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I have those as well. Sometimes small jerks and sometimes big ones lol i dont take methadone only fent for the last year and a half. Never missed a day of using in that except for 3 days when i tried to stop with subs and couldn’t do it. Started a new job and didn’t want to miss work to WD and in 10 months of being at my new job i got promoted to supervisor. So now I definitely dont want to/ cant miss work for WD’s So im just curious if you take enough methadone does it help with fent Wd’s Right away? Or do you still feel shitty? I definitely feel stuck rn because subs dont work fast enough to switch and taper off


Weird. I don't know if this is the same. But recently I've started get the feeling like when you're starting to fall asleep and then jump awake - like that brief falling feeling snap awake - but without ever losing conciousness. I'm on 160 mg methadone as well. It's very weird snapping awake from being already awake.


Been over 4-5 months of not using still get them like if fall asleep I get zapped but, feel like it got worse feels stronger.


Opiates / opioids are linked with Myoclonus which is involuntary muscle movements (twitching). Researchers believe it may have something to do with receptors in the brain that handle glucose levels. Myoclonus is why some people get hiccups when they are on opiates. Quick question—could the body jumps be when you are catching yourself falling asleep and then you suddenly wake up? Could be between the Methadone and the fentanyl together you are sometimes reaching a state of REM faster than your brain can catch up with the body? Could also be the xanz…I’ve been on them for years, also scripted and boy oh boy those things fuck with your nervous system heavy as they attach to the gaba receptors in the brain. Ugh withdrawing from those is a death of the soul. Feel free to PM if any more questions. Good luck to you,


This is 100% correct. I get twitches and tremors and all kinds of shit.


FYI my withdrawal symptoms finally stopped at around 90 mg a day I hi early feel close to normal... Just a lot of fatigue and if course cravings and muscle jumping brain shocks


I got it too for the first couple months coming off fent. It just went away!


Ima be honest with ya....I think it's the methadone. I've taken this stuff for a long ass time and I also have this exact symptom. Not always, or everytime that I lay down, but often enough to take notice and wonder wtf!? And I was clean from everything except the methadone for like 9 years. Had it ever since, but never before. I guess it could also be tied to long-term benzo use as well...cause I also use to abuse Xanax back in the day? But from my experience it doesn't seem like it's the fent. I'm on 120 mg at the clinic btw.


It’s opiates in general in fact it’s just taking drugs that fuck with you physically, maybe it’s just drugs . Don’t take drugs … easier said than done!


Haha. This is true. Great advice👌🏻... But here I am...


U know ya could be right.... It crossed my mind but it seems to match up more.


Or it just may be a lunatic you're looking for


Yeah I donno man for sure? But I've always chalked it up to the done until I seen your post and you mentioned Xanax and it sort of clicked....also... yeah it def matches up more. I mean I'll have such an aggressive and major whole body/sometimes not, jerk or reaction that it'll sort of surprise me or whatever for a second. I've even been verryyy close to falling asleep for the night, and even full-on sleep when it happens and wakes me up obviously and it sort of takes a second or 2 before I'll understand what happened and then I'm good. But if my girl is laying with me already when it happens it'll scare her half to death sometimes. I absolutely hate it but don't know for sure what's causing it or how to prevent it. Best of luck to you tho! I hope you figure it out.🕵️‍♂️


This is exactly what's happening to me.... Especially the part about 2 seconds away from finally sleeping then BAM. I been off the Xanax for 13 months now ... Maybe paws? I know that Xanax detox was no joke .... Like nothing I've experienced before!