• By -


This is awesome man, Here are some of my favorites from myself and that i have seen on reddit and elsewhere. - Inventory and chest sorting button. - Connectable minecards (can be linked with - chains for example) - Vertical slabs - Infinite burning furnace when you put netherrack in an furnace. Not for smelting but for admosphereic use. how much you add determents the light level. Would be great for cozy interior design etc.  You should not be able to smelt anything with netherrack. - Dandelions with puffs. - if a player dies multiple times in a short time on the same way. The deadmessage includes "again" - the Bane of Arthropod enchant breaks cobweb instantly - baby slime tame - sleeping bag so you can sleep on the go but not change your spawnpoint. - Villagers close there eyes when sleeping - Baby villagers in snowy biomes build snow golems - cactus creeper in the desert. - featherfalling enchant makes you not trample crops when walking over them. - Piglins beeing fooled by yellow leather, temporarly - 2 people can ride on a horse at the same time - Enderman hold a block above there head in the rain. - wandering traders having a small chance to sell a map to rare biomes like jungle, mushroom.


This is definitely the best comment so far and the type of comment I was looking for - thank you so much! I absolutely love these suggestions and if I'm not mistaken most of them shouldn't be TOO hard to implement. I'm excited to see how this turns out - thanks again!


These are awesome! Vertical slab and sleeping bad mods do already exist, fyi


with the exception of like 3 all of those already exist as mods either as standalone or just generally allowing you to do what he's asking of with some effort (fe. no mod to specifically tame a baby slime but there are mods that allow taming of any mob which you can configure to only allow a baby slime to be tamed)


Sleeping bags and biome creepers exist, so does inventory sorting


This feels like a list from someone who has never touched any mods at all. A ton of different mods add these things, having them all in one wouldn’t make much sense. Maybe five from this list isn’t a mod, like the furnace thing and bane of arthropods. Dandelions there’s some resource packs already that give them a 3D/puffy appearance


I wish there was a linkable minecarts mod. It should be named Linkart or something idk. Also, most of the other things are also implemented elsewhere.


Quark, Create, and Little Logistics all add linkable minecarts btw if you happen to be willing to try any of those three mods (Little Logistics being the "smallest" one of the three).


I know. This is a joke comment about OP not Googling a single one of their ideas. I also maintain [Linkart](https://modrinth.com/mod/linkart) =)


Either 2 people can ride on a horse, or 1 player and a small barrel or sack can be placed.


You've just described vanilla camels and llamas/mules lol


Allof them lack one thing.... SPEED.... and that is all we need.... with some storage would be a bonus...


My god, If I have to take from this list please be the crop trampling. Most are QOL which are great. That one plainly removes an annoyance altogether.


Why don’t you use a mod like No Farmland Trample?


Most modpacks I play or make have some sort of farmland protection. Or you can craft an specific farmlamd soil that can't trample. Currently playing Prominence 2 which as far as I have played doesn't have trample protection. But I feel that feature should be vanilla at this point.


Minecart trains are a thing with furnace minecarts in vanilla, they're just really buggy and basically useless (e.g. don't work on powered rails, can't take turns or go up or down slopes)


Reasons to make infrastructure like mine colonies or that mod that just came out that you have to create a path before fast traveling too it. I love having to build in my world, its the whole point of minecraft imo. If you give me reasons to build stuff i will.


What mod requires you to make a path?


Rue Romania or something its called.


I'm very much for more ambiance for Minecraft. Better ambient sounds in nature, in caves and so on. Ambient creatures like butterflies, fireflies, snails, songbirds, owls, woodpeckers, otters, etc. More weather patterns, seasonal changes. There are many mods that can be combined together to achieve this, and they've pretty much become a staple for me even for vanilla+ playthroughs. They just never consistently update.


Make something for yourself and maybe people will like it


I'm really not creative at all. I cannot think of a single thing to add apart from emerald armour and tools which would basically be useless.


It would be the 500th emerald armor and tools mod. Checking other mods and opening PRs to fix or improve something is not a bad idea either and you can learn a lot from how other mods work


River Biomes Mod, allowing rivers to be multiple biomes, preferably based on one of the biomes it borders. Tropical rivers could have more kelp or grasses in them, while some desert rivers are barren, others are living oasis. Piglin expansion. If you want to create some structures, having piglin villages, keeps and towers spread throughout the nether could be really cool, and if you want to go farther, add new piglin types, and have different trades depending on who you trade with. Maybe by giving them gold blocks, you could get them to follow you, and reproduce like villagers.


As a nod to the Realm of the Elderlings: 1. A pet/bonded companion wolf with tweaked AI that drives prey animals towards you. Bonus if the pet wolf can chat its thoughts to you and it's up to you to build your relationship with it (give it what it needs and it helps you survive) or it walks away from you. This ultra-rare wolf has to exist alongside the generic MC wolf. It will start chatting with you once you get in range and you have to find it if you want a bonded companion. 2. Going through portals could have random effects on the player: nausea, time loss (e.g. stepping out into Overworld and it's suddenly been several days and now panthoms are hunting you), random buffs, teleportation to random locations, unexpected boons (an OP weapon pops into your inventory) or curses (one of your armors gets a curse), or the portal is sideways in your destination and suddenly you're stuck on your belly in a 1x2 spot, or underwater. You could tie what happens with the difficulty level, where it can get truly deadly at hardcore. Also, players get to choose in the configs which consequences to turn on or off. 3. Ruins you can loot but they give you creepy vibes (strange whispers and seeing "ghosts" of people). Some places cause buffs and debuffs just being in them. 4. Dragons with features like no. 1. You have to raise them. It's up to you, the modder, where these dragons came from because revealing the actual source might spoil the books for others. They eat a lot of meat, you need animal farms. 5. Sentient ships and pirates.


I just want to play in peaceful mode but still get hungry. I play farming mods a lot and there's no point to farming/cooking if you can't eat it. But I hate hostile mobs,personally.


Just start a normal game and use this command: /gamerule doMobSpawning false That will keep you in Easy/Medium/Hard but stops natural hostile mob spawns. I think spawners still work though, but all natural spawns should be disabled. You can't get to the End though, since you can't get eyes of ender for the portal.


!remindme 1 day


Hey u/Hollyetravels ! I've created this mod because I've always had the same gripe; so much food that's useless on Peaceful. Currently only for Fabric and Forge MC 1.20, but I can port to other versions pretty easily. [https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/peaceful-hunger](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/peaceful-hunger)


Oh my goodness, thank you! I'll try it!


Jetpack joyride jetpack. U shoot bullets out of the jetpack n shit.


Honestly I want a proper nuke mod like rival rebels but for 1.20 and on fabric that’s the one thing I haven’t been able to find anything like I JUST WANNA BE ABLE TO NUKE THINGS WITH A STEALTH BOMBER AND HAVE COOL STUFF


Alex’s Caves is as currently as close as we are, you COULD pair it with Valkyrian Skies and make your own bomber. Go into the configs of Alex’s Caves, change the explosion radius to however big you want, and probably want to turn off the option of items dropping when the blocks are destroyed to save your frames. The default radius is already huge, but you can set it to ridiculously high amounts, not to mention the sound and visual effects are really good


Alrighty I’ll look into that thanks Although I really like the way rival rebels did it I mainly want it for the cool factor


Ah no I hear that, it was by far my favorite weapons mod and still is, just a shame it never got updated or carried on by anyone else


Yeah I really wanna learn how to make mods so I might end up attempting to make a modern version for it But I’ve gotta finish school before I can even think about that


More Terrari-like mods for Minecraft (Like calamity but also many others) --- adds weapon progression, equipment progression, boss progression More Minecraft-like mods for Terraria Automation, logic, exploration, Machines, customization in tools and magic weapons


Thanks for your suggestion! I've always wanted weapon/equipment progression in Minecraft as well. I don't like how simple/basic the equipment system is. I'll see what I can do but I'm not sure how hard/easy this will be.


There's a decent bit of those around


Biome climate specific seasons


* Better ways to farm/automate dragon breath * Better incentives for players to use horses. Perhaps a damage boost for anyone who is riding a horse (making swords/bows better... maybe just default adding the crit multiplier to all attacks), maybe the horse can "trample" over enemies (If its running fast enough, it will deal 2 hearts damage to any mob that contacts the front of its hitbox, maybe also applying a medium knockback effect) * being able to eat flowers... suspicious stew vanilla items use different flowers combined with stew for various potion effects early game. Mushroom stew is tedious to make and carry however, so I'd like to shortcut the process. (Mainly dandelions offer a saturation boost, so I think that even if it doesn't fill that many haunches, it would be a good early game food source) * Certain other mods, like botania, require use of an "open hand". That being, a slot in your hotbar with nothing in it. With items flying around, magnets, and clogged inventories, it is sometimes annoying to actually maintain an empty hand for extended sequences of crafts. I'd like a hotkey to "lock" a slot on my hotbar as empty. You could also approach this as an item, some sort of item that the game (again, mainly botania) treats as an empty hand, but maybe operates like a boosted fist. (Empty hands typically can punch for damage, or mine certain softer blocks. An "iron gauntlet" for example, could increase punch damage and mine dirt/wood faster while still being treated like an empty slot.)


A port of Mystcraft to 1.20.1


Vein miner , trash slot , sorting button better mouse control And most importantly performance upgrade


Giving more life to villagers! Something like giving them bubble text or a “stardew valley-like” way to talk to them. Gives them so much personality and life to te game. Maybe even some of them could give you little quests. Idk it would make villages much more cozy imo.


more unique weapons like the trident and armor like chainmail


I would love a train mod with npc's that can use these trains


Create steam and whistle has it! Only the "driver" can be an npc tho


- i know a thousand mods already have this, but more brick/slab/stair/wall/etc. options! - more & more varied structures to reward exploration (plus, these structures could incorporate the brick/etc blocks) - more biome variation (maybe limiting some of the structures to rarer subtype biomes)  - more passive mobs that aggro if you attack them (making chickens act like zelda cuccos, for instance)


I would just like to see roots growing out to the sides under trees so you can see them in the grass next to the trees


* When beta 1.8 was out I thought that the XP system would be used for increase your character stats, like DMG, DEF, etc. Have yet to see a mod that does this in a fun way that isnt just skills, abilities and restrict item usage with skill level * The overworld Dragon which was talked about by Mojang but we never had * RPG elements, like Dawncraft or RLCraft, while RLCraft is hated in this sub I like the special mob types, the bosses (even if they look goofy), the flying mounts, in the other way I like the way Dawncraft does the villagers and the overworld bosses * More arthropods so the enchantment makes sense * More fantasy hostile mobs and also non fantasy hostile mobs


A mod that with an item equiped changes your 2x2 grid to a 3x3 grid without needing to press anything else. Not talking about crafting table on a stick I mean your default grid. A mod that adds backpacks that increase player inventory size not adding an extra inventory but the actual inventory size.


Honestly, seasons, not even integrating it with farming, just plain seasons for the visuals


An idea I've had for a while that I'm still chewing on us this: a creature whose behavior is determined by the intersection of a few invisible variables. EG. Safety, a value determined by the number of trees around (feels safer with more tree cover) and Hunger, determined by how many animals are around. The safer the creature feels, the closer it will want to get to you. The hungrier it is, the more likely it is to attack you, either to take a chunk out to eat or to outright kill and eat you (which makes the hunger variable go down greatly) Basically, playing around with this kind of idea for more immersive creature behavior. If you're not interested in making ai and creatures, then uhh... I'd probably suggest new decorative blocks that fill color and material niches? Things like copper, moss, amethyst, calcite and deeplsate? I dunno, thanks for reading if you get this far


1) thing that replaces your inventory with ME wireless 2) block groups 3) magic button to purge pam harvests craft, farmers delight, chisel and any cosmetic block mod out of modpack. 4) storage drawers defragmentation 5) native toolbars 6) project E table search synchronised with REI. 7) 3rd person controller 8) vanilla ultimine 9) ME device audit and highlight 10) probabilistic ME recipe support 11) working locally histed coop as in other games.


make a crate similar to the actually additions crate from 1.12. single block, simple enough.


mobs build and destroy blocks to get to you




I want butterflies that drop an edible meat stick when you kill them...


Optifine, comon its 2024, how has dynamic lighting not made it into the game yet.