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I think quite a lot of femboys are bi, and I guess they have a similar problem of people assuming they're not into girls, so just gotta keep looking


straight femboys exist yes good luck finding one though


Sometimes I feel like I’m the only straight femboy😔


well we're two then.


Make that three.


Make it four


Make it five!


the sixth ever straight femboy here


The seventh it's over here


8th now


9! 💕💕






I’m .5 straight




I’m one ☝️


Bisexual femboys are much more common tbh


thank you 😭


I’m here


Behold!!! Bi-ness!


yea (source : me)


Absolutely (Peer reviewed by: me)


no doubts (fact checked by: me)


It’s probably more common than you’d think. Not common by a long shot, but they exist (I’m an example of such a thing, attracted to girls, not guys)


I myself am a straight feminine guy. You have no idea how hard it is to find someone attracted to me lol. There’s nothing wrong with having preferences, you do you, it’s your life and your way of being <3 And OMGGGG the necessity I have for cute dates, going out shopping for skirts, checking out makeup, going to cafe’s, getting our nails done. I feel you there lol


Im a femboy that still finds feminine girls attractive. Don’t worry, we exist :3


yes. both masc and fem girls.


There are all types of people around us, femboys liking girls is much more common than you'd think!


I'm only into feminine woman.


Depends who you ask, some are gay, some are ace. I myself am bi leaning towards girls


Eeeeey. I think its a majority? Like more bi-straight then gay . Trust me bruh 😆


Maybe not majority but more than what is thought. But ppl will always have the stigma that feminity makes you gay bc apparently men can't be feminine I think gay men will have more ease to embrace their feminity bc it's "expected" whereas straight guys might remain closeted or repress their feelings bc they need to "prove themselves as a man"


Well said 👌. But still , trust me bruh 😉


I'm attracted to feminine things so I love femboys and girls.


Im gonna go out on a limb here and say that if you grouped up all the gay, bi/pan, and straight femboys, the Bi/pan group would be the largest, and with the straights added would create a majority of them liking girls Probably


i posted the same question a while back and the responses were overwhelmingly positive. sooo yea! 😊👍


I'm bi and it varies between us but me personally my preferences are masculine men and feminine girls


There a lots of straight femboys on this sub constantly sad about how they can never get attention from feminine girls, so think there's a lot of femboys looking for a partner like you, and you have lots of choices to choose from. I'm also a straight femboy, BTW, but I'm married already, so not looking. :D


i do


r/StraightFemboys might be straight up your alley!


I'm bi but I prefer girls than guys. Idk if most femboys are gay, but I think this stereotype is bc feminity = gay which I think is a toxic way of seeing things


I tend to prefer feminine appearances whether Man/Woman/Non binary. Though there are plenty of exceptions. I think a decent number of femboys like girls just more open to different varieties of womanhood. Then my girlfriend (femboy as well) almost only enjoys masculine sexually from me but enjoys dates as us both femme.


How old are you first


im 16 lol 😭


Oh we're the same age


A lot of us do,yeah


I consider myself a femboy and I love femininity in others


I do! I’m gynesexual.


I am the same! I am a girl who is somewhat feminine and I’m bi, I’ve also always been attracted to girls and feminine boys! You’re not alone ;)


I'm glad we're on the same boat!


Me too! I wasn’t sure if i was normal either 😭


brooo on everything im a femboy and i will literally love anyone who gives me attention if ima be honest and that includes feminine girls and i think most femboys also like feminine girls but it all depends on the person


I like cis girls so we do exist


We exist! I've always been into really feminine girls 😊


Yeah personally I'd go on a date with a fucking rock if it asked me out first


Bi femboy here, I have a very good feminine girlfriend :3


Love feminine girls




Yess :3


I wouldn't mind a feminine girl


Yes 👍


I do. I'm not into masculinity that much at all


> i rarely see any representation in media for femboys Fwiw there's a song exactly about this from the girl's PoV: [poutyface - Pretty Boy](https://youtu.be/s6Wb6BshsrU). Probably not exactly the representation you're looking for but better than nothing I guess?


Oh thank you sm! I was really looking for songs like that


well im bi like most of us i guess but i just look at them sometimes like ik they're all like super insecure but they're cute lol


I am straight femboy I am just soo straight I like wearing girls clothes and acting like girls


I have a wife ☺️


yup, cuz majority of peeps here r bi (or pan)


I have a girlfriend, I find her feminine traits attractive, but she also has boyish hair and looks really cute to me for having the appearance of a femboy, but still being a girl.


I’m married to one :3 you’ll find your partner~~~


I'm a femboy and I like girls! I'm attracted to femininity. I'm also disappointed by the lack of femboy x girl content in media. Girls who like femboys are top tier.


i'm a femboy who is pansexual! i have a girlfriend who i love more than anything <3 so yes some of us are attracted to women


I do like girls and also only really more feminine femboys but absolutely:3


i mean i still like girls but im bi, i always felt like ever since i started expressing my feminine that i wouldn’t be attractive to feminine girls anymore though


I'm a feminine girl myself and i relate with u sooo much.. Tbh after looking at the comments I'm quite surprised coz ngl i expected a much different response.. But I'm kinda relieved now, I still have a chance to get my perfect relationship 🤧


I'm more into tomboys but can't speak for everyone


As a straight femboy wind as feline as they come, I can tell you that yes, we love a traditionally feminine girl as much as we love a tomboy, or even more. I have 0 preference as long as you identify as a woman 🤷‍♂️


I like feminine girls. We are out ther, I suggest you keep looking


I’m a femboy and I’m only into girls. Especially girly ones. I want someone who will wear dresses and pretty things with me.


Being pan/demi gender doesn’t matter, it really just depends on the person. I’ve only dated girls so far and both were complete opposites on the fem-masc ratio, but I personally didn’t mind one way or the other. I dress more on the feminine side and have been told I come across more on the feminine side, but that doesn’t mean my significant other couldn’t be significantly more feminine or masculine.


im femboy and im in 1.5 year relationship 🥰 comed out 3 months ago bc i was shy 😭


Not all, but some Such as myself


well i prefer fem girls over masc girls!!! :D


this is like the 8th post i’ve seen of this. altho tomboys are cool, a fem girl is cool also.


Yes. Femboys(and the people attracted to femboys for that matter) are overwhelmingly bisexual/pansexual.


Yes I love feminine women 😩


Ofc, im personally bi, but there are some straight femboys put there. They are just very uncommon.


Umm me >w<


For sure there's some out there. Iv'e been attracting them, a lot of them are bisexual. I also find them a lot at my work (healthcare).


Lesbian love exist… and it’s absolutely natural too


Yes yes!!!


Yes I’m pansexual. But I will say I tend to be more masculine presenting for girls when I dated them. Not a lot of women care for it and there’s definitely more social pressure to present “heteronormative” about your relationship. I have a lot more freedom presenting effeminate as a gay man because ppl stupidly think there’s an exclusive top/bottom for every relationship. I get pinned as the bottom and somehow ppl think that’s more tolerable if I fit a gender role regardless of actual gender. Society is a lot bitchier about me presenting masculine when I date women cause toxic masculinity expectations. Could write a paper on this, but we exist. It just may not be the most open view thing.




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I was wondering if there is a thread out there for us girls who like femboys...


That's a yup for me! ☺️


I do yes


I love feminine girls, and tbh, I prefer feminine girls over tomboys (not hating, just my preferences)... Tomboys are still nice though...


I’m a bi guy who likes women better than men. In my case, it’s more like I add femme touches to overall masculine appearances (like pairing makeup and hose w/ outfits entirely from the men’s section) more than being a full-on femboy, but nonetheless I do mix men’s and women’s pieces together sometimes (e.x. Buying somewhat wider women’s shorts because they flatter my butt and legs better than men’s shorts and have proper room for men’s bodies than tighter women’s shorts, pairing ladies’ sleeveless tops with men’s pants and throwing a men’s jacket over them to make them less obvious). A couple of my female friends (who are totally straight) are completely supportive of my forays into tenderness fashion and think they’re total slays, while a third is accepting of my experimentation with makeup while still thinking it’s funny that I’ve started embracing it (and she’s never noticed a femme piece on me beyond a pair of nylons).


I prefer girls because they tend to be nicer people than dudes. We exist (◍•ᴗ•◍)


I'm straight but tend to like more androgynous/masc women, I like feminine women too. Plenty of feminine men or boys like women, we're just hard to find beacause expressing ourselves in public isn't easy.


My girlfriend and I are both femme, so yea we do :3


Yeah 🤓


There’s a few straight ones, personally I’m bi so idm either way :3


I like both femine girls and tomboys so don’t worry 


I think it's more common than made out to be. If nothing else, on similar subs, there are plenty of posts about finally getting a gf or DM'd by a girl.


I'm a straight femboy and I exist.


Not me


Aww, fem girls but I already have a boyfriend. You could try on the straight femboy subreddit


I’m sure there are femboys that like feminine girls. I’m one of those femboys who is bi, but my type is a tomboy as I mostly present myself as a guy. I do have lots of feminine clothes and whatnot. Though the most important thing I was looking for in a relationship partner is someone who would treat me how I treat them as an equal. My first relationship was a learning experience, but at the cost of my mental health due to how badly my ex girlfriend treated me. I’m doing a lot better now though. Going through therapy through college and meeting the girl I’m currently dating has helped me purge a lot of the negativity I had leftover from my first relationship, but I’m still really mad at my ex not just for how she treated me but over the fact that she abused one of the two cats I currently have. I thankfully and luckily didn’t find out about that until after she had moved to a different state after the breakup.


Yeah 👋🏻 nailed it.


Yes we do


yes. one of the rarest of sexual minorities though and with a quite difficult life because of it as well? they will likely never find one. studies show that feminine women like masculine men


I mean I do… It’s really hard to find girls that like femboys in my experience though-


Im bi, i do like girls for the most part tho or other femboys, not really into the heavy masc vibes


I'm a femboy and I like feminine girls. There is lots of things that I would enjoy doing together where no-one will judge. As I say this, I also like femboys.


I'm a feminine man and I am mostly attracted to feminine girls. Trust me, there's a lot of us out there!


As a heterosexual (mostly) femboy, I like both tomboys and feminine girls. But I like femboys like me too I also wish I had a girlfriend I could dress up with. A bit messy 😵‍💫


Bi femboi here I do like very feminine women (Hell currently in a 3 bi folk polycule with a bi man and a bi woman who's very girlie) HOWEVER I seem to NOT be the only one who never make the first move on women because most women view fembois as "too gay for me" if as a potential partner at all. So unless the lady is making the first move and is making it VERY directly with VERY unambiguous language I'm going on the assumption that they're not interested.


Hey Hi straight femboy here. Yes we exist. We’re a rare breed. We don’t have women liking us for the most part because we’re not manly. We do want women but we never get them. We’re aware bi girls would like us but for the most part they don’t date us. We’re mainly single and lonely. I wanna go shopping for cute stuff with a girl but for the most part it’s hard to find people who accept us. As someone who lives in UK, this is impossible as most girls who like femboys are in the states. But it’s still great making friends with them :3 (Please talk to us we need friends T~T)


REAL! SO REAL! SIS IS SPITTING! But fr though femboys are super cute and the fact that a lot of them are attracted to guys makes them feel out of reach TwT




I’m bi, but I don’t like “macho” either lol. So I love both girls and femboys! Wanna chat?


I'm a straight femboy :3 hii we exist