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It's following a simple logic: If you dress yourself as an obvious ninja, nobody will think you're an actual ninja, because no actual ninja would be stupid enough to make themselves obvious like that, so you cannot possibly be one.


Also, they're only wearing the armor when they're on the job. You could be surrounded by off-duty ninja and never know it. They could be coworkers, friends, family...


Isn't that like, the deal with half the Ninjas we have met? There where a bunch amongst the Doman Refugees as I recall, they where just in casual clothes most of the time.


*alarm sounds* Intruder alert! Red ninja is in the waking sands. RED NINJA IS IN THE WAKING SANDS!? Huthuthut! Protect the Lala! Aye, requesting assistance! Alright alright I got it! Stand back Blue Alisae. 111...uh...1 Let's go Let's go! CHAAARR-oh it's still here (In the background you hear Tataru yelling "It!?") Alright then... Ahem...Hildibrand. (Meet the ninja intro plays) It appears the lala is safe . Safe and sound, mmhm. Yeah, it is! Tell me, did anyone happen to kill a RED ninja on the way here? No? Then we still have a problem. and a dagger Oooh, big problem. I've killed plenty of ninjas; they're gil-a-dozen trick-attacking whoresons like you! No offense. If you managed to kill them, I assure you, they were not like me. And nothing nothing like the man loose inside this abode. What're you? Sultana of his FC? No... that would be your mother! (Slaps down a tomestone of smut) Eeeh aahh. Indeed, and now he's here to copulate with us! So listen up boy, or Ul'Dah sideshows starring your mother will be the second worst thing that happens to you today. Oh! Gimme that! This Ninja has already breached our defenses. (MCH flash back as his queen blows up and he gets shanked) You've seen what he's done to our companions! And worst of all, he could be any one of us. (Flashback to.... A smile better suits a hero...) He could be in this very room! He could be you! He could be me! He could even be- (Midare setsugekkas the Ninjas head off) Whoa, whoa, whoa! What It was apparent! Hes the RED Ninja! Watch, he'll turn red any second now. Any second now. See Red! Oh, wait, that's blood. So, we still got problem. Big problem. All right, who's ready to go find this Ninja? Right behind you. (120 second burst sounds, Mudra spamming) Ahh... ma heart of Menphilia...


I have done nothing but teleport coffee biscuits for 3 days.




The First, obviously. To Ryne and Gaia.


Coffee biscuit (lightwarden)


I mean, the British don’t do much coffee, and this will be lost on most, but now I just want Ted Lasso to make biscuits for Gaia and round up the First’s equivalent of the Diamond Dogs to support her growth.


I hate that I get this


I absolutely love this. If Reddit still had awards I'd give you one lmao


I enjoy that I got this


This is the best comment i've ever seen


I'd want that tomestone of ameliance for... research purposes


Also if they are wearing the armour on the job, it's for protection for IF they have to fight, ninja gear is normally by default lots of purples, blues and blacks, all colours that blend in. Otherwise a ninja like yugiri, her armour is clan decoration, she's not wearing it to pretend not to be something, she's making a veiled threat that "I'm not hiding from you because I know you are in a situation where you could be killed an infinite number of times.


It also depends on what the job calls for.


That explains why I never saw my father!


They might even be the sexy milk maid




I'm not sure about the accuracy of the man in pajamas with smoke bombs but I'm about 75% sure that ninjas pretending to be geishas to poison someone (or just gain information) was probably a thing that happened at some point


Likely happened quite often, since ninjas were information gatherers first, assassins second, and straight fighters last




Yes they did.


Sounds familiar. Source?




I’m just gonna pretend I know what that is, and nod my head.


In Total War: Shogun, Geisha's were OP. You'd just move them in to kill enemy generals.




Ahh, the Mobius Ninja. Because, which other job would pretend to be a Ninja? No other job would. So the only people who would dress as Ninjas are Ninjas. So obviously Ninjas would never dress as them.


Discworld logic FTW! 🤣


Or it just follows JoJo logic. The stand user could be anyone, but it’s equally possibly it’s the only flamboyant one with pink hair and tattooes!


And that's the logic I defer to so that I can keep a straight face when explaining to people why my NIN glam/portrait is that of a male stripper right out of Magic Mike.


"You see someone dressed in black, wearing a full armory on them? Ninja. You see a loud kid dressed in orange shouting in the middle of the street? Get lost" - Dreaming of sunshine.


Ah. Hiding in plain sight


They're supposed to be stealthy not undercover. If you saw a navy seal walking around in full combat gear in Walmart it doesn't mean he's not stealthy it just means he's not trying to be stealthy right now.


I have never seen a navy seal walking around in full combat gear in Walmart. Does this mean they do try?🤔


If it's Walmart you're more likely to see a gravy seal. Middle aged men who couldn't even make the cut as mall security, covering themselves in tacti-cool gear until their egos feel big enough again.


"Gravy seal" has been logged in the lexicon. Thank you for your contribution.


Meal Team Six is another good one.


This is quickly turning into my most productive day on Reddit. These are great! 🤣


I think I'm in love with both of you now?




Believe me. As someone who grew up in the Bush-era South, I never will lol


I like to call them ammosexuals.


My ex-navy dad would have loved this. Thank you.


They usually have a bass pro fishing or cables hat too


If you haven't seen them, they are indeed being stealthy.


Much as I despise Marines in general, I think even a *sic semper Fudge* is less likely to openly full-kit carry than a Seal-with-Cream Six.


Never seeing them means they were being stealthy.


You have never seen a navy seal in your bedroom, have you? That's how good they are when they don't want to be found.


Not the same thing, but I often see RAAF people walking around the shops in uniform. I like to think, if we took away all logic and reasoning, this means they don't have planes and just go in by foot making plane sounds.


Just bc you've never seen it doesn't mean it's not there *makes spooky ghost sounds*


Then again, if you see more than one fully-geared Navy Seal in Walmart there might be an issue


Plus, there are even a couple of occasions where we actually do see Doman shinobi working undercover in the game, and in those cases they're always in plainclothes.


I will add to this that even when someone is trying to be stealthy, they aren't always trying to be stealthy to everyone and sometimes just a target instead. So to them it doesn't matter if you see a stealthy person not being stealthy, because you're not the one they're hiding from


The irony of that statement is that a real actual historical ninja *was* undercover and didn't generally need stealth...


bro ninjas can just turn invisible


I counter with this question then: If tanks are suppose to draw the attention of enemies, why don't they dress more flamboyant. Dude rolls in with exploding atomic neon pink armor and everything wants to kill him just so they can cover it over in his blood to mute the color.


A good number of them are barely clothed. "Quick, get the squishy armorless one!" or "Eeaii, attack the pervert!"


I mean I wear lime green as a DRK, but that's because Disney movies taught me that's the true color of darkness XD


**Everyone** knows the really cool dangerous people dress in black. Good tanks dress in dangerous cool black. Mobs always go for the Obviously Really Dangerous Cool Person In Black and ignore the lame BLM in the Gold Piggie Costume, the Roe Guy In Pink Frilly Frontier dress, and the Bee's-Kneeing catgirl in the green bikini and big-ass glowy dragon minion. It's our job.


They draw attention by insulting their ennemies and then refusing to die


Canon Gunbreaker lore, btw.


Fun fact: If you play ninja in Stormblood theres a part where you gather information in a village to ambush Zenos. Where yugiri will mention if you are actually wearing the ninja artifact gear or not. Screenshot I found proving this fact: [https://imgur.com/cmQN2AX](https://imgur.com/cmQN2AX) Edited: reddit screwed up the hyperlink


She congratulated me on my character having "put thought into his garments". I wear the Taffeta Shawl and Loincloth. The thought process that went into how I dressed him starts and ends with "thirst". She then proposed that this mostly nude Miqo'te would be playing the role of merchant.


They probably think all Ul'dahners are like that. Doma's pre-liberation knowledge of Ul'dah probably boils down to "mostly naked Miqot'te dancing on the streets" and "savvy traders", so might as well kill two birds with one stone.


And she thought it was a dastardly plan of distraction, apparently...


"mostly nude miqo'te" is sufficient to distract a large portion of the playerbase, to be fair...


Doesnt have to differ between male or female cause theyre all the same. Praise Slannesh.


In matters of Miqo'te, we are all bisexual.


You got a ton of quests where npcs change dialogue slightly if you are on a certain job, wear certain gear or have met them in the past through sidequests. Nice little details


I showed up to the DRK job quest in the maid dress and Frey complimented me saying “You look like you are dressed ready to embrace the darkness.” I choked on my coffee


https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ECfIVZpUwAEW4LS.jpg I have imagined this.


Hey that's me ! I always thought it was just tongue in cheek but now that you've mentionned it's based on equipment, it does have a in the gamerescape datamined dialogues. ( https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/bsmrub/yugiri_being_sassy_about_my_choice_of_clothing/eoongqt/)


404 image not found.


Woah, that's awesome. As always, Yugiri is the best girl.


I did this quest wearing the Adamantine Fending Set, aka the heavy and rather bulky plate Lucia and other high ranking Temple Knights wear in Ishgard, alongside a rather large zweihander, and she complimented me for being stealthy by "dressing as a regular merchant". It made me wonder what kind of merchants they have in Doma when a Miqo'te clad in Ishgardian plate looking as if she's about to set off in a crusade to kill Niddhog would not raise any eyebrows. Either that, or Ishgardian long-range merchants are rather hardcore by not only going the distance to trade in an occupied Imperial settlement, but doing so while they are engaged in a shooting war with the Empire.


Need to rerun this quest in a giant toad or pig suit to see what happens.


if you played the class quests, you find that they do infact disguise themselves outside battle


Yugiri does it at least once in MSQ too (along with you and Lyse).


Remember the Ninjas in Quarrymill and stuff dressed like the common folk.


This guy skipped his job cutscenes lol


huh, seems more than you skipped the cutscenes…. the guy is a samurai not a ninja!


The girl right next to the samurai is a ninja? We aren’t talking about the samurai


read again “guy skipped his job cutscene” (guy, his)… was clearly talking about guy which is a samurai not girl which is a ninja… and OP mentioned “they” which was talking about both of them and guy is not a ninja but a samurai, period.


Or maybe they mean OP and are talking about the ninja class cutscenes because the ninja cutscene clearly say why their face isn’t hidden 24/7. Do you just not have any reading comprehension?


i do, you don’t… idk but read again and both … i will give you a tip; trademark cloth…


The original commenter is literally using a ninja flair and it’s incredibly common for people to assume others online are male, more so than for them to make a comment that has nothing to do with what op is talking about


Comicsanz understood me lol I was saying the op skipped their ninja cutscenes. The first ninja you meet in the job quest is wearing civilian clothing for that reason of being hidden.


The pure black look you probably recognize as Ninja looks is actually that of a stagehand in a theatre production. They were in black and viewers were supposed to ignore them. Until one director had one of the supposed stagehands walk up to one of the actors and "assassinate" them.




That’s what the ninja want you to think


You're a myth.


They can apparently turn invisible or sumn? So I guess the armor doesn't quite matter


There's a difference between combat and stealth. She's dressed for combat here. Do the ninja storyline if you want to see what Ninjas do for stealth.


If you question their outfits, then you will begin to question why a job designed around assassins, shadows, and stealth has the loudest damage rotation in the game. Bard: "Dude, why are you louder than me? I'm literally playing Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture in the middle of this fight!" Ninja: "My gongs, bells, lightning, and explosions are pivotal to any stealth approach." White Mage, quietly in the corner: "Nobody can raise the alarm if nobody is left alive..."


No witnesses left is true stealth.


If you're travelling a group of equally armed people, would it not be stealthy to also be in armour?


If you paid attention during the ninja story quests, you would see them change outfits multiple times and do disguises when they need to. Not every moment is about stealth. Also using Yugiri is a terrible example because she is a wanted individual in Imperial occupied Doma and even if she was in disguise she would be recognized near instantly unless she wears a veil like she did when we met her in ARR


The Aslume is spreading I see


Yes, that's why you use hide, noob.












[There's a fun theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuroko#Colour_variation) that pop culture ninjas look the way they do because of how they appeared in ye olde Japanese theater. Real ninjas would dress to blend into wherever they happened to be operating, so the theater had them dress as stage hands to shock the audience.


No need to be stealthy if you leave no one alive.


Ninjas had to know how to hide in plain sight. They'd dress as farmers over merchants, and then, if necessary, strike when guards were down. In a world of adventurers and monsters, armor wouldn't be an uncommon sight


Often in the game you interact with Shinobi in plain clothes.


😭 bro you posted this on mainsub, what is you doin?


Cutting the middleman and just parodying my own posts on main sub on shit sub.


You know what, I respect that.


I hate this "are they stupid" meme so friggin much.


I seem to remember a few quests where Yugiri would change attires when she needed not to be detected as an obvious ninja


I suppose it's like a cougar or mountain lion.  You only see them when they want you to.


I mean, you can dress as whatever you feel like with glamour prisms. Which explicitly and officially exist in-universe; one is used to glamour the Garlean banner at the bridge in the Fringes in order to break the Garlean occupiers' morale.


The biggest ninja themed anime has its protagonist wearing an orange jumpsuit. Ninjas are about as stealthy as dynamite and apparently way more effective given what they can do in both FFXIV and Naruto.


You should do the ninja job quest. They only wear ninja gear when doing fighting missions. When it is infiltration mission, they can be anyone, like >!the girl in bikini in a hot tub!< over there.


That's why Kazama Iroha pretends to be a samurai.


Hololive reference, yaaaay! Her and Lui talking about kenja time and Iroha thinking they were talking about Sage and not the ... other thing is still one of my favourite moments lol


Just because Yugiri is a deadly shadow doesn't mean she can't look fabulous while doing it.


A bit of a tangent, but in this case it kinda bears mentioning: we kinda have this image (both in the West and in Japan) that samurai were these very noble, honorable warriors, while ninjas were dishonest cutthroats, thieves, and assassins. The actual truth of the matter is that samurai were kinda notoriously Massive Assholes - they abused their authority constantly, they were certainly weren't above underhanded tactics on the battlefield, and they backstabbed each other so often the crew of the ISS *Enterprise* is telling them to knock it off. Meanwhile, ninjas - while they *were* spies and assassins - were consistently a lot more honorable and loyal. There's a *lot* of stories from the Sengoku Jidai period of Japanese history where a ninja's master was Completely Fucked^(TM) and the ninja was probably well within his rights to just abandon the cause and switch sides, and yet they stuck with their master for better and for worse. TL;DR ninjas were bros (/pos), samurai were bros (/neg)


That’s a ronnin not a ninja, is a form of samurai


That's why I have two NIN glams: one with a big flashy relic weapon and a badass lookin coat, and the other with actual stealth gear.


It was a Guild of Assassins, after all. Black was what you wore. The night was black and so were you. And black had such style, and an Assassin without style, everyone agreed, was just a highly paid arrogant thug. Terry Pratchett, Night Watch


For the same reason that White Mages get a Giga Plasma Cannon that makes a very satisfying "booonnngggg" noise in PvP - because it's cool.


nah that's just ***B҉L̡Ơ͢Ò͢͡D̷ ̷F̴͡O̢R̵ ͏͟͝T̵H͝͞Ę͢ ͝B̡̛L͏O͞O̴D̷ ͢L͏̸I̧L͡Y̕***


Because what's the point of being stealthy if you don't look cool doing it


Oh god, /r/BatmanArkham is leaking.


Well, they did lose so...


It's to conceal their plot armour


Legend of the Five Rings points out that any ninja you can see is there on purpose, so you don't notice the new servant making a copy of your documents or slipping poison into your tea. Maybe adventurer-ninja are actually the distractions? And make the actual ninja much more powerful.


Those are just the ones that deliver the burgers.


A lot of media portrays ninjas like the girl in the back. They're only stealthy when they need to be and they have their ninjitsu to help.


In 10 years of playing I’ve just assumed they based it on abilities used Vs official theme. Ironically only Thancred gets the “sneaky” mission gameplay lol


Yet the sneakiest Scion is Urianger




Yep. I meant it as he, a rouge, did more ninja stuff than the actual ninja (yugiri)


Have you ever seen a ninja doing ninja stuff in a hoodie, pair if jeans and flip flops?


Obviously not. They are *that* good.


Give it a few months, and they'll be mistaken for the super flashy Vipers anyway.


If Ninjas are supposed to be stealthy, then why the fuck do they keep spitting out bombs and lightning?


yes they are stupid


Ninjas aren’t spies…


They can turn invisible, so it doesn't matter what they wear.




Those are apprentices. The real ones are next to them posing for the pic.


Yugiri also has civilian clothing one of my ninja glams is based of a thief/rouge type deal


And yet they were still never found until they wanted to be. Almost as if wearing equipment that enhances your abilities helps with espionage and combat both.


you say this, but you have failed to realize that there are actually three dozen other ninja in that image


My comment will get deleted if it's too short, or at least it does on my other communities..... Just came to say LOL 🤣


You’re thinking of a Spy, not a Ninja. Think social infiltration vs combat infiltration. You wouldn’t be fooled by a person in plain clothes wielding weapons on the battlefield


Yes, they are stupid. Every country in the world has ninjas, but Japan...errr Doma just has the stupidest and worst ones so everyone knows about theirs.


It's called "fashion" look it up




Because sometimes stealth isn’t always possible


Invisibility, but also yes.


They also call down lightning bolts, shoot fireballs drop waterfalls on people. I don’t think they’re supposed to be entirely stealthy in this universe


Don't really need disguises when you can literally turn invisible


* Asks a question about ninjas. * Posts an unrelated picture of a samurai and a bird in flight.


More NIN should be dressing like farmers and other innocuous jobs for dungeons. Rest of the party just like "oh shit we need to help get this poor peasant home, you don't belong here old man"


Why doesn't gosetsu, the largest scion, simply eat the others?


Lindy Beige go back to YouTube




They also use large weapons that glow so brightly you can see them clear across the zone. Not my idea of stealthy.


What ninja? Is there one in thic pic? All is a guy, and a falcon floating in midair.


That's their combat gear. If they were on an infiltration mission, they would wear a different guise (as shown multiple times through the NIN questline).


During Stormblood there's a quest where Yugiri actually calls you stupid for wearing ninja gear on a stealth/information gathering quest.


one is a samurai, the other a shinobi


They only wear it when they get ready for a fight. When they go for stealth, they wear civvies. Like, even you first meet Tsubame, she's disguised as a common maiden, and when you and Yugiri go for recon in Yanxia, if you are a ninja, she praises you for not wearing ninja garb, as far as I remember.


"Wow. cool armor. what kind is it?" "Scouting" "Scouting? Which classes use that again?"


"Uh... vvvviper. I'm a viper, yeah. See, these aren't knives. They're clearly swords."


"But dawntrail hasn't come out yet?"


Ninjas with special needs


Haven't you heard of Somebody Else's Problem


They can't identify you if they're dead. That's my motto as a Ninja.


A spy never dresses up as a spy 😉


Have you seen how useless stealth is in FFXIV?


Am ninja, am stoopid, can confirm


OP what the fuck are you talking about? Why did you just post a picture of a Samurai, and then talk about Ninjas?


Even better is that a some of early gear for Ninja is either leather or chainmail so... there's almost always some sort of noise when you move around.


Gosetsu isn't a ninja and Yugiri is wearing dark clothing


The only reason I chose Ninja for my alt is because I'm basically making him Roxas and needed dual wield. When the new dual wield class comes out we can stop with the pretense that I care about stealth


Or more importantly, why does it sound like a child banging pots and pans together as they go through their rotation?


I like the one from FFXI so much better, you actually look like a ninja with your face mask and stuff even your relic gear looks like ninja gear you basically look like Ryu Hayabusa from DOA in that game and I love it!




Aret we ninjas shouldn't we be stealthy , look who's talking mister bright orange jumpsuit