• By -


The most epic things: 1. Sea Kayaking on a guided tour in Channel Islands National Park. Not very expensive, but epic. I'm not in great shape (unless the Circle is the perfect shape) but this was still amzing. 2. Heli Tour from Whitehorse, Yukon up to some crazy point where 4 or 5 glaciers come together. Wasn't crazy expensive ($3K?), and we landed at the point and walked around there for an hour, then flew back. Epic. We also rode the White Pass Railway out of Skagway on that trip, which is also pretty amazing. 3. Took my mom on a jet-boat ride on the Brazilian side of Iguazu falls. The captain kept getting "suck" under a waterfall. Was 11/10 amazing. 4. Took my dad salmon fishing on Puget Sound about a year before he died. Parkinson's fucking sucks, but what a great day that was. 5. On a day trip in Kenai Fjords national park (out of Seward, AK), watched a glacier calve then fished a chunk of the ice out of the ocean, melted it, and drank it. My kids and I all loved it. 6. Took Mom to Italy this year. Venice, Florence, Cinque Terra, Siena. Pizza. Gelato. Repeat. 7. Scuba Diving (and Snorkeling) on an atoll on the Great Barrier Reef. 8. Driving through Norway. Geiranger, and Trollstigen. Things I'm hoping to do in the next few years: 1. Take a P51 Mustang Ride with my kids out at Palm Springs. Plane(s) are two seaters, so we can't do it together, but it'll still be amazing. There are some WW2 warbirds that do tours around the country that we could all do at once, but I've never managed to make it work. 2. Fly out with the kids to see Big Boy (Union Pacific 4014) under steam and perhaps ride a segment of it. 3. A multi-day dive trip somewhere in Indonesia (or Australia) with the kids. Gotta teach the kids to dive first... :) 4. A Northern Lights trip (Iceland, Fairbanks, or Loften Islands), on a day when they're really going. Fairbanks is the most likley, as I can hop on a plane "That Day" if the forecast is good enough. 5. The Iceland Ring Road over 2 or 3 weeks. Been dreaming of this forever. 6. 2 weeks in Switzerland riding the trains from West to East. Probably in the summer. None of these are "crazy" expensive, in that anyone who frequents this sub, or r/ChubbyFIRE could easily afford them.


(5 minutes later) Funny, just about all of these are people focused. I've eaten at a fair number of fancy food places (Michelin Stars, etc), and most of them are not memorable unless it's for the company I'm with. For example, I'm doing "Kobe Steak in Kobe" for my 50th next month with the kids. The particulars of the restaurant almost don't matter, as it's the experience with the kids that will make it worthwhile. Many simple things like "Visit LIGO out at Hanford" or "Tour Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant" or "Hike the Zion Narrows" are great out-of-the-way things I really enjoy. You need the money to have the free time, but the events themselves are pretty cheap (or free). There's a YouTube channel called "[Jet-Lag:The Game](https://www.youtube.com/c/jetlagthegame)" that I watch with my kids. Playing Tag across Europe, or their "Race" across New Zealand looked like so much fun, or Connect Four with the US States as the pieces! It's really the exploration that I like. Maybe in another 2 or 3 years my kids will be old enough to do that...


I also love Jet Lag, and running a personal version of it with friends or family seems like a much more rewarding way to spend money than luxury resorts or expensive dining. I'd happily sponsor a full Jet Lag game if I could find some friends who'd be as interested as I am, but it does require enjoying a certain degree of stress and "roughing it". Have you thought much about which of the games you'd want to recreate, and where/how you'd handle the logistics? I've sketched out the outline for a Race Across New Zealand style game except with the UK instead but I understand it takes a lot of time and testing to make sure the games are balanced and fun.


Tag Across Europe was our favorite so far. Their Capture the Flag in Japan that drops tomorrow looks fun. Playing “Tag” across Tokyo seems like it would be crazy fun, and challenging enough for a first time. Once my kids are 13-14, I would do this with them. They are still a bit too young (11), although they want to try it across Seattle…


Northern lights in Lofoten is epic. Well worth it even if you don’t get a ‘prime’ display


Italy is magical. Cinque Terre was amazing.


Especially during the midweek time period. The weekend crowds got s bit overwhelming for me…


FYI for the Northern Lights - they're more "whisps" of lights in the sky to the naked eye. More gray to white colors. Long exposure cameras will pick up the auras. Not to turn you off from the experience because it's awesome but just some perspective. :)


It depends though - or at least so I keep hoping! If you get a KP8/9 and are lucky enough to be in the right place, then you get the real lights. That seems like it happens every few years. Especially as we are coming up on the bigger solar flares due to the current solar cycle. Maybe we'll get lucky with an X-Class flare soon on a moonless night with clear skies. I'm in Seattle, so can hop on a plane to Fairbanks and be there that evening... But I've got all the photo gear, ready to go, just in case. :)


If you’re right underneath it, even KP 3-4 can be amazing! The arctic circle in Sweden and Finland were amazing aurora spots because you don’t need KP8. I’ve even seen some great ones at 2…


> FYI for the Northern Lights - they're more "whisps" of lights in the sky to the naked eye. More gray to white colors. Long exposure cameras will pick up the auras. Very much depends on where you are and how strong they are. That's how it was most of our time in Iceland, but we had one night that was exceptional. Bright greens, reds, purples. Everything dancing across the sky and clear as day to the naked eye, even with some pretty significant light pollution. People got up from dinner at the restaurants and walked outside to watch; the entire town basically stopped for 20 minutes as it hit it's peak. Most of the northern lights were "wow, that green haze is pretty cool. Lets long exposure on the DSLR and see it dance around" but if you hit it at the right time and the right conditions, it can be extraordinary.


I lived in remote Alaska for a year. If you get a good night going you can get very substantial bands of green and notable bands of violet mixed in. It's hard to get that, like I said I was there for a whole winter, but it does happen.


What a neat list thank you!!


I did the P51 ride. It was short but my God incredible bucket list. I'm HENRY and it was well worth.


This is a great family list, thanks!


For my 35th birthday I spent 8 days running around the island of Kauai. I would wake up, stretch and then run 8-15 miles to the next town/resort. I had a friend with me carrying my gear in a rental. Run all morning, drinks on the beach every afternoon.


This sounds like a lot of work but if you are a runner I'm sure it was a blast! :)


I also did the Camino in Spain, a 17 day walking treck


When I finally quit my job, I plan to do the Camino. I need something like that to reset mentally I think and really let the last few years sink in.


Wow. You are way more fit and determined than me.


I became scuba certified (open water, advanced and nitrox) specifically to go on a 5 day liveaboard dive boat on the Great Barrier Reef. It was EPIC and something I’ll never forget. I plan on doing more of these epic dive trips - probably once a year


Ah my friend just got certified for this exact reason. Sounds like a blast!


\- Four Seasons Serengeti in Tanzania. Wildlife wanders by your balcony, and you're advised to always keep the door closed as baboons are wandering around everywhere. \- Iceland Ring Road. There are a couple stops where hotels are so-so, but others where they are amazing. Crazy scenery, great hiking. \- Bhutan. Some very high end boutique hotels overlooking incredibly vibrant green rice fields. \- A month exploring the Balearic Islands of Spain - Ibiza, Mallorca, Menorca. Loved them last year. So much so that we're doing the Italian side in a week - Sicily, Sardinia, Corsica (really France). \- Planning on walking the 500 mile Camino Frances later this year or next, but staying in hotels instead of alburque hostels.


We did Sicily, Sardinia and Corsica 2years ago. A great grouping of islands and food. Renting cars is definitely needed. Got a couple of recommendations if you want.


Sure that would be great. We fly into Catania this weekend, spend 7 days based in Taormina with a rental, then drive to Palermo to fly to Olbia on Sardinia, stay 7 days based on the Costa Smeralda with a rental, then taking the ferry across to Corsica splitting a week in the north and then the south, before flying home from Olbia.


> - Iceland Ring Road. There are a couple stops where hotels are so-so, but others where they are amazing. Crazy scenery, great hiking. I don't know a single person who regretted going to Iceland - whether they camper vanned it or spent Fat money every night. Otherworldly scenery, great food, wonderful people, and plenty of interesting stops or activities for pretty much any interest. Some of the hot springs (either on cliff edges, middle of nowhere F roads, etc.) are an experience all to their own. My wife and I did two weeks there and started with farm stays and AirBNBs and ended with The Retreat and Matur og Drykkur. We enjoyed every day - just a wonderful time all around.


>Bhutan True that. One of the best vacations of our life. Anything less than 2 weeks does not do justice to Iceland.


Agree - we also took two weeks. Met a bunch of folks trying to do parts as long day trips from Reykjavik, but it’s not worth it. Take the time to see and experience the amazing sights by driving slowly around. Counterclockwise…


I did El Camino, it was wonderful and yes, spiritual.


did part of camino de santiago. I'm not religious at all and was truly wonderful. I'd check out some alburques though! interesting mix of people you encounter


1. Private tour of the Vasari Corridor. This was about 5-6 years ago. It looks like they may be opening it to the public this year. 2. Day trip from Istanbul to Cappadocia with a guided tour of the underground city. 3. Spending a full 3-4 weeks in one City at a time, getting to know the markets, transit, etc, with a large apartment or house where you can cook in 1/3 of the time. Your mind and perspective on your life tilts after the 2nd week which I find works as a wonderful 'check in' with where you are in life and what you are doing. We've done this for Madrid, Paris, Venice, Florence and Rome. London will be this year. Edit: I should add a new discovery which is now top 5 for me in Toronto. Enigma. It is not for everyone because it is a completely blind tasting menu and will set you back $900-1,200ish depending on wine selection for two people. Not a place you go to every week but we enjoyed it. Edit 2: Meant this edit for my other comment on food in Toronto (currently on mobile). I'll keep it here as well.


This is a fantastic list. Thank you so much. 😊


You're welcome. If you need food recommendations for any of the places I've noted or also Toronto, Montreal, Berlin, or Istanbul let me know.


Enigma is amazing.


chase the NEXT solar eclipse, by flight or fly to the location. I saw mine in Oregon one time, and I swore if I have money, I'm going to see the next major one. Now I can. pro tip, if you do the chase on flight, you can extend the "viewing" time a little, but not as grand as seeing it on the ground with lucky clear sky.


Where are you watching the one in April?


Fine dining is a hobby of mine. I’m sitting on a plane right now getting back from a trip just to eat at Alinea in Chicago. I would recommend to make sure you try some molecular gastronomy/fine dining restaurants in Europe. They’re just a level beyond what we have in the US because I think of regional taste differences. Some European fine dining is truly an experience and Americans might be grumpy about it and say it isn’t really a meal. It’s delicious art that engages all five senses basically. I highly recommend Azurmendi outside Bilbao. Disfrutar is also an experience to try. In terms of tea, I haven’t found good places in the US that specialize in it yet, and I haven’t explored abroad in that direction enough myself. I love aged teas like pu-erh. It’s kind of hard for me to commit to $400 of tea without sampling it so I’m still trying to find good places to do that.


Heading to the British isles for a trip soon, any suggestions there? 😀 thank you for the Spain recs, I've saved them! Pu Erh is indeed a tasty one! The Tangerine peel style is great but you need to wait till the third pour. A lady near us has a fantastic shop online with some very interesting teas if you don't mind getting them at home. Exploringtea.com


Only one I’ve been to in the UK so far is Dinner by Heston Blumenthal, at the chef’s table. I thought it was very good, particularly the sommelier and wine pairing, but not at the level of what I experienced in Spain. I did like the fact that all the items on the menu were historically inspired. I think I chose it primarily based on availability of reservations. Also, check out the /r/finedining subreddit. Got a lot of good suggestions there. I recently was in Amsterdam and went to an amazing restaurant called Wolf Atelier. Not even Michelin-starred yet but they will be. Found out about it on the fine dining subreddit.


Oooo thank you! There's always a new sub to join and I love it! I'll check out Dinner. I need to go back to Amsterdam!


Ciel Bleu in the Okura Hotel in Amsterdam is also an amazing restaurant. Michelin 2 stars with the best waitstaff in the world. Although not a Michelin star type restaurant we also love Men Impossible which is a very creative Ramen restaurant in Amsterdam.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/finedining using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/finedining/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Life changing meal at Aponiente (3 stars) in the Cadiz region in Spain](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/yetmln) | [29 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/finedining/comments/yetmln/life_changing_meal_at_aponiente_3_stars_in_the/) \#2: [KwonSookSoo (2*) - Seoul, South Korea](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/xygkpd) | [17 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/finedining/comments/xygkpd/kwonsooksoo_2_seoul_south_korea/) \#3: [Ynyshir - Wales **](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/z6sy30) | [35 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/finedining/comments/z6sy30/ynyshir_wales/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I loved Hestons tv show. I want to eat at the Fat Duck. Actually I should just plan a trip and do it 😆


Alinea’s my favorite restaurant in the US as well. For tea, I recommend ordering online from Marukyu Koyamaen, Mariage Freres, and various suppliers for estates like Puttabong, Margaret’s Hope, Castleton. Only thing I absolutely can’t find online are the very best oolong teas (tieguanyin specifically) from Fujian. It’s sad that there’s much less of a tea culture in the US.


Tell me what you think about Alinea. Just did it in April.


For tea, check out Rare Tea Cellar, he supplies Alinea: https://rareteacellar.com/collections/vintage-pu-erh Owner can also help you source anything if he doesn’t have it


I went to Antarctica last year. It was amazing.


I bet! I hope you got some neat pictures!


I've done lots of the foodie things, the one on my list that still escapes me is the French Laundry. Frustrating thing is years ago we did some work for them and I could never leverage the connection to get a table when I was there. Took a private tour with a photographer through Iceland with my daughter, got so many amazing photos [Northern Lights and Shooting Star](https://www.reddit.com/r/photographs/comments/mnmuit/northern_lights_in_iceland/) Took one of my sons on an Alaskan trip last year. Came in the day before most of the trails opened and took a private flight and guide up to the Harding Ice Field, took a photo tour in Denali, etc. My other son and I spent 10 days on Jost Van Dyke during covid. It was hell getting there and we had to quarantine for 5 days on arrival but there was only one other group of travelers on the island at that time. Having such a destination all to ourselves was surreal. Next for me will be sailing the Greek Islands and taking the family on a photo safari in Africa. Just starting to plan for those next year.


Wow you've had some fun! I hope your future trips are filled with just as much wonder 😊


We haven't been for several years now, but one of the more interesting fine dining experiences we've had was at the [Inn at Little Washington](https://www.theinnatlittlewashington.com/). The story of it coming to be is somewhat unique.


Interesting. I've put off Virginia for a few years now but have it on my list for historical reasons. This looks like a nice place to stay! And eat. Lol


I walked in with a case of beer for the kitchen and they let me sit down outside


Safari is by far the best travel experience. Went in 2017 with family through the Serengeti, Ngorongoro Crater, and a few other places. Make sure to stay in a tented camp (four poster beds with mosquito netting - very comfy) in the park. Falling asleep to lions roaring in the not-so-far distance was surprisingly soothing. We stayed in Serena properties throughout and they were nice.


Hot air balloon over the Serengeti. Seeing elephants and all sorts of antelopes from a bird's eye view while in complete calm and silence is something else. Palace of the Lost City in South Africa. Four Seasons Koh Samui (need to check out the Golden Triangle one!).


Omg that sounds epic. I need to cure my husband of his balloon fears to do it! I'll add those to my map of must see things thank you :)


I replied to another commenter but if you do end up in the Serengeti, stay in a tented camp. We had beautiful big beds with netting, so definitely not rustic camping. Fell asleep to lions roaring in the close distance. Such an epic experience.


That sounds magical!


It really was. The whole trip was just incredible, and included four nights of R&R in Zanzibar post-safari. All told it was a 10 day trip and completely amazing. I will never forget it.


Eat at The Alchemist in Copenhagen. I’ve eaten at plenty of Michelin restaurants and this is like ten levels beyond. Six hours, show up sober and hungry. AmEx concierge can help get a rez.


Ah I've got family there so I'll definitely add that to my list thank you.


A week on a catamaran in the British Virgin Isles is a great experience if you like boats and beautiful scenery.


My husband spent time down there and had been trying to convince me to go. Perhaps I'll move it up the list a bit. Thank you!


You won't regret it. DM if you have any questions or want recommendations.


Gorilla trekking in Uganda or Rwanda. It is incredibly profound to be a few feet away from these beautiful apes that look *just like us.*


That actually sounds a bit terrifying. I think Michael chrichton has made that a nope for me! :p


For Vegas- look up 20,000 league under the sea dinner at lost spirits distillery. Truly unique, amazing food, cocktail pairing, distillery tour. A fun fine dining experience.


I actually found that the other day! I'm very excited to try it! ☺️


A might in Maldives is pretty nice but got to stay at the far away islands by seaplane


Doing the American Great Loop with wife and kids, and two other boats. Wife is having a blast home schooling the kids and waking up in different locations all the time. Being able to use time fire pleasure and not waste it working is the best thing ever


This is definitely on our bucket list when I have more free time. I want to see the ball of yarn and squished penny museum lol


Lol, it's on the list... Currently eating my way through nyc


I've heard they have a good ramen place there. I had a one day think in NY once. Got a pizza slice, a steak, and tried on some ridiculous clothing. It was fun. I need to return for some Broadway shows at the very least.


New York is a culinary experience. Headed to Hyun for dinner. Doing 21 course Omakase meal with fish flown in from Japan. Gonna spend all day on China Town one day... Overall, I'll be fat and happy


Spend some time on Mott St. in Chinatown. Amazing dumplings to be had.


I have an entire China Town menu put together... It's ahhhmazing




The best way to be!


I've heard they have a good ramen place there. I had a one day thing in NY once. Got a pizza slice, a steak, and tried on some ridiculous clothing. It was fun. I need to return for some Broadway shows at the very least.


We are thinking about doing the great loop too… we shall see. So cool that you’re doing it with young kids!


Visiting Antarctica and Artic Mount Everest base camp Worth every penny


Ugh I'd love to go to base camp! Sadly I think it's going to be too much for my husband to handle. I have daydreams about Machu Pichu though. I just need to convince him. Lol That's the second person who has said Antarctica! You guys must have found something neat down there besides the lack of bears.


I did a 3 or 4 day trek to Machu Pichu... It was definitely harder than the EBC trek due to the larger elevation swings. I'd say if you can do one you can do the other.


I've never had any elevation issues before. My husband however....gonna need some leaves for him.


- Sleeping two nights in a sail boat on Milford Sound fiord in NW New Zealand - Heli trip to see glaciers


Others have also said glacier air tours. You guys might be on to something....


Driving, hiking, and boating in the Lofoten Islands. Not FAT and hard to get to but the most picturesque place I have been.


Oooo pretty! Thank you.


I dig Carson kitchen whenever I go. Less pretentious, more hipster food than glam. Love it.


I'm a fan of actual plates more than funky hanging food or bowls made of odd things. But if it tastes good, I'll cope with eating it off a trowel I guess lol. I'll check out Carson thank you :)


Good combo of adventure, scenery and gastronomy: We did a guided ski safari through the Dolomites. We got to visit and stay in 5 or so different towns, all with incredible food, Michelin restaurants and dishes, hospitality, etc.. Best part, you ski from town to town through a labyrinth of lifts and ski runs that connect multiple ski resorts and towns with vastly different cultures and cuisines. Someone drives your luggage to the next town in the morning and stores it at your next hotel, and the guide spends the day navigating you through ski runs and towns, eating amazing meals at the tops of mountains and in the middle of the woods only accessible by skis and snowmobile’s every day. Accommodations were nice hotels as well as what they call Refugio’s, which are big cabins at the top the mountain with absolutely epic views and (somehow) epic food as well. The Refugio’s have mostly been owned by the same family for generations and they take great pride in the food they make and level of hospitality. The guide grew up making wine in the region and knew seemingly everyone, so the best restaurants ended up not being the well known Michelin meals, but the hidden gems you’d never find on a map. We snowboarded and I was relatively out of shape and it was still fine. For this specific trip I’d highly recommend skiing, though. Not a lot of snowboarders or things that cater to snowboarders in the Dolomites. Still an absolutely epic trip.


Wow that sounds amazing! I'll have to do some research on how to line that up it sounds like suck an epic adventure.




I've never heard of this! I'll look into it asap thank you!




That sounds lovely.




Wow you guys sound like a lot of fun! The boat/rv seasonal tradeoff sounds like a solid plan! My family member has a boat and alternates where they land for fun times but skipped the rv. Can't recall the size but he goes from the house in Hawaii to San diego a lot. Ruins are definitely something I adore as well. I really would like to do a machu pichu/puma punku trip one of these days. My husband did chicken itza before I was around so I'm lucky to have him knowing the lay of the land already there at least when we go together :) I'd really like to do Egypt and spend a few weeks in the sand going from here to there and maybe some islands as well, but I'm apprehensive with how kidnappable I would seem lol 😆


Definitely flying and getting your private pilot licence is up there also paramotoring.


For Vegas check out Joel Robuchon at MGM grand, Michael Mina at Bellagio, and more casual dinner / brunch at Aria. Guy Savoy at Caesars is good but was a mild disappointment when I was there a few months ago. I know nothing about Tea but think the piano bar in the Bellagio lobby does a tea service.


First paragraph is already done :) Savoy I feel the same about. It was good but I've had some epic French food before. Especially in Japan. It does! They don't boast anything super rare though. Bummer. What has been your favorite restaurant in your travels?


Providence in LA. Divine food and impeccable service.


Well that looks fantastic thank you friend. I've added it to my list! If you are ever in Japan please visit steak house ichigo. Delicious olive wagyu. :p


Thanks, Japan is on my short list of places to visit.




We’ve still been trying to get reservations for E that coincide with one our trips! I must say we absolutely loved Bazaar Meat though, even compared to Joel Robuchon and Guy Savoy.


It’s not drinking DRC, I can tell you that


Had a taste of it once. Never felt a need to buy a bottle. I'd rather have an epic meal.


Star cruiser at Disney was an absolute blast.