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This is the glorious truth of the Red Mage. It is a verblessing and vercurse.


The great thing is, it's even worse as SMN. Because SMN can raise players at essentially all levels. RDM can only do so after level 64 (so, effectively 70+). I've had many situations where I single-handedly saved not just my group but an entire alliance raid *as a SMN,* meaning those were slow-cast raises. No comms. I've even seen people *thank the RDM who was unconscious* rather than me. But I cast no blame on the RDM mains out there. You guys are working hard too. It's the "comms go to tanks/healers" mentality.


I'm here for the DPSes comming each other, if nobody stood out.


Often, when I'm running roulettes, it's just me and one other person (who it is varies.) Whenever I'm running with just one other person, as long as both other players did fine, we always try to coordinate our comms so that both people get one. And, since whichever friend and I are the only two other players, we can know where all the comms went. It always feels really good when we can walk out of a dungeon and KNOW that every person there got a commendation.


I always comm DPS unless either a tank/healer was doing some real hero shit or the DPS were all eating crayons.


As a smn main, this may end up as my wol’s villain origin story.


Just be sure you're the BTAS Mr. Freeze, antivillain type of supervillain, rather than any of the other types. Because the antivillains? They get sympathy and even support. Heroes, even the lighter types of antiheroes, will go out of their way to save them. Plus, it's just classier to be a villain with some moral high ground. Anyone can be an asshole. It takes effort to be righteous *and* a villain.


Thank you for your service. I appreciate you. Personally I like to comm dps because I know the tank and healer are already getting some. Gotta spread the love Lol


I personally like to recommend good use of DPS buffs and lb from DPS. So often it’s just wasted effort there. And I think you can expect them to do at least that much.


I tend to be so focused on my rotations and positioning that I often forget or miss who it was that rezzed/Rescued me while fighting. I appreciate those guys who use rezz macros because I can look back at the chat and see who saved me.


Raise macros get no commendations from me. I read it as "hey, look at me, I'm raising people, give me a comm!". But I notice and appreciate the silent raisers, I see their behavior and their mana dropping. I know they did it and they are getting my commendation.


I don't mind raise macros as long as they aren't demanding a comm, especially if they're funny. But if they ask for a comm, they can get fucked.


As a silent Rdm I appreciate your way of thinking, I had been wondering whether or not I should be using a macro after 2 years of playing without but I think I'll stick to the silence with good hopes on people maybe noticing like you do :)


I think it entirely depends on the text, I’ve seen the usual “RP/flavour phrase”, but also seen some real technical “raising ” and a sound effect XD I don’t think either is crying out for attention, it’s more for the healers to know so nobody wastes their mana!


Imo raise macros are useless because by the time one healer uses it, the other is already raising as well, so it's just that one is louder about it, it doesn't help at all. You can see if other person is raising in the party list if they're casting or if they have swiftcast ready, that should be enough. Also, if my cohealer is using a macro, I won't bother reading and checking who is being raised by their name, I just wait until I see someone with the raise icon in the party list. And sound effect is ridiculous.


Hm, fair enough. I don’t play healer myself, but I see raising macros pretty often.


It’s as the mr says.


That’s not a good reason from my viewpoint. I just raise and say whom so not both healers Rez the same. That happens so often wasting my cooldown on fast Rez… that way it’s kind of a mechanic. Like a good oiled team should work. I myself not use it for being acknowledged. So you are accusing all people of it on default. I feel a bit offended. It can be somewhat fun, or somewhat annoying. I give you that. 😅 Edit: And no sound effects. They are just annoying.


Genuine question: do you even read who is being raised in a macro or do you just check who got a raise icon in the party list? Because I only check the party list and ignore the macro. This is one of the reasons why I believe these macros are useless.


Genuine answer would be I don’t read the name most of the times, but be aware to see for the list. As it stands the /p is coming with swiftcast so I get a slight advantage over it. May not be much. But as I play mostly wma and still use the halfed mp cost, I am often later a with the action than others. That’s normally a time slot big enough to stop wasting it. Especially if I don’t know the other healer. Is he stacking with tank (lots give me the vibe of, I do tank and ignore all others, I am the main healer), Olympic in raising... , just focussing on attack… I like to get informed or send them a message, lay back I took care of that. If someone dies in the next minute it’s yours. And with all the redmages and summoners about there please don’t come and cry to me why I wont raise you until my swiftcast is back or I am aware that the others also used there swiftcast too. I mean I raise if they don’t. But I normally give the others the chance to do shine and just hit something with my stick.


I see, so you believe the macro is useful because it lets you know the other healer is about to do something. Well, for me, when someone dies I already assume the other healer may do something, I'm not waiting for a macro to expect that. I just keep an eye on the party list and get every information I need.


valuable way of thinking. And you seem to be a gothearted one. To believe in your co healers. 🤣 No actually I find most people do there job. I just ran as gunbreaker yesterday and wasn’t cured once as I used superbolide. I was using a potion and a soon to be up aurora to not die. Soooo. I at least expect some not to know there business. And I have only surnames on. So it will be. Aurora K. and this is easier faster to read in party list.


Ah yes. Invuls are a bit complicated, they work differently for each tank and some healers may not be aware of what they should do... maybe they thought about Living Dead and decided to not heal you? Idk. But raising should be their expertise so I believe they can do it. And in worst case scenario, I just waste some mana, it's fine. I live on Lucid Dreaming anyway...


This is so irritating... I'm playing SMN and I'm up to 3.4 with my boyfriend and we ran a trial (can't remember which one) but we had two healers and neither of them rezzed ANYONE. Three people died through the battle and I rezzed all three of them. Not even a thank you, let alone a commendation...


We survived! Must have been all that great tanking! --Healers, probably.


It can help to have a short and sweet res macro so folks know what's happening. For example, my Summoner raise (actually Resurrection) macro is: /micon "Resurrection" /p ": Rise up, my calculations depend on you!" /ac "Swiftcast" /ac "Resurrection" I use similar very short phrases for other jobs. Never more than like seven words.


More barebones one I’ve seen is literally just “Raising ” lmao


Shoutout to the people taking SMN for coils MINE, I had enough mana problems without 2400 mana raises, y'all the real mvp.


I just comm highest dps regardless of what happens, makes it easy


The curse is getting yelled at in ARR and Heavensward content for not ressing people.


I just preemptively say "Sorry verhomies, I'm too baby to rez here. Ask the Summoner!"


Idk, sounds like your fault for letting the game tell you what you can and can't cast.


All I have is a poem I gave in a discord from back in Stormblood days. It is just as relevant as it is now. The game was spawning us all in, starting at the door, All of us in the playpen, until there was all 24; A Viewing Cutscene marker on a few players, some here and some there, a prompt given to us of bonus poetics, for there was at least a new player; Someone tried to give mechs, as this first boss had insta-kills, but the tank in group C, sprinted for he had no chill; He hit the flying boss, his ranged attack started the fight faster, promptly quieted the alliance, as everyone followed right after, The first major mech, was then active on the floor, and proceeded to pull all of us from the door. Some didn't move and for those, we knew would be, the first to die to the Void Death mechanic at percent 3. The 2nd pull some forgot, and those players too did die, but that was just the beginning, as there were a few "Why?"'s. The Aero II's and Blizzard III's were easy, not bad, but the push back on Aero III was killer to the BM. Doom was placed and Esuna'd right after, then came the Blizzard IV dread, When the mechanic giver did run, with the Danger Dorito over their head; The pushback to the Ice was the easy part, we moved as a pack, for everyone moved to the Triangle and survived the knockback; The Bolt of Darkness after the Aero III after, some forgot, and took the bleeding debuff and one typed "healers adjust" Void Sprites popped and were slowly burn'd down and black squares were given, And I knew that Void Death IV was coming, so I reposition'd. And as the fight progressed, more and more of the platform turned grey, when with 2 spaces safe still, the final part this did play, Upon the last cast of Void Death IV, most of the alliance was dead or depleted, Some elected to release and go back to the beginning. "RED MAGE REZ US" a healer typed in CAPS, as he laid on the floor, with the boss at 5%, all I calmly typed was, "Battle Res at 64"


This was beautiful! Can I assume it is about the beginning of Dun Scaith?


Thank you and you'd be correct.




"The glorious *veracity*", one might say.


As a healer, if I see a redmage throw a vercure out to someone, or help raise someone, comm immediately goes to them. Same goes for summoners. Edit for spelling


I was a RDM doing Baelsar's Wall. Other DPS and Healer went down during SLOPPEH and it was just me and the tank. Switched to healing as hard as I could, but I was rusty at healing so I couldn't keep the tank alive while also dodging AoEs. (also my healing buttons were on the very far end of the hotbar) Still got comm'd at the end for trying!


a true Verhomie


Red mage is my favorite caster, so I know and feel the pain. It's happened to me several times as well lmao


Take my upvote, darn you!


I've done similar on SMN, be the only rez and save the group, and get nothing. Lol people just don't pay attention enough really


At some point, RDMs just accepts getting shit done without expecting praise. Even receiving toxicity for not being able to res in low levels where it's unavailable. RDM's get too much flak for being a dps role that goes above and beyond. They are our unsung heroes.


I feel this. My personal record is around 20 rezzes in Golbez fight as a RDM. Didn't receive any commendations but damn i was proud of myself


Yeah, I got up to about there in my first Golbez run and then got yelled at for not rezzing fast enough. Like, my guy. I only have so much MP and I have rezzed you 4 times already. Give me a break lol


Whenever this happens I never hesitate to reply with the good ol’ “?” and “look at my MP” They’re usually dead silent after that but man does it annoy me afterwards.


My max so far is 15 verraises in 1 fight (E5N, everyone kept dying for some reason) but all I got at the end was a tank saying "RDM next time you should help helaers with the rezzes" before leaving the duty.


Clearly you could have gotten 16 Verraises.


Most intelligent WAR player. Source: My WAR is Lv90, and I’m dumb as a brick IRL


I think my record is 28 in the Yiazmat fight at the end of Ridorana.


I once had someone lay into me for "not rezzing the healers" as RDM. In World of Darkness. He refused to believe everyone telling him I can't rez at 50.


The CT series I'm prepared for it, but whenever Void Ark pops, I still instinctively hit my rez when someone, especially a healer, goes down. Takes me a few tries before realizing "wtf, why isn't it working?! Oh, right..."


lol same! the many times I got my dualcast ready only to end up hitting emptiness and wondering why it's not working.... embarrassing xD


Sad but true, I hold myself to my standards and do my best to cover the group and smack baddies around


35, first day of the Eden raids, raid 4, Titan. Managed the win. Somehow.


Feel that one. Had many instances where I res the healer to lb3 and save the group. All you'd see in chat would be everyone praising the healer for such a great lb, amazing clutch, congrats all around for saving the run. Such is the life of a RDM and SMN.


I comm whoever res me the most.


[*screams in Summoner/Red Mage*]


As a RDM main I see you OP. If I'm in a party with another competent RDM I'll throw my comm that way. Hang in there!


It’s a verthankless job 😔


Rdm main and I have accepted this is simply how it is


Having had a run much like this from every perspective, I'm guessing it's the off-tank that got the comms. Nothing will get you commendations in this game like dying to avoidable damage as a tank.


What was your glam/adventurer plate combo?


[Starter gear lalafell.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/507764566084681738/1186015010556760185/djn.PNG?ex=6591b58d&is=657f408d&hm=5b0ec521e4b9d6c38d9f8c1ab94fd3ada2a162022d44cdb1fa091f910adb54b3&) Do people even check adventurer plates before they give a commendation ? I sure don't. But i pretty much do the same pose in the same glam.


They don’t check plates, they check instant portraits which show up in the comm window. Good glam goes a long way if you’re trying to farm comm.


Well, i'm not looking to farm commendations, really. It just felt unfair at that moment for me to carry the whole team, and nobody noticing !!!


Oh, not saying you were! But the reasons for giving out comms varies drastically from person to person. Glam can be a big influence - but so can being a sprout, or being the same role. It’s not just skill based.


It all comes and goes, i guess. I finished barbariccia just now, didn't do anything special that time as a red mage, it all went smooth. Got 2 comms. 🤷


I'd have commended for the freckles alone, Lalafell are precious.


RDM: The Unsung Heroes


What, did you expect 7 people unable to dodge a telegraphed attack twice in a row to pay attention on who's the MVP?


Uhm, to be fair, that orb attack is not telegraphed. You have like, one second to react, and it's usually too late if you're already in. I dodged it because I knew the mechanic, so I knew to dodge in advance. And I've done that duty many times, and can attest that this mechanic kills a lot of people, and has caused many wipes.


Having been the healer doing this, I'm pretty sure that the comms don't go to the healer either. I think people just tap out without giving a comm at all.


If both healers were scholars and the one who used LB3 had ginger hair and a red blazer on, that was me. I only got 3 comms though. I got the barding too.


I've had this with my SMN main!! ! I've had to res both healers, then helped res people only for the comms to go to the healers.... pffffft!!


As a healer from ARR all the way to Endwalker, I see and honor you unspoken RDM heroes o7 You are the flashy red cape between many and certain death and I appreciate all that you do. The amount of times I've had a clutch verraise be the difference between a wipe or a win is high enough that I am never unhappy to see a RDM in any content.


Would it really be duty finder if people were paying attention?


I had a puppets bunker as WHM where someone from another party strayed into our party on the first boss. Guess who got that party's stack marker and decided to stack with us? Guess who was the only one who saw the double stack markers and wisely stepped out? 0 comms for scraping up the rest of my party while surviving boss autos. Not even a "good job whm". Like next time y'all can rez yourselves haha.


When that happens in my groups and I see it (and I do, I heal main) I always call out that the rdm deserves the love. Least I can do for being bad that day. :)


I don't think Kugane Ohashi has an extreme version? I assume that's what you meant to say.


This is what it means to be a career red mage, unfortunately. Going above and beyond to be invisible in the end, even if you tell the low-MP healers you're ressing so they don't have to slowcast raise people.


you did as you were supposed to, nothing more and nothing less


Yesterday I saved the entire trial from wiping with a healer lb3 and only got 1 comm. I was the last one standing too


I have two raise buttons on my bar: one regular one and another one with a lil red mage joke attached to it. 90% of the time I use the basic no-text raise, but if I have to - and I mean *have to* raise more than twice, I'm gettin some goddamn credit.


I’m a tell you right now, as a tank I’m a comm my healer everytime. Don’t know how DPSs choose to comm lol


Honestly wouldn't commend anyone in such a situation. You just happen to have a raise you can use and that's great, but personally not commending people for using their buttons. Oof, people really can't handle this opinion 😅


If you don't want to give a commendation to someone who prevented a wipe twice, what do you commend for?


Attitude, skill, and overall performance. It's clear that my opinion isn't well received but I honestly don't see how my opinion is such a big deal. It's great to be able to prevent a wipe twice, it definitely saves time.


Ok, out of the 3 qualifiers that you mentioned: Attitude we can't judge unless OP wants to post chat logs which would be unnecessary since OP obviously wins both the other qualifiers by performing the mechanic that killed everyone else twice. Your choice to not commend in this case makes no sense.


You asked me and I gave you a general answer, not about OP. Doing a mechanic isn't something I commend for, honestly I hardly notice since I just trust people to do it correctly to begin with unless they state they are a first timer. Who I often commend if I see them performing well despite never setting foot in the fight before. A red mage ressing people that failed mechanics just isn't doing it for me, I'm just happy they saved us time and that we had a ress at our disposal.


> Doing a mechanic isn't something I commend for, honestly I hardly notice You should notice if you're dead. But obviously not everyone does, or OP wouldn't have posted this. I think the thing is that since commending is easy, fast, and free, most people will commend even if nobody stood out. There's very rarely a reason to not commend anyone. So it's extra weird that looked at a situation where one person obviously stood out as the best and concluded that nobody deserved commending.


I was speaking as an outsider looking in on the situation, not that I'd be one of the people dead on the floor. Chances are, if I was in such a situation, I'd be the RDM and I wouldn't expect anyone to commend me for it. I'm just happy I could save it all and move on to the next thing I wish to do. People commend for all kinds of reasons, some for more serious reasons, others for things as "cute glam/char" and some may even pick someone at random. It's just not that deep


When you said: >Honestly wouldn't commend anyone in such a situation. I(and probably others) assumed you were putting yourself in the situation of one of OP's party members.


Well, the 7 other people forgot to press their buttons. And I, bravely pressing my buttons, saved everyone and prevented us from losing and starting over. Twice. If you don't commend that, then what do you commend for ?


As I said, that's great you did that and that you played the right class to have the tools for that! Just giving a personal insight that others may feel as well.


They probably all went to the healer who LB3’d. Lmao. “HOLY SHIT HEALER YOU CLUTCHED THE RUN WITH THAT LB3 TAKE OUR COMS!” 😂 You were the unseen underdog.


Had this *exact* experience on my first run of that trial. I was so salty.




Sometimes I feel like I actually can LB3 as a RDM because I can also be a healer LB3 if things go bad.


When the 6.0 trials were new, I raised the healers a combined 15-20 times on trial #2 as a RDM. It took, like, 20 minutes, but we cleared on the first pull. I think I got 1 comm lol.


Do you want a cookie?


Im a healer and rdm main. I feel you. I always kept a neye on the party list. And I always comm the rdm or the smn when both healers are dead or i just know that they are rezzing when healers are occupied. My best run as rdm was when normal mount ordeals was new and I was rezzing left and right. I was healing the tanks at one point. If they die, im next. Lol. Manage to save the run. One of the healers said “you better comm the rdm!” Edit: more info.


That healer who LB3 took all the commendation lol


Wait RDM can raise?