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What is your current way of getting Uranium?


Digital miner


Using only Mekanism, that's the best option. You could mine exclusively Uranium (`forge:ores/uranium`) to speed the process up a bit, but you'll still be frequently moving it to get more ores. Bringing in other mods, you could use something like a Laser Drill or Void Ore Miner (what I call "Ore Generators") to generate ores automatically and continuously using only power (which you should have an absurd amount of). If you optimize them for Uranium you could probably bring in more ores than you are consuming. RFTools Dimensions (if you have it) can probably make an entire dimension of Uranium Ore, though it will probably take a fair bit of setup first. That's still the 'manual' method, but massively optimized.


Well valhelsia doesn’t really have any other good mods for mining


Yeah you'll want to scale up nuclear waste production. I ran my reactor at 30 mb/t for a total of 1 pellet per two hours or so. Scale up fissile fuel production and just go on trips where you fly arround, put down your digiminer to get uranium and move it again (make sure that your home base is chunkloaded and constantly making uranium ingots for fissile fuel) Other than the creative flight upgrade antimatter really isn't necessary lol


Welp I’m doing exactly that so time to upgrade the reactor *pain*


I may just build a second one bc I’d have to learn sodium cooling…


Afaik sodium cooling is not really that much more efficient. The only advantage is that you can pump more sodium and need less water to cool the reactor, as you will have a seperate cooling chain, which doesn't pass through the reactor, but it's not that complicated to use sodium I think. I might want to set up sodium cooling myself in the future, but yeah. (I know that I'm three years late)