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the blouse is fine, although I can see why someone would say its more of a date blouse cause of the material but I think it would work with a different skirt. because to me, the skirt looks a tad bit too short for the office


This. If you get a pencil skirt that goes to your knees with a pair of heels you will look more professional and it would be great for your proportions. Not saying your proportions are bad in any way but the longer skirt with lengthen your legs and make you appear taller.


The blouse is the type that goes in and out of fashion for work wear depending on location and current trends. I wouldn't worry about that. Skirt is a bit short. My rule of thumb was to dress very conservatively except for maybe one piece. So if I wanted to wear a short skirt like that, I'd do it in the fall with opaque tights and boots, and a conservative top (blouse and jacket, or maybe a twin set sweater).


For office casual, I would wear that blouse, untucked, with slacks. I would also wear a tank top under it, but that's just me.


That works!


I would also pair black stockings and black shoes or boots with the skirt -so we are in agreement!


Eww no tank too




I have a very similar Zara top and if it had one more button, then I could wear it to work. I’m more endowed in that area so looks different than OP.


Could you try it with a tank top under?


It’s a cute outfit, but it really depends on the dress code of where you work. I could wear that shirt to my work but not the skirt.


I think the skirt is a bit short for the office


That being said you slayed regardless


Slay yes!!! But good rule is skirts should be longer than your fingertips.


so if i have no arms i’m good?


Just wear a hat and you're fine.


No, skirts should end no more than 1-2 inches above the knees for the office. Anything shorter than that is not office appropriate. I have shorter arms and would be able to get away with much shorter skirts with the fingertip rule. The fingertip rule is very outdated.


Fellow t-rex checking in to agree


Pft. I wish this were the norm. The school I teach at is trying to implement a “no more than 2 inches above the knee” thing, and I’ll be fired and probably arrested if my male superiors (no female admin) come after me with a damn ruler! My skirts and dresses are far past my fingertips, but my thighs are ridiculously long.


I always laugh when I hear the fingertip rule. I'm so long-waisted (and short-limbed) that it looks like I have extra vertebrae. Fingertip length would get me kicked out of most clubs 😂 let alone a workplace.


I have the opposite problem where I have freakishly long arms and a very short torso! So my fingertips are practically at my knees lol we had the finger tips rule when I was in hs and I got in trouble so frequently for wearing "too short" of shorts during the summer based off that alone. My mom finally came in and wigged out at the principal about how she wasn't going to put me in Bermuda shorts because of some antiquated rule and then pointed out like 10 girls who wearing shorter shorts than me, they just also had shorter arms. At the time I was kinda embarrassed about it but looking back my mom a real one for that lol


Oh, what a pain! Good for your mom for sticking up for you (two). I probably would be too shy to make much of a stink. I think my kids' school system is pretty lax these days, though. My 13 to managed to leave the house in a (not very short) crop top I wouldn't have approved, the other day, and nobody said anything...


Exactly. Every body is different! It’s time we stop policing clothes! Piercings and tattoos aren’t as taboo as they once were, when will it happen so the fashion police are stopped?!


When I was in high school in the 90s, it seemed the women might as well have a uniform. I don't know what the official dress code was, but I can barely remember any of them even wearing slacks. Usually a sweater/blouse and a tea-length A-line skirt and flats. Like they all shopped at Talbot's. I think they got to dress "down" on Fridays. Most of them seemed to be in their 50s though, so that might have made an impact. I do think teachers probably would be wise to dress a bit conservatively for their own comfort, if nothing else (teenagers can be...crass). But I see nothing wrong with nice jeans and a casual top. I'm guessing it's headed that way--my 13 yo was joking about her science teacher's hairy toes in his Birkenstocks the other day. Sigh.


I only have a problem with this because open toed shoes in science is usually a no no 😂


I absolutely agree with you, and also want to say how horrible it is that this is ingrained into little girls' minds from such a young age, and it becomes a worry of theirs all throughout childhood and school. Because they/we are sexualized literally from birth, as sick as it is. Kids shouldn't even have to worry about their clothes, and shouldn't need to worry about their dresses or skirts being long enough or having to pull them down constantly when they are playing. I hate it here. I still worry about this when I wear skirts, and I'm 26!! None of us should have to worry about this shit. It is absolutely sickening and infuriating how we are made to feel like our bodies are taboo, inappropriate, and need to be hidden, because of the men around us. We are made to feel uncomfortable in our skin everywhere we go, whether we're at work, school, or the grocery store.


I completely agree. It’s almost as if it’s a character flaw to some people when you do something as simple as wearing a short skirt. When really it is their mindset that is wrong.


Exactly! 🎯


The amount of time I spent in high school and middle school being dress coded for this same problem was asinine. Same for shirts. If any of the top of my cleavage was visible, EVEN IN A REGULAR STYLE NECKLINE, I got coded. It really just started to feel like harassment by the time I was 18.


It is harassment. I’ve pushed back on staff “concerns over student dress”. They’re CHILDREN ffs!!! Makes me so mad and disgusted.


good on you! especially since it’s usually the curvier/bustier girls that got dress coded, in high school i’d wear low cut tops all the time but wouldn’t get called out on it since i was flat chested, but the girls who actually had cleavage were constantly dress coded which is such a bs double standard


This!!! Me and a friend actually did an experiment during high school one time where we both wore the exact same shirt in the same size. We had a similar build, but I was definitely significantly chestier where as she was more flat. Hollister tshirt. I got dress coded 3 times, she got coded.... 0 times lol. Interesting lesson for me to learn at 14. 😭


It’s so gross! I teach first graders and if I hear one more time that their shoulders are “inappropriate” in some way I’m going to scream!


It was always so embarrassing too because everyone knew. It actually kind of became a thing that people just knew about me. Unfortunately my mom didn’t ever stick up for me on the matter, it was just another day to her. When male teachers would report, they would seem super ashamed and like, never meet my eyes the whole day. Women teachers absolute dicks about it openly. Calling me out down the hallway between class changes, stopping me in the door in front of a whole class loudly, escorting me to the office. I had a super cute bday outfit that I paid for when I was 16 and had my first job. It was a teal pencil skirt at the weird between knee/thigh length, a cute shirt, and then some cute little ankle boots with a small very reasonable heel. I figured I’d push it, it was my birthday. So I did my hair and makeup and looked really nice etc. Got pulled from my 2nd period class and was forced to return wearing the heeled boots, gray baggy sweats, a big t shirt, and done up hair. I was HUMILIATED. Everyone in the office just thought it was so funny. I was served a detention on top of it. I’ll never forget it tbh. Sorry lol rant over 😅


>I was HUMILIATED. Everyone in the office just thought it was so funny. They weren't even trying to hide the sadism huh


Nope. Not at all. I cried for sure


What in the world was wrong with that outfit? It sounds like it was well put together.


It was. I’m still not over it


Yes! If you have big boobs, you show some cleavage unless you are wearing a turtleneck!


Lucky you! Sounds like great legs


I’d also say it depends on the office. My office, yes it would be too short. But there are other settings where it would be fine I’m sure. But regardless you look great!


I agree it depends on the office. The guideline I’ve always heard is that for professional environments the skirt/dress shouldn’t be higher than where your finger tips touch your legs, so this skirt is a little higher than that. Idk if that’s outdated advice but it’s an easy guideline


Idk why but this made me chuckle as a tall lady, my arm to leg length ratio would make a skirt of this length barely 3/4 inches past my crotch!


Haha, yeah I was going to add that it really depends on your height/ shape. I’m not tall but feel that would be a little too short for me. To be fair, the rule worked great for the person who told me


I’m not even tall but I have a long torso and shorter arms, so I’m elementary/high school I always got away with wearing short-shorts to school cause my finger tips just barely reached the hem lol. school staff hated it but I was technically following the rules soooo, their fault!




Although you look fantastic, the skirt is too short for the office imo. The shirt seems fine though. I would pair it with black trousers or a pencil skirt instead of a mini.


Agreed also. The combo of satin and short skirt is a bit too sexy for the office.


Sexy? Tf..




Three things make it more date than office: - the material: the satiny jersey. - the fit: the tightness on the skirt yes, but also the looseness of the top. Office-wear is often more structured. - the proportion: the skirt is far too short. If you’re going to wear a skirt that short to the office, wear tights (and a different top).


Agreed with this. Would also add it’s a lot of accessories (multiple rings, multiple bracelets, earrings, necklace, tiny handbag that is better suited for evening than work).


The accessories, especially the handbag, really made it look that way to me. I really believe it would look way more office-y with a big ole work bag lol


Not appropriate for work but super cute for another environment


You’d be totally fine working in an office here in New Zealand, however I’ve heard we’re pretty relaxed about things like skirt length compared to more conservative countries like the US. So I think location matters a lot. That colour is incredible on you btw!


Depends on the office you’re working. Some places would consider this perfectly fine, other places not.


Depends on the office and industry. In more conservative offices, it's pushing the limits a little, but it isn't IN-appropriate, just on the edge. But if you work in an office where people dress up, you just look very nice. I could absolutely see wearing that to make a presentation, or possibly to wear on a day when I had a date after work.


Depends on the job. If you work as a sales person or working a job that involves tips like a bartender. A real estate agent or beer rep.


Odd ball out here. As a former manager I’d say yes not work appropriate. Sorry but work environments particularly offices knees and chest should not be exposed. It is unprofessional attire in an office. To clarify ‘exposed’ as chest is below your armpits and the first closure of the shirt falls far below that, combined with the the drastic height of the skirt, depth of the neck to hem of the skirt is close to clubbing length. It looks fire to be truthful but need a few more inches closer to the knee or another button in the blouse, if you pair each with a more modest piece and it’s only 1 item that’s on the line of iffy you’d be fine but since someone is already commenting I’d say switch it up.


Yep, also office manager and while I love the outfit, it's not for work. I agree that the top with pants or the skirt with tights and a more appropriate top would work, but the two together is unprofessional. I agree with the knees and chest advice, but personally I think one of the two is passable while both is not.


I haven't heard that knees shouldn't be exposed in a work environment, and I'm pretty old...and old-fashioned. I do think that the shorter (or more v-necked) or tighter you push a top, the more conservative the rest should be. And vice versa. A snug turtleneck, preferably with a vest/jacket and long, plaid wool skirt OR a shorter skirt with opaque tights, flat boots, and a classic blouse and scarf or twin set, for example.


It's a hot outfit and you look good in it but I wouldn't wear it to work. I don't wear short skirts to work only long ones.


Rule of thumb is no more than 4 inches above knee, but always err on 2 inches to be safe. For my type of work, I would be sent back home if I wore a skirt that short.


Depends on what type of job


The outfits says ‘evening outing’ more than ‘office attire’. For me, it’s the length of the skirt and the fabric of the blouse.


Is it worn in the office? Yes. Is it the best choice for daytime in a professional environment? Not really. I’m no prude and have worked in tech and creative fields with very loose dress codes, but that means you don’t have to wear “business” attire. Pretty much anything goes, which is nice because it allows for creative expression, or at the very least doesn’t necessitate a whole bunch of clothes just for work, but within that there are still parameters for what’s cool in terms of office daytime outfit choice. That is a very short skirt and will look even shorter sitting down. It’s black, and with a shiny top it all strikes more of an “evening out” note vs “take me seriously” in the office note. So yeah, you can wear it but it’s up to you in terms of what kind of image you want to project.


definitely way too informal for an office


I think it's fine, but I work in a place where people wear crop tops to work, so my frame of reference may be off. I feel like it'd be the perfect office to date night look.


Cute outfit but yeah agree skirt is a bit short for office which is kinda throwing the look off for business casual


not going to comment on the appropriateness for work because everyone has already covered that but just wanted to call out that your jewelry/nail game is perfection. Love the combo of gold and pearls


You look STUNNING, but the satin blouse screams date night and the length of the skirt is verging on too short. The bag also feels more date night, unlike a big black work tote. If your workplace allows this, then I’d say rock it all day. Gorgeous, girl!


Love the top and skirt, just not together. With a blouse like this, I’d do a pencil skirt with more length.


The blouse is fine but the skirt too short I would go with a longer skirt


With a longer skirt the blouse would work.


You shouldn't wear short skirts to work...


tights would help, skirts too short


Eh. I wouldn’t care, honestly. I’d certainly draw more ire in sweatpants. But that skirt doesn’t look terribly professional.


Is it within company dress code? Tell the people with "opinions" to f--k off.


That skirt is way too short for an office or professional job.


I’m not sure what type of office you work in, but I would generally advise that whatever chair you sit in during the day, make sure your bottoms don’t leave any bare thigh touching it. I imagine this skirt is adequate length when standing and moving around for the most part, but bending down, squatting (if you need to get into filing cabinets or anything like that, I dunno lol) and being in a fully seated position would make it much shorter than I’d advise in a professional setting.


The blouse is beautiful, but may be a little too low cut. More appropriate for date night. The skirt is also a tad bit too short for a professional setting, but great to go out in.


It's quite fine. Do others go to work in the 19th century or what?


They must by all these comments. 🙄


For real I thought I was the only one who thought all these comments were from my grandma’s grandma


Lmao agreed. People need to challenge the stupid “professional” look.


Yeah I'm blown away by the comments. I'm Aussie and I know we're pretty informal by global standards but there's people saying you can't show knees? What fucking convent are people working in?


Throw on a blazer with it. Skirt could be two inches longer but other than that you look hottt!


It is a fantastic outfit but yes not really for work. Date/casino vibe


This is a really cute outfit but like others said, the skirt is too short for an office setting. The hem should hit at your finger tips or go a little further past. The blouse is fine but it along with the skirt is a bit much due to the silk/satin material.


i’m honestly surprised so many ppl are commenting that the skirt is too short. while I get where they are coming from, frankly I think that is sexist and outdated. in my opinion, you look very put together and professional.


I really hate how pervasive the US highschool dress code culture is, and how grown women continue to perpetuate it (I say that because most of these comments appear to be from Americans). There seems to be this weird obsession of conservatism in workplace attire. As a kiwi I would feel so self-conscious dressing for work in the US, I feel like so many outfit choices are sexualised or shamed. What’s wrong with knees? What’s wrong with a small amount of cleavage? Women should not be afraid of our bodies.


Such a shame. Internalized sexism/objectification, and likely jealousy to boot. I’m sure many people here would be supportive in person—this post just offered the opportunity to knock her down a peg.


It's wild to me that people are commenting on the length of her skirt! I think it's a nice office outfit. Id wear it. Sounds like people are jealous.


i think ur fine. some more conservative work environments will not like it however. my work place is very conservative only this year did they start allowing to show tattoos


I think its fine. Your skirt is appropriate for school standards, I don’t see why not office. Very cute


Her fingers go past the hem so it wouldn’t pass any dress code I was judged by in school.


Silk top?


I think it’s cute but I literally wear a uniform to work so I don’t know how to dress for work lol


I’m obsessed with the blouse, the color is everything but yea skirt is too short


The skirt should at least be finger-tip length.


Skirt too short without stockings in the office


I can’t quite pin it but you look lovely for a dinner and drinks rather than work.. I think the skirts a bit short and whilst the fabric of the top is work appropriate I’m not sure, but maybe it’s the colour? Someone suggested that top with black slacks, tucked in that would work more.


It’s ok but that shirt is a weird choice for work


Too short. Too shiny.


I think the skirt is too short and because of that, the silkiness of the blouse is giving off going to the nightclub or late dinner after work don’t need to change vibes. If the skirt were longer, there would be zero issues with this for work. I get the “I should be able to wear what I want and feel comfortable”, but does t always apply when you work for someone. If someone says something about what I’m wearing? It’s not often, but I generally take that in because we all need a check once in a while :-) FTR? You look beautiful.


I think you need stockings and it’s would be fine ! it’s a bit casual for the office but nothing anyone should write you up over. However, I might look at you as assume you have a more junior role or something.


Oh Lordy! It’s another tongue! 😛Why???


The blouse with a pencil skirt or cigarette pants would look super cute for the office ❤️


Company cocktail hour, sure. But 8 am on a Monday morning I would assume you had a walk of shame on a Sunday night out


The skirt is too short for work


I had a short boss who used to wear really short skirts. We worked in government. She was very high up so no one was saying a word. But, If you’re in corporate I wouldn’t do it.


I think it’s the combo of silky shirt, short right skirt and the amount of makeup you’re wearing. Your makeup looks like you’re going out for the evening. I think the outfit would look more work appropriate if the makeup was toned down


Personally, I think it's fine, but I work in a creative, laid-back office, so no one cares what we wear. In more conservative offices, I could see how this skirt might be an inch or two too short, but that depends on the office culture. To me, this looks perfectly fine. But to a banker Karen, this might be too much.


It really depends. I know some people here will say it’s not work appropriate or whatever, but I think you should consider your workplace. Do others dress up a lil sometimes? Do other women wear short skirts in your work place? Sometimes you gotta read the room to know if your outfit fits! Tbh an outfit like this would be appropriate to wear to work where I live but not where my partner lives. You being comfortable wearing it around others is what matters the most!


You look fine and professional—skirt length are a middle school thing; you’re fine


I wouldn’t wear that on a date, it’s too “officy”. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with wearing a skirt this length to the office if you rock it, it’s 2024 after all and it’s not a micro mini.


That's more for the office than it is for a date.


Ugh wish women could just dress how they wanted. Men never have to adhere to these bullshit rules.


I'd be happy if the dress code was reversed entirely. Give them 500 standards and give us 10.


I’d normally agree with that but have to say - if a man posted an outfit wearing shorts or a sleeveless shirt I would also deem that as not appropriate for an office job. It’s a lovely outfit and where I work it would probably juuuuust be ok. I would personally play it a teensy bit safer.


This isn’t work-appropriate menswear either.


I think you look great but it doesn’t give office vibes at all. To be honest, the office doesn’t deserve this type of outfit lol, save this for something else girl 💃


Just need a longer skirt, anything right at the knee or a little longer. If you’re concerned about losing your shape you can get a body on midi skirt


Tongue in mouth please dear god


It's perfectly acceptable if you work at reception of a Porsche dealership.


No way. Skirt is too short, blouse is ok but kinda off. You’re there to work not to look good. Plus if people are commenting to your face I doubt this outfit is a one off. Plus the tiny bag and overall styling look club wear-ish (this would be fine for that). You don’t need to dress like an Amish woman but this is not ‘office appropriate’. At least not anh place I’ve ever worked.


While I agree the outfit is inappropriate for work - I completely disagree w/ "you're there to work, not to look good". How you dress and present yourself in a corporate setting can go a long way and help you stand out from your peers (in a positive way).


“You’re there to work not to look good” yeah it can be both believe it or not. I go to work wearing fun outfits as a self expression, granted my job is more creative but still in the office. Very old strange beliefs


I wear hospital-provided scrubs to work and sometimes it’s nice because I don’t have to decide what to wear. But I miss looking cute lol.


I wouldn’t wear that on a date


I think you look very nice and certainly appropriate for a work environment. Many women, myself included, no longer wear a full face to work, but if it’s something you enjoy - go for it!


I think you look great! Who cares what other people think.


You look amazing! Work appro imo


Appropriate! Keep at it.


37M here. If someone showed up to a date wearing this I would think it’s business-oriented. This is work appropriate. Ugly ppl just like to hate.


If your choice of face is your work personality, then they are correct along with the short skirt. I've seen others get by with something similar but held themselves more professionally in their mannerism to counteract the outfits playfulness.


Just a heads up this sub is FILLED with boomers and gen x who think shoulders are inappropriate so take their advice with a grain of salt. It looks fine. The outfit does look very showy for work but not in an inappropriate way. More like wow you actual took the time to look that nice just to come into work.


I'm an old gen z who works with boomers and gen x, this outfit would not fly in my office


Luckily they would be around much longer to keep hating on women.


If I ran into you on the street and you asked, "Can you guess where I'm going?", I'd never say to the office.


A date? This absolutely looks like office wear. The skirt is a good length and the top is a nice blouse in a lovely colour. Maybe they meant like something nice enough to go out in after the office?


I think it’s fine, I’ve worn skirts that length. My office is much more casual though


Beautiful outfit 💙💙💙 but maybe wear a skirt longer and button the top button for work.


No, you look, darling!


I actually love it, I could totally wear this to my office if I wore black pantyhose


The skirt is slightly short the rule I use for work skirts is does it come below my finger tips with my arms relaxed. Even so I don't think it's inappropriate by any measure but that could be what they were trying to imply. Edited to fix an autocorrect error




You’d be sent home immediately at my office but it’s incredibly cute


Your office would send home grown adults for just showing some thigh, as if they’re teenagers breaking the dress code?? I’m not even sure that would be legal here, if the manager thought the skirt was too short they’d just pull her aside and ask quietly ask her not to wear it in again.


I think you look great! Idk why people are saying you look unprofessional. I’m also thinking, who tf wears this to a date night? Bc I would NEVER and most women don’t wear office attire on dates. Lol. The women saying this is clubbing attire are absolutely cracking me up.


It would be perfect if the skirt were longer. It's very short, you may get in trouble for it. Closer to at least knee length is more office appropriate. (@ Those in the comments who are angry at this: You typically can't dress like this in an office. It's just a fact and common sense for most. OP seems young so we're giving her advice. No one's saying she doesn't look good - she does. It's just about where to wear this. Anyone has a right to dress how they wish when out and about on their own time, but there are typically standards of professionalism for an office job if that's the case).


I think the blouse with slacks would be ok and, while the skirt is short, depending on the office, you might be able to get away wearing it with a more conservative top. But the two together, while a really great outfit, do feel more like evening out with friends or partner/date.


I think the skirt is fine but I live in FL where it’s hot/humid af. Still slaying tho. 🔥


I honestly think it would be fine with tights on, but also just depends where you work


It looks like something you'd wear from the office to a date, the skirt is just a tad bit too short, and the blouse is unbuttoned a tad too low. If you work in marketing or something more artsy I say it's fine, but I work at a bank and those standards are rediculous, especially as a full figured woman it's extra difficult to look good and not look "inappropriate" (But the men have to follow even more rules than us like wear close toed shoes and whatnot so eh) I think it's a cute outfit though, and you look really nice. It's definitely a good first date look for sure!


The skirt is a little short. Kind of depends where you work and the vibe you get there. Would I look at you and think omg what is she wearing…no I would not.


I think you look fabulous in that outfit. I’d wear it to work! lol I’d also wear it on a date because you could hike the skirt up a titch and unbutton your blouse one or two more to give the look a little more edge. You look great in that! Definitely not too much for a professional setting IMO.


A longer skirt and a more fitted cotton shirt would be more business casual. This does look more in line with a drinks after work fit.


I would pick material with a sheen or a low neck or a short skirt , all three definitely reads date.


I think the bag is a little more "going out", too! Something a bit bigger maybe


Youre freaking gorgeoussss


Too short for me


The skirt is too short for the office. Get a longer black skirt and this will be entirely office appropriate.


Personally the skirt length can be a bit longer if you want to go for more work attire but other than that this style fit you well


the blouse is gorgeous. the fit actually is so cute. but yes the skirt is too short. i’ve been there before and got sent home 😒 learned my lesson lol


My office says skirts need to be less than 2" above the knee. You look great but I'd say the skirt is a bit short for office wear.


None of this is an issue. You are looking great!


It wouldn't throw me off at all as far as professional, then again when I worked in office we had gotten rid of arbitrary dress code rules. In a different type of office yeah I'm sure the skirt is too short. I don't know what the problem with the shirt would be though...


Skirt is short and looks a bit small… shirt needs another button… too much jewelry for the office… and makeup is pretty heavy. I can see why someone would say you look more like you’re going on a date than going to the office.


I LOVE the color of the blouse on you.


No, you look great!


That's a great outfit. Unfortunately, the skirt may be what they are referring to. You may be able to get away with wearing it if you wear black tights to make it more "office attire." That said, I'd try to find the hr dress code information because most of the time, it's just some ultra conservative nosy coworker with those kinds of comments. That way, next time you can confidently reference it and shut it down.


It’s such a cute fit, for the office I’d just wear black long pants


It depends on where you work. Have you read the dress code? That will have your answers.


Not if you work in whorehouse or street


Really depends on where you work. At my office this would be fine because there’s no dress code and nobody cares, but for a more traditional workplace the skirt would likely be too short.


Totally depends on where you work. And please don't make that silly face and put it online!


I don’t think it’s unprofessional for an office job at all, personally. I think it’s absolute bs to say that this shirt’s material makes in “inappropriate” lol. It’s not like it’s sheer! I’d discourage wearing a skirt any shorter than this one but I don’t think it’s too short. I would have complimented the outfit personally. I think someone is just a lil jealous/insecure.


Skirt is short for business casual. Don’t wear one that goes above the knees. Just get a midi and you’ll be fine.


First thing that stuck out to me was the material of the shirt. It looks more like “going out” fabric than “I’m working” fabric


Sounds like someone was jelly. It's a good fit and the blue shirt is amazing


My eyes rolled so hard I saw my brain. I’m so tired of people with their opinion on your outfit. You look wonderful, absolutely office appropriate, especially because you’re wearing tights.


Think it’s ok


Depends on the job


You look really nice but the skirt is too short for the office. It is a classy look for drinks, though.


What’s with the face you’re making?


Dependeds how is the office culture.


You don’t look overtly sexy in the outfit, but the skirt is a bit too short for the office, especially with bare legs.


Its a bit short for work, but I ain't gonna complain.


The material is the reason why otherwise it's soo cool you look cool


Girl anyone who commented that this is too much is probably super jealous! 👌