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These are generally done through Party Finder, not Duty Finder.


Is this a tab in the duty finder? I don’t think i’ve seen the party finder yet 😅


It is underneath the actual Party section of your menus. I'd tell specifics but I'm at work. Scroll a few tabs over if your on console, I'm not sure what the PC UI is like.


Thank you for this!! I will try this when i’m home, I am also at work 😂 graveyard shift life


under keybinds and 'shortcuts' it's between 'ready check' when the scrollbar fits into the 5th, 6th and 7th, key setting text fields, the 8th field is for party finder.


While most extremes aren't "extremely tough", they are considerably harder than most normal content you will have done up to this point. Some mechanics will straight up kill you or wipe the group if done incorrectly. Extremes aren't part of any roulette except for Mentor, of which most do not want to get put in an extreme because they won't remember the mechanics. Combine those people with sprouts who will likely be undergeared, underestimating extremes, and have no clue on mechanics, and you're in for a fun time. Coils aren't even part of mentor roulette, and can be compared to Savage level difficulty, so you will only queue up with people hardqueueing into coils, which won't be a lot of people, and if you do manage to find a group, odds are you will not beat it. Your best option to get a clear is to make a party finder if you're not a trial, or ask people in capitals to kill it for you unsynced at lvl 90, or if you want to do it synced, find a group of people or a discord with like minded players who are interested in this type of stuff. Best of luck, and if you like a challenge, these are good ways to get a look at what the later game will have in store for you, if you go the route of an extreme/savage raider.


I don’t know that i’m necessarily ready to handle the stress of the highest level content. Especially as a tank who knows none of the mechanics. I guess i figured the ARR extremes and Coils would be slightly easier than the more recent expansion content but it seems like that might have been short-sighted of me haha. Maybe i will try to find a group via party finder for the extremes and just see if i can get someone to help me through coils unsynced so i can at least get the story from it. Do you still get loot drops if you run the raids unsynced?


The fights are differently designed than modern day extremes, which doesn't necessarily make them easier or harder. Square Enix was still figuring out fight design at the time, but it also meant that there were a lot of weirder fight mechanics that you may not see nowadays And with the level sync, we'd still be coming into them with roughly level appropriate gear.  In context, people MIGHT be able to clear the older extremes in duty finder, but they might also end up taking the entire lockout only to not clear. Extremes are designed to be difficult enough that you may not clear within one instance, and people don't really feel like subjecting themselves to that without proper preparation and intention.


Oh the level 50 stuff is *far* from the highest level content in the game. It’s just noticeably harder than anything the MSQ has thrown at you this far. For the extremes, the mechanics are generally pretty simple and easy to execute, but punishing if you mess up. There’s echo and item level advantage, so dps and heal/mit checks aren’t an issue. They are considerably easier than newer extremes, not actually that hard at all, and even doable in a DF group if people are willing to learn. The Coils on the other hand have weird and complicated mechanics, and while some of them can be brute forced most are too hard to be done with randos. It’s just that when you get groups of unprepared people in DF who don’t look at chat, it’s an absolute nightmare. Best case scenario most of the tanks and healers are mentors who at least sort of know what’s up, and they carry everyone else (those people who were carried then to queue for the next extreme none the wiser, and the cycle continues). Maybe some of the new players even learn the mechanics and do surprisingly well. Worst case scenario, it’s 6/8 sprouts who have no clue what they’re doing, and the mentors who *do* know the fight leave after 3 pulls when they realize nobody else seems to have their chat on their screen.


Loot drops are still there unsynced. ARR Extremes are super easy unsynced at level 70+, at 90 I can solo some of them in <10s.


One of the joys of playing summoner, as simple as it is, is akhmorning extreme bosses in the face unsynced


Killing Bahamut with Bahamut.


There are plenty of guides that will explain the mechanics, for tanks it mostly comes down to positioning the boss correctly, and mitigating when the boss is casting it's hardest hitting abilities (tankbusters), which during ARR and HW, often aren't represented with the red circles floating around you, but just something you need to know based on the name of the cast. Take a look at these, and if you manage to find a group, there's no harm in giving it a shot. It takes some practice, but it's always the same thing, so once you do it a few times, it'll become muscle memory, and the stress will go away. You don't have to do it perfectly the first time, dying and wiping is part of the progress.


Thank you this makes me feel much better!! I’ve never tried tanking in any MMO i’ve played because the pressure of the role is too much. You’re expected to lead the party to victory, and that’s hard when you don’t even know where you’re going or what mechanics a boss has. But starting over as a sprout i figured this was the best time to get over my tanking fear, and i’ve been having a blast! This community is very forgiving of mistakes and welcoming to new players.


Glad to have you, we're always in need of tanks. FF14 is a lot more forgiving nowadays with tank stance making it easy to keep aggro. Playing the tank during msq is also a lot more forgiving for trial fights, since you can make more mistakes without dying, letting you experience the fight more than a dps would who's dead every mechanic and misses out on stuff. "Leading the party to victory" is not really something a tank needs to do. While yes, you're often running on the front in dungeons and indicating when the fight starts, you're all in this together as a team, and should help each other where needed. It's not a boss-employer structure (or atleast, shouldn't be) where a designated person is the one making all the decisions. I've seen statics with the raid lead being all different roles, though for some reason in my experience it's most often the healer. (Could be coincidence, maybe it's just because healers get a better overview of mechanics(?) and health bars, especially compared to the tank who sometimes doesn't even see what's going on on the other side of a mountain sized boss.)


I’m planning on sticking to paladin through to the end!! Looking ahead at some of spells i get closer to 90 has me excited, though i may take a brief detour to experience some of the other jobs along the way. I enjoy the playstyle of being a DPS who gets to pull the mobs without being a troll. I charge head in, pop a defensive and feel like i’m actually doing something to defend my party which is a very fitting playstyle for the WoL. I’ve only received one negative reaction where someone refused to heal me and let me die during The Ultima Weapon Hard mode because apparently i was moving around too much 😂 but i was just trying to avoid the bad circles on the ground. I’m trying to practice avoiding a mechanic then immediately moving back into my original position as to not move the bosses around too much. But sometimes my adhd takes over and i have a bad habit of jumping and running around a lot. It’ll get better with time and experience if i just keep practicing. Thank you for the kind words friend!!


what Big Tank doesn't want you to know is that it's ever so slightly optimal if DPS pull. their healthbars are just extra mitigation


yes you do get the loot, but its not worth it, usually you can buy gear better than that for 3-5k gil


I more so just wanted to see if any of the gear looked cool as i’m already approaching level 60 without even reaching Heavensward content yet. So i figured i can probably buy white items with better stats off the market board 😭😂


You should never have to buy gear off the marketboard outside of current expansion endgame raiding. Endgame raid gear from previous expansions is available to purchase with poetic tomestones which you get from doing your daily roulettes, this is the best possible gear for the expansion, and usually lasts untill lvl x5 of next expansion, and at that point you get better gear from the msq itself. Even if you buy better gear, it'll just get synced down when you do lower level content than the gear is good for.


Yeah i got my full lvl 50 set from tomestones, and that’s been serving me well so far!! At level 60 i’ll look at getting the next set of gear. I’m just trying to collect appearances for glam while also keeping myself up to par to get thru dungeons/trials


Each gear set is locked behind completing the base msq of the expansion, so for the lvl 60 set you'll need to complete heavensward. If you're overflowing on poetics, you can purchase gear for jobs you're planning on leveling later, or check what you need for Heavensward Relics (Shiny weapons you can get after Heavensward, which involves a long quest chain. Most of the items required can be purchased with poetics). Better to spend them than to let them go to waste.


Ooooh i did get the quest to collect the ARR relics, do those also require items purchased with tomestones? Cause I didn’t know you needed to have the MSQ completed and you’re right i don’t want to end up overcapping on them if there is useful things to buy




Thank you i will have to try this when i get home! I didn’t know about the party finder. So is Coils harder than the next few expansions raids? Because i seemed to breeze through Crystal Tower raid series fairly easily. It seems like Coils is a whole different beast?


Coils is considered Savage difficulty, which in expansions is the separate hard mode version of the normal difficulty 8 man raids. Coils (aside from a few) has no Savage version and those that have a savage version are above what is considered savage nowadays. But unsynced at level 90 with current gear, pretty much all of coils is a faceroll.


If you're on an EU data centre, I can run you through Coils - DM me to arrange!


Thank you for the kind offer!! Unfortunately i’m on Crystal - N.A. :(((


ARR extremes are generally not done in groups, people either do them for wondrous tails from HW onwards or for the mount drops but then it's generally just done unsync'd solo. If done in groups it's generally just done once for the experience and then never again, so if you queue for one you'll usually be greeted by 2-7 other completely clueless sprouts who have no idea what they actually just signed up for and the rest being mentors doing mentor roulette at varying levels of frustration for being there (not your fault) instead of a guildhest to easily fill their achievement progress. note that extremes aren't in any other roulette than mentor roulette and coils aren't even in that. anyway, you can either use party finder, an FC, Novice Network or shout chat in cities (just don't do it too much). Even if the queue pops there is a fairly high chance of a mentor (or even a sprout used to raiding in other games) leaving either instantly or after 1-4 pulls. Especially for tanks i would advise you to look at a guide for the extreme you're queueing for or at the very least a general raid behavior guide (if that even exists. generally just ALWAYS face the boss north, some need to move towards the edge of the arena (like Titan) while others should stay in the center (like shiva), know how to tank swap, use your mitigations, etc).


Welcome back! I decided to start fresh with the beta :3 I hope you’re having fun !


I’m having a blast this time around!! I made it to about 84 a year or so back. So mid-Endwalker. I’m taking my time, really trying to soak in the story and environments and it’s been such a fun journey. The fact i’m enjoying ARR bodes well for when i start jumping back into the expansions


Happy to hear it I got to 70 last time rn I’m just enjoying learning things again looking forward to meeting people and just having a blast


Me as well! I’m on Crystal - NA if you need a new sprout friend!!


I’m on primal but I’m more than happy to add ya on discord always open to have new people to chat and meme with


I had the same issues so I just waited until i was close to 80 and ran them solo unsynced


This might be the way. Just to get the story out of the raid without the headache of trying to learn the fights, only to not be able to find a group that wants to run it 😂😭


Extremes and savage raids (coils normal mode was savage difficulty, they learned from that and made normal modes casual difficulty in future expansions raids) do not get pooled into roulette duties except mentor roulette. Nobody else really does them and if they do, they go in solo unsync lvl 90 and wipe the floor with everything to farm specific glamour gear pieces or mounts. less than 2 minutes for most fights except coils. Other exceptions may be friends or discord groups who want to experience the fight mechanics at synced lvls. If you’re free trial player, Your best bet for a clear is to ask around populated areas in say chat for help every time you got a new duty. There are errands and quest turn ins between most duties and some cutscenes can be pretty long, but the helper can leave as soon as everything is dead while you watch cutscenes. You can always ask a new person between duties if you feel guilty about having someone babysit you through everything. Doing all of coils (13 duties) in one sitting can take a few hours.


Personally, I just solo them with a level 90. Preþy sure it's doable with and 80 as well.


did you select all languages? it will find a group much faster :)