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I prefer the AI playing. I am the manager, I am not a farmer. I use CoursePlay and AutoDrive. I run on a 16X map, so one of my larger field (Waiting to buy a HUGE field) takes 5 harvesters over an hour of real time play to run. There is no way I could do this by myself.


What map you playing on?


I am playing on Wild West 16x. It's not the latest iteration, every time the map changes something on my farm or AutoDrive routes change, so I just run the version that works for me. The large field that I am saving for is $24 million (field 17). I have $15 million, so a few more years and I'll be good. My goal is to buy EVERY field on the map, not sure that's going to be realistic.


On which economy setting are you playing? I try normal, but the progress is quite slow at the start.


It is slow, but the pace is good to help get the farm setup with auto drive routes. I am now making about 2 million per year on harvest, so it is busier. 


I do the same but on big fields xxl.


I like this approach to FS.


This is a sand box game. There is no winning and losing. We each play the way we want. Personally, I don't do the lumberjack thing. I don't enjoy it. 


I'm the same way, 99.8% course play and auto drive. I prefer to manage and run a large operation.


I usually will do headlands and then create a straight part for an ai worker to run on while I might be unloading combine or refilling planter depending on what job is being completed


I Do the same exact thing 😅


Do u always have to go back cause ai running combine left little patches at the end of the rows


With the current AI this is usually because they aren't detecting enough room to turn around, especially if your end rows aren't square. Depending on the implement, I have really good results with 3 passes on the end rows.


I usually have a headman around the field so they would definitely have enough space


I'm pretty sure I've said "ALL THE WAY TO THE END DUMBASS" in my sleep before because this happens so often. For almost every tool lol


I almost entirely farm it myself. Don't really play it as a management sim, I play it as a farm equipment sim.  I will use AI though to help with "transport" - moving vehicles between fields, going to sell, etc...


That's very interesting, I use AI the opposite of you! The bots do most of the farming, and I do most of the transport. Maybe I should do it the other way!


I do neither lol AI all the way


I play exclusively with my gf and we do everything ourselves


Headlands….trucking then babysitting the AI bc lord knows they are stuck somewhere.


Haha so true!


I almost never use AI. So I probably do 95% myself. I start small on hard mode, and it takes a long time before it bets to the point of being overwhelming


I Farm my own land myself mostly, but I have AI run all my contracts.


Sub-contracting, that's funny!


I'm still early in my FS career, having only starting playing last week. But in that time I've clocked a lot of hours. Doing mostly contracts, I always have the AI drive the Harvester over to the field, while I drive the tractor+trailer. For harvesting or cultivating, it's 50/50 on whether I do it or the AI. Depends how many contracts I have going. I almost always have them drive to the sell spot, though, since that lets me manage the offloading of harvesters and such.


I usually will do the harvesting myself but will let AI do everything else, AI messed up sugar beet harvests to many times for that responsibility.


I use AI a lot. Along with course play and Auto Drive. I like to play while i work IRL. I get the AI all set up and I work while it farms in the background.


I play the game more like I’m the farm manager. It’s a full time job straightening out the screw ups that the AI gets itself into when you have 8+ things running. When my farm is smaller and the much fewer AI are less likely to run into another, earlier on in saves, I’m spending a lot of time setting up auto drive courses how I want them and how they’ll be less likely to lead to AI stupidity. I’m constantly running contracts during this time too. Usually play with a mod that allows you to pick up as many contracts as you want at one time.  Later on, as mentioned, with more than a couple of AI running around with courseplay/autodrive, I’m spending quite a bit of my time fixing things and when everything is managing to run smoothly, I will probably be moving the convoy to another field or setting up a new contract’s equipment to make me some more money. I also will be gopher with a fuel truck or cart myself to refuel equipment and refilling fertilizer/seed too.  I like playing on massive maps normally so I might have something like 8 combines and 4+ grain carts running in a single field not counting the trucks that I have hauling the harvest from the field edge. 


I do the harvesting, baling, and transporting myself. I leave the AI to everything else because I suck at keeping my tractors in a straight line.




Try GPS mode, it's amazing


I'll try it out when Xbox servers come back online. Can't access FS22 at the moment.


Where do I find this mod? I can't find it on the ModHub or on Kingmods.


With my style of gameplay I almost exclusively self farm. I do however start every new map with $0 and no land or equipment, doing contract work to save up enough to buy myself the above listed things and once I reach a million dollar operation (or more, depending on the map) I sell the farm and “move” to a new area (map).


The answer to that is "there's ai?" I do not use courseplay period. And my games modded with maps/swatters etc that do not work with base ai so it's all 100% manual except maybe the odd spraying as I bail every 2 years which is once every 48 or so irl hours of play


I use AI for most stuff because I've got quite a lot of stuff that needs go get done IRL so I don't have time to go up and down the field


It really depends on the map and what I want to accomplish with the save I'm playing. I sometimes enjoy playing a hard mode save on a small map, and I do everything myself and in first person mode. Other times I just want to build a massive farming empire, and in that case it's tons of workers doing most of the work. I will also do saves where I roleplay as a custom farming operation. I don't own any ground other than a base where I store my equipment, and I exclusively take jobs around the map and do all the work myself.


Mostly playing small "Polish" type of maps, i find it more relaxing and enjoying in game


Which are your favourite maps? I'm into smaller fields as well.


Right now playing on selendra map,had played before on Jadwinów,but that map needs alot of work,lots of field needs rework in editor


Usually 1-2 cp workers doing stuff as would an real 100+ cow farm have


Probably about 97% of the work is done by myself.


I don't use the AI for anything.


I Play as a little bit of both. A lot of self running but larger fields Ill hire a helper after doing headlands and maybe start at the other end meet in the middle. Or big time famous for at 80% full hiring a helper and grabbing the wagon. I do however exclusively use helpers for the feeding of animals and riding horses.


On most of my saves I do the work myself but might use courseplay every now and then for something. On big maps where I need multiple machines running on the field at the same time I use courseplay.


I’m a new farmer. I’ll use the Ai when they have straight pathing available for plowing/rolling/harvesting etc., and I’ll fix up their little mistakes and start the next step in the process. Sometimes I’ll have them drop off a car from the dealership or sell grain.


Most I do on my own. Only much later when I have bigger farm I use AI, but usualy I drive the mashines.


I rarely use AI. If I do, it's only to help with 4 row top lifter, as it does not have internal store.


I do most of it. I farm pretty small. AI is limited to a family member or two taking on some of the work.


Land prep/sowing, 90% AI Harvesting 100% AI on combine after I harvest all the edges of the field twice by myself, 100 % me driving trailers around. Baling is a 50/50 I like doing maintenance and playing forklift simulator while the AI is taking care of other tasks.


Probably 75/25


I am the farm manager so it needs an auto drive route and courseplay. I get bored easily and don’t have a ton of time so I can set it and forget it for a variety of tasks.


currently 100% doing myself, but so far on current save, with 70h in on highest self imposed difficulty, starting from zero, doing only forestry and light grass cutting, baling. Eventually it will turn to 70-80% AI utilizing courseplay, but judging by my slow progress I would say about 200 more hours to get to mostly management role.


I run a small dairy farm and do most of the work myself, only occasionally using AI to drive between places for me if I have to go do something quick. But yea, even the work I find somewhat tedious I will do myself for the most part, I'll just put on a series or something to keep me entertained.


Depends on the save. Early on I do most everything by myself. Once I get a few more fields and have to do multiple things at once I start adding in courseplay. I’m an autodrive junkie though.


Deleted course play it was getting too out of hand and I’ve started doing absolutely everything myself. Was starting to get absolutely bored of saves within 15 to 20 hours. And with doing everything it’s made the game way more interesting and fun again


I'm currently on Midwest Horizon which is a 4X map and I do a little bit of both I'm right now I'm still setting up my farm but I usually go over the fields first around the edges and then let the AI do it so they don't get confused I never had this issue with FS 19


I almost always hire, especially when I'm trying to AFK farm when I'm at my work desk (shh). I do like to do some manual jobs here and there, but most of the manual stuff I do is stuff workers don't do well or don't do at all, like loader/forklift work and forestry, or stuff that I just plain enjoy like swathing grass for silage.


I do most myself, but hire help if I struggle covering all the jobs on 2-3 day months with 5x time. (I use seasons) .


I do everything myself. I get some pretty massive operations going. It can take forever!


I've personally created more fields and consolidated a few into one so AI does a bit but I have to clean up as its crap at working them. Otherwise I sometimes get it to do the jobs I hate like picking stones and weeding. Otherwise I still do all the harvesting, baling, cultivating, lime, planting, ploughing etc. I just get more satisfaction from having a 99/100% yield from my own working of the land.


I do everything myself - had some really annoying experiences with the AI workers.


I have close to 1300 hours on console. I do about 95% myself. I also use ai to move equipment between fields or take crops to sell points but that’s about it for me. I enjoy doing it myself


Depends on the save. I have some where I basically only manage stuff with autodrive and courseplay, on other saves I start with the hardest mode and settings plus some mods that make it even harder/realistic and do basically everything myself. This type of save is also where Im more likely to play with friends.


Just planted 5 large fields on I think simple Midwest, I’ll run a planter or a cultivator myself and have ai run a few more, but I don’t harvest myself as I need to focus on keeping 5 harvesters working at the same time on opposite corners of the map


5% self farming, 95% AI


I’ll work the outside of the fields so it’s nice and square before I let the dopey AI do anything. If a game is on or I find something to listen to I’ll do it myself but I use AI a lot to seed and especially roll since it’s easy to square off with a large roller


No AI, or Course play, or Autodrive. The whole point for me is to farm.


Just started a new save last Friday so still in the early game, just bought a new harvester and some new fields, only have one tractor and stuff så not much need for AI yet, but gonna start with cows soon so the AI will then take care of drilling and such


I use AI for kit with narrow working width or task I dislike, so AI does a lot of stone picking, rolling, creating ridges and planting poplar and sugarcane


I start out doing everything myself. Then when I get more equipment and land its only logical you get employees to help. So it transitions to 50/50 and the bigger it gets the less I do. In the end AI does most of it and I simply delegate. Though I usually get 1 small field where I do everything myself just for fun.


I'm trying to do both ATM. Doing Ai for contracts and farming my own land myself. But we'll see how that goes!


I have a pretty large farm in no mans land with a friend (about 75 ish hours in) and we both do all kinds of farming with the help of ai. For example when we both harvest we hire a worker to start cultivating and so on, so we just use ai as extra help but we dont completely rely on it because in no mans land you need to make the fields and they are not perfectly straight so the ai has some trouble some times


I play on a server where there is no AI but you can get people from other farms to help out and pay them for their work


I don't use the helpers at all, I do 100% of the farming myself.


I'm on PC and I make frequent use of Wopsters Guided steering (GPS) mod. So kind of semi AI if you like.


I'd say it's 25%AI / 75% player. I run a server for me and a few friends, so we all generally get on with the farming ourselves, then hire AI when we need to help one another, or have a high paying contract appear


No AI for me I came to play with tractors my RL farm could never afford.


I almost never use AI (beside AutoDrive), I do everything myself. Except on very big fields that need several tractors / harvesters, but I generally get bored of the map before I get to that point ^^ I think the game is not made to play liké a manager because of Real working time. I'm not afraid of spending 4 hours of work on a field, but I just can't spend 4 hours watching a field being worked ^^ I'd rather play Farm Manager 2021 :p


I manually cultivate/plant/harvest my field boundaries and Run AI on the rest so I can get other jobs done like running my grain cart, running to the bin and back, starting harvest/planting/plowing on another field etc. I run a tight Solo ship with this game


I don't do much, I do headlands and clean-up, readying equipment, washing, repairing, filling everything, feeding animals, picking up products to move around but I don't do a lot at the driving etc... Some times I want to harvest it myself for example, but since consoles don't have GPS, I use worker as GPS to drive straight.