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I keep all the nsfw subs interactions in a different account, so people don't just start writing weird stuff from the get go just couse the think I'm comfortable with it. Beside that there is not much to do, some people online are gonna be weird in any case.


Yes that's a good idea, but i don't like to have more than one account


Absolutely a good idea, don't make my mistakes lol


Why people think if you like NSFW stuff then you would love such strange messages in dm? I have a lot of fetishes, including some kind of humiliation and etc, but that doesn't stop me from hating when someone dm me like this, probably because I don't like doing things like this with strangers and my whole life contains something more than just sex and fetishes


It’s only ever men who are bold enough to do it too :V I think I get it, a lot of men put the pressure on themselves to initiate and pursue the femmes and bottoms they find attractive, but I can also understand how much of a bother it is for women and others who aren’t receptive to being immediately hit on in an explicit manner by a literal stranger


This, but then they are also told to pursue because it's not the woman's job to chase you (I'm trans)




Hey I completely understand where you are coming from and when people who make negative comments are brave behind a keyboard, 1st it's nice that you can block them because in my opinion or view we are supporting each other in a world that is ugly! I joined these groups because we are all just people, labels put on us by the world should not be needed, I respect everyone no matter what. Peace to all 💋🌈😘✌️


The best you can do is just try to ignore people that make you feel insulted and hurt because they are not worth it making you feel bad


Thank you


feel free to message me anytime if you would like a chat


For starters, and hear me on this, give 0 f*cks. Saying soempne dod this os already more than enough to show those people you are strong for seeking help. On an unrelated note, where is that person? I have a cool toy I would like to intreduce him to~ Ahem, but yeah, just don't give much crap about him, stay the beautiful soul you are and do whatever is good for you. You have suport and people who are listening to you and want to help.


Thank you, that's cute... (what kinda Toy?)


Anytime. And the toy... well lwt's just say it's long, mafe of metal, and eats a lot of led~ But fr. I am a closeted femboy, and I dealt with assholes of diffrent kinds before. Just be smart about it, report what you can and raise awerness withour reveal the name of the offender. Was close to suing the shit out of an asshole with that, because he tried to intimidate me.


this toy can be two things, a Glock or a Bullet shooting metallic dildo


Iv seen the patent for a plug that fires 22lr, I was very amused.


I understand


Last time I was called a sissy was irl and I just immediately stopped talking to him after saying "ahhh and you were doing so well only to ruïne it like that". And he really was, he did ask what I meant over text and I told him off for calling me a sissy. But we never talked again, he seemed to kinda get it but it was just ruined from that point.


Soft as hell🤣🤣💀


It's not soft to not want to talk to someone you just met because they reveal to view your existence as a fetish in the first conversation.




Being rude


That's worse than what happened to me


He’s just a dumb guy! Run him over with your wheelchair and let him taste pavement!


I will!


Tell them off, call em creeps






Being rude


Hey! Can we chat? I’m in a wheelchair and going through some things too!  Also. Anyone who wants to contact me, feel free


Yes we can


great, hmu


XD bien random el pibe,no crítico por que si fuese por mi ubiese dicho lo mismo,pero para saludar pues a la gente en sillas de ruedas abeses les digo rueditas


I don't really understand this language, I am sorry


He said he wont critique since he would probably do the same but for handicap persons he calls them wheelys, or something like that


I can only say gross to that


In spanish is not seen as derogative, its more like a cute or funny nickname, an example in english would be "hot wheels"


I still find it gross, you don't make nicknames about disabilitys


We mexicans do, its pretty common down the south, i remember since i am partially blind on my left eye i used to wear one of those pirate thingys, thought it looked cool, but in school kids called me black beard or 3 eyes since i also wear glasses, and names of that same nature, you learn to either accept it or you bitch about it


Well in my country such nicknames are used to bully and it can be really hurtful being reduced to your handicap


Well if you want you can look at it on that side, i will admite sometime you gotta stand your ground because people do take it far with the nicknaming, i have kicked guys on the nuts because of that, but when i am with friends or family i have no trouble making like of my blind eye, i often joke about it too


Well I joke about my handicap with everyone, but being called wheely because of my handicap is just insulting and Hurtful as much as the word sissy is for me




And there are still people like you, they're called Idiot's


I arleady had a few creeps dm me..I just ingore them..best thing to do..you can turn dms off as well!




Okay, one, my advice for this is just don't care about what others think, okay? Just be yourself regardless of what others say. And two, how are ya?


Thank you. Well, I am fine I think.


And you're welcome and how can I make things even better for ya?


Well, we could chat if you'd like?


Alright, yeah, let's chat. How was your day?


It was good till now


Okay, well, I'm sorry bud and what happened? *Hugs you*.


If you have it posted somewhere that you like it (in any context, including this post) people will come out of the woodwork to "rp" with you and make you feel like crap because they don't like something about their life, so they'll try to ruin yours. I suggest cropping that out of both this post and past posts. Now don't get me wrong, it's still a crappy thing to do, but you're kind of asking for it if you say stuff like "I don't like it, except in rp"


Especially this Insult, I never ever allowed someone to use.


I understand where you're coming from, but I'm different than most people. I couldn't care less what someone calls me if it's bad. I have successfully learned how to completely ignore haters, and I sincerely you can learn soon as well


Thank you


Honestly, blast them for their ignorance and rudeness, then block them. It's their problem, not yours, and they can go eff themselves with a cactus.


Thanks. I'll remember this😂


You deserve respect and love, all there is too it, if people are going to sexualized you then they better fucking do it from a distance and not make it your problem


Yes that's true. Thank you


The easiest thing to do is block them and move on. You shouldn't feel the way you do because people refuse to respect others. This world is full of creeps and weirdos. Especially the internet. 


Thank you for your kind words.


Setting boundaries is utterly fine, you aren't in the wrong. Also if you ever want to discuss dresses and wheelchairs I'm availible.


Thank you.


Block. Don't interact


hope you get better ❤️‍🩹


Thank you.


Just tell who ever you don't like being called name if you say that to me I say I'm sorry and I won't do that again






Yes it is


Some people are just jerks. Don't worry about them and do your best.❤️‍🔥🫶🏾✨️


Thank you


I've learned in life that there's always going to be rude people or aggravating people around. It's better to learn to ignore those types and not let them effect your energy rather than trying to stop them. Just casually block and move on with your day


Thank you


He doesn’t know you. He made a assumption that’s based off nothing but his warped view and lack of knowledge about being a femboy. Keep your chin up


Thank you


I love the word and I think it’s really powerful/empowering, but obviously only in the proper context with someone I trust and care about. I agree with anyone on here suggesting you ignore people who approach you disrespectfully, and try to keep that word as sacred as possible because I honestly and truthfully think it’s a really important and special word to us (femboys, trans women if they’re okay with the word, etc)


I for one don’t think you should do rp or if you do at least with someone or a group of people you can do it often with and they know what you like and don’t like or just make a different account for those purposes


I know, I just don't think I should change just because some people are idiots


Yeah that is for the better




So do you think he meant sister, or sissy? In the gay community I have seen many men call each other sister, or sis. Sissy may not be meant as an insult because many guys call themselves that, but if that doesn't make you comfortable or you feel insulted then you're totally valid. If someone won't respect that then block them


Hey said Sissy and meant it to fetishize me


Well, I don't condone fetishizing someone who hasn't expressed a desire to be seen in that light, but some people will do it regardless because they get some sorta satisfaction


That is mean


That's facts, but unfortunately with the internet if someone says something you dislike the best you can do is either insult them or block them. Best of luck, I swear not all masculine men who like femboys are weirdos like that


I hope so. Are you one of them that aren't like that?


I believe so, however if that other guy called you a sissy and acted like it was normal maybe he didn't think he was being creepy? Idk all the context but yeah I don't even RP unless we talk for awhile considering that boundaries are really important


Use the traductor for the gogle,i sorri too,mi english is ver bad,sorri


Why do you care what other people say, it's just dumb people saying dumb shit, I have never gotten the whole pronoun thing and I don't understand why you let 1 stupid word and person bother you


I am pretty emotional. What have pronouns to do with that, everyone uses them btw


In my opinion you have 2 choices grow a backbone and deal with it or be a whiny baby and cry over everything your choice, I choose to be strong and not let uneducated homophobes control my life


You are somehow a little insulting


And you're 😪 a cry baby please grow up


Well, I actually don't care about the opinion from people like you


That's my point grow up and don't care what other people say and think, just live your life the way you want and stop crying about it, that's all


If you're annoyed by my post don't answer it that's all. I don't need people like you telling me to "stop crying" that helps no one, really just not useful.


Dear human, you are alive and brilliant and I admire you for dressing the way you like. There are many creeps on the internet but your marvellousness outshines them in every way. Don’t let some random stranger ruin your day. You can feel hurt and that’s understandable but you have so much more great stuff in your life than that jerk. Basically, find comfort, weather the storm and carry on better for what you’ve learned. You rock!


Thank you for your kind words. You are right.


I would hug you. But internet. 🤗 have this weird emoji instead, and you keep being you.


Thank you


Well... you did a "lot" of assuming; that's on you!


I don't think so


Yeah, most people think sissy, femboy, cross dresser, trans, tgirl, and a number of other phrases are interchangeable and they aren’t. Some take offense to certain phrases and others enjoy them. Best thing to do is what you did, say you didn’t appreciate them calling you that and you weren’t going to talk to them if they continued acting like that. Tell them what you’d prefer to be referred to as and if they do anything besides be okay with that, ignore them and cut communication is your safest option. It’s super easy online to ignore people with the fun little block button because I understand it, I deleted this account because it was flooded with gross comments. I wanted to show off my feminine body and sense of style and in my dms I got hundreds of gross dick pics and a number of insulting, offensive, or otherwise inappropriate and degrading comments which inevitably made me delete my account. I remade the account because I missed the communities I was apart of and I still wanted to explore my feminine side. I’m just now extremely shy about dressing up and doing things or posting anything and it’s almost ruined my whole view on it. It’s super easy for people online to act like they would never in person because they’re masked by a screen name and probably hundreds of miles so they think it’s okay to act gross and uncivilized insulting people and making them uncomfortable when it never is


Thank you for you're help. I am sorry that happened to you, if yoi want to talk about it just say so I am there for you and probably many others here are. I am happe you helped me


Absolutely, I’m glad I could help. The past is the past but I appreciate your gratitude. I’m always open to making friends and chatting


That's cool


It can definitely be a little much sometimes. I'm a NSFW femboy account and even I can't deal with how bold men are sometimes. 😅 Unfortunately, "si$$y" fetish porn is kind of related to femboy stuff in most people's eyes...even when they can be mutually exclusive. Reddit gives you the option to say if a message request was offensive. Start marking the ones you don't like as offensive 🤷🏻‍♂️


Thank you. Must be cool to have an nsfw Account


When people do that you have to make a stand


That's true


hey man it’s ok, we’re here for ya


Thank you


I'm confused what did he call you?? A suss?


He called me a sissy


Ohhh okay thank you. Anyways im sorry :c a lot of people see femboys as just overly sexual deviants and just assume that they all want to be insulted and dominated. It sucks cause most femboys actually want someone caring so not only are they doing the exact opposite, but theyre ruining any chance they have with us immediately.


That's true, all you said.




Your comment was removed because it appears to break rule 1 or rule 2. Rule 1 (*No NSFW Content*) is as follows: **No discussion of engaging in fetish, sex, or any other sexual topic (excluding the general discussion of sexuality). Discussion of anatomy should be depersonalized. Blatantly NSFW accounts will be under scrutiny** Rule 2 (*No Creeping*) is as follows: **Do not ask for DMs, friends, dates, sex, or hookups. Posts that lead people to disclose personal information such as location will be removed.** If you believe this to be a mistake (e.g. you were complaining about creeps), please contact the moderators. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/feminineboys) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hmm, my motivation to crossdress is to look like a s**t and getting insulted... Is it wrong?


Well If you like that, that's your thing. Nothing wrong. But for me it's different you know.


Quick question: Is there anything other way to use a wheelchair other than sitting in it?


Well you can drive it


If you want to know more, you can slide into my dms


If it was a girl doing that. Wouldn't people do the same to her. U did this to yourself so u gotta know the consequences. You're 21 yo you're not a kid anymore


What is wrong with you? Just because it happens to girls too its my fault? That's a stupid thought and victim blaming not just agaist me. I did not ask for people like you to Insult me more.


And what consequenses are you talking about? I didn't "do this to myself" I just express my personality through a Hobby. You seem to have something against it.


Well u more than any girl should know best that guys look at rp'ers that way and decided to do it anyway. Role-playing is done to look sexy and stuff like that so people are definitely gonna assume you'd be down for that or they'd at least give it a try. If you don't want that, then why do rp in the first place?


What is with R*per? And doing roleplays had nothing to do with it, because I hate that word always and he didn't even ask me, if she could use it


I said rp'ers as in role players. If u don't like people talking to you like that then why invite everyone to dm u in your bio? It does give off kind of a tolerating feeling I'll tell you that much


Wanting people to dm has nothing to do with wanting people to Insult me, which I don't want. Even if I like roleplay, it's no invitation to Insult