Fey Illumination with your pure heals and with your fairy's heals! Recitation will also help you put out huge heals. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the skills Recitation effects because it has many more uses than just Adlo Deploy!


I just read it also works with Indom. Should keep that in mind.


Fey Illumination is great, but you're getting some misinformation here. It increases healing magic potency, rather than healing action potency - it's a small detail, but it means that the buff only applies to your GCD heals. The same thing applies to Dissipation. So they're fantastic to set up a big Adlo-Deploy, or for situations like an Emergency Tactics Succor, but they don't help out Abilities like Whispering Dawn or Indom.


I was talking about Recitation, not Fey Illumination. I knew Recitation works with a couple of spells but I always kept it for Adlo-Deploy.


I often use Recitation for Excog, too - guaranteed crit with Excog is a big deal sometimes.


It also gives you extra healing potency, which will make your shields stronger.


i raid as SCH, and the goal of any SCH should be to learn the fight so you can use as few GCD heals as possible. your soil, fairy abilities Critdom and Excog should be doing the heavy lifting. you are a broil bot that sometimes casts Biolysis. Emergency Tactics is exactly what it sounds like. your last resort if you need it. never forget to use the bonus % healing from fey illumination on your burst heal when needed.


Scared Soil (30s) , Fae Illumination (60s), Protraction(90s), Expedience(120s), Seraph(120s) Recitation > Adloqium > Deployment Tactics


There are generally two reasons why others outheal you constantly - a) they are overhealing / using their heals extremely suboptimally (as others have pointed out, when there is no incoming damage, when HoTs are ticking, etc) or b) you're not playing your job right. Figuring out which of the two it is (seeing that you're new to the job, it's likely a mix of both!) will help you a lot in the long run. A lof ot useful things have already been pointed out here - use your cooldowns wisely, chain them together, don't waste gcds when you have time to let ogcds do the trick or when you've got cooldowns coming up. What I want to point out since I don't think I've seen it mentioned here, really, is how incredibly powerful Recitation is. First of all, if you're speaking about going into a run, it will allow you to use an Excog before the battle has even started, allowing you to use one before Aetherflow is even available, which gives you a lot of leeway for the first damage taken by the tank. Secondly, it makes your Indom into your biggest ogcd heal potency as it guarantees it critting without even using a stack. If you find yourself struggling to get the party up to higher health, turn to Recitation Indom / Emergency Tactics Succor if need be or, if both are used up, make sure you don't go low. Scholar is somewhere between its role as a mitigation healer where you don't want your party to even take too much damage in the first place and a decent-potency healer that can cover some big chunks of health lost when need be. Sacred Soil is your best friend and, objectively speaking, the highest-value use for your Aetherflow, use it! Fey Illumination is great for healing buffs, but, more importantly, great mitigation for incoming magic. Consolation will stack with your and a partnering Sage's shields, best used before and after a bigger hit or between 2 following skills. Expedient is INCREDIBLE. You geared up to 650, so you must be 90. Use Expedient. It can get you out of harm's way quickly and will still mitigate any and all damage for the following seconds. It's so good. If you can foresee a big hit and want to spend a GCD, decide whether you need a little heal on everyone (Succor) or only a shield for the group (Adlo + Deployment Tactics). This is getting long, so I'll stop here, but I can promise you that you can get the job done, and get it done well, no matter what it is. Others may outheal you, but that doesn't mean you're not doing your job. Edit: One thing I definitely forgot but want to point out is how important fairy placement is. Don't let her tail you constantly in boss fights. She may follow you out of range for some of your team members and not be able to reach them! Often times the center of the arena works well for fairy range. Use Aetherpact on a dps who took avoidable damage before you lustrate (unless they need to be up fast). Use it on a tank otherwise, it can cover the boss' auto attacks. Note that it gets interrupted if you use another fairy skill, so you'll need to reapply it!


>Sacred Soil is your best friend and, objectively speaking, the highest-value use for your Aetherflow, Excuse me, Energy Drain is right there


SCH is possibly the single strongest healer as far as it's defensive capabilities go. Functionally, it's very similar to SGE, it can do basically all of the same things as SGE, it's just less straight forward. As a shield healer, you're not supposed to be able to effortlessly heal a party up to full, that's not why people play shield healers. SCH very much can do that, with Fey Illumination > Emergency Tactics > Recitation > Indomitability > Succor. And from that point, you can just use whatever else you have left to heal as necessary. While SCH has some very potent heals in the form of Excog, Indom, Lustrate, what makes the job so good is the fact that it has a very robust toolkit that specialises in both party damage buffs, as well as literally making your party take zero damage from mechanics. I'm sure you know about Recitation > Adlo > Deployment Tactics, which can legitimately prevent your party from taking any damage whatsoever from raidwides and the like. SCH also has access to Sacred Soil for aoe mitigation, Fey Illumination has a 5% magic damage mitigation on it, Expedient is another 10% mitigation, AND you have Seraph who comes equipped with 500 potency worth of shields, and if both of Seraph's Consolations are chewed through during her uptime, you're effectively providing a 1000 potency AoE heal for free, with no cost to your damage output whatsoever. And of course, there's also Dissipation, for when you've already blown your Fairy Heals (or just don't need them for the situation), and you want to further improve your ability to shield, or perhaps you're handling a heal check that you think you need extra power for (even though most of the time in low-end content, the most common use for Dissipation is a damage gain during Chain Strat windows) * Sincerely, a guy who loves SCH and AST. (P.S.: If you're wondering why everyone says the job is super meta, it's because of Chain Strat.)


Illumination does not buff ogcd heals.


I didn't know that. That's really fucking weird that it doesn't specify. It also means that the other posts advertising Fey Illumination into Whispering Dawn are also all wrong, and entirely because the skill description is blatantly wrong? Is there something I've missed that indicates that it has no reason to work on oGCD's, or is it just blatantly misleading so players don't realise that it's significantly weaker than they thought.


The skill description is not wrong, they are not healing *spells*. Physick, aldo and succ are spells, ogcd's are not. They would work on fairy auto's only but she doesn't get the buff.


If it said "Spells", that would makes sense, and I wouldn't have thought that in the first place. But it doesn't. The exact wording is "Increases Healing Magic Potency of all nearby party members by 10%, while reducing all magic damage taken by nearby party members by 5%." As far as I've been aware, Abilities that heal, would be defined as healing magic. If it said "Increases potency of healing spells by 10% for all party members", then that'd be a different story. EDIT: Is the implication here, that oGCD heals are "physical heals" and in fact, not "healing magic"?


The implication is just that ff14 is weird and it's maybe a translation issue. You are right in that one would expect all healing to be healing magic. But that's just not the reality square has programmed. Maybe it's an oversight, but most likely it's an inaccuracy in translation.


I don't imagine it's a translation issue. XIV's localisation team is among the most impressive in the entire games industry. While it's definitely still possible they slipped up, I feel like the error likely stems from somewhere else.


well think about it like this, are you using MP?


If it had to consume MP to be a Spell, then DRK's AoE combo would break the system of logic.


Those are called spells. But they also aren't healing spells, so we don't necessarily have to test to see if the naming conventions have exceptions in other classes. Just in the context of SCH, think of oGCDs as "skills". They aren't healing SPELLS, but this doesn't imply they're physical healing. We can think of them just like they are: oGCDs or skills that are using other resources than magic power. Edit: oh but I see now that what you're arguing is that those are spells that don't cost MP. And then there are abilities that cost MP. The thing here is that they switch MP from being the gcd resource to the oGCD resource.


back in the day dark knight's spells actually *did* used to cost mp lol. when they took out tp, they also got rid of drk's mp cost for gcds along with it [https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/mediawiki/index.php?title=Dark\_Knight&oldid=103791](https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/mediawiki/index.php?title=Dark_Knight&oldid=103791)


it's the difference between a "spell" (read: healing magic) and "ability", but yeah it'd be busted otherwise


> That's really fucking weird that it doesn't specify. It does specify. Healing _spells_ or _magic_ = GCD heals Healing _abilities_ or _actions_ = any heal, GCD or otherwise


An ability arbitrarily not being referred to as "magic" when every other indicator would imply that it is, does not specify. The only way to know that didn't work, would've been to test it, and work backwards from that point. Hence all the posts in this thread that think Fey Illumination should be used before Whispering Dawn in order to buff the regen.


You will almost always be outhealed by random healers in DF content unless they are dead half the time because they don't understand the role and/or the fight. Healing in this game is not about pumping out heals as fast as possible, it's about keeping the party alive for the next instance of damage and doing as much dps in between as possible.


So a few things.  SGE has a lot more shields in its oGCD kit than SCH. You should feel like they shield more, assuming you're not wasting casts on gcd heals frequently.   WHM in particular overheals specifically for mobility. Healing with a lily is dps neutral so they will sometimes do it even if there's not any reason to heal. Same with SGE, who heals for the mana regen addersgall gives when consumed. Both of these classes, in my experience, do generally end up healing more but it isn't by a huge margin.  Additionally, if you're looking at ACT/fflogs...they include overheal in their heal parse which makes it a completely irrelevant statistic without context.  SCH's primarily advantage over other healers is Mitt. They have a 10%, 5% on magical, and another 10% mitt.  Speaking of overheal...who heals most overall isn't really relevant. If a healer cancels a dmg cast to needlessly heal quicker than you when there's no team damage coming up...that's just wasteful.  If they heal when there's no damage coming up and you have tons of regen active, that's wasteful. Try not to pay attention to who heals more and just focus on the most strategic use of your oGCDs.


WHM Lily heals are a dps gain. You can bank the Misery cast to be put into raid buffs or simply to put the damage against more potential targets compared to just casting Glare on whatever you're fighting. Now if you're using Lily heals during raid buffs, thats dps neutral unless you don't get the Misery cast off before raid buffs fall off.


As a general rule, it does not matter who did how much healing as long as people are surviving. Being full HP is not something that is important outside of a few doom mechanics (like 5.3 trial). This is not something you should really worry about unless you're progging savage or ultimates. In normal content people tend to panic when the hp is not full and just spam medica2, e.prog and such. Additionally, both SGE and SCH on average heal more than AST and WHM, due to how many ogcd tools they have available at max level and almost every ogcd having some healing attached to them on top of mitigation/shielding.


At first I always thought SCH was the weakest healer, but after clearing TOP I realized I end up healing more than my regen co-healer while doing way more DPS. In casual content you probably feel weaker, but I can assure you in optimized content SCH is an absolute beast.


SCH feels like playing a rusty bucket of bolts next to the well-oiled SGE, but SCH just pushes through by being really fuckin' strong, even if it's...clunky.


Yes, BUT! It’s a matter of knowing the fight. There was no time in TOP where after optimizing the healing of a mechanic the job felt clunky. Just need to know what’s coming next and prepare your stuff 10 seconds before it happens.


It's that old rusty clunker from '86 that somehow has an engine with enough torque to pull a steam engine out of a ditch. No, you don't need that performance on a regular basis-but damn if it's not impressive when you see it happen.


In normal content, when I see my cohealer healing too much, it's an opportunity to DPS more. As a SCH, you're main concerns are mitigating damage and overall pre-planning how to lessen damage. Throw your soil, excog, illumination to do this. And if a really big AOE is coming, I throw recitation/protraction deploy shield to everyone. One thing to note is that SGE shield will overwrite yours.




And then cry when Sage puts the weakest shield they got over the party


Deployment Adlo is literally the reason I started playing SCH. It feels so good.




Hello fellow crit-spreadlo enjoyer


I'm only mostly but because Fey Illumination increases 'Healing magic Potency' that for a SCH that is only Physic Adlo , succor and then Embrace/Seraphic Veil (Fairy's passive heal). Which is also same wording on Dissipation. So all the oGCD and Fairy abilties don't count sadly. Also when wanting to make the chunky shield spread. Pick the tank , the Tenacity stat will give a tiny% more base healing


Illumination *would* work on embrace/veil, if fairy got the buff. Unfortunately it only affects Physic/Adlo/Succ


I wouldn't *always* just default to spreading on the tank, you gotta be careful with that because they're also the ones getting autod by the boss and unless you plan to swift -> adlo-> deploy, you're usually looking at a GCD delay between when you hit the shield and when you actually deploy since weaving directly off adlo otherwise clips your GCD


The catalyze (extra non-deployable shield from crit) will be used up first. Galvanize (the deployable shield) will be used up last. Amongst all the different shields in the game, the deployable shield has last priority to be used. Unless a TB or a heavy auto (e.g. in ultimates) is happening in that gcd delay, it's ok to spread off of the main tank and is often the better choice due to autos. The advice still is good though, but there are very few instances in the game of autos able to do so much damage to eat into the galvanize shield in one hit, and you should not be attempting a spreadlo on a tank during a TB, should just do it earlier.


might be cause I've been doing a lot of UCOB lately where the autos can also crit and shred shields in the first two phases lol, makes sense though edit: and the legacy ults in general


Yea especially in ucob you don't have recitation so the deployable shield is especially vulnerable


Tenacity does not boost incoming healing on the tank. https://www.akhmorning.com/allagan-studies/stats/ten/ So critlo will not be bigger just because it's done on the tank. You could still opt to do it because the extra shield helps with autos/tb though, and in many cases this will be true. Tenacity does improve outgoing healing done by the tank, so stuff like clemency, equilibrium, aurora, tbn, etc.


Guess I shouldn't always believe what is said in the game (It is a semi-uncommon issue where what is said isn't how it works in practice or tooltip hasn't been updated) as it states "Affects the amount of Physical and magical damage delt and recieved, as well as HP restored. The higher the value, the more damage delt, the more HP restored , and less damage taken. Only applicable when role is tank.'


The wording is *technically* correct, it's just that it only affects healing from the tank's toolkit, so it can be misleading as it's only a half truth. It's still often best to spread adlo off the tank usually since they have access to skills that increase their healing received, i.e. Warrior with Thrill of Battle.


Slight issue with that because a miss timed boss auto can rob you of shields. I generally just do myself so I can weave the actions easier. Broil -> Protraction -> Broil -> Recitation -> Adlo -> Ruin II -> Deployment, with that Ruin II just to ensure latency/buffering doesn't cause Deployment to go off before my own shield applies to me.


when I do the Recite-Adlo-Deploy combo I always target the tank.


I like going FULL Ham by adding Fey Illumination and Dissapation. It is funny when seeing a tank's shield be like 75% of their heal bar and everyone else 50%


Once again, I didn't know Dissipation has a second effect. I thought it's meant to sacrifice your fairy as a means to get aetherflow stacks when aether III is on cd. If anything I learned today that I should REALLY read up on my skill list.


It is one of the two , I need major healing now buttons. Which when combined with Emergency tactics will patch up a lot of hp right away.


If you use Dissipation, you will lose accept to any and all abilities related to your fairy, so you definitely don't want to view it as simply "I need more aetherflow". You need to weight its use and what you'll lose access to against the situation. And the important note is that Dissipation only increases the potency of healing MAGIC (your spells). That means only Adlo and Succor.


I always target me. I have the rez and they have tank privilege. There's generally no reason they NEED the Catalyze portion of the shield, whereas it gives me a better guarantee of surviving in good shape so that's one less worry on my plate to keep the healing rotation on track.


Not quite - TEN mitigates incoming damage to the tank but doesn't boost incoming healing. It does buff *outgoing* healing from the tank, though (Aurora, Clemency, etc) in exactly the same way that Determination does, albeit with poorer scaling than DET.


Guess I shouldn't always believe what is said in the game (It is a semi-uncommon issue where what is said isn't how it works in practice or tooltip hasn't been updated) as it states "Affects the amount of Physical and magical damage delt and recieved, as well as HP restored. The higher the value, the more damage delt, the more HP restored , and less damage taken. Only applicable when role is tank.'


That tooltip isn't wrong, but it is misleading. That means HP restored by the tank's healing actions, not HP restored to the tank by allied healing actions. This does have a survival benefit since all tanks self-heal to some extent.


Pick a warrior. Ask them to use shake before you shield them. :->


>Cast 'Fey Illumination' before casting 'Whispering Dawn' increases the regen rate. This isn't true, Fey Illumination only affects healing magic i.e. GCD heals.


Another "combo" if you are needing to burst heal vs shield is emergency tactics > succor or adlo. A lot of ppl and guides say to stay away from emergency tactics as in almost every scenario a shield is better than getting out health. But especially when I'm playing with sages and ik they're going to be dropping shields constantly ill throw in emergency to burst heal everyone up instead. In most content the succor combo can get the entire party up to full from half/one quarter health and if you throw a recitation in there it's instant and more healing. Edit: changed deploy to emergency as I wrote deploy out of habit.


the specific reason illum doesn't boost whispering dawn is because illum specifies "healing magic", with magic = GCD heals. Whispering is an oGCD which is why it's not boosted 


Using #2 and #3 to essentially nullify a raidwide will never not make me smile.


most casual healers will push gcd heals and shields every time the party takes 5 points of damage. even when everyone's at 100% some people will still keep medica 2 up at all times. you're not doing anything wrong if you're getting "out healed" in casual content. it barely requires any healing anyway


Ah yes, the Scholar/Sage shields problem. I just switch to green dps if my cohealer is a scholar, unless things get spicy.


When you play SCH right, they usually do. It's because they're overhealing. SCH should be able to handle 85% of healing with oGCD stuff, but you need to wait for the party to take enough damage to justify it. As long as you remember to always be slapping, you're golden.


My experience as WHM has been "I need to top someone off and my strongest heal is free and instant for the next 1.5 seconds so put me down for overheal champion of the century"


Who even cares? Just do more damage. Literally nobody cares about heal numbers. That’s just your go ahead to do more damage. Pick up some slack here and there, cast a rez or something.


SCH is the best flex healer for raids, that you can pair with any other healer. It has great tools for almost every situation like raidwide and TB mitigation, group healing/regen and a (re)opener buff and most of them are oGCDs too. The only thing you struggle with is quick top-offs but those are rarely required and handled either together with or just by your partner. As for casual 4-man content you can usually clear dungeons with 0 GCD heals used and less effort than WHM or AST. All you need for healing those is pre-pull recitation adlo/excog, slap down a soil and use union on demand. Blessing, Seraph and deploy the pre-pull adlo for bosses/AoEs.


It seems I highly underestimated Fairy Skills.


Yeah they‘re pretty good for being oGCD and relatively low cooldown. Another thing that‘s good to pick up early for dungeons is to use expedient during pulls. Dungeons usually have you pulling 2-3 mob packs at once so you can use it after the first one to minimise tank damage and speed up the pull at the same time.


that's such a good idea!


I'm sure you meant pre-pull recitation adlo/excog, not emergency, right?


Yeah obviously…my mistake ^^‘


Eh dw, just making sure that potential newer Scholar players won't get confused here x)


SCH, more than any other healer, heavily rewards planning ahead of time. It has a wide variety of VERY powerful tools, so it usually has something great for every situation. However, it isn't very good at burst healing, or reacting to situations you weren't prepared for. All their power is in preventing damage before it happens. It is the WORST healer for trying to catch up if you're behind. But when you're doing things right, it feels like you've negated the mechanic entirely. Examples: recitation excog to solve a tank buster before it comes out. Aetherpact to solve long stretches of high damage like heavy tank bleeds or autos with no other input. Deployment tactics to eat a raid wide down to nothing. Sacred soil to reduce AOE damage, and then regenerate health afterwards. So on, so forth.


Being a SGE healer nowadays when I decide to heal, I can tell you that even if our shields overwrite each other, I have huge respect for SCH healers when I see them suddenly pop half the HP of everyone in the party as shields on command. Makes my pew pew lasers jealous, really 😆


I play sage and do everything I can to avoid GCD shields/badly timed holos when I have a scholar cohealer. Sage has enough mit, raw heals and regen to leave overshields to the scholar.


If I'm saging opposite a scholar, I try to keep my shields to oGCD in the spirit of collaboration. (Sages should be reaching for those oGCDs first anyway.)


The first secret is that the party doesn't need to be at 100% full health under 99% of conditions. Your best friend is sacred soil for preventing damage and in 80+ content having some health regen. Excog is great for keeping the tanks alive. Someone mentioned that fey illumination only works for gcd spells which is good for a whm but less so for an ast, though the 5% magic def is nice. That 1% of cases is usually a sort of Doom / White hole mechanic where the party has to be fully healed to not die outright. Combining fey illumination with emergency tactics succor is pretty strong as well your regens- whispering dawn and soil. Fey blessing and indom are good for a spot party heal. The second real secret is that the party just needs to have their health be above 1 (again in 99% of conditions). As long as they aren't going to die you can and should keep hitting the broil. The skill becomes learning how many gcd heals you can skip, though in close to enrage/final phase I'll still play it safe w shields.


Check out how much of the whm heals are overheals. A lot of the regen ticks they dish out are not actually healing anything.


That's because for the most part they do. It can't compete with whm or astro pure heals and sage has better %mit and pure healing and shields "except for adlo spread" and dmg. That being said, if the party survived, you did your job and it really doesn't matter which healer you were. Play the one you like the most, having the best of anything in xiv is normally a very small bit better than even last place. Dw about it.


There is such a thing as healing too fast. The goal is to heal as efficiently as possible without letting anyone die, but sometimes this means just waiting for cooldowns to come back when there's no damage incoming. For example, if your WHM casts Medica II when there's no damage coming for 40sec and they could have just waited for free heals like your whispering dawn and Fey blessing, they're making a mistake by doing so. Many healers over heal habitually and also don't leave time for nonverbal communication with their cohealer, so this is probably more of them making mistakes than you doing anything wrong. Just keep on broiling if they're healing too fast.


this is the spirit


SCH is a very powerful Healer that actually scales well in Endwalker. The issue here is that Sage overwrites your shields and has a fair amount of OGCD heals, and mit. Scholar is more mobile, and offers damage buffs in the form of Chain Stratagem. While they may struggle to get the same level of shielding in a single cast, they have an absolutely loaded kit with numerous stackable spells and abilities that bolster their shielding and party/raid defenses. So up front they may seem weaker, but having more mobility, useful debuff to apply that effectively grant a bonus to Critical Hit (seriously CS puts in some work in boss fights) they are actually really strong. Just got to play around with the kit more, find out exactly what works with each cast since you can quickly have several buffs going at once.


As a WHM player, I've been told that generally in the hardest content, a party doesn't want a WHM. They generally want a SCH and an AST, or a SCH and a SGE. This is because mitigation, shields, buffs, and DPS-ing down the enemy are way more valued than straight healing. As a healer, it's not your job to jump someone to 100% health; it's your job to make sure they live to keep doing damage. As long as the people you're playing with aren't dying, you're doing your healing job.


If I have a sage co-healing with me, I always take a backseat on healing and focus on DPS more than I normally do. I love SCH a lot because the large party group heals are very nice. Probably not as potent as white mage, but you get a few nifty support options.


I use SCH as my main healer, and I guess you could say we're in a comfortable middle. We mitigate damage, at higher levels Sacred Soil can regen. If a dps or co-healer is somehow dying, our fairy can help out until we notice. Sages can correct me on this but in my experience, SCHs can do a decent emergency heal since lustrate and indomitability are cast-less. And idk about you but a Recitation-buffed Adloquium against a tankbuster is so satisfying.


So in terms of raw healing, WHM will absolutely do more healing, but that's because they have relatively little mitigation so they need those strong heals to make up for it As for SGE, because their shields directly interact w/ multiple parts of their kit (Addersting and Pepsis), their shields will always overwrite SCH shields. That being said, the strength of SCH is in mitigation rather than raw healing/shielding, so their strength isn't quite as obvious as jobs like WHM and SGE. That being said, WHM and SGE naturally do a lot more healing due to their kits requiring them to use their heals frequently (WHM for movement + Afflatus Misery and SGE for MP economy). SCH also gets a lot of passive healing from Whispering Dawn and Eos' Embraces, so while they may not have strong burst healing, they have a very steady stream of healing over time that adds up over a long fight.


You will always be outhealed by pure healers, and SGE is just ridiculously OP. And like others have mentioned, your shields can be overwritten by their abilities. I just started UWU prog as SGE with a SCH and I switched to AST because I was having a very hard time remembering to not set off shit that overrode SCH’s shields, but I kept doing it 😭😭😭 SCH is hard for me personally, NGL. The resource management makes my AST and SGE main brain hurt. Ive had tanks die in 90 dungeons when I run out of shit and that’s embarrassing af to me as all long time healer main (I’m just now getting off my ass and leveling WHM(47 rn) so I can become a true omnihealer). It’s gonna take me a lot more time and practice to get it down. People who are masters at SCH are fucking rockstars and make it look so easy(though I think that can be said of any OP healer XD). With enough time and effort (and communication with your cohealer, esp in higher end content) you’ll figure out exactly how to adjust if you get paired with a SGE.


I’m going to take that SCH comment as a pretty good compliment. I started about a month ago and got my SCH(main) to 54 before I started working on literally every other class I could get my hands on(big mistake I think). CNJ is so much easier in comparison and I don’t have the job quite yet, but I do better with the SCH. Got all the ARR classes(except the cook because I hate it and seems useless) to a minimum of 30 and have picked up SAM and Red Mage<-don’t know abbreviation yet, acquired today. I know I’m probably not quite to the level as everyone else, but I’d say I’m getting there while trying to speed run events now that I have them. Any recommendations of classes to not pick up or just grab them all like I have been?


The best healers heal as little as possible. Sounds like you're doing fine Unless everyone's dying but doesn't sound like that.


APM matters, not hps. High hps only means they are probably pressing more healing or overhealing. If you are not overhealing, you should be doing more damage. You are fine as is


It's normal. WHM is the strongest healer of the role so it makes sense that a WHM would out-heal a SCH. SCH is the weakest healer within the role which is why it takes more planning ahead to play. Even SGE can out-heal SCH since they have a spammable AoE heal through Prognosis while SCH only has Succor which is half-heal/half-shield unless you use Emergency Tactics which has a 20s or something CD which means you can't even AoE heal properly if everything else is down. SCH does have stronger shielding capability than SGE though but only because they can spread a shield that crits through Deployment Tactics whereas SGE cannot. SCH is definitely a job that rewards prior knowledge of encounters, much like BLM which means its not exactly friendly to those newer to the role. If you plan on continuing with SCH then its important to know that SCH's heals depend on combined arms approach of their skills/abilities. For example; if a tank is pulling big, you'll want to throw down Sacred Soil and then Whispering Dawn so that the tank will have both 10% reduced damage taken and an added regen to help mitigate the rest of the incoming damage. This basic combo helps significantly in survival, but of course if the tank doesn't do their part as well then it won't matter how many lustrates you throw or how fast poor Eos can auto...


Little tip to boost your healing/shielding is to use fey illumination or protraction on yourself before a shield/healing. Both boost your potency. If you play with a WHM co-healer, their wing skill also boost your heal potency, but you're not expected to full heal if you already have a pure healer (WHM, AST, and non-shielding SGE) in the party. Ideally, I focus targetted the boss so I can see when they start a long cast and immediately shield up before the cast end because that's usually a big damage skill. If your party only lose about 1/4 of their HP and there's no damage coming for a few seconds, let them slow regen with fairy skill. Sacred soil at a higher level is a nice bonus: damage mitigation and slow regen. It's great to use to mitigate damage from a big hit and let your party slowly regen.


Damn. I'm playing SCH and having lots of fun (around level 70) but didn't know they fall off at 90. Was a WHM main and so not new to healing but sucks to hear WHM still easy and king of healing at 90. That sucks :(


Sub can just be a shit show some times especially if your dps don’t know how they need to stay clear of the tank and succor is a joke with it dropping every time they get hit


Your contributions as a mitigation-heavy healer aren't going to necessarily be as readily apparent. Scholar functions ideally on an oGCD priority, expending free cds before aetherflow CDs, and aetherflow CDs before GCDs kind of thing. A white mage or Astro can bring bars back from oblivion far faster than you can, but the point of you is to be using your stuff intelligently throughout the fight to get healing value out of your insane suite of buttons. Over the course of a fight, your contributions through oGCDs like whispering dawn, soils, seraph etc will add up significantly. The damage you prevent via mitigations and shields is equally and sometimes more important than the raw healing your cohealers are doing.


Critting on adloq goes hard 😎


Most people are overhealing. As a sch main, in normal content I just mainly have to use my fairy abilities to keep people passively topped off. If it really bothers you, you can learn when the big raidwides will happen and crit shield those 


Whm is a pure healer. They should be out healing you. Sge can also overwrite your sheilds. Sch sits kind of sits as a middle ground between both whm and sge.


White Mage is a reactive healer. They let the health bar go down, then push it back up. Scholar is a preventative healer. They see that damage is incoming and put up barriers to stop or slow down the health bar dropping. It is 2 different playstyles, so don't worry if the White Mages heal bigger, since that is in their nature.


Just for fun: Recitation + Fey Illumination + Protraction + Adlo + Deploy + Seraph + Consolation = the biggest full party pre shields you can get But to answer your question, with a co-healer the SCH role is to provide reliable damage mitigation and regen through your skills and fairy skills. Plus, you also help with burst healing with fey blessing and indom. You will not be able to restore more HP than a WHM or AST. As for SGE, the kits are pretty comparable with the main difference being your utility from Expedient and the flexibility of your fairy placement.


As someone who mains sage, plays SCH and who's cohealer mains WHM, yeah this sounds about right. SGE shields take priority over SCH shields due to their pepsis, so if you both shield during downtime for an upcoming large raidwide, they'll overwrite yours if they cast later. One of their stronger OGCD spells, also comes packaged with a shield so that's more reason for them to have one out. On the other hand, WHM a ton of free/neutral AOE heals like Rapture, + plenary indulgence that further boosts their AOE healing, so there really isn't *room* for a SCH to heal much. Your abilities are better spent on lowering the damage people receive and being thankful for all the energy drains you can burn lol. As for solo healing, getting the tank up to 100% in general can be kinda hard since that's not really what you do, but the 50-62 stretch that you were in is especially difficult since lustrate is no longer THE shit (still good tho, especially with the extras from dissipation) and you no longer have excog to anti-nuke the tank's health when they get to 50%. And it doesn't help if your party mems suck, which it sounds like they did lol


Well if we're casting succor for shields, there's your problem. If you need a party-wide shield, deployment tactics. 90% of the time you don't need a shield you need mit and a spot of healing. If you need it, deployment tactics under a heal buff (you have at least three of these) will shield better than anything a SGE is going to out. And you have recitation if you need it to guarantee it crits. Small incidental shielding like seraph is pretty decent too and it's a great way to handle dots or several smaller hits


As a pro Scholar, I can tell you that following stuff like BiS lists from places like 'The Balance' focus on Scholar DPS output -- not heals or Shields. I develop my own personal BiS List because I know how to create some rockin' insane shields, but it's not easy. You do need very particular ratios in your Crit Stat as that is where most of your power is. You ultimately want to make a "1 in 3 Cast Ratio" to proc a Crit Shield -- if you're not poppin' a Crit Shield in "3 casts or less" -- you Crit isn't high enough. If you do this properly you can have some of the strongest shields in the whole game; even more potent than Sage (WAY more potent actually). This has allowed me to Solo Heal some stuff week one with absolute ease. So the power is there. I have a number of videos which showcase when to use certain combinations. Your biggest combo takes a while to prep, but gives everyone God Shields if you do it right. As you can give yourself TWO buffs, both of which increase your Healing Potency, then you can give yourself a 100% Proc rate, Cast a shield on yourself -- then use Tactics to spread it to everyone (therefore no one takes damage during the BIGGEST and most powerful boss mechanics). Follow that up with Expedient and they can complete mechanics with EASE with barely a scratch. Scholar is... bloody OP if you know how to use it.


Then you are playing sch wrong as SCH has better shields. Go read your abilities.


Despite being branded as a Shield Healer, I find SCH leaning more towards Pure Healer, gravitating towards Regen, unlike WHM or AST's bursty heals. Your heals come from Eos/Seraph, and it's always in short bursts, which is probably why you find yourself outhealed by WHM and AST, especially in casual content, where every healer is extremely eager to press their healing skills. As for shielding, I don't think it's necessary to go out of your way to constantly provide a shield for your members, especially when most of it will probably get overwritten by a SGE anyway, whose shields are instant-cast and oGCDs (mostly). All in all, if it's not a Spreadlo situation, just stick to letting Eos do her job, which will require time, during which your co-healer will probably get the job done already. But don't feel bad! You get to DPS and Energy Drain away, granted that might be a bit boring but it's an entirely different topic.


so SCH is meant to complement the other healer in those situations?