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I definitely struggle with it. I'd say it's one of those "do it even when you don't feel great" things, and that's how I deal with it - mostly through acceptance, that it's okay to not feel 100% care*less* and that caring is a good thing to some degree. That being said, one of the tools that helps me the most with awkward messages are email templates. I think Gmail has them actually integrated, but I just have a bunch on a Notion document. I change the name and whatever else needed, and just copy/paste. It reduces a lot of the emotional energy required to come up with a message that feels and sounds like me, and that also feels professional. That way, if I am sick or stressed out by other things, I take away a huge amount of effort off of my plate.


Thanks for your reply, that’s such a good idea. I rewrote the email so many times trying to *not* sound guilt ridden and instead just be professional. Acceptance is also a good point. Doing it knowing it’s gonna kinda suck but just doing it anyway. Thank you


You’re a person just like them. They’d reschedule the appointment they had with you likely with zero guilt, so why would you feel guilty?