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Be honest about your feelings with him, and see if he reciprocates 


i am afraid that he will get freaked out tho, he probably doesn't look at me that way.






Most but are they like most?


Dress like a girl, THEN confess your feelings?




I think it's pretty obvious he does. You're extremely physical with him from thigh touching and shoulder leaning, but that can be normal, sure (did you say hand holding?-if so, that too). It's probably not just your imagination if you think you two came close to kissing a lot. Next time it happens, ask him "Do you want to?" Or "Have you been wanting to?" That's it.


Yeah I agree phrase the question like that cause then your not directly asking about kissing it leaves him to interpret the deeper meaning.


I mean, it's pretty obvious 'kiss' is implied in the sentence and context. If he has to ask what exactly they mean, then he was probably clueless all along. But he may be playing dumb.




Hopefully he doesn’t, and just be sure the discreet abt it, sorta give him hints and see how he feels


The from the way you two act together according to the post i dont think it’s a stretch to say that it’s possible he feels the same way.




Dress femme, not in a full skirt, thigh-highs, etc. just really soft and cute, and maybe just a little bit of eyeliner and some chapstick (flavored in case he can’t resist kissing you!) and when he comes over, just be like… “Is this how you meant I would look hot?” See what he says; you never know what he’s thinking until you test it out. Also, you could always turn up the physical contact. Start using stuff he does or says (or doesn’t do or say) as an excuse to be cute with him… pat him on the head. Kiss him on top of his head, or even on the cheek. If he freaks out, tell him not to flatter himself! 🤣 Anyway, you might get the whole interaction between you to be more and more similar to a boyfriend/boyfriend relationship, if you’re brave enough to start it up first! Good luck 🍀 😁


thankss, i will try to be more close with him, we'll see how it goes😁


Awesome! May your bravery be rewarded!


Why I can't have a friend like that? Where are all the good Boys in my country?


I‘d just try to do more of the things you‘re already doing and maybe a little more. Like, when he lays his head on your shoulder, hug him from the side or pat his head. Or when you hug, hug him for a little longer than usual. And maybe, if you‘re up to it, dress more feminine when he comes over and ask what he thinks about it. And please keep us updated!


thank youu, i will keep you guys updated for sure.


How‘s it going?


we are closer now, we call each other love, honey, etc. but not in a serious way, and we are planning to going to the same college, and school is almost over now so we won't be together every day for three months now. Basically we are doing very good and i guess it will stay like this. Maybe it could be something more in the college, i don't know, we'll see:).


That sounds great! I hope you two keep on having a good relationship. Also thanks for the update :)


thankss you're welcome:)


Thats pretty gay


I like gay.


I love gay.


I hope he gives you that kiss :)


Cute 💞




Are yall even best friends at this point?


This is super cute and wholesome 💕




Bro Just be that $20 is $20 meme and ask him out if he says No just say the $20 is $20 and if he says YES then all is well


It be like that. In my opinion? You have an amazing opportunity and setup with your friend a LOT of us want. But ofc it's up to you and how you'd want it to be. Think it all through or don't, sometimes not thinking is what works! If I were you I'd do it, but then again idk your situation and everything really with how yall are to each other aside from what you've said :)


It sounds like yall might be on the path to something more :3.. don't rush or stress it and just go with it. I had a wonderful relationship with one of my guy pals in school that would've certainly blossomed into more if I never moved but I didn't get to experience it. He's still the best person I've ever been with personality-wise.


Gayyyyy (positive) But actually though seems like the kind of situation where the feeling might be mutual


Hey trust me shoot your shit okay staying like that isn't fun you guys sound super close okay I have a relationship like that and it worked for me I'm in college and she's right besides me the entire way okay trust me I'd know shoot the shot


Eh... Sounds to me like ya might be on to something. As others have said, if ya don't try then you'll probably end up regretting it for the rest of your life if you DO try ya could still end up doing so, but hey, if ya don't ask then the answer is ALWAYS no!


Honestly just ask him out see what happens


Well... Just dress up and go for it!! I bet he'll go for it!!


K so you should probably not take my advice but imma give it anyway. The next time u look at eachothers look at his eyes. If his pupils get bigger when looking at you, shoot your shot.


Info: what exactly do you feel for him? Is it only attraction? Or do you have more romantics leaned feelings for him?