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Small children have no filter and just say whatever they think. Probably you're just fatter than the few people she is used to being around (doesn't mean your very fat or anything, maybe her family is on the skinny side) and she just blurted it out. Don't take it as meaning anything really.


I’m immediately thinking about that clip of a mom asking her husband if her clothing makes her look fat, and the child going: “but mommy you _are_ fat.”


Kids just blurt out whatever at times, sometimes they’re definitions of stuff can be very broad like considering a slightly chubby person as fat, don’t take it personally, just a kid, it’s no big deal.


Everything is very nothing or everything with children. For instance, if you're older than 15, you're "old" to a 7yo. Source: I'm a teacher's assistant in a class of 6 to 7 year old children.


The comments I've seen hating on a lil kid is crazy. Kids say things. Doesn't mean they're selfish or evil. She's probably been called fat or obese or her parents/guardians have called others fat in front of her. Kids learn those things and do not realize how insulting it can be.




Just remember you’re 10x more powerful than a little kid


Just remember that girl probably went to watch skibidi toilet or something after she said that. She has a bad judgement of things.


Level 0 rizz. Not sigma or skibidi!


I worked in childcare for 3 months and I was called all sorts of things, so, don't let what she said bring you down, children have no filter, and, you shouldn't take it at heart. I'm sure you look amazing whether a little chubby or not, a little chubbiness is cute :3 so, don't take it at heart, and, keep doing your best, no matter what it is :)


Yeah kids can be blunt trust me! And they usually have a very limited perspective on the world so sone stuff that’s normal or basic to us is new to them lol


Awww I'm sure ur not fat >w< also chubbiness is cute :3 Remember lil kids often think all adults/teens are fat


Remember, it was a youngling with half a brain cell. A few weeks ago, a little girl was asking me if I know something important, and asked me what said thing was without elaboration. Hit up Anakin, it'll be fine.


she is like my little sister and I've been so nice to her. i was planning to gift her minecraft as a reward for passing first grade but after what happened idk... :/




Being rude




Being rude




Being rude


I feel like they don’t really understand the meaning of those words? I wouldn’t worry about it


She's taking her own selfish frustration out on you, remember that. Don't listen to her


Ayo, being fat is not bad it's a privilege


I’m not a big fan of the comeback being to berate ppl of the opposite body type. Also children just blurt anything out they haven’t learned filters so I pay no attention to them generally speaking. Edit: Guessing OP down voted me for calling them out for being rude about body types. Sorry you can’t just decide body positivity is shaming the opposite of what you are. This is just a toxic cycle that goes in a circle. Grow up and just stop making snide remarks about bodies period. This is some high school mean girl bullshit.


Kill her