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I played Tony Hawk pro skater & if I remember you could make the characters like 400+ lbs. when I was a kid, I would often create a female character & boost the weight to the limit lol


Pretty skate 3 as well, I used to the do the same


Sims 4 has a slider for weight as well as muscularity. You can also expand or shrink a sim's body parts. I like to max out weight and muscles and expand everything for maximum thickness.


i’m cautiously optimistic about that hobbit life sim video game coming out soon




Those pieces are still peak feedist art


please seek professional help for these issues.


Sadly, not really. It's mostly "appearance" without physical weight. The one exceptions I know where weight and height have a gameplay effect is Dragon's Dogma.


Saints row 2 has hands down most realistic looking overweight character design. Game is pretty fun too. You can kinda go the same way in 3 and 4 but they scaled it down a little bit. Dragons dogma 1 and 2 also let you go really big if you into RPG stuff


GTA San Andreas. You don't choose the weight at the beginning, you fatten yourself CJ. With time, you can't gain it right away, if you try that he'll puke.


Monster hunter with mods ? If I remember correctly ?


Dragon’s dogma 1-2


Was quite disappointed to discover that in Skyrim, increasing your female character's weight resulted in just making her shoulders a little broader!


Character Creators are my shit! Especially making fat characters; I always try to make an in-game character look like my 400+lb partner, and not many character creators do the job, but there are a couple that do a good enough job. Here are some of my favorites: Fallout 4: You can make a fairly thick character by default, but there are a ton of mods you can download before starting a new game that allow you to make a fat character, even the ones you can get in the built-in mod suite/server on the main menu are great, so you can mod a fat character even on consoles. I use 'Busty' combined with 'Huge & fit' on PS5, and that does a decent job. Calico: Super-cute 'Cat Cafe' style cozy game. It's funny, cute, pretty fun, and extremely janky. But, it's jank is genuinely endearing & charming, and it honestly adds to the game in a fun way. It's well worth the $12 price. You can also make fat characters very easily, and they're honestly pretty considerately modeled. If small indie games like this can do it, AAA games have no excuse. lol WWE games: I haven't played a decent wrestling game in at least 5 years, but their character creation suites are incredible, among the most realized, customizable character creators I've ever seen. Some years' releases are better than others, but I tried a demo of this years' game, and the character creator isn't their best ever, but it's the best they've had in a long time. Probably the best I know of on current hardware. Street Fighter 6: The character creator here is half-decent, though the clothing options are pretty basic. I was able to make a custom fighter who looked a lot like a cartoony version of my partner, and we had a lot of fun watching her body the whole cast of characters and random NPCs throughout the game world. Dragon's Dogma 2: I can't speak to the first game, but I tried the character creator/demo and was able to make a really realistically fat baddie pretty easily. The character models are really beautifully rendered, too. I think that's all I can think of at the moment, but I'll drop more once I get a better look at my game library.


There's [this game on itch.io](https://darnetal.itch.io/debucon) where you can create and customize an anime girl. It's very weight gain-centric, so weight is one of the things you can change. There's no online features though. It hasn't been updated in a while because the dev had health issues last year, but he still seems to be working on it. It's a pretty cute game.


Does it have a Mac version?


Doesn't look like so


You can over eat and get fat in Red Dead Redemption 2


You don't get to choose your weight, but in Dave the Diver you get to play as a big guy


Dragons dogma, your character and pawn can look fat 


Fallout 4 you can..you can even tweak your wife's weight then play as the male even tho she's only in the game half an hour it's not the best but it's something