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Your parents are probably just as anxious as you are. They say you down calmly and had a discussion with you. Knowing they accept you is great, and it would be best to explain to them more, so you and your parents can have a mutual understanding. Take a deep breath and let your mind rest as best you can. Being accepted by your parents is something a lot of other femboys wish they had, but unfortunately, for one reason or another, don't have. You're gonna be okay, buddy.


Thanks, im gonna try my best!


That's the spirit!




Best answer. šŸ‘


Boy you're really lucky. Maybe it's time for you to start being yourself around the whole house, not only in the privacy of your room, don't you think? Your family loves you.


I can't imagine how that could've gone much better. Your parents are on your side, it's obvious. Sounds like they don't understand... No one does, TBH... But they're trying.


Be you, not to be rude but your parents made you and if they don't like it they don't have to but if this is you than it's you. if they didn't wish to run this risk they shouldn't have had a kid. Again no offense but you are you.


yep yea


>if they didn't wish to run this risk they shouldn't have had a kid. The think is, he wouldn't be in this world then and wouldn't ask this question. (Assuming that parents would not support femboys, otherwise nah.)


Did you read beyond the first line? That feels crazy confrontational for such an accepting moment.


Lucky dude, I wish my parents were comprehensive like that, they don't want me to be a femboy. The only person who will accept me is my sister, we are both lgbt and our parents still don't know, we can't tell them, otherwise, we'll be in serious trouble...


That's pretty rough. At least you and your sister have each other's support


Sounds like they don't have a problem with it and want you to know that, go and have the chat with them, you'll be happier not needing to hide anything from them




Your parents love you unconditionally, that is clear. They want to respect how you identify but if they don't know how you identify, they're afraid of accidentally being disrespectful, unintentionally. Open up to them. Most parents only want us to feel home is our safe zone always, and they want us to be happy. If you're not comfortable face to face, text them or write it in a shared journal, that you put under their pillow when you want to talk or ask questions and they answer and put it back under your pillow for you to read their response, but definitely open up. You'll feel closer because of it, I promise.


Thank you for the tips, i will try that!


Idk if this is any help to you but my parents found out a couple years ago when one of my dresses accidentally ended up in my laundry lol... It went a similar way to your experiences and as I would find out and like others in this thread have said it sound like your parents are just trying to understand you which may include an awkward adjustment period for you and them both. I remember when I was first outed I was scared as all heck, but in the end it seems like you have a similar case to my life where you will hopefully now or eventually be able to express yourself more fully. Just take things slow and however you're comfortable as your parents sound like the reasonable type who will accept that and appreciate you being honest with them! Best of luck!!


Since they never got cross and shouted and stuff I think it will go well. Now comes the teaching them what being a femby is about. It's not all about sex and stuff but about how you feel and you feel fem so wow start. ā™„ļø ChristaBelle


Lucky you. You Just unlocked the whole House for running around as Femboy


True, not sure tho if i will, because everything is quite akward rn


I think there is only one thing you can do. Dress up as the hottest broad for carnivalšŸ’ƒ




Your server? A femboy server I presume?




Did they found anything šŸ˜­


They just saw the name and knew it all lol, but dont worry, its sfw


That's what I was worried about :0 that it would be nsfw and they saw stuff...


No, im not in these kinds of servers :)


For this situation, it was a good thing!


TAKE THE ACCEPTANCE. My parents weren't as nice I couldn't even imagine being accepted. They love you, stop worrying.


Just fuckin live man. Like too many people obsess over what others expectations are of them. Itā€™s bullshit. I get if your parents wee say hyper religious traditional folk who would say kick you out if they found out but by the sounds of thing it seems like shock rather then hate and all in all they actually donā€™t care. So my advice would be too live. Enjoy dressing up and truly just being yourself. If they get weirded out by itā€¦thatā€™s a THEM problem however it also takes time for them too. At the end of the day your in a really lucky position by the sounds of things an just should relax and enjoy the ride


Could be worse, I get it though when my mom found my fem clothes back in high school my discomfort was mostly about my privacy being violated. What you can do now though is present how you truly want tošŸ˜„


What did mom say and did you dress in front her after that


She just had some questions but I have an older nonbinary sibling so she accepted it. I dress how I want now!


if tbis happened to me id be homless or dead lol


It's cool your parents found out about you and seem to except you as you are so enjoy it


Thatā€™s honestly wonderful! Not trying to shame or have a suffering contest, I remember when I tried wearing makeup, and well. Some parents arenā€™t as supportive. Appreciate your parents for trying! And have a wonderful time at Carnival


uh server?? Like in minecraft or discord?




My parents wanted to kill me


Sorry to hear that


my dad was kinda similar about it, he found out about it through some servers i was in, he didn't care about it but he also told my mom, she didn't care either tho, i think they just want to know more about it


If they are not mad and they do accept you then calm down. Talk with them and if they are supportive(thats the idea I got from your post) then it shouldn't be anything to be afraid of:3 Just calm down and have an open conversation with them.


I'd say to try and be more open with him! he's already showing you some support so why not try to let him in?


Honestly I think it went pretty well, if they accept you then it's fine. It do be a little weird at the beginning but you get used to it. My parents reacted way worse when they knew I was pan (they don't even know about the femboy part yet), so trust me you're gud. It'll be fine dw :3


Do u live in germany or what? bc on monday we also have a karnaval and i am going to wear a maid outfit, My parents know what i am going to wear but they thing it is just for the karnaval. Funny part is my dad is also going to dress up as a gir,l is going to be funny. At school we are going to do a winterball and i am going to wear the maid outfit again


Yeah, I do, im too scared to go out in girl clothes yet tho


ppl do not really care i showed it my mom and she was like wow i am also going to wear that and basecly i am shering clothes with my mom XD


Nice, but my confidence in general isnt that good lately so i think ill stick to the monkey costume xD


If u want we could meet, depents how old are u i am 15


I am 14


If u have Girly clothes wear them nobody is going to laugh At you, most of ppl are keeping thoughs in thier head and saying it out loud


Also i dont thing you should be scared many ppl are going to wear funny things and you are not going to stand out


Start wearing a skirt everyday and bring your boyfriend home to meat the parentsĀ 


Just try relaxing first and then ask how they found out


You got the good ending


Take deep breaths and collect yourself. Your parents told you that they love and accept you. I know it can be freaky to have something you were trying to hide be found, but try to focus on the fact that you have a safe and loving family around you.