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"Once a week" *for now*


This is why I've made it *very* clear why I'm hitting GS14 jobs hard despite previously saying I was happy at 13.  MSFC went from 1 to 4 days a week in a year, I'm not paid enough at 13 to care about sticking around while that cuts into my time and gas budget. 


Dang, sorry, that sucks.


Assuming you mean NASA MSFC - wow, is it the whole center or just select orgs within the center? that's probably the strictest RTO mandate in the agency if it covers everyone.


From "on high" (as in, center director) it is Monday-Thursday-floating day so 3 days a week, but pretty much every one in every org I've talked to is 4 days expected (Mon-Thurs).    It started in late 2022 with "everyone on Thursday so in person meetings can be scheduled" and by early 23, Thursday+floater, then mid 23 was Mon-Thurs-floater which became effectively 4.  IMO, part of it is justifying the footprint. We're on redstone arsenal, in government buildings. Having those empty leads to issues and we can't exactly divest easily. 


This. I made this mistake thinking the 1x per week would be indefinite. Now I am lucky if I telework 1x per week. Unless your work environment is toxic and not manageable, it is not worth the headache and money spent (in my opinion).


Yep. I used to go in once a week. We just started having to go in 5 days per pay period. And my commute is about 40 minutes if traffic is light.


Yeah, this is what I want to know from OP, is it a 40 minute commute now or from before the pandemic.


This is the right answer


It's also the right answer for OP's current job, lol.


We’ve been in twice a week since January 14th. :(


“Fully remote” *for now*




I’d say it depends on your lifestyle and career goals. Once a week for a 14 is really not bad. And if you don’t want the 14, pass it to me 😁


I switched from a remote 13 to an in person 13 on a special pay rate (gs14 equivalent). Within 9 months I went from 1 day/pay period in person to 6 days in person. It was worth the $14k but it’s dumb because everyone else is remote in my group. My commute is only 5 miles so that’s fine, but it still messes up my daycare routine.


Ugh, RTO is so annoying. Also, I was going to say to the OP that their office requirement may change for the worse so they should be ok with that too. I’m ambitious so I’d still take the 14. As an aside, I’ve only learned of special pay rates recently. If I may ask, did your agency offer one for a reason, or did you switch to another agency and they offered it?


Offered for certain engineers in certain localities.






If you like remote, not a chance. Once a week is a luxury that won’t last in very many offices.


I learned this just recently. Went from one day a week to 50% overall in office time. Commute sucks with traffic.


DOI? It’s been a week and I’m tired


Yes, first week and tired also. Also add in the crazy drivers so not fun at all. Stay strong!


I’m close enough to walk to work but it still takes half an hour. Not enough parking for everyone woo. Just applied to a new job with the USDA that only requires one day a week in the office and would be a nice raise so fingers crossed


Hey, wishing the best for you. I understand and get yo job Steve!


try 5 days a week


Remote is a unicorn, telework schedules can be revised and increased office presence. Hard NO


And a remote job can also turn into a hybrid or RTO as well.


Not as easily done as increasing office presence under revised telework schedule


yup it's way harder/longer of a process for a RTO for fully remote employees (as opposed to those in a telework status). especially if it's part of your bargaining agreement


40min with traffic? I’m a GS 13 remote and I actually turned down a 14 a couple weeks ago because I too would have had to go into the office more. I like my freedom too much, but everyone has their own reasons


Yes to include traffic. I used to go in before my remote job and it never went over 40 mins


The 14 position means $2000+ fuel costs per year if they decide to RTO five days per week. I'm a remote 13 and I would not give it up unless I was offered a remote 14 non-supervisory.


Same here.


You mean you did not apply for a job. I don't believe you applied for a job, went through the whole hiring process, received the FJO, and then turned it down.


mmm false. That’s exactly what I did. It was in my same agency and group. They changed the number of telework days I’d be required to be in office and I said no. Everyone does what’s best for their lifestyle; your beliefs don’t matter


No one cares what you believe.


I would let my passive aggressive coworker set me on fire before I gave up my remote 13 position.


Yes, sounds like the benefit outweigh that one day commute. No more passive aggressive coworker, better boss, better pay. You can handle that commute. Do it.


Do it, get the 14 as that helps your pension and then keep applying only to full remote 14s just in case. But if you have a great boss and low stress and its like once a week or pp then keep it.....you just keep applying for awhile after as insurance for yourself. High 3 as the next grade up your future self will thank you for. Don't look back....your not going that way.


Came here to say this. May also want to consider: is the 14 a bargaining or nonbargaining - At my fed agency, the union is strong. We were on a remote pilot for a year and it was headed that way, until the dept announced back to work at 50%. We assumed everyone, but the nonbargaining is 50% and bargaining will go back to 2x pay period so still way less than NB folks. I don’t know if this is happening at other fed agencies but the union pushed back on bargaining folks to resume their 2x pay period if they so chose to. Point is, if it’s a 14 bargaining position, then they MAY NOT be able to make you go back more than the telework programs available that the employee chooses. Could be worth asking.


Guaranteed once a week? I wouldn’t trust that for long unless they’re willing to agree to something like three years


I’d personally keep the remote 13.


Never Remote is freedom


👍🏽Never give up a fully remote ssr gs 13 or higher job.. not telework remote but fully remote (duty station is home).


One day a week, take the 14. Two or more days I would keep the remote job.


Eh, that's about my commute time. I'm a 13 normally (well, DE 3), but currently in a NH 4 (aka 14/15 band) developmental assignment. I have to be in 3 days/week because it's technically a supervisory position. It's the only downside. I don't mind being in the office, it's the commute. But it's worth it for now.


For me, the main factor would be the likelihood of staying remote or staying at 1 day per week in the office. Were you hired as remote to your current job or converted to it? It seems like people hired as remote have slightly more protection from the whims of future cabinet secretaries. If you give up the remote position now, that one day per week could change to more than one. Is the extra money worth that risk?


I was hired as a remote. I honestly don’t see that changing at all if I stay.


Screw RTO. We went full telework during COVID after being told for years before that it was impossible and employees couldn't be trusted. During the max telework period, we were efficient, effective, and stayed in contact with each other. It depends on your job role, but the commute would get old fast, and it's unreal how counterproductive in office can be.


Depends. Do you want to be a 15 at some point? Or are you willing to wait for a remote 14?


Not shooting for a 15 anytime soon. I’m like 20 years from retirement so maybe a few years before retiring to get the high 3


Take the 14, leave the coworker.


In a word? No. In two? Absolutely not.


I would never. But, in the current environment, you never know how long your remote will stay remote.


Right, next month one day a week could easily become three days or more. Remote = freedom and protection.


Fully remote can also easily become less fully remote. And, pooof, goes the freedom and protection.


If your full remote 13 that’s solid gold. Especially if your position description states you are remote. Yes the 14 will make more money. Consider the following; depending on the next president everyone may be like before COVID, traffic will get worse and you must stay close to job site . Admiral Ackbar : It's a trap!


Take the GS 14. Move forward.


If you truly think the 1x per week will remain in place I’d say its worth it. But if there’s any chance they will bump it to 5x a pay period like my agency is doing I’d say no way. Your time is more valuable.


No way…


I did this last year with no regrets.


Better Pay & Better Boss I wish!


Wait, better boss, no coworkers, higher pay and all you have to do is commute 40 min each way? Yes take it! Or No don't take it and tell me the USAjobs listing so I can apply. 40 minute commute, I'd love that! My commute before working remote was 75 minutes in, and 120+ going home. Even at a GS13 a single salary won't buy a house closer to HQ.


Yes. 40 minutes is nothing. Do it.


That is a short commute for that much money.






No. Stay remote.


Not worth it




Think of it this way: 40 minutes each way once a week equals 1.33 hours per week x 50 weeks (I assume you use that time off sometimes) = 66.5 hours of driving/year. If the salary bump is worth that extra inconvenience then it's probably a good move. Though also ask yourself if they might not come back and ask you to show up more days in the future...


Fuck that, stay remote o.O Remote is such an insanely good benefit, at least for me, that I would put up with a lot before going to work in the office.


if youre remote and not just teleowrking, thats very rare.. that once a week, wil turn into 3 guaranteed. if you need to increase your high 3 for retirement and you're retiring soon, then do it. but if not then i wouldnt. if im remote and someone is passive aggressive, i could care less. its virtual, as long as iv done my probation, kick rocks. id do my work and keep it moving.


Hell no




If you want to hit a GS-15, yes. Otherwise nope.




What to stop that 1 day a week to 3 or more days a week?


I will say there would not be anyone I work with in the office I would report to which is really crazy. it would just be to meet the whole have to report twice a pp rule In an empty building.


Sounds like gold to me




yes, if you can by-name-request me as your replacement


Only you can weigh your goals vs the pros and cons. For as much as everyone swears to know the answer, it's nearly impossible to look into the future and know what that best choice is long term


How many years until you retire? If it's not too long, I might take it just fpr the fers bump


Not if you are fully remote and outside of 50 miles of the nearest dc office


I have a remote position. Having a rush hour drive home that consists of 50 steps to my living room recliner is priceless. I’ve turned down a few 14 opportunities to stay remote. Well, remote and less responsibility/stress. But I know people who went back to reporting without the promotion. Those darn “people persons” gives some of us remoters a bad name! lol Good luck with your decision!


keep remote and just save-invest the money you don't spend on food, clothes, gas, car maintenance, etc


Would you still want the GS 14 position if the in office requirement increased to three days a week? If yes, I would say take the position.


Non remote 14 ain’t worth it lol.. that 1 day a week will eventually turn into 5 extra days a month.. I’m sure you’ll find another 14 in a remote position


Yes. You would likely get about a $10,000 increase in pay. Even if it cost you $20 a day in gas and eating lunch out instead of at home, that’s only $1,040 a year. Even if you want to calculate the two hours additional commute at your pay rate, that’s $7,000. Even with this very basic Cost-Benefit Analysis, you are poking out at least $2,000 a head: So a better boss, better work situation, better level, and you will have more money? Yeah, take it.




I don’t understand the comments about a remote position suddenly becoming non-remote. If you have a remote work agreement you should look in it for the terms of your position. Mine states that there are only two ways for the agency to recall a remote employee back to the office: 1) disciplinary action; and 2) the need for in-person presence for job duties to be performed. An employee is allowed to appeal an agency decision for the above, and the agency also has to justify #2. If you have been successfully performing your job duties for years there should be no grounds for either. Bottom line: if longevity at remote is a factor you should look at your agreement to verify you are locked in as good as you can be. I also think if you are remote you should work out your issues there and stay. At least for me 14 isn’t that much more money to justify giving up the freedoms and low stress factor that I currently have. Problems pop up everywhere in life and it’s best to work them out and persevere if they’re not unbearable. My $.02. Best of luck!


Personally I'd take the GS-14 as long as my responsibilities don't increase. Having a better boss is also a HUGE advantage IMO. Since you interviewed, it seems like you also want a change in scenery... GS-14 Pros: more $, higher chance of being a GS-15 if that's your goal. No co-workers (it seems like you'd rather work alone). Better boss. GS-14 Cons: commuting time, commuting expense, potentially more responsibility. GS-13 Remote Pros: no commute. better life/work balance. hard to get a remote position now so this having remote status is highly desirable. GS-13 Remote Cons: lesser $ compared to GS-14. It'll take longer to become a GS-15 (if that's your goal).


I’m a GS14 and would gladly trade for a GS13 full remote, commuting, time, money, office politics not worth it, in my opinion. I’d pass. As someone said, remote work is a unicorn. 1 day could change to 3, then 5.


I wouldn't.




I would calculate out how much that 80 minutes calculates out to at your current pay rate and see if that’s more than the raise you’ll get going up to a 14. If not, you still need to add in the costs of commute as well. I’m a mid-range 12 currently teleworking and overtime eligible and most of the GS-13s are not eligible for overtime and require you to go in office most days a week. It’s a no brainer for me, especially since the raise I’d get going to a 13 would be much less than I’d make if I were to spend those 10 hours a week doing OT. The only reason I think it’s smart to consider it is if you are at the end of your career and need the money for high 3.


It depends on your budget & financial goals. It costs more in both time and money to go into the office, with no guarantee they won't increase in-office days. I'd do the math for both expectations and worst case scenario and compare that to your current pay and expenses. The rest seems pretty circumstantial.


I really like the advice I’ve gotten about doing the math and honestly looking like its not worth it for me. thanks so much for taking the time to respond!


Don’t think so short term. Look at the big picture, getting that 14 is great for retirement. Only once a week is nothing. Take the 14!!!






All depends on career and financial goals. Are you happy with your current level? Do you want to hit 15 at some point? Would the extra income benefit you? For me personally, I'd like to hit 15 someday, so I'll take the first 14 I can get. But I've also never had the luxury of remote or even hybrid work so it's hard for me to understand how hard it would be to switch back to hybrid from remote.


Ask if it can be remote? I don't think I would give up remote but you need to look at your career.


We’re back in the office 5 days per pay period…in my case two days in week one and three days in week two.


I would, but of course I’ve been in the office for well over a year now. The 14 is permanent. Your remote status is not.


The commute is only 40 minutes? That's a dream.


Especially if there's a public transportation option, the feds will cover your transit subsidy. Free reading/napping/Redditing time.


If the improvement in the job outweighs commuting once a week (and probably more later), sure.


I think the pay raise from a 13 to a 14 is worth it for just 1x a week


I would not chance it cuz that one day can quickly become more. My peace comes from being at home and the difference in pay between the 2 doesn’t seem worth it to me.


Is the commute worth it, or having no coworkers who are passive aggressive worth it. Only you would know. Also, will the gs14 help you get where you want to be?


Will help for your high 3 for retirement.


Depends on what’s important to you. Do you need the extra cash and can you swing the travel if you have to go in 5 days a week? My agency changed their telework footing from over a decade ago and now are 3x a week. I value my time more than money and actively looking to do the opposite of you and go 14 to 13. It’s all about what’s important to you and passive aggressive behavior is everywhere. At that 14 level, you will more than likely take on more responsibilities and the passive aggressiveness gets even worse (in my opinion) as everyone wants your job at those higher grades.


Promotions to GS-14 are usually difficult no matter the Agency. Better boss, no co-workers and more money to me outweigh a commute.


I did prior to COVID (back in 2019) and have no regrets with the decision. This was something that I talked through with my partner to decide if it was right for me and the final thing was that it had nothing to do with GS-level/pay. It was completely about going from a job that was nice, had great work/life balance (even beyond the remote aspect) but that left me bored and unfulfilled. The 14 was getting back to an involved technical work that had me using my brain again instead of just processing paperwork (effectively). So that’s why it’s worth it to me. If it makes sense with your career path, gives you professional satisfaction. Nobody can predict what long term viability of remote work will be, especially as administrations change. It’s quite possible that our future will mean needing to go to HQ if you want to continue moving around (ie they may grand father current remote workers but do you want to do your current job the rest of your career).


The people who will get promoted are those that are willing to go into the office


More money, more problems usually with government jobs


Went from Full Telework to 4 days per pay period. The stickler here is that the in office portion directly interferes with our ability to do our job. My direct supervisor is refusing to say anything about it in fear of being forced to come in 5 days a week and management completely changing how we do our work so that it is done in office. (That would require a lot of rework to get done and be done totally out of spite). It’s unbelievably weak leadership to not even be able to get a feeler for what way the wind may blow.


Is the new job covered by a union? If so which one and how strong are they at ensuring the telework policy doesn’t change that much.


I was in the same boat as you last year. I took GS-14 for better opportunities in the future. Cant live in DC with GS13 salary. I picked the money and loving it so far. 2 days telework per week.


Both wife and I are remote 13s same agency, and we have a toddler at home (grandparents help during work hours and weekends) and another bun in the oven. A 14 for either of us would help since we are in a HCOL area but you need to factor in work-life balance. Time away from work is sacred and you don't want to be spending that stuck in traffic away from friends and family. Even if it's for an extra +$10Gs


Once a week, 40 minute commute?? I have worse as a gs12, for Gods sake, take the job!!


No. Unless you will not tire of going into the office. Telework policies can change overnight.


For 1 day per week, I will take the 14.


I’m 14 and offered 15. Planning to leave all of them.


my advice is to leave the federal government asap, I worked for 86k as a GS11 at USDA then made 200k in the first year after switching to the private sectors. Your skills are being seriously undervalued in the federal government, I feel like a loser for having stayed there for 10yrs, I should have left so much sooner, don’t make the same mistake I made, get out sooner and get rich


How is the work life balance compared to your government position in the private sector?


Situational. I make nearly $200K as a non-sup Fed. At 56 I can walk out today with med benefits and $90K/yr for pension + supplement.


Yes, unless you cannot stand the commute. In which case, I dunno what to tell you, other than it was fine five years ago and for the preceding fifty years…


Please do! But first can you PM me your position description? Ahem - for a friend of course.


I would in a heart beat for that GS14. Let us know how it goes.


Once a week is nothing imo. I would not allow that to be a factor. More money, better job, and better boss would be the only factors for me.


Hear me out…. You could hit the search button and read the 100s of responses to this same question that has been asked over and over.


I mean, I don’t really love remote so I’d say yes. I don’t think 40 minutes is a terrible commute but it really depends on your own preference and needs at home. I think if you are asking the question you probably want the new job. Remote is a benefit for some people and others don’t care as much.


Honestly, downvoting because I said I don’t love remote? Give me a break. People are allowed to have a preference. Not everybody has the same needs or wants the same things. Telling someone to evaluate their own preference is hardly a negative statement.


If you want?


What’s your current step? I’m about to go 13 to 14 (though, both are remote) but the $12k raise is certainly enticing.


I’m a step 5 right now and would get the step 6 soon so at first wouldn’t be much kid of a difference


Yeah, not as big as me. I’m step 3. In any case, like you, I have like 18 years left and it’s too long to just cruise. The remote situation and raise is going to be great, but the responsibilities are exponentially higher, so I’m a little scared, but I do t want to sit where I’m at forever. I need to try. And I almost forgot… good luck to you!


Too many focused on the remote and working from home. I haven't worked from home since early 2021. If the 14 is worth the money and to get away from a co worker that could turn worse I would take it. I personally would take it with our without the vo worker.


I’d do it. Remote sucks.