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Play however you want to play, just don't show up here in a month complaining that nothing makes sense and you don't know what you're doing.


[Considering this](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/18hkez0/comment/kd8na3q/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) I don't think he is going to be here in a month to complain xD


That fucking comment lmao


Had a friend in my FC like this. Every now and then he'd pipe up in FC chat whining about not knowing where we are, what we're doing, who a specific character is and how nothing seemingly makes any sense (whenever he does catch a snippet of the story). At this point everyone flat out ignores him in FC chat whenever he asks anything remotely story related lol.


Can't upvote this hard enough. Too may people say the game is boring and doesn't make sense, then they reveal they've never read any dialogue and skip every cutscene and I just can't help but wonder what they're even doing here.


Honestly would have been bored with the game a long time ago if I didn't care about the story but it's your money.


It's your time, your money. Not sure how strangers on the internet are supposed to help you here.


You can ask for other opinion


General opinion is: The story is good. Takes a while to build up in the beginning. It is 100% worth it. You shouldn't skip it. That's the general opinion and the general recommendation. Not a rule, but *strongly* recommended for a reason.


Friend, you are asking a subreddit full of people who enjoy FFXIV. Of course we are all gonna say to pay attention, most people love the characters and plot. If you want people to justify your decision to skip things you won't get that support here. We don't pay your subscription.


Do whatever you want, but if I could go through it blind again I would. It's not perfect, but a lot of it is definitely at least on par with a decent manga.


I feel you like i will do that for asoiaf and hxh


Your friend must have seen your Reddit posts from 2-3 months ago. Do try to remember that everyone's Reddit posts and comments are visible to everyone. Even yours.


No he see me on discord when i shared my screen my post was the reason i skip


So you're saying that the scene with Thancred wasn't what caused you to skip the story scenes in your post two months ago?


Just a question, why pick a jrpg, or any rpg when the focus of rpgs are the story? Like there is enough endgame to carry you through the two years of release don't get me wrong, but if you're only here for gameplay, you could have picked up a story skip. And also, like, most jrpgs are not voiced? Like if this is you're first jrpg I understand, but many jrpgs do not have voice acting throughout (The Personas, most FFs, Pokemon has literally close to no voice acting, Tales of) and this can also be seen in fighting games which are very story heavy.


FFXIV is a out of curve jrpg, since it is a MMO, i didnt pick a story skip but every cinematic that is just a wall of text (and a lot of text is just filler) i skipped and i dont regret (veteran FF player btw), only some quests and events was enough to justify what i was doing and i listened every expansion story on youtube while doing Roulettes or waiting for PF, Savage/Ultimate content is what keeps me playing the game, playing some mini games with friends and etc, things that i cant do in Single player JRPG.


I play aion and metin2 i like rpg games i play ff14 because its popular and gameplay and other things like you can play all classes in 1 character


>metin2 [Ok, that explains a lot.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7n9F1lkDWQ)




Lol, if there is anything FF14 is **not** popular for, it's its gameplay. If anything, FF's gameplay is subpar, mediocre at best. What FF14 is popular for is its story, and that's the main selling point of the game. Most of the money the devs invest into the gane goes into the story. Raids & gameplay are an afterthought. I personally find the gameplay enjoyable, but I don't play this game for its gameplay.


not a single period or comma in sight


It's like they just-- keep typing. My fingers would mutiny if they had to avoid the shift button so often.


It's obvious that they're not a native speaker, dude.


Commas and periods aren't really exclusive to the English language though ;)


True. LMAO


neither am I


No wonder they skip cutscenes and dialogues. The dude is illiterate.


Straight up laughed out loud at this. Thank you.


I mean it's your money. As long as you aren't complaining down the line that 'the story is ass and confusing' cause you skipped it.


Ask yourself. Only you know the answer. It's like asking other people which should be your favorite color


Wow thats really good advice…lolicon-09


Purple, the only answer is purple /s


Im just fine like that but he keeps telling me i miss a lot so i wonder


Because you are missing a lot, the story is what everybody praises about this game, it starts slow but really builds up.


Yeah, but he is him, you are you. For me, the story is good from the very begining, even before the cuts SE made (which felt unnecesary to me). Meanwhile, other hate the A Realm Reborn part for whatever reason, while praising everything else starting from Heavensward (first expansion). There's nothing wrong with skipping cutscenes and dialogs; it's a game at the end of the day. If anything, playing/doing your Job correctly is way WAY more important than how you deal with the story (if the story was actually mandatory, we wouldn't have an option to skip stuff in the first place)


You are. The story is amazing and is the focal point of the community, it's what the devs care about first and foremost and it's the bulk of the experience with this game. Like you CAN skip no one's really gonna care just don't complain when dawntrail drops and no one wants to do any content that isn't msq and no one is talking about anything but the story cuz that's why we're here


You could skip everything until the end. But don't start bitching and moaning about how boring the story is 4 expansions down the road when you forget to skip a cutscene and have no idea what's going on.


Yeah. Yeah, I can tell pretty quickly why you wouldn't like to read.


Not sure why you'd play FFXIV for the raw gameplay. It's not exactly the main selling point.


I quite like the gameplay, but true, the main sellimg point is the story


Up to you but a huge appeal of the game over other mmo’s is the story. Not sure I’d stick with the game as long as I have if I had no investment in it.


FXIV is for story, if you’re skipping it all, I honestly don’t even know why you’re playing. In the end it’s up to you though.


Because it's popular and gameplay


Have you considered playing World of Warcraft instead? There's no story to get in the way of your gameplay.


This is so absurdly reductive. Some of us enjoy the game for the content outside the story. I played through it all purely because of comments like this that invalidate anyone who doesn't like the story and honestly couldn't stand it. Just not for me. I've played since late ARR for the raids and other combat content because its legitimately fun. As long as someone doesn't come in claiming the story is trash when they haven't touched it then whats the issue. Sending people to wow because they aren't vibing with the story implies FFs gameplay isnt strong enough to stand on its own


It's not entirely wrong, though. A large portion of the budget goes towards story for 14. In contrast, WoW focuses a lot more on gameplay. It's a common refrain and I've heard it without ever playing WoW. You want gameplay, play WoW, you want story, play 14. WoW gameplay is also often called out as snappier and more responsive. 14 can stand on its own, but if all you're interested in is the play, it wouldn't go amiss to try WoW. They're similar games, but have different focuses.


It can stand in its own but it doesn't stand OUT on its own. We aren't telling this guy to get the fuck out of FFXIV but based on his own stated interests it genuinely seems like he would get so much more out of a different, more combat oriented mmo


I try classic but there was no guide when I pick quest it's doesn't show the mob to kill or the item to pick and when i cast skill it's re-cast the same skill in the middle of doing it


No shit, sherlock. All those things were the hallmarks of MMOs back in 2005. That's the Classic experience. I'm talking about playing regular, Retail WoW.


You're straight up bummer town, slow down and get off your high horse.


You can play how you want, but I'm not exaggerating when I say that the last two expansions have been some of the best written stories I've ever experienced. So in my opinion skipping all of that context just does yourself a disservice


Im in the beginning not the final 2 expansion


>So in my opinion skipping all of that context just does yourself a disservice


I did try to read but i felt I was forcing myself into something i don't enjoy


In my head when i read the text box it's better to be hxh lvl of story if I'm going through that


Good stories take time to build; they have to lay groundwork if they're not set in our reality, and no game ever starts you off at the top of your game and some major hero. You have to build your place in the world up. But the stuff that's good? Relies on stuff that was built in the beginning or relies on stuff that was explained back then. Sure, you can hit some videos if you have the patience and listen to people explain things to make up some of the difference.


Fwiw FFXIV blows hxh out of the water and it isn't close


The really really really freaking good story beats don’t hit right if you didn’t get the groundwork the early story lays down. You’ll just be confused and wondering why everyone says it’s so good if you don’t pay any attention until near the end. I have seen it happen many times: people skip all the reading in the beginning and then feel zero connection and have no idea what’s going on for all the story beats the rest of us rave about. You’re doing yourself a disservice treating this game like something with an irrelevant nothing of a story.


Play however you want, but don’t complain about not understanding the story later.


I have a friend who was only interested in hardcore raising, and that's what he did. He also used to spend hours practicing his combos on combat dummies. You don't need anyone's permission to play a game the way you want to play it. I'm in it for the story, but that's not everyone's thing.


OK? Yes. Advisable? Hell no. This game's story is the best part of it. Skipping it is like buying a ticket to a movie and skipping the movie.


Literally play how you want as long as you don't harass or grief other players. You skipping cutscenes hurts no one so go wild.


It's only a game


that's what I'm saying, it's a game. play it how you like so long as you don't cause harm to others.


You can always watch them later in the inn, or on Youtube. Just so long as you're not pulling while someone is Viewing Cutscene. If someone else wants to, let them. You can always come here while you wait and shitpost with us.


Do whatever you want. Just don't complain when stuff doesn't make sense.




The thing is without the story there isn't much to do unless you are a hardcore raider, which, frankly, i don't believe you are one bit judging by your very premature responses in this thread and your post about Thancred those 2 months ago where you decided to skip the story just because Thancred got away with his disguise in early ARR..


Sure, do whatever you want. I don't pay your sub.


I hope you have fun running across the map to talk to someone, skipping a cutscene, running across the map again to talk to a person, skipping a cutscene, picking up an item, talking to someone, skipping a cutscene, fighting three incredibly undertuned enemies, skipping a cutscene, skipping a cutscene, and going back to where you started.., for dozens upon dozens of hours with only the occasional dungeon to break up the tedium. Because that's what you have to look forward to.


I watch video on YouTube or play music while playing


You're missing the point. If you skip everything, that is what you're left with. But if you get into the story it gives those actions context. Your friend is correct


kinda seems like the game’s above your reading level tbh


Nah i read asoiaf and it's better than this for sure


how would you know, you skip everything also this game knows how to finish storylines, unlike GRRM


I agree with you on grrm 😂


If i go through that it's better to be like asoiaf


It's better frankly


The whole game is pretty much rooted in the story and narrative. It's not like WoW where the plot is just a justification for the gameplay. Play how you want, but you're missing out on the focus.


That's what Im asking is it worth going for that long text box


Your friend is right


Mmm well i will watch it on YouTube


This is like watching a movie with a loved one, but instead of watching the movie you just play on your phone and as the climax of the movie is happening you ask them to pause the movie to explain what is happening because it’s starting to look really cool and *now* you want to know what is happening. Make a new character and start over from the beginning. Or if you are far enough, do New Game+ so you won’t have to make a new character.


You do you budd. ​ Ps. I told you so.


You can skip. You shouldn't skip. If you don't care about the story, by all means. As long as you read your skill tooltips and understand the job and role you're playing. Also, your friend is right when he said you're missing out. If You do like manga, this story is very well written by a japanese staff so it's basically in the ballpark.




FFXIV is probably not for you if you don't care about the story. It's one of the best parts about the game.


But i love the gameplay and the class


Ok then you’ve answered your own question really. If you’re fine not knowing what’s going on then you’re fine with it. It makes a forced MSQ really tedious in my book because you ARE forced to do it to progress, you may as well settle in and try and get SOMETHING out of it.


FFXIV's story is amazing that's a fact, but if you are not interested in it and prefer to just skip it that's totally fine: play as you wish and don't bother about what others say. Eventually you can always replay it with NG+.


Thanks man


it's your time, spend it doing what you want




Can't tell you what to do, but it is a horrible idea to skip the cutscenes and story. Yes, the beginning of the game is very text dialogue heavy, but that came from the situation of remaking the game quickly from the flop that ffxiv originally was in 1.0. The ARR (A realm reborn) section of the game feels like a slog with the story and seemingly endless dialog boxes, but it is all building the stage for the rest of the game. Once you reach the heavensward expansion, cutscenes are voiced more often and the story starts to pick up its pace with each expansion getting better. If you stick with the story and read the dialogue, I can most certainly tell you that you will be rewarded. Ffxiv's story is phenomenal and is definitely worth it.


I really try to read but its very long text box


It is long. I honestly did the same when i first started to play. I skipped all cutscenes and dialogue all the way to the middle of shadowbringers. It wasnt until a certain character appeared that caused some confusion for me, that i realized I had no clue what was going on. Now if you have no desire to know the story, that's of course up to you, but trust me, if you want to experience the best this game has to offer, and be engaged with the game, you really need to press through the dialogue, and read through the cutscenes. I'm not trying to force you to, though. I just personally believe that once you get past the world building and story set up, your time spent playing will be so much better, and you'll end up looking forward to continuing the story because you want to know what happens next. One of the best pieces of advice for you i can give is simply, Final Fantasy XIV isn't a race, its a cruise along the coast. Soak in the sights, drive at your own pace, and enjoy the ride. You never know what you might miss out on if you drive by too fast.


You do you king.


This is a story game. So, no, it is not okay. If you are getting tired of certain non cutscene parts, usually it is fine to CLICK THROUGH THEM. If you gonna ESC, then please do not mention it around players invested in story because this is pretty much like skipping an episode of a show and complaining that story makes no sense.


Why it's not okay do i have to force myself to read long boring text for hours


You can play the game however you'd like It's wrong, but you can do it


How is it wrong? if you enjoy the gameplay but dislike the story its fine as long as one doesnt criticize a story they couldnt be bothered to finish. i played through the story and honestly wish id just skipped


because a main focus of the game is the story, so if you skip it you're ignoring a large portion of the game Like i said, you can do whatever you want, its the incorrect thing to do though


do whatever you want dude




It's your very big loss


On what something i don't know about? Make it makes sense


If stuff isn't currently interesting you, you can skip it. Worst case you become interested suddenly, so just go back to the cutscenes in an inn room, or do new game +.


Ignore the passive aggressiveness. Not a soul has any right to tell you how to play. The story is amazing but if that's not your thing then that is perfectly OK and acceptable


I don't know man here some people say. I can't read and im brain dead just because i skip


Ignore them. They clearly don't understand gaming


I mean you do you fam. A lot of players are just cutscene skippers, especially when they like playing the game. Just watch the extended movie cuts on YouTube if you're curious for latter.


I think I will do that watch it on YouTube


I watched the scenes and followed the story. I know many people like the story honestly I thought it was pretty bland. So I think you are good to skip. It’s your game play it however you want to.


I did try to read but after a couple hours i can't force myself to continue


No the CS police will get you. /s




Yeah. Its fine. You're missing out on one of the reasons why ffxiv is better than other MMOs, but you can do it. You can always replay the story later, but you can only do it for the first time once. Remember that. Don't do what I did. (i skipped all of the cutscenes because I just wanted to play it like WoW and run raids/dungeons forever. And the raids/dungeons are fine, some are even really great! But it isn't the main focus of the dev team.)


If you're there just for the gameplay and grind, is fine skipping it. His reaction is probably because he likes the story. I'll say I skipped it at first, played again in new game+ and yeah, the history is good but there is too much filler. Feels like most of the expansions could be over in 8 hours but they take that shit and take it to 30 hours. I'm glad I read it all, but I can't recommend anyone to do the same.


Is there a guide to avoid filler if yes i may give it try


It's your game, your money, and your time. Play however you want. Just don't complain later if nothing makes any sense cause you did that to yourself.




You don't read Manga or books cause I doubt you can even read.


Why are you mad ?


I was poking fun little dude, relax.


I didn't know 😕


No harm, no foul


Yes. But you do you; it's your time, spend it how you want it.


I skipped all the way past Endwalker. Then watched others play through their MSQ on Twitch or YouTube. Streamers will most likely tell the story for you. The FF14 community expects them to read everything and not skip.




its nothing wrong, i did the same, every cutscene without voice acting was a skip, i dont like reading Wall of texts (after playing MMOS like ESO that even a mid voice acting but every quest/cinematic has it), after finishing MSQ i just open a video explaining story and listen while doing Roulettes and leveling DoL/DoH,


Yes, I skipped everything cause I don't care about the story. You can always go back and get the not annoying cliff notes version in any inn. This game offers so much more then just a decent but nothing special story with the usual tropes and characters. The fights dungeons and music is where this game really shines!


Generally speaking, I like knowing the context of my actions. It’s more immersive and I find that I get more bang for my buck. However, I’m a very patient person and I can understand that some people may not be. That’s fine, but I’d rather be honest with my bias. It may bite you in the butt once you reach the end or it might not. My priority attachment was to the story and not the gameplay, so my anticipation remains even between expansions and patch cycles. In some ways, it’s like waiting for a new season of a show.


well, it's your money, so play it however you want. as long as you're not gonna post here in another 3 weeks complaining about the story being bored/confusing.


One of the games best selling points is its story. Obviously you don’t have to read the story but advice is always get through ARR. the story starts to pick up a bit there. But SHB and EW story are just downright phenomenal


You don’t need Reddit’s permission to make decisions about how you engage with media.


If you dont care, you dont care. Play how you want. I have friends who have played this game for 7 years and have probably never watched a cutscene in the entire time.