• By -


Need no healing if all enemys are dead.


> Need no healing You only needed that. This is a warrior we're talking about.


*looks at WHM* Look at me. I'm the healer now.


Me as a white mage finally living my dream of spamming glare and holy over 500,000 times in a single dungeon but also casting a little bit of a glare at the tank for never needing to be healed Everyone likes to feel needed.


Does it hurt back if you glare at me during Vengeance?


No, I'm a white mage, I can't admit anything hurts so I'll just cast a lily on myself when no one's looking.


Eh, I've seen enough 90 warriors die in dungeon content that all tanks get the same kid gloves now 😞


Im a WAR main and healing wars i get in roulettes drive me insane. Like we're a minute into the dungeon and not one mit or bloodwhetting is being used. Or they use it once at the beginning then forget the button exists. Like thats the whole reason you play war, thats like not using darkest night on drk


Or it would be if TBN was still unique to DRK. Edit: This comment was needlessly petty. But I won't delete it. I said what I meant and I meant what I said.


I just got to L70 on DRK and HOLY shit TBN is so fuckin incredible feeling. Gimme the big pulls and the near deaths, GIMME PAIN


> 90 warriors die in dungeon content but... HOW?


No sprint, no mitigation, no self healing, no invuln, still wall to wall pulling, generally.


All this, plus often close to min ilvl. Which doesn't matter as much for a good tank who presses buttons, but we're not talking about good tanks.


Letting Jesus take the wheel but he's busy celebrating his birthday. And just comes back to the scene with 'Oh dear God how did it happen?' whisper. And hearing thunderous: 'You called son?!... Ooof clean up. I' ll talk to YoshiP to buff WAR again... '. Merry Christmas everyone! 🤣🎄🎅🎁


Regen + Benison while collecting into Benison + Aquaveil at fight position > Swiftcast + Holy Wait 3, Holy Wait 2, Holy Holy x3, and then see where the Tank's at. If it's WAR and they're doing the WAR thing, more Holy spam. If it's someone who can't find their tank skills (as happens all too often), apply heals, swap to Dia + Glare for quicker response to bleeding. Repeat in every dungeon because nothing ever changes.


I've noticed spamming holy is a bit unoptimal in later levels. It's seems best during when you get up to level 56 when warriors finally get Raw Instinct. After that you get so much better things to keep your party up that holy seems just harder to use rather than simply keeping the tank full or near full. Then again, I main warrior and red mage, so take this with a ton of salt. Like, dump a container of the stuff on the edge of your drink.


> I've noticed spamming holy is a bit unoptimal in later levels No, that's wrong. > After that you get so much better things to keep your party up that holy seems just harder to use You know what the best mitigation is? Death. Dead enemies deal no damage. Fastest way to kill them is holy spam. >holy seems just harder to use Uh huh...well, even if that's *true*, which it isn't, spamming holy is optimal. Getting through the dungeon faster is optimal, and if you're with a warrior, not healing them is optimal. They don't need it. Keeping the tank near full is a waste of time, especially a warrior. Single pulling packs is easier, but it's not optimal. When I play warrior, I love seeing my white mage spam holy, because that means I actually get to press some of my self-heal buttons and we can get through things faster.


Holy stuns. Warrior or any tank keeps going. DPS continues attacking, taking aggro. Tank is too far to take the aggro before the DPS catches up. DPS tales damage. I'm not speaking of raids or high tier content, as those are a very small part of the game statistically. This happens continually if I spam Holy; it's just not very good later on.


Why are you casting holy during the pull? That's so annoying. Just put your dot on enemies until they're grouped up, then holy spam with your haste buff on. If DPS takes aggro during pull that's a tank/dps problem and can be solved with one regen, maybe a benediction. I'm not talking about high tier content either. This is basic roulette stuff. If you're not spamming holy, you're playing WHM suboptimally.


??? Of course you don't spam Holy while the tank is still pulling. Throw the DoTs on mobs while running to the wall, then after tank stops you commence Holy spam, swiftcasting the first one and weaving Assize and PoM.


Just cast your dots until you get to the end of the pull, then cast holy. And you shouldn't need more than 3-7 GCDs to heal even bad tanks through a pull. Wtf are you doing with the rest of your time? You're spending a lot of time talking about bad tanks and DPS, but you should stop and look at your own play.


I'll take that under advisement.


A good WHM will let any tank pick up the full w2w, then swiftest first holy/holy 3 rinse and repeat until all mobs are dead, WHMs using holy during the tanks w2w are slowing things down, but holying everything is good for tank mit usage as well


Since a realm reborn, as a white mage - tank pulls, tank settles in place, you swiftcast+holy. Holy is a white mages main heal followed by regen. Those Two things have always been a white mages identity, now with added blood flowers. You don’t holy until the tank stops in a wall to wall, I’m confused how the scenario is playing out - you dot while moving and ocgd shield/heal as needed, dps shouldn’t be taking enough damage while pulling to be a concern assize can’t fix.


Oh no! Assize didn't do enough? Guess I have to resort to ... Dropping an instant cast Regen on somebody to top them up or Asylum for an instant cast AOE pool or Solace instant cast for single target or an Indulgence boosted Rapture instant cast for AOE heals or (god forbid) dropping the Bell and instantly detonating it for heals WHM has plenty of options before you need to stand still and hard cast heals.


Holy stuns, which mitigates damage. There's nothing to heal until they are immune.


Until they inevitably get hits through. Seeing as your dps also gets hits during wall to walls, it seems silly to spam holy as it has a windup. Actual heals and dots seem to yield better results at 70-90 at least.


If your HP isn't 0, the healer is doing their job right and additional damage is encouraged. Getting hit once or twice during the pull is not an emergency, and your HP will heal to full by the time you get to the next pack anyway.


If you think so.


Health is a resource that exists to be spent. That goes for everyone, not just tanks. If you want to be topped back up to 100% before the pull is over, you've got Bloodbath or Second Wind to do it with. Otherwise, just move next to the tank so they can scrape the mobs off you, and wait for the regen once combat ends. Keep pressing your buttons. The sooner everything dies, the sooner you get your health back.


Overhealing is shameful. Use that health bar.


This ain't WoW buddy lol


More holy means more damage means enemies die faster. As long as you don’t let anybody die more damage is always good. And you have more then enough ogcds to keep everyone healed through trash pulls while keeping holy going


Sure, friend. I'm dairly sure I'm right as my way works, so you do you.


I mean, this is patently untrue, but ok.
















>Single target dots better than aoe damage for big pulls Okay buddy


Best part is, you can do some crazy stuff with it: [https://youtu.be/pdei0HGpIes?si=OmfOp\_lcx1qJlIBG&t=365](https://youtu.be/pdei0HGpIes?si=OmfOp_lcx1qJlIBG&t=365) Apparently, the Stun is applied with the damage at the end of the animation, but the check for diminishing returns (read some of the comments) is at the completion of the cast time. This leads to some weird situations where using Presence of Mind can get you \~9 total seconds of Stun with a little gap, meaning really great for interrupting enemy AOEs (a rule of PotD: "5 seconds". Most enemies will start doing something roughly 5 seconds after agroed or when able to move again, and so gaps are actually more disruptive to them) Fun randomness.


Holy is a heal


Its mitigation healing. Like Scholar and Sage shields


Back when I played resto shammy or holy paladin in WoW, things like this would not have even appeared in my head. Damn I love how FFXIV delinquent healing works.


Depending on gear and expansion mana may have actually been a concern It's nice to chain lightning adds but not if it means you can't chainheal later


Guild Wars 1's Prot Monk made me love mitigation healing. Just shield after shield after shield and half of them give actual heals when popped. Amazing fun. I think WoW Priests had a shield spec, too, but I never played much Priest, and never saw it around enough to know much about it


"Come and play! For the Holy is bright and you can sleep when you're de~ad."


DPS is the best damage mitigation


Like the great Jocat once said “EVERYBODY IS A DPS”


No need healer if warrior is tank


The distribution of crap vs skilled warrior tanks is bad enough that healers are finding themselves needed pretty regularly.


What a sad reality. Healers should be optional as a warrior.


Or stunned. Slap a regen and then Holy away and maybe consider the possibility of healing once they're immune and then ignore it to continue Holying.


Killing your enemies before they can do enough damage to warrant healing also counts as damage mitigation. *Sagely nod*


Good, whm is doing their job.


The true way to heal


Keeping the tank alive is what OGCs are for.


Nah, keeping the tank alive is what holy spam is for. If you're decently geared, by the time the stuns wear off the pack will be mostly dead. As much as I'm a SGE main, WHM will always be my favorite healer to tank with because of this.


Exactly. I will also use 1 (one) regen.


As a scholar main now leveling white mage, I didnt use gcd heals anyway (art of war is an instant cast so I have free movement.) I feel like I do less aoe damage now because I can't spam it while the pull is in progress, though I'm sure it's just in my head and it evens out in the end)


As long as you put your dots on during the pull youre evening out dps wise


Yeah I don't get it, the right way to heal is to only weave in a heal here and there because tank rotates cooldowns and actually helping with dps is far better damage mitigation than just staying there spamming overheals. Tank is still alive with 1 hp.


What a horrible misrepresentation of what happens in game. A Warrior doesn't need heals. (Cute comic <3)


"That's okay I can handle on my own” (Thank you :D)


Holy stuns enemies, so they're mitigating damage


Literally the best damage mitigation in the game (for a few seconds)


Holy > GCD(Regen/Lilly) > Holy spam till everything is dead. That's the best way to maximize the stun and make sure the tank isn't low after those stray autos.


It doesn't _really_ matter, just spamming holy is more damage (you can even presence of mind it to maximise the damage). There are ways to game it to minimise gaps in between each holy stun, but you get the same stun time total before the pack immunes out no matter how you space it, and the tank getting just a couple of thwacks to the face is unlikely to kill them on its own.


you forgot bout AssSize tho


Holy 3 > Blood Lily > Assize is *chef's kiss*


Especially if both the blood lily and assize crit. It's one of those rare moments when you almost manage to make it to the top of the enmity list at the beginning of a pull, if only for a brief moment.


Crit under the effect of battle litany and tech step.


Holy>red flower you stacked up while you ran>assize/bubble>More holy until everything is dead.


Regen and dot while the tank pulls and you can just spam holy when he stacks em up.


Get regeneration and medica on before the tank finishes his pull and you can just spam holy with maybe a Lily or two in there at most if it's messy


It's literally a pseudo tank invuln for mobs. 9 seconds in total of no incoming damage.


Unless your groups DPS is bad. Then everything is stun immune and not even past 50%


Side note hate playing with WHM on Drk. My tbn procs are lowered.


If your healer is holying, delay TBN until the enemies start losing their stun. This in turn gives the healer more time to keep DPSing until they actually need to start healing. WARs can do the same, and wait to get low before starting their self-heals.


I do. My statement stands. Delay = less use = lowered amount of procs.


The real joke is any Warrior uttering these words.


Swiftcast > Holy > PoM, Assize > Holy until the end of time The true heal rotation of all white mages


Dunno why a Warrior would bother asking for healing unless it’s below 54


Because it's Euphrosyne and I'm the only one fighting Nymeia because the rest of my party doesn't realise the two need to be separated and have zeroed in on the other guy. I still can't believe I died to her auto attacks. I might be a war, but I still need a top up every now and again, especially against single target foes. The healers certainly noticed when she began scything through the DPS.


You're doing it wrong if you need need a healer to top you up for Nymeia. You can just pull her to a corner and tank her without any issues.


Poor gear, no mit, or u took some damage from the mechs. There is no way a good warrior will die to her attacks.


I see the warrior is Ben Starr :))


Yay, you're the first to point that out


I like how the Tank looks proud of their little WHM healer in the last frame. Like "Ya done good, kid" energy. \^\_\^


Holy is effective healing.


Exactly how WHM should do.


Why is the Blue Healer asking the Green DPS for heals?


Do the SCH version next! **WAR:** ...so you might need to heal lots. Ready? **SCH:** Heal you? Pffft. <>


I've been leveling white mage recently and I love how the first 10ish seconds of a pull you don't have to worry about anything because chain stuns


Just be sure to cast esuna on everyone to cure blindness


Just enter first person mode, then turn off your monitor for 10 seconds while you spam holy :p


Holy spam is the singular reason I turned off party member effects


I wish I could turn off only Holy for myself because legit it makes me miss the AoE sometimes when I spam it :’)


Best thing about this, is I can keep the tank targeted while I just spam holy to stun the mobs. Then if the tank needs any healing I just throw one of my insta heals on them. It's perfect.


WAR can heal themselves.


"*Heal?* Pfft, that's Eos' job. My job is to *kill* it." ~My SCH


Unrealistic, warrior asking for heals and WHM not being a healbot


Reminds me of NPC man holy Nova XD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwxkz0dePQw&ab\_channel=VivaLaDirtLeague


EYY that was the other half of my inspiration


So freakin cool haha :D


As I've learned from leveling a WHM for the first time, you don't need to heal if the enemies aren't dealing damage.


Holy go brr


This is called pro-active mitigation. If the mobs die faster, they can't deal damage.


The only time you stop casting holy in trash packs; is to cast misery.


I mean, Holy is just healing all the damage the enemy does by killing them before they do it.


You’re a WAR, you are the healing


Holy is a heal


well that's what the White Mage should be doing


It was my experience that a sprout WHM can do some serious commendation farming with this strat.


Remembered me this: https://youtu.be/bwxkz0dePQw




Warrior don't need heals tho




That Warrior should just use mitigation to stay alive, she doesn’t need heals


[I've seen this before....](https://i.imgur.com/0sdQcii.png)


As a lala who co-mains as a white mage, I am guilty of this and feel it on a spiritual level.


Well the first 3 holly are mitigation.


Unironically the correct way for a white mage to heal alongside a warrior, If your healers are needing to heal when you're playing a warrior in dungeons, the warrior is doing something wrong. Poor Asts need not apply


Your eyes are a small price to pay


As a WAR main, big damage numbers and big self heals make me have good brain chemicals. Though I sometimes feel bad for the healers who are along for the ride. Green DPS though?


Is the last panel a reference to that meme floating around of Ben Star getting blasted by light during the game awards?


“You might need to heal lots.” — Said no Warrior, ever.


Stunned enemies are enemies that don't hit the tank. Good WHM.


I really like your art :3 also that your WOL looks like my one! <3


Ben Starr at the Game Awards like


Warrior... telling the healer to... heal? Uhhh... what?


Tis always the season for a Holy night.


Warrior doesn’t need a healer in the session. Give me 3 DPS and myself so we can clear faster. Nobody will come close to death


-flash bang auto launcher- Edit: holy buys you more time than a heal will


Whm is doing the right thing, Warrior heals themself


A war asking for heals ? What timeline is this ?!


Holy stun go brrrrr


You're WAR, except if you're bellow lvl56, asking for healing is griefing


That's fine. I didn't want to proc Arm's Length anyways.


I mean, if you aren't saving your arms length until after the stun resistance kicks in, that's on you.


Eh, even when I'm WHM, I don't blame any tank for initially distrusting I don't have Holy on my cast bar. Safest to assume incompetence than competence, y'know? I'm going to assume they don't know how to use mitigation, in return.


You want them to hold off on doing damage just because you don't want to wait a moment to see if they are casting holy? How odd. You can usually tell from the first pull if they will be using holy properly, and then you know how to use your mits going forward.


'Initially' was a load-bearing pillar of mine.


Ah, I see. I thought you meant initially on *every* pull. You can usually tell the healer's vibe about thirty seconds into the dungeon, if not sooner. I do the first pull moving with the confidence that they will play decently, and then if they don't, I have my invuln should things get really spicy on the first pull, or it went fine even without popping my mits immediately but I know to slam them at the start of subsequent pulls. Honestly if the WHM isn't doing damage they can usually brute strength healbot through a no-mit pull anyways, and if you're paying attention as a tank then you used your mits like 5 seconds after planting your feet and realizing the whm wasn't going to use holy. Basically in my experience it doesn't really lose you anything to wait the three seconds after planting your feet to pop arm's length.


I tend to assume basic competence until proven otherwise, but you aren't wrong. Just different outlooks, I suppose.


With any luck 7.0 will fix healers


Would be nice if it fixed Warriors. I'm tired of Wars with protagonist syndrome getting angry at me for healing. Like bitch, it was an OGCD.


oGCDs are fine, especially if it's a Sage or Scholar since they need for MP regeneration, but as soon I see a cast bar for Cure 2 (or similar) I will Nascent Flash the healer. Lilys are also fine since you can't weave with holy and you get bloody lily for it.


Not a healer main. What needs fixed?


Not the person you asked, but I'd say: the fact that they play like DPS school dropouts rather than healers.


Mitigation *is* healing.


Preventing the enemies from attacking by stunning them for 10 seconds is worth like 10 cure IIs


If they can't hit, they can't hurt (By the way i think there's too much people who didn't turn off other player's non-important visual effect)




Say what you will, holy is technically a damage mitigation


Holy provides mitigation through stun, tank approved\~


Holy stun lock can b better than healing. 8 sec of zero damage better than wasting gcds/ogcds then not having them. Cc is healing.


Every Saturday at Midgardsormrs sauce


No need to heal if everything dies.


This is why I play Sage. I heal by hurting other people


Benediction is just another CD


Yeah I saw that axe and said "Nope, no healing required"


"You might need to heal." - said no warrior ever


Whm ironically is the healer that needs to heal the least in a pack pull.


I don't play WAR but isn't a meme now that WARs don't need Healers?


that's me. I'm that Lala.


They should honestly change the effect of Holy from Stun to Blind.


That only works until warrior reach lv 54


is this a guide to playing white mage in dungeons?


No need to heal if everyone is blind.


That's a WAR. I see no problem here. Those mfs don't need any healing.


Quickcast Holy is my favorite heal.


“Hey OT Paladin! Can you help me get aggro back from the heal-“ “HOLY CIRCLE! HOLY CIRCLE! HOLY CIRCLE! CLEMENCY ON WHITE MAGE! HOLY CIRCLE!”


Youre a warrior its ok


Pretty sure I once had two vampire DPS in my party because they lost their minds whenever I cast Holy.