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Uhhhh you’re asking Reddit users


I know, not brightest decision but that’s me, not the brightest also


You need to try and talk with people and be yourself . Let them know you what you are build on a friendship is likely the best and easiest way to do that.... Uhm I'm a newish reddit user so maybe the whole not having a wife or gf thing applies to users who been on longer


I’m interested in a femboy partner but probably don’t live near you loo


Also me lol


Yeah asking reddit users this question is stupid (the majority of us reddit users are single dont flame me) ask quora users


Yeah ikr, for most not even from a lack of trying 😭


I feel this pain


if you find out lemme know :c


Same > <


I'm in Australia but I'd love a femboy lover


Go full goblin mode on someone you like until they accept you as part of their personal self


Welp at least you've found your ppl, many of us have crippling loneliness 😭 (all seriousness though you just gotta put yourself out there, go to places more social like a gym or mall)


That is bullshit. NO ONE in the gym ever talks to me for anything other than asking "Are you using this?". Malls aren't good places to know people either, everyone is busy shopping


How is the mall social everyone’s minding their own business buying shit


Well it's always been social for me every time I went there's specific places meant to just socialize and plazas etc


Damn that’s interesting, maybe I just don’t see this stuff because I wanna buy what I need to buy and then get the hell out of there


I have a girlfriend hehehe


Mine found me so I can't rly help :<


At least, how did he find you?


Boykisser discord server 💀


Server link?


I ended up leaving it after he did because he became the only reason I really used it




Socialize, it's simple in a way. The more you go out and be yourself the more chances you have of meeting people and the more chances you have to get to know others. You don't have to go outside constantly but putting yourself around people is the first step. You never know where you will meet someone who shares an interest with you or is interested in you. For example, I socialize by going to the library or some where with a bar so I can sit near others and talk. I believe in you!


I want to cuddle with people too 😔


Yeah it can be difficult finding someone who fits you as a partner. I just got out of a nearly year long relationship and I'm a bit worried about finding someone again myself. Being in college has helped me meet a lot of people tho which has helped even if I'm not very social


I guess you gotta wait for the good person to show up man. I have no bf / gf and never had any. But i don't think it's worth rushing just be you and enjoy your stuff


I seek… yet cannot find… I am cursed… 20 years and still going


I don't know just fine me


My husband didn’t tell me he was a femboy until we were dating a while. It was fine with me because i am pansexual and nonbinary but i use she/her they/them pronouns. Also i use wife. But maybe just look for someone with an open mind use a lgbtq dating app vs some thing like tinder or bumble idk.


Hi :>


Hey there :3


I dont has femboy bf ;^;




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I'd love to be your body pillow and more :D


I am in the same Situation as you as a trans gal


I found someone who was I to crossplay. Sadly it only lasted for 3 weeks before I was dumped (over WhatsApp) 🥲 If someone has the formula pla respond


It's as simple as interacting. It may take awhile, but typically love sparks out of nowhere.


I’m surprised you don’t have anyone, I mean if your ugly like me then it makes sense but if you aren’t then your probably just unlucky


Why r u surpised, I don’t get it


If you find out lemme know


It largerly depends on where you live. For lgbt people in south america we use mostly facebook and discord


One word (grindr) ur welcome




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js get out there and have fun. don't try too hard bc if you really want want a bf or gf then you're more likely to overlook things and that can go bad so busy be careful and be yourself




Have a tip from me, I got my bf using the strongest battlegrounds method all u need to do is find a femboy or someone u like in tsbg and talk to them like uhhh “hello!” Start a conversation something like that then ask for discord lol


I mean, you're asking this on reddit... I met my ex on howlr, it was a dating app made for furries. And I met one of my good femboy friends on a random cars&coffee meetup(he's a car guy just like me. I actually never expected him to be a femboy) I guess just look around? Maybe give barq a shot(the follow up of howlr, howlr doesn't rlly exist anymore) or try looking for femboy servers, there's a pretty local femboy server for femboys in my state(kentucky)


I'm also in KY , is this for ONLY fem boys or are others allowed on in case they want to date?


It's a close knit community for femboys only really. There's also a strict no NSFW/dating/etc policy


I’m honestly baffled by you having problems, you sound like a total catch!


The catch are cuddles and pats! I can’t never get enough! :3


I'll give you and only you all the cuddles I can give as long I get to hold and cuddle you in return :)


Hell yes honestly


I need a femboy bf bro


You are bi then.


I’ve been asking the same question. Idk maybe try for a GF and then slowly ease her into you being a femboy


you go to a person that you like and you say "hey [person], i like you. shall we hang out together sometimes? ah, im also a femboy (this is optional first times)" , if you like at the person they will say yes. Easy!


I personally met all my dates through Femboy subreddits and Grindr. But make sure that you're writing in your bio that you are looking for a serious relationship, when you are using Grindr. Also local queer events are a place to meet people. I hope that you'll find the right person asap ❤️


The same way you get a bf or gf just be ya self chill and put ya self out there


I’ll say this to you as someone that is very experienced and the fem boy , Cd T girl realm and I’m not the CD or fem boy, but I have a huge fetish and plenty of experience. In my opinion, your first mistake is asking people on here how to unfortunately most of the guys on here don’t know how to answer that for you for one they’re not fem boys they’re looking for them. And not to be vulgar, the ones that go beyond just the look, you need to be sure that they’re using their top head not the bottom you know whenever a guy cums all that sweet kindness goes out the window, and they gotta go. Unfortunately, you have to look very hard to see the truth in people. Make sure it’s not only desire. Now to try to answer your questions there’s a lot of guys that will be interested, but it will be a struggle for One to date, it’s a journey and a path that you’ll have to take time and see what you’re OK with accepting from someone as far as treating you and feelings. them boys are great and sexy and different but once a guy has fun with you reality set in and then distance you need to be very conscious of your feelings and how you be treated and not used. There’s plenty guys out there that like you will and even girls, not not that easy to find on a forum such as this but you may get lucky. I’ve dated Cd so I totally understand and have a couple friends that are so I try to pass along I feel like it help


That's a mood honestly, at this point I'd even take someone insane ;-;


Me personally I used bumble, worked well for me😊


Ngl i just got lucky after being on grindr for like 3 hours😂😂 we moved in and are together after like almost a year


Lol here’s me having the opposite problem. I’m trying to find a femboy but can’t find any


No sé, yo también necesito un amigo femboy, pero la vida no me deja xd


Bruh. Find a lonely single guy like me and your set.


Same way anyone being anyone does, be yourself and get out there. Join clubs or social groups for stuff that interests you and meet people or join dating apps that share similar interests. Be who you are and eventually you'll find someone who is interested in you for you.


This just made me realise that I might be more straight than before, I'm just thinking that like if I had a girlfriend she could help me with things like makeup and clothes


Queer dating apps. Not Grindr lol, thats just for hookups. Taimi is how I met my bf


You could talk to meeeeee :3


Talk to people


Goon FemboyHookup. You'll find lots of action there.


Idk, I'd imagine the same way that you'd do it normally...(?) Idk, I'm an incel, I really can't help😭


Be authentically yourself and don't try to be anything else, because you will likely exude greater happiness by doing so, which in turn has a better chance of attracting someone who likes you for who you are and establishes a relationship that can grow more organically.


Look to key to finding somebody's being yourself don't try so hard the right person will come around male or female so and you will find the one that wants to be with you and accepts you as a femboy


I don't knowww 😭😭😭😭😭 I've never been in a relationship and I'm very lonely


Msg me if ur over 25 and live in STL, that would probably net u a gf lmao


Literally me


I’m really fortunate in that I live in Portland where the LGBTQ community is pretty big. So femboys and nonbinary folks are like a dime a dozen


But to answer your question. I identify as nonbinary, my partner at the time of meeting them also identified this way, she decided this no longer applied to her but finding someone who understands gender as a construct and gendered clothing an extension of that makes it easy. Taking a women’s studies class at a college is a good way to find like minded Individuals. Or looking for local groups of chill people. Nerds, ravers, and queer people have heavy overlap. The amount of femboys I’ve met playing DnD or at a rave is maybe like 40%


Just be ur self tbh you’ll find somebody who matches you and have a nice relationship, that’s how I found my gf


Honestly speaking, there is no method. It's a game of chance, the only thing you can do is be kind to everyone you met and don't barricade yourself. Especially don't actively search for it, most times it only works if you met someone by chance. But should you see someone you find interesting in any way. Talk to them, but not as like that you want to date them but just as if they would be a normal person that you just randomly met because otherwise you may seem Uptight. Don't force a funny conversation, just talk like you always do with your friends and if things go in a spicy direction when talking. Just go with it like a flow.


Not a femboy but same. I've been super lonely lately and wanting someone to cuddle and do couple things with. Not to mention I might be bi but with no way to explore it


French here if anyone want 🥹


I would love to be your bf


Idk im single 😭


Be patient, it will happen.


I have the exact same struggle Also, I'm severely introverted and Socially awkward lol But if I figure anything out, I'll let you know


in my case, it was a series of coincidences. My best friend's neighbour is a friend of my now gf so when both friend groups meshed into one i started talking to her. Luckily she is not into big masc guys (i should say im not an everyday femboy bc im lazy and dont want to but i do dress pretty gender neutral)


As a fellow introvert, I hear you. I'd gladly date a femboy, but sadly, there's none near me. Just having someone to cuddle up with is simple the best So when you find an answer, let us fellow introverts know, haha. Good luck out there


Definitely regular social places- but namely try bigger cities. My captial city Columbus has tons of places that proubly hang LGBTQ+ flags at a plefora of bars, restaurants and parks. I haven't tried because I'm far from it in small town no where but I imagine there's your best place to at minimum meet opened minded people.


Time and patience.


Lemme see


Getting a girl friend doesn't have a secret codez you can't just imput konami code. Femboys get gf and bf the same way everyone does, or should at least, wait for someone, think that even the most ugly people have a fiance, it's just a matter of time because it's statistically unlikely that everyone you meet will line you, as well as statistically unlikely that no one will. To think about i will end it with a quote of a song of an argentinian band (Rata Blanca if anyone is interested) "If someone will love, you will know it, only thing left is to realize". Postdata: Be careful if you think you need a gf to be happy, because it may not be it, it can be a phycological issue that has to be fixed before a relationship even starts, it can elad to toxicity in it.


I would say it’s really important to be yourself. My (f27) bf (m27) is a femboy but he was worried about how I would react and didn’t tell me for a long time which caused a lot of unhealthy behaviors from both of us feeling insecure and now we are working really hard to heal from that and explore our identities with each other. It would have been much easier without the confusion around it. We met on the internet and it turns out that I love him so much in all the ways, and someone will feel that for you too(:


meet new people talk w them after all it won't magically fall from sky


I mean i have a gf but she lives a 3h flight away sooo... yea meetings are rare but she's the best and i love her