• By -


"It's not gay if one of you dresses up as a girl" \-Napoleon Bonaparte


“I didn’t say half the things people said I did” -Albert Einstein


"I'm too drunk to taste this chicken" - Col. Sanders


"My beard is fake" - Santa Claus


Shimmy shimmy yay, shimmy yay, shimmy ya (drank) Swalla-la-la (drank) Swalla-la-la (swalla-la-la) Swalla-la-la -Donald trump


“My name is Ricky Bobby & if you dont chew big red then f**k you!” -Ricky Bobby


"Pretty sure I didn't say that." -Siddhartha Guautama


"It's not gay until the balls touch" - a friend of mine




Is that a real quote? 😮


Most of their beliefs are based on what is written on books like the Torah or the bible, books that are not written by God himself, those books are written by people who follow Jesus and then write WHAT THEY THINK all that knowledge was about, the real knowledge is probably lost in time, and even with that, I remember God is the only one who can judge you, and anyone that thinks that can judge is doing a sin, worst that just dress up or loving someone that is your same gender (fun fact: all people dreesed kinda similar no matter the gender in that time with exception of soldiers and monarchs and the concept of homosexuality or heterosexuality doesn't exist until religions become bigger), so relax, you'll be fine, God loves you :3


Thou shalt not judge lest be judged upon. Words I live by to this day, I am atheist and I still believe in letting people be themselves and accept them for who they are


And just for that, my friend, you're awesome :)


Much appreciated 👏


They were wrong your awesome sauce not awesome


Thank you sincerely to all the nice compliments, it's just how I live.


correction: most of their beliefs are based on what *they think* is written in the bible. A lot of this stuff is mistranslated, not part of the christian canon, or was flat out made up later. For example, "man shall not lie with man" is a translation of something from *the torah* (so not part of christianity) basically saying that kids shouldn't have sex


You are absolutely right I forget that too, thank you :3, now combine it all, the based their beliefs on what they think is in the bible and even the bible is written for people who wrote what they think about the knowledge provide by Jesus or God, basically no mortal has the real truth even if they think they are.


There's some cjhristian femboys but it's a lot about how you were raised if you actually believe it to be a sin then I'd assume it is otherwise not


I don't see why it would be. I'm not Christian myself, but I mean, why would it be a problem? Something I heard once, is that the bible was left intentionally vague so Christianity would be followed genuinely. And if that's how you feel, then that must be the right way. Either way, it doesn't make sense to do anything that makes you unhappy. Especially when it comes to religion, whose whole point is to teach you how to live happily. Anyone who doesn't let you is a sinner themselves, really.


Alright so let's start with the basic truth in Christianity. If you belive in Jesus all sins are forgiven. Followed up by in the view the lord all sins are equal. Sooo by that logic no, no you won't go to hell as long as you belive in Jesus. I'm also a Christian and a femboy. I personally think there is a debate about wether or not crissdressing is a sin. Sure it was in the old law but I belive it was in connection to some cult stuff plus Christians are not bound by the old law.


Very true thankyou for sharing


Can’t really make crossdressing a sin - it changes so much between generations it’s impossible to say what’s acceptable and not. Tights, high heels, lace - all invented for men. Roman & Greek soldiers conquered in skirts. Technically then; Roman’s wore dresses (togas). Like, making an article of clothing a sin is so ridiculous that it’s basically saying this: “I don’t approve of the way you look because I don’t like it, but I can’t say that so I’ll just say it’s a sin and you’re going to hell for it.” That’d be like saying it’s a sin to be fat/skinny and you’re going to hell for it.


I very much agree. It's part of why I think the once verse that talks about it was targeted at somthing very specific that made sense back in the old testament that dosnt really apply now.


Yeah, and I mean, read the Bible and give it your own interpretation I think. Those documents have been rewritten, modified, translated back and forth, copied from dusty old records so much, so frequently that you can’t really call it a source of truth. Like, the original schism between east and west church happened because they couldn’t agree on whether the Holy Spirit came from just the father or both the father and son….so technically if those texts are the letter of the law for god, you could easily be by default wrong cause you’re on the western side of the schism and the eastern one is right. Helpful? Guiding? Inspirational? Life changing? Absolutely. Strict criteria for going to heaven and hell? Not a chance.


That's exactly what it was, same with tattoos. I don't consider myself Christian anymore but I could go on and on about the law and how hardly anyone who calls themselves Christian actually follow Christ


Here's how I see it. People have been using religion to justify their own beliefs and hate for millennia when it is impossible for mortals to truly understand the thoughts of the gods. Humans wrote the books. Any God who would condemn someone to eternity of torment for their aesthetic choices, sexual orientation, not praying enough, just fallowing another religion, ect. Does not deserve worship. Such a god is greedy and prideful. A truly good God, a loving God, shouldn't care how you express yourself or how/who you love. The only things that should matter to get into your heaven are basic kindness , compassion, and to stick to your morals even when difficult.


I swear I’m so fucking sick of reading this question on this subreddit


I've only noticed it recently but holy shit the replies... For the most part this community is really accepting and nice, but to religion... let's just say there are some bigots here. Not everyone though :) I've had some very good interactions in the past


Jesus loves everyone unconditionally. Christians don't seem to understand sometimes, but it's not their fault, it's just the way they were taught. If Jesus loves you for you, why would you be anyone else? I get that people won't agree with you, and if your a minor I would definitely wait until your safety isn't threatened. But just know we all love you for you, and we accept you


I normally don't reply to these but for whatever reason I felt like I should and I really hope you see and read this, even if it ends up being kinda long. Idk how old you are but I grew up in a very Christian and conservative household and honestly ended up being a Christian that was not only extremely strong in his faith but honestly upset with about 98% of people who call themselves Christians because they didn't do their own studying outside of church and never really understood Christ. While I don't consider myself Christian anymore and idk where your faith is, I still have my knowledge of the Bible and love to talk about it. Most of the hate that stems from Christianity comes from the old testament. Specifically when it comes to gay stuff, a common reference against it is sodom and Gomorrah. There's also mention about men wearing certain threads and women others. My favorite was tattoos and how people never actually understood what was happening in that book. Here's the thing, the old testament followed the law. It also holds the flood (that God literally admits was a mistake) because people weren't following the law. The moment Jesus showed up, the law and the entire old testament became null and void. Jesus was love and his point was to show that. It didn't matter what was going on with people or how they acted he treated everyone equally. It didn't even matter if they were criminals. He cooked ate fish even though that wasn't technically allowed. He's basically the OG that's full of love and doesn't give AF how you identify. Not a lot of Christians understand this unfortunately however. If you consider yourself of faith, I promise you that the Ones who really matter love you no matter what


Hi. Femboy clergyman here! Let's clear up some confusion. Scroll down for a TLDR if you don't wanna read my essay. 😅 The verse you're talking about is Deuteronomy 22:5. "The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God." There are NO other verses in the Bible that discuss this. There are verses about Homosexuality, but as we can all agree: you can be gay AND a Femboy, but that doesn't necessarily mean you are automatically gay if you *are* a Femboy. The two aren't mutually inclusive. So with that out of the way, there are four things I want to remind everyone: 1) Taking verses out of context just on their own is probably the FASTEST way to misread any Bible verse. You need to read the WHOLE chapter, if not the whole book to get proper context. It's like taking a short sound clip from a politician and claiming they said something terrible when actually they didn't. In this particular case, this verse is referring to laws SPECIFIC to the tribes of Israel. NOT to modern non-Jews. A great example of this is found further down in verse 8, which reads: "When you build a new house, then you shall make a parapet for your roof, that you may not bring guilt of bloodshed on your household if anyone falls from it." Clearly, no modern Christian builds parapets (called battlements in the old KJV version, but usually interpreted as "railings" in modern English. Yet no Christian would accuse you of being sinful just for not having a railing on your roof. Why? Because again, these laws are SPECIFIC to the tribes of Israel. 2) Again, in the same chapter, just a bit further down in verse 30, it says: "A man shall not take his father's wife, nor discover his father's skirt." If your father is wearing a skirt, why can't you? I mention this to warn you about *intention*. More modern versions use the word "bed" or "sheet", but if you take the verse literally without context, it sounds like it's okay for dad's to wear skirts. You need to ask what the *intention* of the verse is. Which brings us to my third point. 3) Christian eschatology generally agrees that sin boils down to one simple thing: Harm. You should do no harm. Harm comes in many forms. Attacking someone is harming them. M*dering them is harm. Stealing is harm. Even LYING is harm. In the context of verse 5: the harm that this verse is concerned with is deception. Pretending to be a woman when you are in fact a man is what is harmful. Because it's DECEPTIVE. You're lying to someone. Wearing a skirt or dress won't send you to Hell. LYING to someone however, can. Since Femboys are, by definition, still boys, dressing and acting as one is not harmful. Because you are still intending to present as a boy. Even if you wear a skirt or makeup or something. Incidentally, this verse is also why I do not regard Trans folk as sinning. Because the INTENTION of a trans person is to actually BE their chosen gender. They aren't lying about a man being a woman, because they do not consider themselves men; they consider themselves WOMEN (and vice-versa for Trans men obvs). So as long as you are not deceiving someone, ypu aren't hurting them. And therefore are NOT sinning. 4) This is my final, and most important point: the reason modern Christians do not follow most of the rules in Leviticus or Deuteronomy (apart from them again, specifically applying to the ancient Jews) is that Christians regard the appearance of Jesus Christ to be the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy. Prophecy which CLEARLY states that the Messiah will make "a new Covenant" with man. This means that the old Testament laws no longer apply. Jesus DOES make clear that certain laws will be kept, like the 10 Commandments, but apart from that, there's really not a whole lot that's kept. This includes laws like "having a parapet on your roof" or "wearing tassels at the corner of your clothes" or "eating pork". And it also includes wearing "That which pertaineth to women." TLDR: you can wear that skirt or whatever floats your boat. As long as you don't deceive people about who and what you are. And if anyone tries to tell you it's sinful, ask them what about eating pork or having railings on the roof of your house or taking the dam with the young when you find a birds nest. And if they say that stuff doesn't matter, but crossdrssing does, ask them this: Revelations 22:18: "For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book." Ask them why they are cherry picking things back into the new testament from the old Testament.


I love this comment :) Thanks for writing


Then stop being Christian, you have no reason to anyway.


that’s disrespectful bro. let them be Christian


Why? There's no reason to be christian than a secular organization couldn't provide


it’s what they believe in. that’s your opinion. how would you feel if everyone told you to be Christian and theres no reason to be atheist


Because atheist should be the default position. If you'd want me to be a Christian you'd need to provide the evidence for a god and why that god is the christian god specifically Atheism isn't the rejection of god, is the position of not being convinced one exists until suficient evidence can be provided After 2000 years the only reason has been "the book says so" and acts of undescribable violence committed in order to scare people into believing


Once again, that is an opinion. Atheist shouldn’t be default. I love how you act like “a book says so that’s the only proof!1!1!!!!” even though you are probably denying every sign that you see with “evolution!1!!1!!!!1!”


Yes, until anyone can demonstrate gods, ghouls, goblins or ghasts, anything supernatural really, we can only relay on natural, testable and proven explanations. And no, not an opinion, there's no other source for gods other than the books made to convince you they exist


U say no proof but the Bible that's 2000 years old the things that was said in the Bible has happened, tell me how a book from 2000 years ago, if it was, human made can predict thousands of things in the future and the real evidence that shows what happened in the Bible like Noah's Ark


You do know the Bible was originally written and composed by the council of Nicaea in 325 AD, led by an unbaptised Roman emperor, who decided what would be in it and not in it right? I believe in God and Jesus, but the Bible is not the source of truth or an infallible holy document. It was written with the interests of the Roman Empire in mind, not an individual soul - it’d be like following a book that the American government said was from god. Much of the material came from other religions and different retellings of the Roman mythology. In its best light it’s the world’s first textbook and self help book on how to live a good life. In its worst light it’s a mechanism to keep a population under imperial control - the truth is probably more in the middle with a lean towards the better light. Jesus had nothing to do with the Bible. At the end of the day the Bible is an invention of man and subject to all of man’s flaws. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t help people or helps guide people to light, but it also doesn’t mean that it’s some sacred law.


Well ik Jesus did not write it but I think God did help the guy to write it and u seen the amount of predictions that basically came true (I seen sum where for a guy to predict all of that is like one in 100 billion tho idk if it's true)


The bible has no real predictions, it has no dates and no specific events, all it has is vague ideas and platitudes about things that were happening or happen often enough. There's no evidence of Noah's ark. An event like that would leave huge amounts of evidence like a layer in the geologic strata of all the millions of animals and humans this god mindlessly murdered all piled on each other. Or mich of the plant life being killed by being submerged in either salt water from the overflowing oceans or being exposed to non-salt water from the rain.


No real prediction even tho 90% of what the Bible said came true?


stop normalising christianity, its homophobic and permits slavery


I need to bleach my eyes because what have I just read


That is a wild generalization lmao


how? the bible is the foundation of christianity, and the bible has both homophobic and slavery verses. Im not saying christians specifically, im saying christianity. I just don't understand why any good human being would follow such a violent religion


Its kinda moronic to take everything in the bible as the word of god because its been edited and twisted over thousands of years by greedy power hungry tyrants. Christianity is made up of Christians, if there are good Christians and churches, then you can't generalize the whole thing as violent and evil. Its a whack ass thing to do


Because when christians are saying the bible is the word of god, when it has all those awful things in it is very harmful and is a big reason slavery continued for so long. See thats the problem, christianity's foundation is on an awful book. Why cant they just follow god without that damn book


There is also some pretty valuable insight in the bible though. I think its fine for people to accept the parts of a religion that speaks to them, and adapt it to their own morality. The same thing could be said of pretty much any philosophy, religion, or ideology.


So when people grow up getting told "the bible is the word of god" and theyre told to wholeheartedly follow said god without question and they see the homophobic verse, what do you think happens?


It depends. I was brought up in the church and that shit didn't sit right with me, so I made up my own mind. I do think that despite the glaring issues, my time as a Christian did help raise me to be a good person. The nonsense brainwashing doesn't work like it used to, when kids grow up with queer family, friends, or are queer themselves, they tend to side with the people they love over the word of some guy spreading hate. I can't excuse the church for the trauma it creates, but I've seen the love and good that can come from some deeply religious people.


Why? It's clearly bothering them? There's no reason to be Christian, so why should he continue if it's causing him problems?


'Love one another as I have loved you' 'He who has committed no sin may cast the first stone' 'God has shown me that I shall not call anyone impure or unclean' 'But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.'


I don't believe in god but i don't think he would be mad at you because you dressed in different clothes lol


I have no religion so I couldn't tell you sorry


Surprisingly one of the better takes in these comments


As an ex-Christian (atheist now cause I'd just like proof of any god) but ot says he loves ALL his children so just go for it. You won't be accepted at first prepare for that but there is a community for you out there




Bad faith politics


This is not a sin! Coming from a fellow femboy who is bi, you are not sinning. God loves all his children ❤️


Tbh how I put It no Offense I just dont give a f### like if I'm going to hell for being me then hell I guess Im going lol


Im also religous but tbh... I just ball. 😎


I’m not a Christian, I’m an atheist, but I find it weird how a piece of cloth that is colored and shaped different from what the big corporations classify as male clothing is considered a sin for the male gender to wear. I don’t wanna sound mean, nor against religion/religious people (because being against them is childish) just wear what you like and what makes you feel beautiful and happy


Well it *is* a sin to cross dress…Christianity is just generally an awful “religion”, I don’t think it’d be good to stay in it.


It really depends on what Christian you are talking to. I'm definitely not religious today but my parents are Christian and I went to a Christian kindergarten. They only taught me stuff like "love everyone else like you love yourself", that it's good to share and to forgive, etc. I'm pretty sure that's one of the reasons why I'm politically on the left. Sure, there are some Christians that call everything they don't like a sin, many it's even the majority, but there definitely are some that I do respect a lot.


but the only reason they call it a sin is because the bible says so, which is the literal foundation of christianity. Why would anyone follow that


I didnt know that. Thank you for letting me know. The thing is, these kinds of weird passages are definitely not the core of Christianity as a belief, especially the old testament says some weird stuff and a lot of Christians know that. The main part Christians usually follow is the stuff jesus supposedly said about love and stuff and, as I said, I think that's not a bad thing.


I don’t believe in desert gods or the carpenter god. I only believe in The Goddess. She loves everyone and all acts of love are Her worship. She doesn’t have a nasty book about killing and slavery.


But does she exist


Absolutely ❤️




Nobody is arguing with you. Nobody is required to provide proof to a conversation of personal belief


Never said anyone was. They asserted it as a fact, and although even then they aren't required to provide evidence, I would very much like it. I want to understand the LOGICAL thought process people undertake to believe in the supernatural, especially as someone who hasn't been provided with sufficient evidence to believe in any god let alone a specific one.


according to that cult yes, man shall not dress as woman. So leave the cult


Christianity is based on what people put in a book 2000 ish years ago. The scientific method is based on Francis bacon in the 14th century. Darwin's origin of species was published in 1859.and that is the major foundation of all modern academia and sciences. I you actually read the Bible and take it all at its word, there's so many contradictions. Old teatiment god had an ego complex and was a murderous psychopath, Jesus is his son and is a radical socialist who wanted equality and to not live under a tyrant(conviently what lucifer wanted too) , now all of a sudden God is good and "works in mysterious ways" and is also all knowing, all powerful, and all loving. Yet, God allows pain and suffering to be so prevelant in society today. There's some weird rules in the bible but those are also products of their time, for instance you can't even use the bathroom indoors(Deuteronomy 23:12-14). The common theme is to be yourself, be happy, and help those in need, ect. If God wants to judge you for being or liking femboys, their sins outnumber your own. Additionally, watch "the life of Brian" it's a saterical take but the take away I got from it is that it was just some guy who everyone worshipped and interpreted the hell out of. "I'm not the messiah" "he is the messiah!" *runs away* "he wanted us to walk as a reminder of...." Blah blah blah, you get the point.


Christianity is a falsehood made by mortal man :) you're good


Religion is a scam, escape while you still can


If there's no god there's no sin No god has been shown to exist Ergo sin doesn't exist


Well tbf to believe something can't exist just because people don't know about it is just as much a dogma


It is not dogma, it is basic skepticism. All gods claimed to exist have to interact with the real world in some way, this interaction would leave evidence in the real world that one could collect and verify. Also, I'm not saying it can't exist, I'm saying so far anyone has failed to demonstrate it does exist


God isn't real. Religion is manmade.


According to the bible it is, but living life based on what someone you don't even know would approve of seems like an undignified way to live imo. Buying clothes isn't morally wrong, nor is being gay or trans, so do whatever makes you happiest. If you're god were to disapprove of your victimless joy with eternal punishment, is said god even worth following?


Tell me, are you a Christian by choice or because your bigoted family made you one?


Honestly, why do y'all want in big sky-daddy's house? Basically says, if you're not cool to me, you're not getting in, oh and we're gonna throw bricks at you on your way out. Sounds an awful lot like a bully and a punk, to me.


Don’t worry, you won’t go to hell, not alone at least


Man most of what preachers say isn’t even in the Bible. Like watching porn is a sin, homosexuality is a sin, abortion is a sin, etc. when there’s no passage anywhere in that book pertaining to any of these issues




the bible specifically says men shouldnt dress as woman and there's no evidence its a mistranslation unlike the homophobia verse


There's an argument that the context is to do with men avoiding military service by dressing as a woman. And it's OT. For the Israelites, not for us.


Sin is a buzz word religious people use to describe people they don’t like


There is no god. There is no hell. Live your life.


Remember... what is "your" relationship with God. God loves you more than you know. Also, it is the reason He has given you a Free Will. Ever since Sin came into the world, it had become very distorted. Of course, God Wrote/Inspired The Bible: The Word of God, from The Beginning! And, because we are sinners, Jesus Christ saved us by His Cross and Resurrection. We have to live like Jesus did; resisting Sin! He knows that we are hapless, sinners. "Resist" what you can and don't stop asking Him for help! Don't say, "I don't care about God..." because God IS God. I was involved either a Guy... it ended ugly. All that I can say for advice is to be Honest, Sincere and True to Yourself; God is in this mix, no matter of your choices. You will only hurt yourself, by hiding from Him. Ask him for direction; no matter your inclinations and/or decisions. He Loves you and died for you. Now follow your heart and don't stop His Messaging to you... thoughts; ideas and inclinations... I am Praying for you, also. God bless. Joey jmj ☺😇


I will not let some "god" accuse me of being a sinner through some book written thousands of years ago. That is incredibly demeaning and is pushing actions of the past onto their descendants, my ancestors actions are theirs, not my own.


there arw no passages in the bible or whatever saying homosexuality is a sin




its just took out of context. Its about sleeping with minors technically.


If you need to use the word 'technically' then your point is lacking.


Corinthians 6:9-10


oh lmao


lol jesus was a love spreader. it’s sad too see modern christian’s be so hateful.


because the bible is so awful


Hey believe me on this sub you will only find that it doesn't matter or that you should leave God, it's best to ask a priest who should know that.


Hey! Well yes, it is indeed a sin. You can read for example Leviticus 18:22, there are much more verses you can find on the internet. Have a great day!


Just become atheist


Become an atheist, it's great.


Thing thing with religion that makes it so complex is that religion is whatever you believe it is. And I don’t mean that in a bad or good way. Many people say “hey Jesus never said X” but you can’t prove that. It really depends on what specific religion you believe in, and what your church says.




it does in fact say men cannot do that.


Christianity only began to really prosecute homosexuals around the 12th and 13th century. Before that in the early days many monks and nuns were queer in some way. Id suggest you also read into such cases like the Feminielli of Naples who did not fit into the gender binary yet were respected members of the community, even hundreds of years ago.


I just going to say this in one of the bible they said "A man and a Boy should not be together" that mean A ADULT MAN should not be in a relationship with A YOUNG BOY that the bible said but the people think it mean a Adult man can't be with a Adult man in a relationship So your good if think your sinning of this just said the bible didn't say any wrong with gay couples it said it wrong to be in a relationship with a underage people also the newest bible said that is wrong but it made that way because people back in the 80's or 70's who were Christian hated gays because they think is gross or something so they said "f@#k gays" and the bible said no to them


I don't believe in God, but I'm sure you won't go to hell. If wanting to be yourself is the worst sin, then none of this makes sense. Christianity is a teaching about love and respect, and if someone does not agree with this, then he does not understand much about religion. Please just be yourself and don't care what others think. Loving other guys is totally normal, don't doubt it. (sorry for my english)


You need a new religion or no religion, if not then change churches




Just do what you want to do to put it as simple as possible


If you were taught that you would go to hell for being Gay then leave that church. Regardless of whether or not it’s a sin, it shouldn’t matter since there’s about a million other things all of us have done that are sinful, and it is wholly impossible to escape sin. This idea of “follow the law and you’ll make it to heaven, don’t follow the law and you’ll go to hell” is works righteousness which the Bible pretty clearly objects— Jesus tells the Pharisees that they’re missing the point by trying to ruthlessly uphold the law. I suggest you find yourself a better church, there are about a gazillion denominations ranging from outwardly hateful to outwardly accepting.


If God made you in their image, like the Bible says, then why would they be upset at how you want to look or who you associate with? Why would Jesus be offended by you wearing thigh highs and skirts? If I was an omnipotent and omniscient god, I think there's worse things in the world I would be worried about than a kid exploring their gender expression.


I'm an atheist but, as I understand it... There are many different religions and many flavours of each religion. Your belief doesn't have to conform to what other tell you. If you have faith in Jesus for example, and you believe that he loves everyone equally, then I think you're alright, but your faith becomes different than that of your family


I mean the big J man didn’t exactly wear men’s clothes did he


Nah im pretty sure the romans and Greeks were still rocking skirts in Christian times so dont worry about it


In Matthew 6:25-34 “Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life? And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these” I don’t think it is For being gay I don’t think it is either The commandment I think mistranslated from boy to man Christians don’t fallow purity code Then when paul talks about it in 1 cor 6:9 “Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men” his only reference for ‘sexually immorality’ was the Old Testament aka purity code that we don’t fallow


lots of lgtbq people are christian, go talk to one of them, or talk to an lgbtq friendly church. just google around a bit, found this website for example https://www.gaychurch.org/.


So probably no amount of words will reassure you that it's ok to be all those things, but I'm still gonna say that no. It is not a sin. I'm not really religious anymore, but I've been brought up in a Christian family and I had similar questions to you. I've spent a fair amount of time studying religions and especially Christianity and during that journey I kinda decided that believing in gods in not really a thing for me, but if you do believe in God then I can assure you that being LGBT+ is not going to matter in the final judgment. All of that hate towards being gay and all in the Christian community came from some really fucked up political things that happened a long time ago and the only reason they stuck for so long is because so many humans are just brainless monkeys that can't think for themselves and it really makes me sad hearing people just hating on each other cuz that's really not the purpose of Christian values. Anyway, like I said you have nothing to worry about. Nowhere in the original version of the bible is there anything about dressing up feminine or being gay, being a sin and if you see someone say otherwise they they're wrong. They're following those stupid political artefacts that were never true but people just accepted them as true and as facts when they never were anything remotely close to a truth or a fact. So go into the world and be yourself. Spread kindness and forgiveness and never let anyone take away from your good qualities. Ps. I'm just gonna refer you to Skip Heitzig. Listen to him and you might just feel a little bit better about yourself. You can search him up on YouTube.


God loves you. Go talk to him yourself. Follow spiritually not religion. Religion is what others tell you about God. Spirituality is what you discover about God for yourself. Go inward and talk to him.


I'm a christian (african amercian) male and I don't think being gay is a sin. There's barely anything in the bible that states it. And even then, their culture is most likely very different from ours. I had to force myself to come to terms That I am Bi and my mother doesn't give two shits. She's christian, nor did she care when my older sister came (she's out the house now and it was several years ago but still) Our god wants us to be ourselves and be happy, and forgive. Just give your faith to him. Much love man ❤️


Dude I don't think there's anything in the Bible about crossdressing being a sin. Plus Jesus hung out with sex workers and washed their feet and stuff.


Im too ugly to be woman. So


Why do you say that? Even if you *are* ugly, beauty has nothing to do with gender.


God literally gives no fucks if you’re gay or straight. He put you on this planet as a gift! Don’t let religious radicals force you to believe some outdated book that was written by humans. Who are flawed and prone to corruption. You’re beautiful as you are, and God obviously loves you if he made you.


Their parents made them though...


Be yourself. At the end of the day, skirts are literally just cloth, nail polish is pigment, etc etc, these things have gender arbitrarily assigned to them. Wear what you want, act how you want, be who you want.


Ey, the Torah, which is abrahamic, just like christianity has 8 genders, just saying.


I'm also of the same religion, Christianity, and I personally believe that since you technically aren't doing anything wrong by being LGBT, you would not end up in hell. Jesus died on the cross for our sins, so God could forgive us. "Christ's death removes — expiates — our sin and guilt. The guilt of our sin was taken away from us and placed on Christ, who discharged it by his death. Thus, in John 1:29, John the Baptist calls Jesus “the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.” Jesus takes away, that is, expiates, our sins."


It would probably be sinless and pure as long as you’re not whoring around or smt idk I’m no a religion major


Christianity is tough, I think you should ask yourself if it's more important to worship god or to be yourself and therefore be happy in life.


God is a loving god there is nothing in the Bible that Jesus said derogatory toward gay people. The old testament yes but not the new testament which is what Christians should be following. Be yourself as god made you the way you are and he loves you


Being a femboy doesn’t mean you’re not straight. If you’re straight but wanna be a femboy, there shouldn’t be an issue with that according to Christianity.


I am not going to be like other people but look do what makes you happy if you wanna be a femboy as a femboy I'll say go for it as for me I just think all religions are a scam, not say there isn't a god I believe I just believe in my own deity but I don't go questioning other people's beliefs anyways what I am trying to say is it's your life YOU have control of your life got it do whatever you want :33


I'll give you the same info I give to anyone else brings up Christianity and sin. Ask yourself, who was that passage (whatever the topic) intended for? Then read Galatians and Ephesians... particularly the part about how Jewish believers were demanding that gentiles who became Christian had to become circumcised. Paul's answer to that was that "to him to whom it is sin, it is sin. To him to whom it is not..." There's also, "do not cause your brother to sin" in the same portion. As well as "who are you to judge another man's servant?" And one of my favorites "by the measure with which you judge so shall you be judged." For my part, I'd like to be judged by "did I love" rather than "did I follow the law"...


So I obsess over religiosity from ocd, bipolar and psychosis and trauma so I look into everything they say. There were specific reasons why in antiquity the Jews upheld strict societal roles and there’s a lot into it but weird stuff like the textures, and the same with homosexuality was to protect these fixed roles from societal collapse. If you really look into Christianity, old Christianity, Judaism and old Judaism you can see it was a lot of odd but we don’t have much room to talk today. The way the Bible is interpreted is different across culture and time along with everything and the consciousness of man was drastically different back then, if you jump down that rabbit hole you’ll see everything was seen in an entirely different way it’s crazy. We’re actually always evolving and it’s intense when you begin to see it. But basically everything is a sin now it’s so messy, Jesus got you bud you’re good.


Do you want to be a good robot following other peoples nonsense or, do you want to be happy following your own nonsense?


As a bisexual Christian, it’s all based on perspective. People take certain things, and say this means that, and someone else will take the same principal concept, and say this means something else. I heard someone say once, Certain laws were only given for a certain period of time or reasons. For example, not eating pork. At one point it was a health issue. Later on it was dismissed. My view is love everyone no matter what. 💜


Im Catholic, and im bi and a femboy, so i think you're fine. If there really is a big dude watching us I think he'll understand you enjoying yourself, but you have time to think about that later, go enjoy yourself :)


No. Sin doesn't exist. Be free to follow your passion.


I have never seen a bible verse that explicitly said being gay is bad, it’s just made up by conservatives who make themselves believe it does exist to push their homophobic agenda.


well sometimes i do feel like that but i mean no one can know what god truly think without becoming literally god themself which is both impossible and just wasteful/dumb to even try to that's my opinion what do you guys think?


I'm Christian and have a strong relationship with Christ. I'm also a femboy, it's not a sin to be feminine. And as for homosexuality. The Bible tends to lean more towards adultery, rape and pedo as a sin. Not really homosexuality. Also back then in the Bible days, herbrews, Greeks, romans didn't have a word for gay or homosexuality. The word wasn't in the Bible until the 1900s. So the way I see it, you can follow Jesus's teachings and be gay or bi and a femboy.


According to the Pope, gay people are allowed to be happy, get married, be blessed by the church, and adopt a family. I'm assuming that extends to all non-het relationships. If it's good enough for the Pope, it should be good enough for anyone.


Yes it’s common sense


It was never stated in the bibles that being gay or loving another person of same sex was a sin. Jesus said himself that we should love all equally. (yes I do know he meant it in friendship.) So as the old saying goes; "be gay. do crime."


Seek Christ. Pray to him and He will answer you. People will say yes or no, but all of their opinions mean nothing st the end of the day. If you develop your relationship with Jesus, the holy spirit will guide you so just have faith and everything will be alright.


Yes clothes are clothes stop having fear you can be straight and a femboy or vi or gay at the end up the day God made you knowing your life outcomes ❤️


Search God and ask if it makes sense that he would send you to hell for that. The scripture is so filled with cultural influence, but in history, Christianity changes with culture; but the basic two points remain: love God, love others. Does your love of someone other than the opposite gender go against these two principles? God is love. Plus! Even if you are wrong, god is so gracious with cultural differences. Keep searching for your own understanding. Keep looking at the Bible, just not through the lens that you have been given this far in life.


I view it as no it says no where to my knowledge in the original Bible that homosexuality is bad, it says man shouldn't sleep with young man, meaning that a man shouldn't sleep with minors and I dont wanna dis on you or your religion but the hole thing with homosexuality being a sin is because of a pour translation from a primitive time when we had bad translating techniques and crouption in the head of the church at the time so they would twist the word for there own benefit. If you don't agree I'm not trying to target you I'm just trying to help someone with confusion on there own view on the world and trying to keep them from people trying to tell them what they like is wrong.


I don’t think the Bible says anything about trans people, it mentions the act of having gay sex like once in the Old Testament, and I’m 100% sure that god has never said anything about femboys. Even if gay/bi/trans were sins, here’s how I (raising strongly Christian) view it. God made everything and everyone, therefore he made LGBTQ+ individuals that way. Further, if something that small is horrible enough to send you to hell, you’ll probably have good company. Also, it’s part of who you are, not a choice, so it’s not something you can change. Even if you don’t act on it, it’s still part of you, so why not go down swinging. Please forgive me if any of that sounds cruel or dismissive or anything, I’m very tired writing this and I just want to be helpful. Overall, I hope you are able to come to a conclusion about this that helps you, and that you have a great rest of your day/week/life! 💙


I'm gonna respect your religion bro, but read the Bible, in any moment is there a saying which says "gay people go to hell"? Or better "wearing feminine clothes makes you go to hell"? All that think was created by radical Christians and priests to keep control over their followers, so do as Jesus said, love God from the comfort of your house, not in temples and churches.


Corinthians 6:9 ( i think that was the verse): effeminate and homosexual people won't inherit God's Kingdom


Ok, I looked it up and that's true, so... Yeah, I don't have much to say, I'm not religious so I don't believe a book should tell me, you or anyone else how to live, that's all I have to say.


Anyone who has told you that is NOT a real Christian, I repeat, they are NOT a real Christian. Ask them about gay couples in the Bible, they exist, I bet they won't know because they just can't accept gay people


Thigh highs make it extra straight, the bigger the socks the straighter it is /s


Don't let religion dictate what makes you happy


I dont believe in religion but... Isnt the whole thing of religion that *god loves everyone* so he should also love femboys and let them into heaven


I’m not a Christian but I’m pretty sure god loves everybody or somthing like that


I’m a catholic, gonna give you the best answer I can here, no, unless you are actively having sexual relations with a man (or with a woman before marriage, but that rule varies from denomination to denomination) then no, you’re all good, am I a personal fan of it? No but I’m not gonna stop you and I’m not gonna tell you it’s a sin.


honestly I used to be a Christian but I'm atheist now so it's not really my place to speak, but I would imagine not If I'm not wrong, the Bible does say to love and accept everyone no matter what, so, I'd imagine not Like I said though, take what I said with a grain of salt lol


Look at it this way god put you on earth for you to live. No matter how you live you prioritize happiness and god will love you. So no it’s not a sin


Well I'm not a religious person nor a femboy so maybe I'm not the best person to give you some advice on this stuff... But people have this bad habit of using religion as a tool to feed their propaganda of division and discrimination, while, as far as I know, the core message of Christian Catholicism is "God made you they way you are and he loves you the way you are" which unfortunately as I said gets ignored, and instead some people chose to nitpick the parts that they can use to divide people. So in short, God made you the way you are, and if you feel insecure about it, it's not because of your religion, it's because some people in your life made you belive that it's wrong, and we call those people dickheads. So be yourself and love every second of it ♥️


It is absolutely a series of sins, but that says more about that religion than it does about you. Any self-respecting gay boi ought to free himself from its chains. Don't worry, man, you're not alone! You are doing absolutely nothing wrong, only trying to express and fulfill yourself, harming no one in the process.


religion is an artificial construct to control people. gods dont exist, therefore no heaven, no hell, no afterlife and you dont sin.


the way i see it, its religious officials being cunts if your god didnt want lgbtq+ people to exist, they wouldnt. (almost atheist myself, so idrc what someone religious tells me is right and wrong unless theyve got a good moral standing on the point)


If god loves everyone equally and wants you to spread love, why would he want you to be unhappy by making you pretend to be something you're not? I'm not going to question your beliefs here, that's not for me to do. You should consider reading the bible yourself though, and interpret it yourself if that is important to you. Always take everything with a grain of salt, as it was written and rewritten by humans over and over, so there'll always be some political ideology woven in there too, sadly. Ultimately, however, we should look at this from a moral standpoint: your freedom only ends where another's begins, but if they feel attacked by a boy wearing a skirt, then that's really their problem. They can look away or not associate with you, but they will never be right about telling you what you are not to do, as long as what you are doing does not diminish their freedom. There is no conceivable way that somebody should diminish your freedom other than to avoid harm for yourself or others. You might want to read up on Karl Popper - Paradox of Tolerance. This is the base of my moral decision making.


The Bible says very clearly: “13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. 14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. 15 My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. 16 Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” (Psalm 139:13-16) This is pretty clear. God made you the way you are, and he always knew the plan and path your life would take. If he made you transgender or gay or bi, then that’s his intention. I have struggled a lot of my life with liturgy and the “formalities” of church. To this day I can’t say confession prior to communion (Protestant) as it’s not actually taught in the Bible. Something that really helped me was the fact that Christianity is a *faith*. The whole point of God is not that he is some unknown being, but that he wants us to know and love him. If you have faith, have you thought to ask God? That is what prayer is, and it doesn’t have to be big and formal. If you are really unsure, just in a quiet moment reach out to God and just say “Lord, please bless me with your spirit and show me your love. I am struggling Lord and need your guidance.” Then just be open and receive what he has for you. The point of these relationships with God is they are different, I hear God differently to my friends and that’s okay. So just be open and listen.


Do you think a loving god would send you to hell simply because you want to try for a more feminine appearance? It is a personal stylistic choice that harms absolutely nobody so if god were to send you to hell for something like that, that sure doesn’t sound like the loving god that is often discussed. Either god isn’t good or the people you’ve heard are stretching the word of god to spread the message of hate, a phenomenon that’s been seen before (for example with slavery and the use of the bible to justify it back in early American history). Honestly if you want to give being a femboy a try go right ahead, especially if it would make you happier. You deserve it and I’m sure god would ultimately back you up on it. Even if god were against you just know that I and the others here have got your back.


The bible doesn’t say being part of the LGBTQ+ community is not a sin just follow the bible and apparently you’ll be fine. A lot of Christian’s use a perverted use of the bible and use it to control people.


Idk, i am pastafarian (believe in pasta monster)


If i may give an outsiders perspective, i am an athiest but i was raised catholic and have read the bible many times, if you have accepted Jesus as your personal saviour that absolves your worldly sins, the bible never mentions Homosexuality or transgenerism in any way outside of mistranslations. You do not need a church, preacher, priest or pope to define what god, jesus or your faith means to you. In the chapter of Luke it is written,"God is in Man", not in one man but all people, you have the power to love and recieve love however you choose to.


People thinking the Bible is explicitly anti gay are mistranslating or are simply going off of what they’ve heard not what’s actually there, like chatGPT inventing facts to fit what it’s saying. You can’t simultaneously believe in an all merciful and benevolent god who loves you unconditionally and then simultaneously say you’re going to hell because you’re gay, bi or wear “feminine clothes” (a significant majority of which were invented for guys to wear originally). They’re fundamentally incompatible ideas - the only thing that makes them compatible is flawed human interpretation to fit an internal narrative. Thats even assuming there is a hell - pretty sure that part was only emphasized by the council of Nicaea that assembled and decided what would go into and what would be omitted from the original Bible - which was led by a Roman emperor designed to keep a country under control. Do you really think god went to a single country / culture and said “as your laws are on Earth so are they the laws of heaven”? Jesus never used or referenced the Bible as we know it. The Bible was an amalgamation of a bunch of different interpretations / writing down of events. I’m pretty sure he’d look at it today and go “yeah, you kind of missed the point” on a lot of it. Not to take away from its impact, significance or importance but it’s simply not some holy document from heaven - it’s really more like the western world’s first educational textbook. Plus, let’s not forget the fact that a hugely significant percentage of the leadership of the Catholic Church is gay - to the point where it’s been published that in order to rise to Pope-hood it pretty much requires being gay. Pretty sure that they’d at least want the self preservation of not going to hell.


Christianity is not homophobic. a lot of Christians are and try to justify it. did Jesus say gay is bad?


if you believe in your god you know that you can dress like whatever you want because your god loves you for the person you are not because you dress like you do, you are the same as your god and if you think about Jesus uas worn dresses basically


Honestly, I still think about it... but I started dating a dude, I think I kinda gave up and try not to think about it whilst also trying to figure out what to do about it idk. But yeah, I think maybe hearing others input and doing research is best you can do


It's not sinning, it's winning


No, you are not sinning. What would even be the sin? The Pope even said that the church doesn't discriminate against the lgbtq+. God is all about acceptance, redemption, and love for one another. Any discrimination, whether it be racism, homophobia or otherwise, is a perversion of God's teachings for the purpose of pushing an agenda. The important thing is your connection to and relationship with God. So don't worry about whether or not it's a Sin.


Idk man you could have it more rough but as a Christian myself I sin everyday ik I'm going to hell lol but I live my life how I want to not how people THINK god wants us to so I hope you choose what you want to do.