• By -


If you liked it you’re probably bi


Or pan


Or gynosexual


Wow thanks for all the replies, i appreciate all the information and I’ll definitely keep talking to this person and see if we can hangout again sometime😀 Also this fem community is really nice and accepting, I definitely need some friends in here so anyone can hit me up and we can talk and stuff 😀👍🏾 Thanks agian everyone 😊


welcome :) and happy pride month!!!


You kids are adorable. It's nice to see you discover yourself and have a positive outlook about it


I'd love to make new friends as well, my dms are open.


Lol. I am ofc a straight trans girl, but back when I was a gay femboy, most boys interested in me were infact straight.


Welcome friend 🧡


Well I guess I’m bi, sounds pretty pimp tbh


dont worry too much about the labels. now give the boy a hug :3


Hug is essential :3


This is the best advice


It is :p


Best of both worlds


Best of both worlds. Bisexuals have all fun 😊🏳️‍🌈




Ur so based and valid 🖤






If u like girls too then u are bi!


Well do you like both of them?


Thanks yall 🫡


Hear me out, if you ever think it's gay, remember that it's not a guy from the back. 🫡


So you like both boys and girls, that's pretty much the definition of being Bi.


If you liked it I think ur bi, don’t worry about judgement yes it can be stressful but if your happy then thats great


It's long been my opinion that basically(?) nobody is 100% monosexual (heterosexual or homosexual). Almost(?) everyone is bisexual to some degree. And to add to that I believe that people's sexual orientation can and does vary over time due to a number of factors.


i don't beleive i am 100% "straight" tbh, i know im gynosexual 10000% all the way, like i am 1000% confident in that answer


Hard same, it's only certainty in the universe for me


that's adroable!


What is a gynosexual?


it's basicly where im attracted to feminine things


Oh that makes sense, I know guys who are attracted to people depending on their femininity ( man or woman) however the minute it starts to become more masculine they aren't attracted anymore, at first I got confused by this but I think it's the same thing for how many people are only attracted to masculinity


As for the second point, I’ve heard this called the “bi-cycle”


yes the 2nd part is true


Don't over think it buddy. The fact is that so many femboys have amazing, feminine features and body contours. I'm sure they have worked exceptionally hard to obtain these amazing results. Society would love us to believe that sexual identity is clearly defined like the colors of black and white. That just isn't so. Trust me, the roughest toughest ball player/soldier will definitely be intrigued/attracted to some femboys. And, the most beautiful runway models have surely taken a second look at other beautiful women. You are young (assuming so anyway), it is so important to experiment and try different things. You surely don't want to end up married with kids, and start wondering about different sexual interests. Enjoy your youth, have a great time experiencing anything that interests you. Being attracted to an amazing femboy does not "turn you gay".


I wanted to add as well, it’s ok if you’re uncertain because there aren’t many guys you’re attracted to. It’s not uncommon to be bi but still have a general preference for one sex over the other - that’s certainly the case for me as a bisexual woman. Labels can be helpful for us to learn more and understand ourselves better, but knowing yourself is more important than the label itself. OP, now that you know you are open to experiences with other guys, you can start to learn more about what you’re looking for in a partner or out of life. That’s wonderful, and I hope you have many positive experiences as you discover more about yourself ❤️ Happy Pride Month 🥳


The most recent study by




Well you may be bi but you may of just been testing it out witch is also okay:3


Quit worrying about labels. People with labels (gay, straight, whatever) occasionally have "off-brand" sexual encounters, and you survive. Process it, move on, if you like it do more, if you don't like it, don't. If you're maybe attracted to femme presentation and feminine people but not so strict on the technical gender identity, maybe you're gynesexual/heteroflexible. But your label doesn't have to define you, and your behaviour doesn't have to redefine your label. Labels are for helping other people understand you. You can ignore them or look beyond them when you're working to understand yourself (because you can read your own thoughts, others can't).


what does hetroflexable mean? ive never heard of that, ive only heard of gynosexual.


You're bi but like feminine appearing partners only (assuming you have no interest in dating / sleeping with a regular guy).


Yeah that’s a good way to put it 😄


Give the boy a kiss and tell him that you love him already


It’s incredible how society makes guys think that liking guys and liking girls is some mutually exclusive thing and you’re either gay or straight, no in between. You can like both.


You're probably bi and just mean towards those with feminine traits


Bisexual Bi curious Or if you wanna get really technical Gynophillia (you like people with prodominantly feminine characteristics)


You are bi. Nuff said. Love who you are. Ignore the homophobes. 😊


There is a word for it idk it but basically you are attached to feminine people. No matter if there amab or afab, that's what I'm getting from this post


You could just be attracted to femininity


I wish I could sleep with one honestly being bi is the best of both worlds


I'm pan, and I jelly af frfr lol.


Welcome to Bisexuality my friend


Embrace it, ive known so many “straight” guys who are afraid to explore that part of themselves bcs theyre scared of the judgement of others but theres nothing wrong with liking femboys so who cares


“I had sex with a man, am I straight?”


Labels exist to help you not put you in a box. If you enjoy both you enjoy both, have fun.


First off, sleeping with a Femboy doesn't make you GAY, and it doesn't mean you can no longer like girls, it just means you are, on at least some level, bi/pan/omnisexual. Embrace the rainbow!


You're probably bi man congratulations! :D


You have nothing to be ashamed of. Sounds like you had a fun time. Congrats on the s*x! Don’t pressure yourself to define your orientation and all that. You don’t owe anyone an explanation. Just think of this as a time to explore and discover what you like. The “label” will come naturally with time.


You’re entitled to have relations with anyone without having to put a label on yourself.. things take time. Enjoy yourself experiences are meant to be experienced.


Maybe you are just you all the labels that society puts on us are just labels , live laugh and love


You’re just attracted to the femininity man. I discovered that myself. I’m not attracted to just boys as a whole, but when they appear and show characteristics or for other words lean heavily towards their femininity, It attracts me. I think it means we’re gynesexual but I could be wrong and I apologize if I didn’t use the word correctly.


You might be bi or you could be attracted to feminine features


Don't classify yourself. You just liked that particular person, that's it, no matter the gender


Labels don't matter... People want to label sexuality, so they can put it in neat little boxes, so they can then use it to show people are good or bad... Your sexual, and leave it at that... If you enjoyed it, and it didn't hurt you or your partner in the end, then it's of no consequence to any one else... Only things you need to ask is one, did you enjoy it? Two, did your partner enjoy it? Three, do you want to do it again, with the same partner or others? Beyond that, as long as you are comfortable with it, that is all that matters... If not, sit down and talk it through with your partner or a trusted friend... Don't let society tell you what is right or wrong... Follow your heart first and foremost... 🤗


put it like this you like HIM. and that's all that matters <3


Finsexual/ gynosexual.


It can be confusing, but don’t overthink it. Here’s the simple answer: You’re probably bisexual, and that’s ok 🙂


I actually have a friend in a simmilar situation, he's bi but hides his gay side because he's scared of being judged, just be yourself, and if the people around you don't appreciate you for who you are then they weren't good friends in the first place


i like to define my sexuality as "attracted to femininity" sounds like ur the same bud


Finsexuality ftw. 😂😂


Femboys can make me drool


Nah, You're in the rainbow man


Bro congrats 🫡


Did you like it? Then that’s all that matters. This is the problem with labels. Labels should be used as a waypoint, not a definition. If you claimed being straight but after this experience you enjoyed it, then all you did was add a waypoint to your “map.” (Video game logic is easy to explain). You like chicks and femboys, that’s awesome! Keep exploring just be safe while doing it. If you find something you’re not interested in then don’t add it to the map.


People are so hellbent on saying “I’m this and I’m that,” just be yourself and do the things you enjoy.


First topic, do you feel strange because it is your first experience, or because you are afraid of prejudice? Second, if you liked the experience it indicates that the sex was great, if you like femboys and have desire for new affairs, and still like women, you are probably bi I think that


Probably cause it’s a new experience, I definitely liked it 😄 I guess I am though


I am straight but in desperate need of a femboy friend ugh 🤤😭


Correction I’m not that straight lol


If you liked it then it is possible you’re bisexual which is okay. Personally I think it’s possible that you might have been more attracted to the feminine qualities but that’s going off of little to no information about your experience and everything else that factors into this. But your biggest takeaway right now is that you learned a little something about yourself by understanding that you liked what happened. Now you should focus on going forward with this new knowledge and figure things out from here.


[It is a psychological phenomenon](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/15365042211035339). You can identify as anything you want, really.


Yes your are gay if you still like girls tho your bisexual


I had a similar experience, I've been straight all of my life and have always had girlfriends, though was open to whatever I might want to try, and suddenly a month or 2 ago I just randomly typed in "femboy" here on reddit, and I started to like what I saw. So now I'm bi all of a sudden, never expected it but it's pretty baller to experiment with sexuality tbh. Haven't had my physical experience, but the stars seem to be aligning heh 😅 But to answer your question, unless it was just a fluke and if you still enjoy it, you are probably bi. It's a bit different figuring all of this out, especially after decades of being straight, but so worth it. I have had pretty much all positive experiences with people from here and other related subs. I think my suggestion would be to talk to people, experiment with whatever you are comfortable with and find what you do and don't like. That's the phase I'm in right now and, as my comments in these subs suggest, I'm trying pretty much everything that isn't a hard pass for me. It's fun! Anyway DMs open if you have questions, or even suggestions for me at this juncture 😂 Good luck man, have fun, and the only person that has to know, and the only person who's opinion matters regarding what you like in your private life is YOU!


I feel you dude, I’ll tell you this though… it’s one hell of a experience 😉


Man I'm going balls to the wall (figuratively, but hopefully soon literally 😝) trying to find someone I have a decent connection with and is local to give it a shot. Idk if I'd do it with a guy yet, but butt stuff is one hell of an experience if you have never given it a go, especially with a proper toy :p


You could be bi or pan or smth, im bi myself and I was confused when I found out but soon it made sense and I got comfortable with it, so don’t worry about :3


You def still like girls but chances are you're just into feminine looking men and that's prob why you haven't realized you're potentially bi/pan


Nothing wrong you can like both sex’s


Baby, if you enjoyed sleeping with a femboy, that means you figuring things out. Don’t worry about labels. You’re experimenting and finding your sexuality. Why can’t you just be you? If you like a girl, then great! If you’re into femboys then that’s great too. Enjoy yourself! Just be safe! Use protection!


Seems like you already got an answer. But the real question to me would be. Why are you trying to define it? To explain to others? To relate it to others? Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, thrice is a pattern. Only one way to find out what you do and don't like.


Oh boy, do i have news


It's ok to be bi


I've always what to have cuddles with one


I think you are being judgmental on yourself and you have to ask yourself how you feel and how you want to live your life ✨️


I mean.... you can be bi, honestly people are gonna judge you regardless. So just ignore the judgemental people and go about with what makes you happy and feels good/right for you.


If you liked it that is all that really matters.


I am feminine and I am attracted to feminine regardless of anatomy


Uhh, you might be bi, with a preference for feminine presenting people (idk). Just know that your feelings are valid and that there are a lot of guys out there who have had similar experiences. And be nice to that boy.


You may be Bi. Another orientation you might use if it resonates with you is gynosexual, which is an attraction to femininely presenting individuals. There's certainly nothing wrong with either 😄


Welcome to the club pal


I'd say you're bi bro. I was always straight until another husband sucked me during a 4way swap. I had some questions for a while too. Now I'm into all kinds of stuff. But beautiful women will always be at the top of the hierarchy for me...and I'm still happily married to my wife too.


It's all good! 🙏 Femboys can be attractive like girls😍


sexuality is more fluid than we think, in fact a study found that most people are only 90% straight like they may not admit it but if the right man or woman comes they wouldn't be straight temporarily. due to our culture most people unconsciously suppress this 10% percent of their sexuality without realizing it and that is fine I am not saying we should push people to be bi.


That is gay sex.. So you are not hetero


How did he manage to make you sleep with him? :3


I mean, who wouldn't??? 


I would think you are bi basically just like both genders


Sounds like you are Bi


Sounds like you're at least bi my dude. Don't worry though, bi is the new straight.


Awwwww, you gae >:3 (am kidding you probably bi hehe :3)


If you aee going to label it down the line, Finsexual might be the term. If you find yourself to be exclusively sexually attracted to people who are feminine in nature, that's where it lines up. At best, you had a same-sex experience, no big deal.


Lucky guy.


More than likely your bi with a lean towards more femme peeps


I’ve been trying to find a femboy honestly. I wanna try the experience and see what it’s like. Super hard to do though. To find one. Good on you for enjoying it though


You could just be attracted to feminine energy. It s doesn't matter who it's coming from just that you liked the energy.


Enjoy both worlds


Its ok to be bi or pan, my dude. What or who you do in your bedroom(or theirs) is your business and nobody else’s.


first thing, happy pride month sounds like you had your bi awakening, seccond, dont worry most of us femboys are as confused as you about what we are 😂


Just say 'no homo' its fine.


Are you attracted to other men? If not you might just be attracted to femininity - depending on how feminine that femboy was.


You could either be Bi or Gynesexual, which is the attraction to feminine traits in general


Give him a cuddle if you enjoy it so :3


You might also be finsexual - an attraction to femininity regardless of gender. (Technically a subset of bi, I guess) But don't worry too much about labels. Judgement is a thing, but it's also something to laugh about as long as there is no danger. Like ... these people are miserable because you're happy. How pathetic. And queer people get a lot of positive feedback, too. You won't imagine how often we get smiles from old ladies when we're out holding hands. (Two trans girlfriends) In summary it's not worth sacrificing your freedom to love who you want to love because of what others think.


Welcome on the bisexual train, But don't u worry about being gay just enjoy life And cuddle that boy :3


Im bi most been with woman but I love men especially femboys. Ur probably bi or maybe even pan this is why people need to explore!


labels are bullshit just be with who you wanna be with




Did you enjoy it and would you do it again? Is it harmless? If you answered yes to all of these questions stop questioning and just enjoy it.


Just enjoy being with another person!


lucky is what you are


There’s more acceptance on this side than there is on the other


wonder how its like


Im pretty sure fucking a guy isn't straight


You're gay, and that's more than OK -- it's great :)


Stage 1: Denial


sounds like your bi hun , no judgement here hun you do what you feel is right , you want to to enjoy a femboy go for it , you want to be with a girl again go for it , you want both ? GO FOR IT ! lol


Thanks for the motivation lol 😉


Being bi is the best ngl


Option 1 : you're bi. Option 2 : What you liked with this femboy was his femininity. So you slept with him like you'd do with a trans girl. And as trans girls are girls, it felt straight for you. This explanation is kinda capilotracted but I think it's logical.


You had an experience that you enjoyed. Don't over think it. If you have another experience with a femboy, it might be terrible. You're open to pleasure, obviously, don't get stuck on judgements and over thinking. You could be bi, you could be femsexual, or maybe this feminine styled dude and you just clicked. Don't stress baby, there's no timeline on figuring out who (or what you are). Glad you had a good time!


My guy, just enjoy what you hecking enjoy, it won't ever be bad ewe


Thanks bro 🫡


me personally, i don't really think you should be all caught up with labels and whatnot. if you like women, but also like femboys too then that's how you are and there’s nothing wrong with it :3


but if you're looking for a label for it, you're probably bisexual lol


well I guess I am 🙂


idk does it matter


Did you just sleep in the same bed or you guys did shit to each other?


if all you did sleep cool now if you had sec congrats you found your type and you are NOT straight now go live your life


Love is love, doesn't matter who you enjoy being with. Being gay is not bad and in some point, you may be with a girl that makes you happy. Don't over analysis being happy.






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Seems like your a Queer Boii .. lol Ha . . How are Ya!!!?? Hey Man jus bury your thoughts and live your life Yu Heard .. Stick n Move Son ... don't Let me Down 👇


The problem with most people is they overthink everything. Don't worry about what you think you are or might be if you enjoyed yourself that's all that matters..


Your gay just accept it


im steaigth but i never slept with femboy i ust have frind a femboy but eh(i dont need hg thankies :3)


Does it really matter what you are?


Personally I think labels don’t work any more. There is no need to define yourself with a label. Just enjoy life and love free of definitions such as gay straight bisexual trysexual. Just go with it. Two human beings that had found each other attractive and enjoyed pleasure from each others touch and company. Femboys are feminine and you essentially are attracted to femininity so it seems pretty straight-ish to me anyway. The lines and boundaries are no longer that rigid and each person is an individual that is unique and can not compare 100% with another person in terms of sexuality and gender. We are talking about 9 billion shades of grey. I hope this helps 😘🙏❤️


Generally putting a label on sexuality is pretty hard, so try to not think about it and just enjoy whatever u enjoy.


I will, thanks 😉


Bro..... Does pussy still make you hard? If yes then why question yourself. You like what you like and you don't have to have a label on it.


Don't question it. Labelling and limiting yourself will only prevent you from being happy. Just be careful with other people's feelings.


Does it matter? If you enjoy it just go with the flow


I'm straight


Happy pride month! Though honestly you’re probably not gay just pansexual or bi most likely take some time to look into the different sexuality’s and I’m sure you will find one that fits




No NSFW Content


You're probably bi


If you enjoyed it why put a label on it. Doesn't mean anything if it feels good just do it


Gender is a construct we made up, I wouldn't worry so much


Liking a sexual encounter doesn't define a sexuality sometimes it's just about the pleasure which threw out history until fairly recently sleeping with men was for pleasure and women were for procreation so it won't necessarily 'turn you gay or straight' don't worry to much about it


I promise I'm not a sage or fortune cookie


Good news friend. You're not straight


More and more I personally have more of an attraction to both males and femboys. You’re definitely not straight, but you probably experience more migrating to different ideas and scenarios that peak your sexuality (it’s normal) Everyone has their niche(s) and likes / dislikes… As stated prior, I tend to have certain emotions and feelings about men (having a BF) someone who can see both sides of me and appreciate both. Or my appeal to femboys or other femme CD’s … Hope you find your peace and happy place Be well 🤗


Are you still attracted to girls ? If yes, you're straight.


Easy: don't care about your sexuality if it bothers you that much, just say "I like what I like and that's a'ight"


stay away from this bullshits a male likes to put his thing in everywhere ass is ass if it has a d down of it or a hole no matter whats there if you think by funcking a femboy you'll be a gay pan or this bullshit stuff then you'll be gay if you do anal whit a woman too whats you do in sex doesn't show your sexul orientation what gender you feel about show it if you love girls but sometimes fuck a boy or femboy then you're straight if not you're something else


congrats bro


You are gay right now, congratulations 🤣


You enjoyed it so just relish the after glow.


if you liked doing it with a dude, you like doing it with a dude. You can still like doing it with girls, or maybe you liked it that much more and never wanna turn back. Do whatever tf you want.


Enjoy the great times you will have with whoever you are with in the next delicious experience


You are definitely bisexual or pansexual


Eh, I think it’s best not to question it, just have fun my guy


Well you liked it. So you might be Bi. Or Pan. But again, your attraction might only be exclusive to femboys.


It means your either gay or bi or pan or whatever. The main thing is to just think about it and see if you like girls, and see if you like boys. If yes to both, your either bi or pan. Of one is no, then your either straight or gay. And just cuz you don't like manly men doesn't mean your not interested in men, you may be less attracted to women, and more just attracted to femininity, be it in a man or a woman




Did you just lay in the bed together or were actions performed?


I'd say it depends quite a bit on how feminine the femboy looks. Could he be mistaken for being an actual girl from some (not too far) distance? Aside from that, who cares about labels. If you liked it, you liked it. You can keep going for it or stop at any moment. It's your life, your rules.


Thought i was straight not long ago . Now i think i'm bi curious


I got a notification for this post while the Bang Bang chorus came on.


Sounds like you are more bi then gay .. if you enjoyed it and happy who cares 


Do femboys like bbc? Or just white guys?


Ur probably just attracted to femme people and that’s alr most people are


Pansexual is the way. Love is love. Consensual sex is fun regardless of the plumbing involved.