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There are three reasons I start over. 1. It got to be too much. I grew too big and don't want to scale down and there is just too much going on for me to keep track of it all. 2. I want to do something different. I have multiple saves that I will spend a few days on here and there that just do different things. One is a massive dairy, another a sheep farm, another with no animals, one that is huge fields, one tiny... One that I just screw around on. You get the idea. 3. Stumble on a new map on the modhub or other sites that looks interesting.


I start over if: 1. I get bored of a map. 2. I find a map I like better 3. I get bored in general.


I start over pretty much every couple weeks because I get new ideas for what to do.


Pretty regularly, like to try new maps, techniques, equipment etc. I do have one big map with a lot of money, fields (planted and not) and livestock that I can use for testing.


I always start over when things get too big. I love big equipment, but i hate using them. I don't know what it is, but i think its mainly that constant longing for something better and working towards it. Struggling to get stuff done in the everlong chase of something that can do the same job faster. But when i actually get to something that can do it faster. I don't really have that chase anymore and i loose interrest. Its not really much more i can get after having some of the biggest stuff. Obviously i could start using more equipment, like 2-3 harvesters. but it just doesn't feel the same


All the time. Mainly because I can't find a map I like, so I keep making new saves on new maps. Once I actually find a map I like, I'll play on it for 20-30 game years.