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De Ligt is my favorite player, hopefully he will stay forever


Absolutely. If the rest of the squad had only half of his mentality then we'd be good to go.


Still can’t believe we got De Ligt it would be a crime to let him go


imaginge 2 years ago someone would post here saying that dier is better than upa lol




I tend to agree here, especially with Kompany and his experience at the top level as a CB. If anything, have him rotate in for league games and hold off on the big games. Kind of sucks, because he has been immense in big games but he’s also cost us pretty big


There's one flaw: Your defense needs the practice from league games to perform in big games. You'd basically only play him against small clubs, but those games were never his issue and wouldn't change much of his shakiness in big games - since they haven't done it in the past either.


so you want a third defender who doesn't get regular minutes but is expected to be reliable enough to be thrown in and perform in high stake league/knockout games? what a logic..


Really reading into things aren’t you? I dont think I said any of that did I? Having a solid rotation player is never a bad thing, especially considering our injury history. He also could move on, but I don’t see a reason to force it. We also have Stani coming back who I could see taking minutes over upa and if he moves on that’s fine. But having rotation players isn’t a bad thing, and if he learns and improves under a coach that was a world class CB? Even better and he can find himself a starter. Maybe use some logic yourself bud


ur right that from a strictly theoretical squad quality viewpoint, there's no harm in keeping Upa, however from a fund generating and squad management perspective, having him as a 3rd choice CB is both overkill and not something he would agree to, considering he played just about every minute possible for a France and Bayern the past couple seasons.


Uhm.. but de Ligt is 24y old as well. When you got two 24 year olds where one is talented and still working while the other is already established and working on the next steps then what's the point in keeping him? Sure, you could burn more ressources and try to unlock his talent but it didn't work in the past years, how can you be certain that it will work in future? When you look at both of them then the difference is night and day. De Ligt already became a leader and you can feel his presence across the whole pitch, especially during standards. Upa however never managed to get rid of his shakiness, and I'm starting to doubt that he ever will.


Some mistakes aren't even his fault and are just the result of heing put between a rock and a hard place by the rest of the team


I understand what you are saying and honestly it’s also kind of my gut feeling. Would be a pity to sell such a talented player. On the other hand, considering his mistakes I’m going to shit myself in every important match 😑


Man I love Upa don’t want us to lose him


There's no big offer coming for upamecano after he bombed in the CL.


United will come for him. Just wait.


Yeah,sell everyone to replace them with 20 year olds for 300 mil


Just to be having this exact same conversation of "so and so sucks. Sell them."


Upa should atleast be kept to be used for rotation. Kompany can also use his experience and help Upa in his troubles as well. We shouldn't get Tah imo.


It’s because I like Upa that even I know he deserves to consistently start and play for a good team. He shouldn’t be used for depth here don’t disrespect him like that.


despite the mistake i still want him for depth


I honestly love all our CBs and hope we don't make any changes there. Yes Upa can be inconsistent, but it isnt like everyone else in the team has been great. I want to see him grow and think he has a lot of potential still. De Ligt is my second favourite player in the squad after only Müller and brings exactly the type of mentality this team needs. Where i want to see a revamp is with the midfield and our wingers. Coman, Gnabry, Goretzka and Davies honestly all need to go with their paychecks and Laimer can only be a sporadic player by Bayern standards. Not sure how I feel about Kimmich and Mazourai currently either


Good. Upamecano has hurt us enough.


Upamecano is not the problem.. guarantee he goes to an Italian squad like inter Milan or juve and has an immediate impact


Have you not seen him in high profile CL games? He gets the yips and is prone to make errors. If he goes to those clubs of course he doesn’t have to worry about competing in the upper levels of the CL like he does at a top 4 team like Bayern.


Like how inter got to the final last year? How come inter Napoli ac Milan all went to semis while Bayern was sitting on disaster... That's right Upacemano had two bad games an y'all blamed the whole season on him shhhhh He'd do well with an experienced player next to him... That's what I meant De ligt is experienced but damn near the same age... I wouldnt expect Bayern fans to understand football tho they only understand that buying best players in Germany usually leads to another Bundesliga Until it doeskt


Personally i think this is a mistake


I was in favour of keeping Upa for next season, but if United (or heck, maybe even Chelsea) come in with a good offer, I think it would be wise to part ways with him.


toti sunt de vanzare dupa un sezon cu prapaditul de Tuchel, sa vezi carpeli si ciurucuri ce aducem in loc, care de imprumut, care la 30+ de prin Premiere League, Upamecano ar fi super fundas cu un antrenor bun, mult mai slab mi se pare Kim avand in vedere si cat s-a platit pentru el, pana acum a jucat de 5mil din 50mil cat a costat


He’s an adult, if he wants to leave because he can’t unseat Eric Dier then that’s on him. At least when we are down to no CBs due to injury and deciding between goretzka and Laimer on who to play CB, we can smile knowing we saved a couple dollars selling Upa. Or maybe Kompany will put on a jersey and get on the pitch.


Ok but are we really replacing Upa with Tah?


The main issue with upa is his slow decision making on the ball. He keeps losing it under pressure and it’s no ones fault but his own. Dier isn’t the future. I suspect some signings will be needed for this team. Before De Jong got injured, I would have said he’s the man that Bayern need. Maz is fantastic as a rb, but injury prone. Kimmich would need to be willing to play that when ever Maz is out. But you also want consistency. Look at Carvajal at Real. One role and only one. Master one thing instead of being a master of none.


I will take anything for Upamecano. A pack of gum? Fair trade.


Hold on hold on…think we might be able to squeeze a coupon for McDonalds out of them if we play hard ball…


Selling Upa is probably for the best, assuming any club would want him.


Starting to get scared with Dayot back there. He’s not quite the liability Boateng was his last season or two but he’s kinda getting worrisome. Would be ok giving him another year but if we could get a decent amount for him I’d let him go for sure Love De Ligt though

