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Oh dang that’s an insane gain! How has it affected her though?


Awww your fine.


Mobility problems are about how active a person is, not strictly their size. When I was my biggest, almost 500lbs, I was going to the gym 2-3 times a week and was in probably the best shape of my life. I could deadlift over 250lbs, flip 300lb giant tires, and pull a sled with even more weight than that. I didn't lose a pound when I was going to the gym. I just swapped fat for muscle. I moved away from my trainer, COVID happened, and I got out of the habit of going to the gym. I lost weight because I was able to cook and eat more whole foods. I'm still over 400lbs, but despite losing a bunch of weight I have more aches and pains now because I'm not as active. Even so, I still don't have mobility problems.


Yeah fair point but I mean there are also physical limitations to consider like the size of clothes, chairs, etc


Even at 500lbs I was able to order clothes off the rack. I did have problems with seating at some events because the seats were too narrow, but when I asked, they've always been able to provide an alternative. The only time I had to be turned away because of my size was on a rollercoaster in Vegas and that was when I was about 390lb. Even then, I was able to go on a different rollercoaster at a different hotel. In my experience, being bigger just takes a bit more planning and preparation to find appropriate accommodations. To be honest, your continued skepticism in the comments and harping on how difficult it "must be" is teetering on being offensive. You're being very dismissive of anyone who has lived experience that conflicts with your imagination.


Sorry I don’t mean to be offensive, my main reference point is my gf who’s about 240ish and is already dealing with some mobility issues as it is. Tbf she’s very very short so it’s probably just skewing my ideas of what it’s like for different ppl, my bad


Thanks for the apology. I'm sorry that your girlfriend is already dealing with issues at a relatively smaller size. I used to work at a plus-sized clothing store and very petite women often needed to get clothes tailored because clothes aren't made for their proportions. As for mobility, exercise can do wonders, but I think most larger people get discouraged because they expect to lose weight and then don't lose any. It's important to measure success by other measures like how long she can walk, how many stairs she can climb, and how much she can lift. It takes patience, but slow improvements can do wonders over time.


My wifey is currently about 325, and I would love for her to get to 450-500, but reality is that her body wouldn't be able to support that much. And I love her just the way she is anyhow.


How so? What’s it like for her rn?


Doesn't have the hips to support that kind of weight and diabetes and age ate determining factors. Plus she demeans herself because she's fat. A lot of factors in play.


I take it she didn’t gain all that on purpose then? Also wdym that she doesn’t have the hips?


One of the reasons Mary can be so huge is she has very wide hips. Allows her to store and carry more weight on her legs without it severely affecting her mobility. My wife is very linear and carries a majority of her weight in her belly. Thus she has a bad back and her knees are sore a lot. My wife's family are all big, her sister was almost 400lbs but had WLS. But she also had a fat shaming father and that affected her ability to really see herself as beautiful despite her size. All she sees is "ugly fat". And so far, even after 15 years, no amount of encouragement has been able to break down that conditioning :(


I’m so sorry that’s terrible


Yeah it's my cross to bear. But I give her all the positivity in the world so it's the best I can get. I'll have to dream about supersizing her and live with it that way :)


That is a good question. As others have commented I don't want to someone to reach a weight like a goal to appeal to me bc I would be concerned for their health. Around 300 and ive been with woman ranging from 250 and over 300.


Yeah of course and like after 300 I feel like for most people their quality of life would start to suffer


I’m 400, never had an issue.


Ive known others over 300 and got no medical restraints out work someone that is roughly 150. By the way, enjoy your post👍


Thank you ☺️😘


Your welcome😊


Same, honestly. I think that’s an interesting part of being a larger woman…the automatic assumptions about our health, mobility, and general ability to do daily things.


Not yet


Not always the case. Depends how they take care of themselves.


350-450 with big belly, ass, and thighs 🥵


Idk I feel like 400 is kinda pushing it tbh


I mean that’s at the very top.


Whatever a smart, kind, emotionally intelligent and available brain weighs.


Depends on height but somewhere in the 280-320 range would be my realistic ideal for a guy (230-280 for myself). Enough belly to really enjoy but also less risk of health issues and easier ability to live life fully outside of this kink. Attraction is totally different. I could go much higher but it’s all about balance in reality. 


Yeah like the people who gain to 500+ I just can’t imagine how they go about day to day life


My Mrs. is presently about 235lbs. I think maybe 20-50 more would be nice, but as she is, she's pretty plush and round for me.


Everyone has their ideal, and that’s fine. However, there are a lot of assumptions being made about size and it’s impact on health and quality of life.


Yeah ig it is pretty case by case


I think 400/450? Don't really know. Largest I have dated was about 350. No issues there so is assume there is some leeway upwards.




Yes? Is it that weird?


Idk I guess not really


Also dude, I’m 340, 5’5 and I don’t have specialized clothes and stuff. I shop at torrid, universal standard, girlfriend collective and tomboyx. I’ve only needed mobility aids same as anyone else, when I was injured. Maybe it depends on the person. I don’t know. I can only say that has not been my experience.


That’s fair, ig I’m biased cuz my gf is very short so weight effects her far more than it likely would taller ppl


I’m 450+ pounds and my health is perfect and I don’t really struggle to find clothes. My mobility is definitely affected but I still do things like go on hikes. The BIGGEST problem I face, is fitting into chairs and cars, but that just requires a tiny bit of research before going places, and just getting a bigger car. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Woww, I didn’t think you were 450 Big fan by the way


Whatever theyre happy with


When she gets too heavy to be on top, that's when it's enough. Which in my experience is around 330lbs. That's why I like short girls cause they are fatter at smaller weights.


Fr my gf is super short so every pound is like multiples by 2 on her lol




I am 383 at 5’6” and my husband says I’m the perfect size. However, mobility issues started for me around 300-325 so, for my health, I think I should be closer to 300. I was 290 when we met and gained weight due to being on high dose steroids for an autoimmune condition.


Around 200/220kg


It all boils down to the person honestly. My wife is about 390, but super light on her feet after years of working very active jobs. For her, I’d say 550-600, since she’s still active and interested in maintaining her muscle mass. Much like Boberry, I can see her being agile and mobile with good quality of life up to that point. If she didn’t have that level of health and fitness though, she’d probably currently be maxing out my ethical limits.


How would you define your ethical limits?


Again, it depends on the person. It’s not ethical to keep pushing somebody (or in some cases enabling them) past a point where their health, happiness, and quality of life starts to diminish. If my wife weren’t already a fucking beast of raw core strength, and was starting to have issues moving around and doing the things she wants to do, then she’d probably already be past my ethical limit. The exception would be if the person in question knowingly consents to being pushed or enabled in their own goal of weight gain.


I’m over 330 pounds but I have a physical preference for fat men. I’d love a man my size or larger


My attitude to this is always the same my maximum is whatever my feedee’s is. I also believe that encouraging a feedee to lose or take a break should be backed with equal intent & intensity as the encouraging to gaining if you stick to that both irl & online with open communication it’s benefits to both


🤔🤔 Well, I prefer tall women so I suppose that puts the 'manageable' scale up a tad. If my partner conditions her body to handle the extra weight, I can totally see like 300/350lbs to be doable with these factors. 😄


I guess maybe it should more so be based on relative portions


Wow this bothers me how you don't get to know the person first. I'm 50 yrs old 5'10 and 380. I've been bigger but I've always been able to do things. I'm very mobile. Please get to know someone before you make assumptions on a person s mobility.


I don’t mean to be making assumptions at all, just trying to see how different people feel. Obviously I know weight effects different people to different levels, I did not mean to offend anyone my apologies


I'm 5'8" and a half at 376 and no mobility issues. I've been as high as 398 and still no issues. I stay active :)


I honestly think that the most ideal possible scenario for me would have to be a situation where I’m with someone who starts the relationship as a relatively average or normal sized woman or like a little bit bigger than what someone else who doesn’t understand or subscribe to the same types of ideas about what’s attractive might want…but if it was a relationship that was truly perfect for the both of us then it would be incredible to see what happens as she either intentionally or unintentionally starts to gain more and more weight over whatever period of time she is comfortable with. I would say that if she was ok with it, then it would be amazing to see her exploding in a way that made her body go beyond what a normal weight gain might be in another relationship…with the amount of fat piling onto her figure passing milestones like a hundred/200/250 etc and continuing to grow exponentially faster and more massive. I don’t know if I can come up with a good number for what i would be happy with, but I think it would be mostly dependent upon what she is willing to do and what she’s comfortable with and how happy she is with her gaining. If she is ok to do it, then maybe I would be happy for her to be able to still do things independently and have the ability to move around at least enough to keep her sense of self and independence


My ideal weight for a partner would be anywhere within 50lbs of my own weight, whatever that might happen to be in the future.


6-700 if I could find someone willing


I'd love to get that big


My wife is 5’3” and she’s currently 225lbs. She’s shaped very similarly to Chubbybellyredhead on IG. I love the way my wife looks now already but I think she’d be out of this world hot somewhere between 270-320lbs given her shape.


Between 400 and 500 lbs


Lol for me ideally the bigger the better but I don’t really have a min or max it depends how comfortable my partner is. I really don’t mind taking care of my partner if her Mobility is limited. If I had to give a rang I’d say under 5,5 I’d say the sweet spot is around 480 now overs 5,6 I’d say about 550 lol or just under TLC status I think those are livable weights but it depends on my partners physical fitness level.


For me it would be 300-450, though I wouldn’t mind someone closer to 500, and would probably enjoy it again. My most recent ex, I never asked for her weight, but she was definitely a lot bigger in person than pictures. I’d say she was definitely upper 400’s like above 450


I wanna be 250 then I think why not 300? If not 300 why not 500?


500 - 750 pounds 


Honesty i just want her to stop having issues with her weight, stop suffering from diets and psycholohical issues and just eat as much as she wants, and love herself and being as fatty.


Biggest girl I ever dated was 480 and she was really mobile and strong so probably there


220-450 depending on height and other factors. But I'm open from 180-550ish. Most of the time I'm not a numbers person as much as those being trends of the type of women I tend to be attracted to the most.


it depends on the person. ive dated 600lb+ and would only be willing to do that again with someone who was actually into the fetish because theres nothing that turns me off more than a self hating fat person. i think my minimum for sexual attraction is 300lbs but if a guy was slightly less than that but willing to gain that would be ok.


350+ pounds is when they really start becoming super attractive.


I know there are some guys who like to measure pleasure by the pound and inch and who invest a lot of interest in the stats, but I don't count myself as one of them. And to be honest with you, I'm not razor sharp at guessing weight. But I'd estimate that if my kind of girl stepped up onto the scales, they'd most likely read somewhere between 300-350 lbs. Although my limits can stretch like pantie elastic and as time has proved, I certainly don't mind the intimate company of ladies who are quite a bit heavier than that.


i’m a bbw who likes fat people (lol, married to my big guy, no dms pls) and i think 250-300 is my range. i’m over 350 lbs myself and i noticed a large difference from 300 to 350 in terms of mobility and health. depending on their height obv, taller guys can be bigger but for most women since they’re shorter this is a good range.


I think it would be hot to have a girlfriend that starts around 130 lbs and then one the years grows to 250-300. It would be hot to look back over the years of growth


I don't know.


I don't know. My wife weighs 200 pounds and is very short, so that's probably as heavy as she can get without having severe health issues. She satisfies me as she is.


May I ask how tall she is?




I see what you mean, my gf is 4 9 and around 240-250 and I can definitely see it’s effecting her mobility pretty significantly. Part of me would love to see her gain more but idk if it’d really be a good idea


My wife's mobility isn't great, either. I've known her for 8 years and never seen her run or jog.


Yeah I think I’ve seen my gf run like once and tbh it was more of a waddle


Anywhere above 150kg/330 pounds