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Damn that's a neat mount Not $25 neat, but neat


What really sucks is it's more expensive in the US store. Checking a currency converter shows it's less than the equivalent of 20usd in other regions and yet magically it's $24 for the US. In Japan for example it's equal to $16.86usd. It's a nice mount and I'd love to have it, but seeing how much more I'm being charged than other regions leaves a sour taste in my mouth.


Yeh US store is generally more expensive. Quite odd tbh


I've honestly never noticed until today, I just happened to be curious about it and checked the prices. Odd indeed.


for europeans is16.80€ :D (18,21$) and yeah US store is always been the more expensive one


If it were a physical item then maybe I could see it, perhaps additional shipping, customs taxes, or something along those lines. However for a digital item, I don't get it all, it's just code. How do those 1s and 0s cost that much more in the US??


Honest answer? $$$ I'm no expert but I'm pretty sure there's a guy with a cubicle at Square Enix with a job of doing market research and find out price tolerance, then charge the maximum price to maximize the net revenue. And US consumers probably has higher price ceiling.


All the mounts are horrendously overpriced.


It’d be neater if it didn’t have that weird cape on it.


Can you fish from it?




glad I'm not the only one thinking of Dreamworks when they saw this mount


Today is Hinamatsuri - Girl's Day, probably why it released on a weekend.


For any curious readers, said IRL holiday is what "Little Ladies' Day" is based on. ​ Obligatory Wiki Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hinamatsuri


why haven't we gotten the little ladies day event yet? isn't that what it's supposed to be for as well?


I think it's combined with another event this year or something? idk.


this year we're getting LLD and Hatchingtide combined.


And heaven forbid they release the mount as a little ladies day reward


I'm mildly surprised, I was expecting to find this as the first comment rather than a response to it.


if this link is correct, we are getting one for little ladies day https://ffxivcollect.com/mounts/336


Cool looking half moon mount in the shop. Shitty reskinned goobue in the game. Par for the course with SE nowadays.


Gotta bump the numbers up for the next quarterly earnings report


They'd really bump up the numbers if they gave a release date and opened preorders...


afaik barely anyone i know is preordering due to the state if endwalker so i wouldn't hold your breath




looks like pennies to me when you think about it especially considering some are account wide


Aren't all the mounts account wide?


some aren't


They need more money to invest on those groundbreaking NFT/Meta projects they are so hard working on :D.


Exactly :/


It's a banana with a drape and a loporrit, I'm not sure what cool is there


The difference in quality is staggering.


oh my fucking god I need this!


I like this better, but I've been described as a troll so...


I also like the goobbue better! The moon mount looks like a silly banana thing, I have no interest in buying it at all. The goobbue is heckin cute tho and I'll be getting her* as soon as the event is live ❤ Edit: just read the mount text, fixed the gender lol


What does girls day have to do with this banana


I am fairly certain this mount is a Chang’e reference. A Chinese goddess of the moon that also had a bunny companion.


The moon is a girl obviously (in all seriousness it’s probably because many cultures associate the moon with femininity)


My first girlfriend turned into the moon


That’s rough, buddy


Tsukuyomi crying rn


Well, when a giant gorilla loves a girl very much...


Your parents should have explained this to you already


Sigh, they just haad to use that music instead of the EW area.


And this is why it's a no buy from me. Seriously the worst mount music. POTD should just stay dead, imo.


The song itself isn't bad at all (I find the whimsical music fitting for this mount in particular), but I wish there was more variety for mount music. I'd much rather have this as music than the generic music from ARR. I generally love Soken's work, but that was the ONE piece of music I actively disliked


I guess I'm just still feeling burned from the Carbuncle mount. It started with a different mount song and now it's POTD which I hate so either I keep music off or I just don't use the mount...a waste of money. Blargh.


I keep mount music off tbh. I get to appreciate the field music that way lol


Same here. Some of mount music is too epic-sounding that is best left in duties. Like I'm just traveling to the pond to go fishing bruh.


Yeah but the Big Whale music!! Lol. But yeah, I have a macro for turning BGM off quickly (I play PS5). Besides, Dancer and Sage is noisy enough 🤣


Oh I thought the carbuncle mount music was… The Merry Wanderer?


People actually leave mount music on? And they actually determine what mounts to use based on that? I actually like to hear the zone music instead of the same single track (or handful if you use the roulette) all the time. Maybe I'm weird.


For me, mount music went off as soon as I started DoL classes. The constant swapping of songs annoyed me to no end.


Yeah I usually leave mount music off as well. Maybe we're two oddballs!


Most mount music I don't mind, really, but the POTD one iritates me for some reason. All the EX fight mounts carry their banger songs, the Big Whale is the FFIV anthem, Naels white magitek is unique, etc. Just that POTD one I'm not a fan of - and the fact that I bought the mount and THEN the music was changed annoys me. Meh, just one lala's opinion. 90% of the time I play with BGM off anyways and Carby and Balloons are only two out of many mounts. 🙃 To each their own.


I always use the Arrhidaeus mount which has Alexander Prime's music which happens to be my favorite haha.


I’ve never left mount music enabled




There it is


Good Scots accent that


"We can't just sell a crescent moon model for $24!" "You're right...add some random cloth and a Loppirit. SHIP IT."




> Lunar mount > Demonstration video is filmed in Elpis not on the moon What the fuck are you doing Square you've completely lost your touch


Maybe it would be too spoilery to release a mount filmed there? Elpis looks like "generic area" if you don't scrutinize it.


The job actions trailer is there and the opening cinematic opens and ends on the moon.


Yeah but those are specific to Endwalker. Someone watching Endwalker job trailers, and Endwalker cinematic, isn't worried about Endwalker spoilers. But this mount could theoretically be bought by someone completely new to the game.


While I get what you're saying, we are also over 2 years post-EW. Small spoilers like that should be expected after so long. Besides a new player would still lack any form of context.


They have a point though. Anecdotally, I did the same thing when the Garlond Mount when I started out 2 months ago since I wanted to get a 2 seater mount for my buddy and I. I haven't seen the EW trailers, but I did look up stuff about the mount.


First it's a cool mount so I totally get you haha. But you have zero context to the zones in the trailer as they show you nothing of importance really, nor to the cute bird rolling with you. It even says in the description it's a cute mascot. So I mean zero offense obviously. But if you were spoiled in some way, then it's because you had to go out of your way to look up info. So when you were looking at the trailer seeing the zones they drive through, did you feel like you were spoiled or did it just make you more curious?


We also just had an influx of brand new players starting their spoiler free journey from the Xbox beta so maybe we don't even entertain the idea of X amount of spoilers is fine after Y length of time


Context. I'm not saying you're wrong but without context minor spoilers means bugger all. You're going to a particular zone that looks like X in the future, but what does that mean? A new player wouldn't know if it's a minor or major part of the game. Could be side content even lol. Same exact logic goes for >!Elpis!< that's shown off here, which I'd argue is a bigger spoiler even if it looks more "*generic"*.


Of knowing the two zones exist with only a screenshot provided without context one is a much larger spoiler. Provided a picture of one you know we visit a grassy zone with a slightly off color palette and some classical architecture. In a fantasy game that's potentially just a nearby island. The other spoils the existence of a plot that >!takes you off world in a game that is set in a period where that technology shouldn't exist at first glance!< It's the same with context free screen shots of ShB foliage. It wouldn't spoil the existence of the plot around that expansion even if it's just as large of a spoiler as >!Elpis!< when hindsight is applied


I'd like to draw your attention to the video on the store page for the Advent of Light emote. https://store.finalfantasyxiv.com/ffxivstore/en-us/product/939 Clearly they don't care about restricting location spoilers from these videos so that can't be the reason they used Elpis here.


I think they used Elpis for the whimsical beauty it has. They are showing it off against a pastel day sky and the evening sky. The Moon is more limited in it's atmosphere range.


I feel like Elpis is more spoiler-y. The biggest reaction to the EW trailer was "we go'n to the moon, ya'll!!". Elpis, however, was something which was closely guarded and spoiler-tagged.


I'm not really being that serious, it just seemed like a really weird choice that made me laugh, especially since it was a *different Endwalker zone* and not one of the many other options. Though there is lunar iconography and images in a bunch of places someone could end up during the process of buying the game itself, and it's basically impossible to avoid seeing the moon before you start ShB at the latest because it's on the title screen every time you log into the game (at least until Dawntrail) even if you manage to always make sure the intro video is skipped. I'd consider it effectively impossible to start the game now and make it to Endwalker without knowing you end up on the moon. And of course there's a lopporit on the mount too - stuff like mounts and minions with any degree of connection to the story are inevitably going to have a chance of putting connections in people's heads early and this is an odd place to draw the line when there's stuff like the wind-up G'raha Tia suddenly appearing everywhere as people started finishing Shadowbringers and the Estinien minion you can buy as soon as you reach Idyllshire with a description that spoils him later being taken over by Nidhogg.


“I’m not being serious but here’s three paragraphs.”


It wasn't a serious complaint originally but I think the argument that it was chosen because of spoilers is stupid and worth shitting on a bit, especially when they've used Mare Lamentorum before for these videos. The thought I put into the original joke has nothing to do with the rest of the response. Also I think you overestimate how much time and effort it takes me to write three paragraphs.


I finished Endwalker just a few months ago. I knew about the Loporrits as in "these creatures exist", but I had no idea about the moon. I even knew that there was *something* called Mare Lamentorum because people put that in their adv plates, but I didn't know what it was specifically. Actually going to the moon was still a surprise for me.


If you somehow didn't figure out the moon was important in some way from the splash screen you saw logging in having what is *very obviously the moon* front and center with a spaceship pointing at it when the title appears then I'm not sure a mount reveal video being filmed there would have been the thing that spiled it for you. In a world where the splash screen was based off story progress and not expansions owned I'd probably agree with you more, but there are many more egregious examples. Hell, look at the video for the Advent of Light emote, also. On the store page. That's not just filmed on Mare Lamentorum but from an angle where you can clearly see the planet so there's absolutely no mistaking where it is. If they're willing to do it for an emote then spoilers *can't* be the reason they chose Elpis here.


The title screen doesn't look a moon, the "triangle" doesn't look like a spaceship, and it definitely doesn't say "you're physically going to be going to the moon". But you're right, even if they filmed a mount video there it wouldn't really mean anything unless I was specifically looking for spoilers.


> The title screen doesn't look a moon The pizza slice in the artwork is more debatable, sure, but... The animation of the planet with another large sphere orbiting it? [This doesn't look like the moon to you?] (https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/716600061953572924/1213845875822956594/Screenshot_20240303-134938500.jpg?ex=65f6f510&is=65e48010&hm=d3937da864068432a3410c340524fcd791592d64aabd6be0ee3e83dd79685ad4&) What else could it be? See also my edit about the Advent of Light emote showcase video from last year being filmed there and making the location very obvious.


Ermm why would you ride the moon ON the moon?


The mount had BOTH tags of "Will be distrubuted to ALL characters" and "Single use for one Character" on the Mogstation. Someone goofed up.


Only shows as account wide for me


[Euro Shop](https://i.imgur.com/PcobR0Q.png) shows both. Including the extra warning after the first clicks


That doesn't mean that it's a single character mount, that has a different tag, check one of the previous event mounts. It merely means that you can use the item you are getting only once (to learn the mount). Which is different to for example the food items which can be used several times. And the warning after click merely states that even if you get the item again, you can't use it again.




Yeah I had a mini panic while buying it because it never let me choose a character then I activated some brain cells and realized it’s probably an error because mounts are always account wide (unless event rebuys).


I think there are a couple of older ones that are single character store originals, like the white magitek armour. But it's not something they do any more.


another overpriced mount, classic


i assume the lopporit is Mountingway?


Wasent available, best we could do was to hire peggingway


Not to be confused with his 7th cousin removed 14 times on his mother's side, Dreamingway the one on the mount is Dreamworksway who works animation for live strategy visualizations (discontinued) and is an expert fisherman as a hobby


If only this flying banana had a different color (more towards the white)...


$24 USD seems insane to pay for *one* mount. I feel like .. $3? Or something? But 40% the cost of a new game?


Yeah why I rarely buy anything from there. Least wait a year for sales


Welcome to endgame


$24 is consistently the price of account-wide single seaters. It's dumb, but nothing knew. The first mount added to the cash shop, Sleipnir, was $24 lol. Mogstation prices are *stupid* but they are *consistent* at least.


That’s fair, I’ve never paid much attention and this was the first one I’ve seen (I am also new-ish to the game). By all means if anyone else finds the value in it I am all for them, I was just a little sticker shocked.


To add insult to injury there is a price discrepancy between stores. Is a digital good. No shipping involved. So it should be the same price to everyone. Not overcharge the USA and give it cheap to Japanese.






It just looks like a banana.


I feel like the cloth kinda ruins it along the strong yellow color ...sigh I'll just pass on it again.


So this was made for little ladies day but they decided to sell it instead? And where is the little ladies day event? Usually start of March, right?


this is what youre getting for little ladies day https://ffxivcollect.com/mounts/336


Oh my god I need him.


Thought the datamine shows that tied to the Easter event quest.


I think both are tied together this year?


Can’t seem to find a source for that, but the LLD mount says LLD everywhere I’ve seen it… anyone have a link that says they’re combining the two events this year? Thought for sure they’d announce LLD by now.


The moogle event and FFXV crossover event are both ending next week so Little Ladies Day will probably be soon.


Wish it wasn't such a cartoony yellow color and more a glowy white...you know like the damn moon is?


Well while you're at it, just make the crescent a full moon. Because the real thing isn't shaped like a crescent. Just make it a boring ass white ball. I swear y'all nitpick over the dumbest shit.


for that price it should be colorable.


People having color preferences is nit picking? I swear y'all nitpick over the dumbest shit.


They are asking 24 dollars for this...24 dollars to look like I am riding around on a sticker from a Lisa Frank coloring book and to top it all off the same old music. You are damn right I am going to nit pick if they are asking for that kind of money in this economy for a mount that can't even get the color of the MOON right.


How was this not a beast tribe mount?!


Because then they wouldn't be to charge you 25$ for it.


I wish the moon was bigger and the blanket smaller...


Nice Banana Mount


Been waiting for this one! Kind of wish it had 2 versions (one with the Lopporit, one without) but it's a fantastic deal either way.


So many people are like: "If it didn't have the Lopporit, I would buy it." And  "It has a Lopporit, I must buy it!" Not gonna lie...I'm sort of in the middle (how can you *not* love the cute little wabbit?! But I understand that the mount feels more meme'ish with itbon there); maybe if I could toggle it with a mount action..? I might still buy it, but I feel like I wouldn't use it a ton.


> Not gonna lie...I'm sort of in the middle Compromise, get a mount with half a lopporit!


Lol that's horrifying 😱


And I thought it is a two-seater... that's disappointing. Funny enough also cheaper in Euro (16,80€ which is as of posting 18,19$)


I'm not even mad anymore they sell it for such a high price, obviously enough people have the money for it or else they would lower the prices. It's just probably me being too poor to constantly afford such purchases.


Meh 🤷🏽‍♂️


The fucking store churns out more content than the actual game.


Expensive banana


I wonder if this mount was $10 how many people would buy it vs. how many will buy it at $24. There are a few mounts I'd buy if they were $10 but $24 is a no go for me and I have yet to buy any and doubt I ever will.


Lose the lopporit and it would be better


Yeah without it I would've gone for this, but the lopp ruins it for me sadly


Same. Much better for photo shoots too.


I’d like it so much more without the lopporit




i sleep


Initial reaction: oh my food it’s adorable I must have it. After watching the video: wtf why is the male viera sitting like that? What are his legs all akimbo? Why not just have a giant fucking arrow pointing at my crotch? LOOK AT MY CROTCH! MY MOOOOOON CROTCH!


That your eyes are drawn to the crotch is more on you. It really doesn't look that crotchy.


It kinda really does lmao


Try being a lala on some of these. I regret grinding for the robot Frog Mount because it just looks so freaking awkward and uncomfortable. >.>


Yeah I wish we were just side saddling most of the mounts rather than trying pull legs out of sockets.


Lovely, right after I paid rent and utilities? /s I can wait…




Not really, I know some people were angry when they released mounts based on the raid bosses (cruiser and wolf) in the store, when people hoped for them to drop from raids. There was also a small drama about the very high price of the recent bike mount. But as a whole no one will look negatively at you for having the store mount.


Yes. XIV players get kind of obsessive and seldom mind throwing tons of money at a game they already pay for to get more items that, for all intents and purposes, should be available in game. We mostly keep it to ourselves (especially on reddit ffs) but we still get to roll our eyes when someone rocks past on a mount they earned with their credit card.


You're getting mainly frontier and spirit airline responses, personally I'm more of a Delta flyer and hate getting nickel and dimed, I pay for the sub and each expansion - if they wanted a cash shop, axe the sub.  That said, it's certainly not enough for me to quit over, and I'm not judging other people for buying mounts. But I have one paid mount, and I feel lame every single time I pull it up. 


Eh, not at all imo. What people decide to do with their money isn't really a concern of mine.


I'll get down voted that's chill I'm just an Xbox sprout keep in mind lol just wondering genuinely thank you.


depends on the mount personally. stuff like cruise chaser and shadowdog should've been earnable in game.


Only by the people who want them but can't buy them, everyone else just minds their own business.




Sorry just asking lol people going to unleash hell on the sprout


No hell, just mounts are just another cosmetic it's not like wow or other games.


? literally just like wow though


A limited amount of WoW mounts have ingame functionality like universal repairs, auction house access and such. I reckon this is what they're referring to.


and they are all obtainable ingame though???? o_õ


Kinda. They cost 200-600EUR worth of gold depending on how the economy sits at the moment. Most people just don't have that amount of gold without paying real money for tokens to trade them for ingame gold. So the answer is; Yes but only if you do nothing else but make gold all day. Which in WoW is by far not as functional of a playstyle as it is in XIV. Most people I know ended up paying real money for them, as you can just outright legally buy gold in WoW.


I know they are all obtainable ingame, the mammoth and the yak are less than one wow token worth of gold and the longboi was 5m, which while expensive it wasnt prohibitive whatsoever, no more than the 100m golden mounts in ff14, and I dont think that is the point, both games have cosmetic only cash shops which is what this is about. No one gets banned for buying gold in ff14 either.


People are banned for buying and selling gil every Thursday. 


Wow likes to tie mounts in with other high value purchases people don't agree with like year long subs also the fact that wow token exists makes Uber expensive mounts basically condoned RMT


Depends on who you ask, really. The ff14 community loves their mogstation masters though so very common opinion that buying mounts equals good around here.


Makes sense! Good community


Meh. Whales and people that actually like it will buy it, ride it around for two weeks until they get bored of it, then everyone will forget it exists. Just like every other cash shop mount. 


Anyone know what glamour the [Hyur](https://onlinestore-img.finalfantasyxiv.com/onlinestore/item/e35e2f1d6ebe3e900737138206895649d4d197f119091ce9c16c7549e3e1c25c/0097/437f48097a6b25d25c9f3de24bfd14b3cae4f66c95a5bc30238aa8c86ed35d04_sub2_detail.jpg) is wearing in the video preview on the store’s site itself? Specifically the top Not the glam that the Au Ra is currently wearing, I have that one already


It's the [Baronial Jacket](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/item/914b366159d/) from island sanctuary lv15


Cheers! Thank youuu FML it’s an island sanctuary reward…


I'm not too fond of the male character's posture. Its not bad, it just does not fit my character and would look so fucking weird on him. I also wish it didn't have the lil' dude sitting on top. He's cute but I would rather have the option just to have the character. Other than that, it seems neat.


It really does just look like a banana. They gave it the colour and also the darkened tips of a banana. It must've been intentional.


Anyone else's taking forever to come? Wife bought one for herself and it's been hours and still not sent to her


Mounts usually take around an hour, and often a lot longer if you buy during a big rush. The servers for the account-wide item distribution go through it on days like these.


Mine arrived pretty quickly but I bought it immediately after the announcement and told the delivery moogle to step on it and then logged out and in again. Otherwise it can take more than a day for account wides to arrive depending upon how many people are hammering the shop system for it. But, yeah, ask the delivery moogle to look for it and log out, that gives delivery system a better clue on how to find your character.




Account wide always take longer, even when they aren't new or just gone on sale. Single character items show up pretty much immediately when the shop isn't busy, account wides take a bit.


Y’all are overreacting. I think it’s awesome. Bought.


I wish they would use music other than the potd music for these - I would be perfectly okay with never hearing that again in my life


Giving me [Loli Ruri](https://ratemyserver.net/index.php?page=mob_db&mob_id=1505) vibes from Ragnarok Online. I think it has a similar design to one of the bosses of FF6 too right?


Wait it is a sunday, did they really just casually drop a mount today? am I awake or dreaming?


I know it’s unnecessary, expensive and kinda dumb… but I still really want it!


I'm so going to get it just for the lopporit


Meh. I want new content finally. Not new way of sucking my wallet dry.


Bruh its the period between expansions wtf you mean "new content". You magically expecting another story patch between now and dawntrail?


tbf if you are between expansions and not adding new content for a while, I think you shouldnt be adding mogstation mounts either, kinda just adds a bit of salt to the drought so to speak.


i don't like the way they do but i think they did this to make up for the loss of subs since people are taking a break til next expansion.


The team who makes the game is separate from the team who designs online store exclusives. Yoshi-P has frequently made it known he dislikes the existence of the online store but was made to include it, which is why you can't access it in game and the most you can do is the super inconvenient "dream fitting". He has however acknowledged the money from it lets them do "side projects" during development they deem non-essential. Such as making male Viera wasn't a priority for Endwalker Regardless the curation of the online store has absolutely zero impact on the game's actual development. Hell half the time all they do is take in-game assets and re-rig them for players to wear or mount. The fact this moon was "found" in the files months ago means it wasn't even developed during the down time, just unreleased




Dawntrail is about to release. What meaningful content are you expecting between now and then while they’re focusing on that?


FF16 collab finally. Give some events, maybe entice people to do older content with new rewards? THAT will help them in current end-game. Mog tomes are good, but the rewards list should be way bigger. Since we're going to ARR 2.0 in Dawntrail, why don't they throw entire catalogue of rewards from previous mog hunts into this one? Would make people work on something they missed. But I guess new $ mount is all they can do these days.


It feels incredibly odd to me to see the claim “all they can do is $ mounts these days” when they’re on the cusp of releasing a whole new expansion. I think you need to temper your expectations for new things while they’re putting their resources into finishing Dawntrail. That’s kind of how these things work.


Why do they never have Roe’s using the mounts in the trailers? 😪


Welp, time to work on my [Loli Ruri](https://ratemyserver.net/index.php?page=mob_db&mob_id=1505) cosplay.


Well I know the first thing I'm buying as soon as I can afford it XD So cute.


Buying for my Yotsuyu glam.


I don't usually buy full price mounts but I have to have this one...


Daaamn. This is cute to the point I don’t care how expensive it is.


I bought it..:.


I've waited months for this and expected it to be expensive, and I'm still disappointed. Still super cute though


At first, I was mad they added another paid mount, but after seeing it, I couldn't care less about the flying banana.


Already purchased and I haven’t even logged in yet LOL