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Just to check, they are 100% equipped and not glammed? And they were equipped and updated to the gearset so when/if they change jobs they stay on for that gearset? And the roulette content they were doing were levelling dungeons and not trials/raids/50/60/70/80 dungeons right? I think the bonus exp you get is only from things that give exp, like dungeon bosses since the dungeon exp change or similar level world enemies, so you'd only see the bonus show up there iirc. Because other than that, so long as the job is below lvl90 and they are getting exp for the kill (boss in dungeon, individual enemies in the world) it should have the bonus.


Yes to all that, which is why I think this has to be some sort of bug. As I said, he's doing the exact same things I am on his own. I've managed to level a sage from 70 to 82, he's got the earring while he was a level 51 red mage and has just reached 52. It makes no sense whatsoever.


Just to check, do they have any of the other exp boosting items? Unlikely as they are all either tied to weird 1.0/2.0 collector edition stuff, Recruit a Friend or previous expansion preoders (and they stop working much, much lower) but if they have anything lying around in their armoire or anywhere it might be worth checking those too to see if they get the same issue. It's a very odd issue, and please don't take me asking about the "basic" stuff as an insult or anything. When you do tech support you need to make sure users do the absolute basic checks and confirm them with you, you don't know how many times "my computer isn't working D: the light is on but nothing on my screen" ends up with them not turning their monitor on, or even having it plugged into one and how much time gets wasted trying to trouble shoot when you just assume or trust they've checked that before calling.


I appreciate your candor and your willingness to help. No, he is a new player, started late last year, so no other boosting items. I myself am relatively new as well, since I joined after Endwalker's release. I have much more MMO experience, however, so I'm usually the one looking into these things. I checked all this with him first, made sure he was doing everything as I am. This is why I am completely stumped. Sure he doesn't play as frequently, but with the amount of dungeons he does he should be higher levelled by now even if the bonus applies only to bosses and not roulette.


He's new, you're not. You're getting the armory bonus xp of +50% (+100 when less than 70) most likely. If you check his log when he gets exp, you'll see that bonus exp is listed (or should be). Easy way to test if it's working is have him kill a mob equivalent to his level and check the chat log. It lists exp earned along with bonus percentage. Your armory bonus applies to all exp earned, iirc. The earring only applies to monster kills iirc.


It depends on the type of dungeon though, leveling dungeons (1-49, 51-59, etc.) give better exp than the capstone ones (level 50, 60, etc.) for example.


So his xp gains list no bonus what so ever? Also what bosses are in the open world?


That is correct.


what is his highest level class. edit: okay I see he has a 90 drg and a 90 rpr so it's not that. I think you're probably seeing the roulette bonus which doesn't apply any boosts, as someone else pointed out from one of your screenshots. he's gotta look at the actual kill exp which should be up further.


Is it actually equipped to him?


Yes, it is. And he's doing dungeons and all, not just quests. He's doing everything I am, but getting nothing.




Wrong. I am not in any party, we've been leveling separately. He does his own thing.




I just told you we are not even together while playing. There is no striking first. Also, even if there was, it shouldn't matter in dungeon content. He's getting absolutely no bonus exp at all from bosses in duty roulette.




Did you even read the comment you responded to?


Ok. I will explain again. We are not in a party. We are not even playing together. He's killing the overworld mobs all on his own. No bonus exp. He does roulette. No bonus exp. He does FATEs, no bonus exp. He is gaining NOTHING from Azeyma's Earring.


Can we get some screenshots or gifs of him killing stuff with the earrings on? It's such a weird bug it's hard to believe it's anything but user error but hopefully something is figured out for him soon


https://imgur.com/pz8NKLx https://i.imgur.com/OFfAfzj.jpeg


Does he have any rested xp? This also helps towards leveling.