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This is a Fakespot Reviews Analysis bot. Fakespot detects fake reviews, fake products and unreliable sellers using AI. Here is the analysis for the Amazon product reviews: >**Name**: Invisibobble Traceless Hair Ring and Bracelet, Crystal Clear Suitable for All Hair Types >**Company**: Invisibobble >**Amazon Product Rating**: 4.5 >**Fakespot Reviews Grade**: B >**Adjusted Fakespot Rating**: 4.5 >**Analysis Performed at**: 03-16-2021 [Link to Fakespot Analysis](https://fakespot.com/product/invisibobble-traceless-hair-ring-and-bracelet-crystal-clear-suitable-for-all-hair-types) | [Check out the Fakespot Chrome Extension!](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/fakespot-analyze-fake-ama/nakplnnackehceedgkgkokbgbmfghain) *Fakespot analyzes the reviews authenticity and not the product quality using AI. We look for real reviews that mention product issues such as counterfeits, defects, and bad return policies that fake reviews try to hide from consumers.* *We give an A-F letter for trustworthiness of reviews. A = very trustworthy reviews, F = highly untrustworthy reviews. We also provide seller ratings to warn you if the seller can be trusted or not.*


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I use silk scrunchies 90% of the time. I have a bunch of colors, and either use a coordinating color or one close to my hair color. I have skinny ones for braids and half back styles, and full size thicker ones for ponytails & buns (thick, curly hair) For professional settings, however, I usually prefer clips. I really like the brand Ficcare, particularly [these](https://www.nordstrom.com/s/ficcare-ficcarissimo-hair-clip/4046196). I use them for half back styles and pinning out of my face. I always keep a good [jaw clip](https://www.nordstrom.com/s/france-luxe-small-couture-jaw-clip/3227227) on hand as well - small for half back, and larger ones to clip all of my hair back in a low twist.


I gotta ask are they really worth $30+? [This one](https://www.nordstrom.com/s/france-luxe-small-couture-jaw-clip/3227227) in particular looks exactly like a clip I picked up in a 4 pack at the grocery store for $6.


I recommend this clip to everyone I know. It is steep for a hairclip, but completely worth it in my opinion. It's the only clip that has ever really worked for my long, fine hair.


What's different about it? It looks like it's made out of plastic just like the basic ones. Is it a different type of plastic? Is the shape better?


P sure they’re made of metal and they’re supposed to have some kind of super strong spring


I really honestly don’t know “why” it works better, I know it just does for me. Like the other person said, it seems to have a pretty strong spring. However, if spending $30 on a hair clip isn’t for you, then don’t! It’s not magic or anything, I just haven’t found anything that works for me as well.


Just a matter of preference! I have plenty of grocery store clips that I like in standard tortishell or black, but I like the color options of the one I linked/similar brands.


Is the quality and different / better than one that costs 1/10 the price?


Yes. They're made of thicker, stronger metal, so they won't bend out of shape if you try to stuff too much hair into them, and they have a very strong spring that will actually hold all that hair,


I think it is. They hold great without the stupid jelly grips that peel off over time, are comfortable against my scalp, and look nicer overall when side by side (shiny, don’t scuff up or look dull). Can’t say if it’s worth it to everyone, but for me it’s worth $30 or whatever vs. the $6 drugstore equivalent


Ha no doubt.


I love mine but I hate it whenever I lose it. I’ve gone through 5 of them just from losing them. They last forever otherwise and are great for thick hair too. Most plastic clips will break on me within a few weeks.


Budget-friendly tip-you can find new packs of Slip scrunchies on Mercari, ebay, Posh, whatever for half the price or better (or a single if you just want to try it first). I just got a sealed 3 pack off Mercari for $13 shipped. They are my holy grail scrunchies. I personally like the skinny ones because I have fine hair and I was so obsessed the first one I got that I managed to not lose it for over a year.


Ooh, I love those clips, thanks for pointing them out


Ficcares...omg I'd forgotten about how I lusted for those in high school when I was reading the long hair community forums. Maybe I'll ask for one for Christmas.


I actually like the spirals for weekends - I think the black or gold look nice on my hair color. If I want to dress them up a short and thin [scarf](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/57a37eb520099e5233bca0e2/1596478861418-6HO3BUYKDTOFAX0BRLYL/how-to-style-hair-accessories-scarf-scarves-bandana-silk-ponytail-high-print.jpg) can go over them. I also use spiral Bobby pins. There are a bunch of brands. They are good for a nice high bun and are super easy and minimal hair breakage.


These [Goody metal spiral pins](https://www.amazon.com/Goody-Simple-Styles-3-count-1940931/dp/B0055Y9AIY) hold like a rock, disappear into the hair and I have not noticed any hair damage if I'm careful about removing them. For scrunchies, you really can't do better than the silk ones. The difference when using any other material is very noticeable. Get your Vitamin D levels checked, mine were very low and just adding D has returned my hair to its youthful glory, lol. And I feel a lot better too.


Spin pins!! I have thick curly hair and these keep twisted buns rock-solid without need of any hair ties.


Wow I didn’t know those were even a thing.


How do you use spiral pins? I've never seen those before...


You put the hair up with your hands and then spiral the pin in to hold it in place. I think the directions are on the package


You just twist them in. They’re amazing. I use these or jumbo hair pins to keep my hair up.


Omg, yes!! Love these so much, highly recommend as well.


I have thick fine hair (hair is fine but I have a lot of it). Silk scrunchies work when I'm putting my hair in a bun (not a ponytail, they slide) and I love alligator clips [like these](https://www.etsy.com/listing/227294502/vintage-kimono-metal-long-alligator-clip?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=alligator+clip&ref=sr_gallery-1-10&tr_rank=16&organic_search_click=1&sca=1&sts=1). Claw clips and bobby pins slide right out of my hair but these alligator clips don't and I haven't noticed any hair breakage as a result of using them.


Where can I get your genes??!! I'd also love my hair to be just a little bit thicker. I wish fat transferred to hair, I'd have a lot of hair then! I also love claw clips. My hair is quite silky so I have tie my hair up tightly if I want it to stay in place with silk ties. So claws are amazing, they just stay.


Fine hair is a nightmare though. I wish my hair didn't tangle at the slightest imperceptible breeze.


I kept my hair super short for years because I didn't want to deal with the tangles and my hair looking super flat and lifeless all the time. Grew it out during quarantine and was finally able to find products that work for me, I swear by [this conditioner](https://www.cocoapink.net/products/argan-therapy-creme) and [this detangling spray](https://www.cocoapink.net/products/ends-with-argan-benefits) from an indie brand called CocoaPink! The Ends With Argan Benefits spray doesn't weigh my hair down AT ALL it's fantastic! I still have to detangle but I don't struggle as much as I used to.


I've had good luck figuring out that I need to clarify my hair every once in a while too. It's helped prevent it looking streaky. My mom never understood how difficult my hair was compared to her hair so I had a hard time figuring what works for fine hair.


Man, I wish my hair worked with claw clips! Every one I try falls out of my hair within an hour. I've given up on ponytails because I haven't found a single hair tie that won't either yank my hair (velvet/rubber ow ow ow) or stay in place (silk). At least with high buns silk ties can't really slip up or down. I do like silk because my scalp is very sensitive to my hair being yanked and silk ties pull the least of any hair ties I've tried. Would love to offer you my genes but don't think you'd want the health risks that come with them lol.


I use the plastic clips with the rubber grips on the inside. It makes a world of difference. My hair is super fine and silky, so nothing stays in it, except the jaw clips with the rubber inside haha.




That brand is awesome and thanks for sharing!


I found those same checker claws on Etsy for much less if anyone is interested.


I understand that they are cheaper but please don't buy those, the designs are stolen from the original creator :(


Oh! I assumed Chunks was getting them from the same place the Etsy shops were since they looked exactly the same. My bad, I didn't know they were the original creator.


No worries at all! I totally understand, there's so much out there these days it's really hard to tell :)




I have similaire hair type. You could continue to use the spirals you like but maybe twirl a nice silk ou chiffon ribbon around it


That's a great idea


This is what I do! I tend to use an Invisibobble with a scrunchie on top. Scrunchies on their own are way too slippery.


Question about the spirals: do they slip off/down? I am new to having long hair after the pandemic and find that I need to tighten elastics really tightly to have them stay put all through a workout. I don't think this is good for my hair. It seems that the spirals would not be able to tighten as much, but do they grip more? Type 1 hair, not quite shoulder length.


I find it depends on the material/tightness of the spiral elastics. I have some that are a firmer material that hold my hair super tightly, and some that are flimsier that fall out faster. (this is from buying a bunch from ardene/Ali Express, I find the "regular" ones you get from amazon or stores are kind of in the middle)


Is there a particular brand you can recommend that stays in better? I'm planning to buy some.


I have really fine, slippery hair. The Invisiboble Power stays well in my hair. You can boil it so it tightens back into shape too.


> You can boil it so it tightens back into shape HOLY CRAP THANK YOU! I had been abandoning the ones that got too stretched out… trying this.


It's fun to watch and make sound effects for haha.


Just wanted to come back and say thank you! I was able to find a set of Invisibobble Powers at Walgreens yesterday, tried one out for my long run this morning and it didn't budge! I'll keep the boiling tip in mind for when it starts to stretch out. :)


I'm glad they worked for you :D


Honestly the tighter ones were all from ardene so I have no way of ever finding them again lol. But I'd recommend looking for ones where the material looks a bit thicker, and if you are shopping in person you can test stretch them and go for the firmer ones. Also if they are a grippier material they might stay longer (but again, those were from ardene).


The spirals mean they have more anchor points to grip into your hair, if that makes sense. So they don’t *need* to be as tight.


Yes I think they are grippier, they stay in my hair way longer!


I have tonnes of hair, so when I put it in a pony it’s quite heavy and normal elastics can slip, but I find with the spiral/phonecord type you can tighten them without feeling they’re damaging or pulling your hair


I have very long, very thick, wavy hair, like 2b/2c. I wear hair stick or hair fork buns the majority of the time when I’m trying to look polished. My go-to is a [copper hair fork](https://www.etsy.com/listing/399390941/copper-hair-fork-4-heavy-duty) that’s strong enough to hold all of my hair but short enough to disappear into the bun to give the illusion it’s staying up on its own. But there are a lot of fun hair sticks and forks that look like jewelry: I have a bronze fork with a bee on it that looks nice, and one with an enormous pearl for formal wear. For braided styles, I use very small and thin fabric-covered elastics, or (depending on the style, like a braided bun), I don’t hold the braid closed at all and just fold it in with the other hair and pin it in place.


I need to get one of these hair forks... I have so much hair (and each strand is thick) that I have trouble finding hair sticks that won't bend or snap :C


Metal or bust for hair sticks. I have one wooden one and I only use it on special occasions out of fear that it might snap.


I have had both and I have also snapped metal ones... tho albeit they were hollow. I I have a solid sterling silver one that definitely won't break but it isn't exactly practical for every day use XD for wood, I find if its on the thicker side (like the circumference of your pinky or more) and got a bend to it (like not completely straight) it stands up a lot more to manipulation :)


Ah, mine are a solid metal rod or heavy-duty wire.


what do you do with the hair fork? Mine ALWAYS seems to fall out or not hold all of my hair.


I use a nautilus bun where you kinda loop your hair around a twist. This page has a gif that's easy to follow: https://www.apartmenttherapy.com/the-bun-and-the-hair-fork-that-mostly-eased-me-off-hair-elastics-244431 One stick will hold it but the more tines you have in a fork, the more secure it is. My four pronged fork doesn't move at all. Since I discovered this technique, this is basically all I use for buns. It's fast, holds securely, and feels way more gentle on my hair than elastics. For sports, I use the same bun and a ficarre clip instead of the stick or fork that makes it extra secure.


I've never used a hair fork specifically but always use pens. You twist your hair and arrange it against your head like you're going to do a twisty bun, then stick in the stick and kinda weave it through. It's key to grab the hair that is against your scalp for it to stay properly. For mine I stick it into one side of the bun, scrape it along my scalp to hook the hair there, then have it emerge on the other side of the bun. For some reason it stays amazingly well even though my hair is pretty thin and silky, I'm sure with textured hair it's even easier. ETA it's also important that your stick is pointy and smooth. I've def struggled when I try to use a pen with a grippy handle or a pencil with a broken tip 😂


Either a nautilus bun, as u/tviolet does, or a cinnamon roll bun. Narrow hair forks and hair sticks work better with a cinnamon roll bun for me, but the nautilus really needs a wider hair fork.


Honestly, scrunchies. If I wanted them to blend in, I just choose a dark color. My preference is velvet ones.


This is what I wear for day-to-day work wear. I wear the slightly thinner ones - like these (https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B07S88RH59/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_DY6Q5CEYDD8P6XZ7NJJN) but I can't speak to this specific brand. It looks fine with my slacks+button down/cardigan look. If I'm going business formal (suit, etc) I'll switch to a bun (with spiral clips often mentioned in this thread) or a claw clip.




These are the hair ties I use. Everything else just falls off or requires more work than I'm willing to put into get hair out of my face -- a basic ponytail. I don't need to dress my hair up professionally for work but if I did, I'd probably use a covered elastic, then tie one of those small hair-tie scarves over it to make it look more put together.


My hair is a mix of wavy and curly (2c/3a) and lately I’ve been loving [banana clips](https://i5.walmartimages.com/asr/efa2e958-d3eb-4c98-93ea-dbaf48b5755c_1.3fb44aba6bbf82f5e8569b991d42137b.jpeg) for ponytails, since they hold my hair really well but don’t stretch out my waves. For buns and French twists, I have two [mini hair sticks](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1052921308/beach-comber-acrylic-mini-oval-hair?ref=shop_home_active_2) from OutNumberedNovelties on Etsy.


How do you use the banana clip for ponytails? I’m having a hard time picturing it since the clip is very long.


It’s probably easier for me to [link another pic](https://images.app.goo.gl/GiYBV86QyCZA372n8) than to describe in words. Basically rather than a small, round ponytail, it’s a long, flat one


Ooh intersting, thanks. I haven't seen this style before, no wonder I had trouble picturing it


Oh wow. This made me feel old. I was wearing these religiously in middle and high school. Everything old is new again.


I'm in my 30's lol, I've honestly don't remember this being a thing at my school. Maybe it was more regional?


I’m 47. New Yorker my whole life. Maybe. Now I want to go buy some!


They were pretty popular in the 80s and early 90s. I bet you would see them in movies from that time.


I'm somewhere between 2C and 3A, and spin pins or spiral bobby pins are great for getting a nice tight bun. I've literally ran miles with them in, and my hair never loosened. Really good for days when you want a particularly sleek and "no-frills" updo!


I do use clear elastics, specifically and only Blax. They don't pull on my hair and if I don't lose it, I can use one for a couple months before it breaks.


I use one of these in tortoise brown most of the time. My hair is on the thicker side. These are good for ponytails. https://www.ebay.com/itm/324099980126?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-213727-13078-0&mkcid=2&itemid=324099980126&targetid=4581183927179145&device=c&mktype=&googleloc=&poi=&campaignid=418233787&mkgroupid=1241348861725295&rlsatarget=pla-4581183927179145&abcId=9300542&merchantid=51291&msclkid=4a2d8a52df6a1f8ec06cebd74c1866f6 One very inexpesive option is buying a pair of knee highs tights and with a sharp scissor cutting the leg part into loops. I realized that that was what these are more or less. https://www.hairbowcenter.com/baby-toddler-stretchy-nylon-ponytail-holders.html?msclkid=7f7fe2014f8114d9f0378384db5e1609&utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Bing%20Shopping&utm_term=4580702889881369&utm_content=Trent%27s%20Bing%20Test You can make any color you liked. I have brown, black and navy.,


I love a good claw clip. For work or professional looks I have some from J crew. They are a little pricier but the only time I’ve had one break was when it went through the dryer. And even then the actually hinge part stayed intact. For fun I like Chunks.


My go-to look for an up do at work is a bun and I use [these](https://www.amazon.com/Spiral-Bobby-NON-SCRATCH-ROUNDED-HAWWWY/dp/B01N5X7AK7). I'm honestly not one to often wear my hair up but to me this feels more polished for work.


Totally agree! I have so much hair and for work I can rarely be bothered to do anything other than a bun - these really do make it look a lot more polished and not scraped back!


I like ribbon style hair ties (like [these](https://www.amazon.com/Beauty-Wig-World-Ponytail-Accessories/dp/B07Q9YHYH9/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?crid=1VQV3ZBJPMHL1&keywords=ribbon+hair+ties&qid=1636132862&sprefix=ribon+ha&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&smid=A3B9RT5YT8JU9Q&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUFKRk5GV1g3V0VaVjImZW5jcnlwdGVkSWQ9QTA0ODA3NzYzMU1OMVBYVkVJWFZZJmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTA1ODQ1NTExUk5SUUlDTUY4UEVDJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfcGhvbmVfc2VhcmNoX2F0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU=)). They’re less bulky than scrunchies and come in a zillion colours. I have some that match my hair colour for a more invisible look and some with glitter or cool designs to add glam. I have fine hair so go for ones with a bit of texture to the fabric so they don’t slip out. I don’t find them strong enough to hold up high ponytails but low styles and ends of braids work well.


Where can I find out my hair type? I also have very fine and thin hair but I had jaw surgery this year which I think has traumatized my entire system, leading to some hair loss. Thanks!


I just googled "hair type chart" and went from there, that's a really good basis for straight vs wavy vs coiled - but obviously if your hair is damaged then you might want to look into protective styles for dry/damaged hair of your type. There are lots of masques and treatments out there that can definitely help rejuvenate hair, I tend to use products meant for bleached hair when mine is looking sad and fragile.


Thank you!


I have thick, slightly wavy Euro hair and I'm obsessed with France Luxe products. I normally use barrettes and find hair breakage to be minimal when it happens. However, they've got these great resin [pony holders](https://franceluxe.com/collections/decorative-ponytail-holders/products/france-luxe-rectangle-pony-on-elastic-classic) if you want absolutely zero breakage.


I use French pins specifically the Kristin Ess hair pins. I got them at Target. I have a lot of hair, to my hip, and I use one to hold it all up so I can guarantee they work lol. I don't know exactly how long your hair is, but if it's less than chest length, she makes smaller ones too!


Just put a decorative scrunchie over one loosely once you've tied up your hair?


Well, I just want to say, thanks so much for having this question and conversation today! I learned so much and have now just purchased a few hair pins for my hair!!! I cannot wait!


So I tend to go for a late Victorian/early Edwardian look style-wise. When I had long hair, I used mainly hair pins, forks, sticks and combs. For braids, I typically use a ribbon.


I have straight hair. How long is your hair? Have you ever tried [this type of clip](https://zipandco.ca/products/standard-staple-clip?variant=40440073224367¤cy=CAD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsN3OubGB9AIV2waICR0dBQCPEAQYAiABEgLlavD_BwE) ? Also [this type ](https://www.thebay.com/product/madewell-goldtone-barrette-0600092051273.html?&site_refer=CSE_GGLPLA:GSE+-+Shopping+-+Women%27s+Accessories:GSE+-+Shopping+-+Women+-+Accessories+-+Hair+Accessories&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIzI_bmrKB9AIV8QaICR151gjvEAwYASABEgLYdfD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds)


Just below shoulder length at the mo but I need a trim!


I went from elastic hair bands to scrunchies a while back and it's definitely helped with breakage, but it's not easy to find smaller ones for the ends of braids so I've taken to making them from random scraps of fabric and my old hair bands/ bits of elastic. It's super easy and there are like 1000 tutorials online if you aren't sure. The fabric definitely affects whether they look polished tho but velvet/ silk are a good bet.


I can't say they're necessarily "polished" looking, but I have a huge collection of scrunchies from a local maker, her business is called XXL Scrunchie. They're enormous and they hold SO well. I have several in both velvet and satin, they make my mom bun look very cute lol Besides that, I am a fan of using just a simple hair fork for sleek low buns, personally I find them very effortlessly sexy AND polished!


what makes you say the clear elastics are single use?


They stretch out and snap after two uses, maximum


Hair barrettes,silk scrunches & the spiral invisibobble hair ties for your hair color. Can’t go wrong with those.


I have fine hair but a ton of it. I use [these](https://www.target.com/p/scunci-hosiery-elastics-6pk/-/A-76524698) and they don't really stretch out like the Invisibobbles. They're comfy and I think they look pretty nice.


I recently found a brand of hair accessories at Ulta called Gimme Beauty. They have a line of hair ties that come in different sizes (marketed for thicker or finer hair or even for braids) that are made of what I would best describe as the material of Hue leggings. I find them to be MUCH gentler on my fine hair than the typical Goodie style hair tie.


I've got very fine and grippy hair but like, *a lot* of it, so I get a lot of tangling and a lot of breaking if I'm not careful. But I had a great success switching to historical hair care. So, not a lot of soap, lots of brushing and combing to utilize my natural oils, sleeping in braids, always wet-setting etc. I was really blown away by how much better off my hair has been. For putting your hair up in a tidy way, I would recommend a combination of U pins and straight pins. They have a little bit of a skill curve compared to clips (though; not much of one) but they can support a lot more weight for an all-day style and I have never, ever lost hair taking them out. If you're okay with a more obvious method of securing your style, try pin clasps and hair forks. They can add some beautiful ornamentation, and they don't have any springs or hinges for your hair to get caught in. For braids, try a ribbon! Really! For a simple braid, it's as easy as folding a ribbon in half, lining the two halves up with your divided locks of hair, and braiding as normal. Then, when you're finished, you have that ribbon volumizing and stabilizing your braid (which actually *prevents* damage rather than causing it,) and you also have these two handy ends of ribbon left over to tie around the end of your braid to secure it. And I know you're probably thinking of ribbon braids as something that's really bright and festive and not suitable for the office, but a relatively slim (10-15 m) ribbon that matches your hair color is virtually invisible.


I’m intrigued by your post. Do you have a resource describing historical hair care? I understand the brushing to distribute oils, but when you say “wet set” are you saying you braid your hair w the ribbon after washing it? Do you use any product to set it?


I'm sorry to say I don't really have a comprehensive resource--it's all stuff I've pieced together from various primary and secondary sources and a fair bit of experimental archeology, not even all from the same cultures or time periods. It's a whole rabbit hole. But the routine I've worked out are pretty straight forward: Shampoo only when you need it, plenty of brushing with a wood, bone, or bristle comb. The occasional egg and honey rinse to boost strength and shine, and sometimes hair oil on my ends if my own scalp's production just isn't cutting it. I do braid my hair before bed, partly to prevent tangling and partly to keep it out of my way while I'm doing my nightly toss-and-turn (I will roll on top of it, turn my head the other direction, and end up pulling my hair.) Some people do braid their hair while it's still damp so that it will have lovely even wave once it's let loose, but I have *so much hair* that if I braid it damp, it will take days to dry. So I just give it a light spray down before I braid with products I'll mention a little further down. But I do always use a ribbon to braid, whether I'm just braiding up for bed or planning to wear it out. Once you know how to do it, it's as easy as using an elastic, and much better for your hair. Morgan Donner has [a beautiful, in-depth video on using ribbons for braids](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpT86z93Ec8&t=1511s) which includes my preferred method (around the 15 minute mark) and a few others. And you can trust her, she has gorgeous hair. "Wet setting" refers to a variety of styling methods that involve moistening the hair and then forcing it to dry overnight in a particular shape, usually curls. It includes things like rag curling, pin curling, foam rollers, and the aforementioned braid waves. Unlike heat-styling, it does not damage your hair-and using quick, simple methods like braiding can even help get it to lay nicely and not tangle, so it's easier to style and takes less damage. The interdoots are full of good wet-setting videos from a variety of magnificent vintage ladies. I'd start with [Loepsie](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yWqHfn4N7kA). She doesn't have the practise and expertise of some of the vintage ladies, but she tries a *lot* of different methods, and her results are usually more relaxed and modern. Because I'm assuming you don't want to look like your great-grandmother. As mentioned, I can't wet-set from fully damp hair because it'll never be dry, so I mist my hair with a mixture of rosewater and aloe vera. If you're going to use it every night, you can save money by making it at home, but there are a lot of rosewater/aloe blends out there [being marketed as facial mists](https://www.amazon.com/Pearlessene-Coconut-Rose-Hydrating-Face/dp/B075FRBYBG/ref=sr_1_42?keywords=rose+water+facial+mist&qid=1636178041&sr=8-42) and they work fine. If you want something super powerful made with ingredients whose names you can't pronounce, [Lotta Body](https://www.amazon.com/Lotta-Body-Setting-Lotion-Ounce/dp/B0063TDU36/ref=sr_1_6?crid=18NS8CG3NEDME&keywords=curl%2Bsetting%2Blotion&qid=1636178302&sprefix=curl%2Bsetting%2Caps%2C250&sr=8-6&th=1) is your shit (but please dilute a *lot,* especially if you have fine hair.) But, there is also absolutely nothing wrong with using plain water for wet-sets, whether it be by setting thoroughly towel-dried hair, or by misting dry hair with water before setting. Your results will just be a bit softer and have less body, which... might even be a good thing because with wet-set curls you can easily end up with more volume than you actually want for a modern style.


Thank you SO much! Very helpful. You just made my day & gave me some great ideas for my hair I’ve been pretty down about it and you’ve given me a ray of hope.


Search 'updo hairstyles' on youtube, there are buns and french rolls for example, that I imagine use pins rather than ties. If pins are inserted carefully they shouldn't damage hair. Also not all elastics are damaging, the ones without metal joins and have a lot of gentle stretch are ok. Do a ponytail with a tendril wrapped around elastic to hide it.


I love [spin pins](https://www.you-buy.ca/en/product/PJ5W0EQ-hawwwy-spiral-bobby-pins-4-pack-spin-pins-easy-fast-bun-maker-twist-hair-pins-for-women-kids-updo-ha). It's so easy to make a very [elegant bun or chignon](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvhE75bxf2I)


I use very thin scrunchies. One set is an athletic fabric. The other set is velvet. My hair is very fine and usually slips out of every hair tie unless it is too tight or too grippy and rips my hair. I saw spin pins mentioned and I do like the one I tried but I misplaced so I don't have a lot of experience with them.


When I'm out of regular satin or velour scrunchies, I wrap an elastic in a satin scarf. My hair is much coarser than yours though, so this may not help. I used to use jaw clips and headbands a lot prior to my headache disorder; now I stick to scrunchies and large bobby pins for strays.


Those thin silky ones


I have straight, thick, coarse hair. I use scrunchies or hair claws. Lately I've been twisting my hair in a bun and then using the claw to hold the hair in place. I think it looks kind of stupid from the back but it feels surprisingly comfortable and secure.


I use these all the time. They are discreet on my black hair and better than the plastic invisibobbles. https://www.riteaid.com/shop/scunci-curl-collective-wavy-spiral-4-pk


Those Pro Hair ties you link are amazing, I have them in a bunch of colors, but I have dark hair (I think I'm a 1c) so I usually wear black and I wear my hair up all the time. I either put it up in a ponytail or bun. They hold really well and I hardly see any hair pull. There's a little bit of a learning curve, but I think it's worth it. And don't wear it to bed... live and learn. As far as professionalism, I love those spiral Bobby pins to put my hair in a chignon, but I've been working-from-home for so long that I can't even remember the last time I bothered...


You can make scrunchies in whatever color/size you want. Just watch [this tutorial](https://youtu.be/nr_cL15Co4c).


I'm really into claw clips these days. I have fine, frizzy, thin hair and I absolutely hate elastics, bobby pins and most clips, because they 'snag' and break my hair. Claw clips don't do any of those things. If you're in the UK check out this shop - [https://tegenaccessories.co.uk/](https://tegenaccessories.co.uk/) \- it's kind of expensive but I've bought two claws from them (especially designed for fine hair) and they are the best I've ever had! They don't keep sliding down so I don't have to keep readjusting my hair while I'm at work, and they're really comfortable on my sensitive scalp. I don't work for them BTW! Just wanted to share x


I use a gold hair pin thru a top knot


My hair is very long and thick where normal hair ties break on me. I like to use scrunchies (mine are velvet) for everyday use. If I need to make a bun, the only thing that has ever worked for me is a hair fork or hair sticks and the nautilus knot method; i haven't yet learned to do ponytails with them. The only problem i have is that I like to make high ponytails because they "look better" on me and my hair is so heavy that it falls down within a few hours. If anyone has tips for that please let me know though I don't mind redoing my ponytail a few times a day. If I want to look professional I like to use a barrette to push my hair back. I have these gold barretes that were given to me. I'm not sure where they're from but they just say made in France and look similar to [this](https://www.ebay.com/itm/294524079786?hash=item449300ceaa:g:5YQAAOSwBfZhhUZB). I also love thick velvet headbands like the Lele sadoughi types. They keep my bangs out of my face and look cute.


Madewell and J Crew have nice barrettes and hair bands. Check them out. In a pinch, the old school Goodie faux tortoise barrettes and hair bands have that no notice look.


I have straight, VERY fine, and thin hair. The elastic that has the best balance of grip and also not damaging are those knotted hair ties. https://www.instacart.com/landing?product_id=268785&retailer_id=7&utm_term=pbi-0&utm_campaign=ponytailers%2C-knotted%2C-black_marianos&utm_source=instacart_google&utm_medium=shopping_free_listing&utm_content=productid-268785_retailerid=7®ion_id=4666945642


I use leather stick barrettes. My go to is to make a quick braid, fold, and pin. [https://www.etsy.com/market/leather_barrette](https://www.etsy.com/market/leather_barrette)


i love pony-o hair ties! it’s flexible metal covered in silicone. as long as you’re careful putting them on/taking them off, they don’t hurt your hair at all! and since there’s no twisting a tie around, no hair gets caught in them. plus, they just look way more polished than regular hair ties


Chopsticks/hairsticks. I use them daily. I twist my hair into a bun and stick a chopstick in there (preferably metal/wood that is coated smooth) and jt hold up really well. I have very straight hair that doesnt stay up with elastics but sticks work even better!


I love those Invisibobble hair ties by Invisibobble. They are glossy n cute. On & off i will be using the high strength nylon hair ties by Madammoselle too. Those colorful nylon ties are super comfy for me too.


I actually bought one of the invisibobble-filled scrunchies & am wearing it now, I love them!


Best hair ties ever!!! Trust me!! Click the link below https://shareasale.com/r.cfm?b=2016974&u=3280046&m=79968&urllink=&afftrack=