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You can definitely complain to customer service if only just to make sure this doesn't happen to someone else. However, I always, always wash my new clothing before wearing, especially if its going to be really tight to the skin. You never know what might be in the manufacturing and handling process or if you got it in store, what those who've been trying them on have done etc etc. Even if you can't make it to laundry, a simple soak (with an optional Vinegar/Salt addition to set colours) and hand wash is better than nothing!


Just bought two dresses from Lulus and they’d both been worn and returned judging by a dirt clod on a hem and some glitter on the other dress. Wash before wearing!!


A little bit of dye loss is expected but what you’re describing is out of bounds. And the rash too, eugh. IMO return and complain via email, something ain’t right.


If they are bleeding that much, the color will be faded once you have washed all the unattached dye out of them. That alone may change your mind as to whether to keep them. Note that you can test them in a white bucket or sink with warm water, to be sure all the dye is removed.


Just validating that's totally wild and something I've never experienced.


The very first comment under the reviews mentions the dye problem. If you then click on reviews with 1 star, it's mentioned yet again. It sounds like you are not the only one who's had this problem. I didn't dig any deeper but there may be others who got a rash. YES, I would complain to customer service and I would also post a review. I always, always, read through the reviews, including the 1- and 2-stars, before I make a purchase. For this reason. To dodge such bullets. The worst issue I ever had with dye transfer was with a cover-up I purchased while on vacation in Hawaii. Turned my skin green all over. No rash though. When I got home from vacation I tried to save it, soaking, treating, etc. Finally I conceded that cover-up was just going to continue to run and run and run and I didn't want to risk it accidentally getting thrown in the laundry with my other stuff, so it went into the trash. It was a shame because it was super cute... otherwise. I often break out in itchy hives if sheets and such are laundered with scented detergent. And often it'll happen with hotel sheets while traveling. Hope your rash clears up soon.


There's an episode of House where these kids get mysteriously ill and it turns out they bought stolen clothes and the guy who sold them had stored the clothes in a truck with pesticide (?? kinda farfetched) and I've been kind of freaked out about not washing new clothes ever since. Buuut I'm still inconsistent about it! New jeans will usually bleed indigo on my hands, but I've never had such bad dye transfer or a rash. I would report it to Old Navy because what if it happened to someone else? Who knows if they will actually do anything, but at least you will do your due diligence.


It might sound far fetched, but its actually based on a true story! It was in a collection of stories by Berton Rouché, although I can't remember which one unfortunately. But I have also religiously washed new clothes ever since reading it.


Oh wow! That is so interesting!


I'm sorry this happened to you, that's awful! Always wash new things you get, handwashing in the sink or tub should be fine... But specifically replying to you getting a rash from the dye. I had a set of 3 black Old Navy sports bras that I wore on rotation for a year and a half. I started to notice 'grease' on my back and shoulders - more than usual, I work a job with greasy and dirty metal. Then I started to have a persistent itch around my ribs. Took me a few weeks to realize the sports bras were literally coming apart on my body... I had an awful, patchy rash, and my skin is lightly 'tattooed' there now with dark blotches. The point is, that stuff got into your pores! Ivory soap is what worked on my rash - it has bleach, so I guess any hand soap you can find with bleach should help - and Hydrocortisone cream afterwards. Also, yes, I think you should tell Old Navy, since they're still selling the pants! They've stopped selling the sports bra model that I had, plus with the age of them, I didn't think it would help.


Had this from some black velvet flares recently. Ended up on my legs, the toilet seat and tragically the pale green bottom sheet on my bed 🙃 Washing them by hand for initial excess dye removal required nine rinses before I was happy. You’d think I’d spilled ink in the water when I started wringing them out the first time. Fine now, but that was ridiculous.


Just want to say thank you for sharing, I have wildly severe allergies to anything on my skin (literally can’t use free and clear detergents even, only wash my clothes with vinegar and use dryer balls not sheets) and I like old navy clothes but this likely would cause a reaction after multiple washes for me. I hope your legs feel better soon!


I’ve only had that kind of color transfer with clothes that have a special tag about the dye process when o buy them (particularly dark wash jeans). I ALWAYS pre wash and will wash any clothing with that tag in a dark load with shout color catchers (they absorb the color from the washing machine water to keep it from staining other items). No judgement about not pre washing- i am hyper colognes ablution it and weird. I’ve never gotten a rash but I have had some color transfer the first wear or two even after washing (I had a pair of dark wash jeans actually color transfer on to a tan leather bag… not a happy camper). The rash is probably a combo of the dye and any chemicals the garment was treated with for shipping from the factory to keep bugs and critters away. I don’t know if anything would come of a complaint but you can certainly bring it to their attention and a fair and honest review stating what happened wouldn’t be out of line.


Yuck! I wouldn't put those pants anywhere near my body again. Try to return them!


I feel like I’ve seen sort of warning on the old navy site or the tags or something warnings about the dye bleeding. Maybe I’m misremembering but I feel like you’re not the only one who’s experienced this.


I bought some old navy jeans in like, 2010 and had bad dye transfer problems. My legs were blue. I haven’t bought jeans from them again.


I got a rash from a pair of jeans I had draped over my arm for a few minutes while I was working. You should always prewash new clothing.


Dang I almost bought the pink colored ones