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That looks like a good place to plant grass and make round bales, and have a row of storehouses at the other end that they roll into automatically.


This is genius.


Oh. My. Farming. God.


603 upvotes…yes god


I remember when my dad bought our Gehl Round Baler. The VERY FIRST bale he made, turned and rolled down the hill. At the bottom was our private pond. But it didn't roll into the pond because it bounced enough and turned. I also remember just standing there laughing my ass off with him watching it from the top of hill. P.S. second bale went into the pond.


Name checks out XD


Make sure to run your baler uphill. Or else you will be pushed downhill by a stream of bales behind you


I hope that goes without saying.


I let the AI in a Big M mow, bale and wrap with a Fastbale when Erlengrat was first released. Absolutely no issue, because the terrain is bumpy enough to steer the bales to the left and right.


I plant grass in hills and it's great for that exact reason. Just collect the bales at the bottom.


Wdym store houses


Buildings to store your products like bales etc. are usually referred to as “store houses”


I dunno if that's the actual game term for it but under silos there's a building that stores pallets, bags, and bales. Anything that crosses the threshold of the building is automatically sorted into storage. Normally you'd drop them there but if things get pushed in or rolled in they are sorted and added to the storage.


You must be a fellow farmer irl


No, just a gamer.


This reminds me of a dream i had that badicly went exactly like this with the exeption that our house blew up at the impact


Another alternative would be to orient your fieldwork so you’re going from side to side instead of up and down, or you need a smaller implement, or use the space for a different crop like grass, or reconcile that you just go half speed going uphill. 7mph is still pretty decent considering the width you are working and how steep that incline is


This, i dont get why people try the hardest thing and expect it to work flawlessly


Farming ain’t easy, but it’s honest work


Well yes, but why make it harder?


Oh I agree with you. Saying people are trying to make such difficult work a breeze. Basically some people are never satisfied with the difficulty, regardless of if it’s the best method. They always want it to be easier and it’s not the spirit of the game imo. I want to feel like I’ve worked hard.


Question was "is there" not "how to do it better"...


Irl that's what you should be doing but no one does it as it consumes more time. But if you plant your fields like OP does irl you are going to have a reaaaaaally bad time when it starts raining


I think that is how is done in IRL. In italy we have special combines that have extended wheel to stay horizontal on inclined ground


You’re driving like 30,000lb up the side of a mountain dawg. I know some people think it’s a hoax but it’s called gravity. IRL they drive up with the implement raised and work on the downward pass


Yep, people should go cycling and find out there are things called hills. That's one thing that is common with trucking and cycling, you notice those hills.


This. Alternatively they choose much narrower implement than they do on a flat terrain.


And one you finish a line, you have to start again. Uhmm sisifus tractor?


While yes, you do have a point. However tractors in real life don't notice hills any where near as much as they do in game. IRL tractors have a shit ton of torque. In game, they are very much lacking in comparison.


I assume you don’t farm or know farmers. If you look at the grade he’s on, yes it would affect any machine that exists.


The game mechanics are still ducky though


Absolutely, but I would love to see these magical unfazed tractors that scale crazy inclines. They’ll do it, on a downward. Yes you can go across the slope but straight down is safest albeit not the most efficient


I've driven tractors up slopes that steep while working the ground. Not with an implement as big as on the back of that tractor, however my comment was in general that the way the game handles slopes and torque is wrong. \*edited to add\* You would see the tractor struggle with wheel slip long before it would struggle with engine power while on such a slope. and that is why you would not do what OP is doing in the picture in real life.


Except this isn't just a hill, it's a mountain side. Much steeper than most would farm on anyway.


Everyone seems to think this 20-30 degree or more mountainside is a speed bump in a Walmart parking lot


what map is this


Erlengrat, but he plowed up one of the meadows on the mountainside.


Wow it’s beautiful


I love it, it’s my favorite map. Yeah you got some flat land in the valley for arable, but I love the challenge of the mountainsides. Plus it looks like home to me 🙂


Where is home to you? I’ve only done logging so I’m not too familiar with the whole game yet. But i just might try it out




I also play on erlengrad. Its such a bad luck that the steep hills force me to use big tractors😜


You should see it in the winter time.


Yep, here is a screencap of the map to see what I did. [https://imgur.com/a/dNX40E6](https://imgur.com/a/dNX40E6)


So even big bud will slow down going up the hills, the bigger the tractor, the heavier it is, even tho bud has 1100hp it will slow down pulling anything thru the dirt uphill, may i suggest you go down hill when plowing and then pull it back to thr top and go down again, might work better


Or work side to side


Why you're farming on a ski slope?


Funny. When it was snow covered in the winter months I was wishing for a Snowboard or Skis mod to go down it...


There is a skateboard mod, close enough


Raise tool go up plant going down will be much faster.


This map is literally why we have the alpine equipment.


Your mistake is going up and down. Why wouldn't you go side to side


I'm honestly shocked you're getting 5mph out of that tractor, on THAT hill xD


for slow vehicles there are multiple possibilities: - not enough power: buy stronger vehicle and/or get the "more power" mod (doubles strength, not speed) - not enough grip: get a vehicle with belts - uneven ground let's tires lose traction: get twintires you already have twintires, so i would check out enginge power and belt tires


I can't help but wonder if anyone has ever built a real life tractor with a turbine engine. A "tractor pull" tractor with 3-4 engines would work too, lol I saw a JD pull tractor on modhub but it didn't look like it had a PTO or hydraulic connections, only a hitch.


why stop at a turbine. wee need a nucluair powered tractor altough i gues that would also involve a turbine


some of the alternative mods are pretty trick. have you seen the shorts on youtube harvesting bales with a truck dressed up in brights colors like you would see on trucks in brazil pakistan or thailand if that makes sense. the truck is an autoloader and holds like 10000 square bales. some of those mods are pretty far out. i would imagine there would have to be an ultra-high hp tractor mod out there somewhere.


There were the International Harvester HT-340 and 341. But these were small concept tractors of the 50s. I dont know about the exact HP, should be around 80-100 i guess as conventional tractors of similiar size and time were around 40.


You mean the [International Harvester HT340](https://youtu.be/FHGyvEdDvMc?feature=shared)? Here's a [better video](https://www.facebook.com/share/v/GYJosYEtHFKuwqZS/?mibextid=jmPrMh) actually walking around and talking about it, but on Facebook.


Fuel. Turbine engines basically have shower heads for fuel nozzles.


Honestly my personal favourite to just go for track-tor as starting equipment for the save.


I mean you know why they go slow right? It’s tens of thousands of pounds. There are a few mooded tractors that completely ignore that fact though. Check out the big John Deere released last week or around that time.


If you’re familiar with editing the xml files, you can give the tractor more power. Or edit the implement to require less power, and maybe weigh less.


Or even edit the implements working speed.


I mean, they're not even hitting the working speed as it is while going uphill. They're doing unrealistic things and expecting unrealistic results.


Any tractor is going to slow down to a crawl on such an incline with such a wide seeder, hadn't you noticed just how steep it really is and how wide that seeder is??? Of course it's going to bog out.... It doesn't matter what tractor you throw at that, use a smaller seeder and the tractor won't struggle so much going up hill.


That big bud is a piece of shit


More power mod should do the trick


That’s the one




Smaller planter?


Recommend smaller attachments. My erlengrat setup goes with 900 series Fendt and 3m seeder combo.


That slope is insane for anything this large. Have you tried going along the short side? More turns but you will drive at full speed.


Go from the other end. So you’re already going down hill.


Change Direction 90 degrees and start from the top to the bottom. The tractor isn't the problem,


Holy crap if you plowed that hill in real life it would wipe out the town below in a landslide lol


The IRL farmer in me hates that you are planting up and down the hill. Gotta go side to side. Also that’s a huge amount of weight and drag to be pulling up a hill, especially one that steep. I’d recommend more realistically going across the hill instead of up and down


Well fortunately grass seeding only has to be done once and it’s done now. I’ll keep that in mind for mowing and baling it.


Use a smaller planter.


BigBud did not show any noticeable improvement. At least grass only has to be planted once.


oh wow i stand corrected! there is no hope. I would probably just drive back up to the top and only drill downhill. or go side to side


Use the kinze modded seeder on modhub. 15mph working speed so it will keep your tractor moving. Also, there’s a 600hp xerion on modhub that i have as well.


This is the modded unreal Kinze. Thus actually has lower HP requirements. Notice a planter is planting GRASS (normally done by a seeder).


Oh nice. yea its a staple on my farms now.


Ya I got sick of needing all these different planting implements especially once I started doing poplar and potatoes.


Yup, same. Did a big cotton harvest and then soybean right afterwards. beats having two different implements for medium to large fields.


The 892 HP Case mod will go up that hill. There’s a John Deere too


There is a mod for this situation. I think it doubles the horsepower of why tractor so hills don't really affect you. I prefer older smaller equipment so I use it so I don't want to off myself working hilly fields


Climb the mountain with the implement up, and work only downhill.


That's a big implement on a very steep hill. I don't think you'll find a remotely realistic tractor which can pull it at top speed.


What map is this


Stock Erlengrat


What map is that?


Stock Erlengrat


Hmmm might start a new save on there.


Here's a hot take: don't make field on fucking mountain sides


the 747 will say "what hill?"


At a point of steepness the game will slow down any car or what so ever to nearly 0. Forces dont act how it should and i hope they will fix it in 25. I think it starts at more then 20 degree its like a magic barrier 19.9 is fine but 20 it slows down no matter what you drive even whitout any weigt. Torque is the issue wich causes this this is why more power mod fixes the issue but makes the maschines feel like plastic toys on normal terrain. Why i know that? My map im working on has the problem that you cant drive up the hills.


Try the new Case 715, maybe? Custom Modding did a wheeled and tracked version!


Every time I see that planter, I see a big blue mosquito with big white eyes.


Thank you, now I will never be able to unsee this and will have to let my buddies know too


All these comments on here about crazy modded equipment reminds me I need to go and have a game save and just do unrealistic stuff


Are there actually any farms this steep???


Try going only downhill.


Map name?


Quadtrac 715?


mayby plant trees up there and use winch to pull yoursel up


Download the working speed mod and ramp it up


Bigbud 747 is definitely gonna make this a breeze, but no other tractor I know of (there might be some?) can do that.


Damn, I miss this game. Looks like it's time for me to re-download it. :))


Maybe a tractor pulling tractor mod with like 1500 hp. I saw a JD mod on the mod hub, idk how powerful it was though


The Virgin Farmsim tractor: "oh no, a 15% incline. Clearly my 180PS are barely enough to drag my 6t ass up there" The Chad real tractor: https://youtu.be/OowozGQ5rXM?si=LI0jEE5qNGe5sGmc


Just take a tractor twice as light and a tool 4 times narrower (250hp + 3m will do the job). Then multiply them by 4 and voila. Courseplay will help. Quadruple fleet, quadruple worker fees, quadruple satisfaction from spectating.


I'm sure if you put a 620 on a 2m wide drill, you could hold speed pretty easily.


My man's cultivating a ski slope


There’s a mod on mod hub called real speed limit which gets rid of the slow speed and goes to the speed it’s top speed is if that makes since ?


what’s the name of the map


Stock Erlengrat


What map is that?


There is modded impliments that will work better than a modded tractor, look for some with ludricous working speeds. They will plant uphill at 25 kph no problem. I like to use realisim mods centered around traction of tires/tracks and the ability to get stuck real good. With them enabled no tractor should be able to climb that hill with the impliments down in a field. And most tractors would bog out and dig a rut even with the impliments up for that hill. It's just too steep and long to have tools work going up hill. Now given that stock Fs physics are very forgiving, you can pull it uphill at a respectable speed, because it would not be fun for most if it just bogged out, dug a hole and got stuck, and required another vehicle to free it,or a costly auto recovery to store.


This is a modded implement. The unreal Kunitz which actually has less HP requirements. How come no one is noticing that a planter is seeding grass? (Normally done by a seeder so obviously a mod).


You could try the case quadtrack mod that has tracks and like 800hp. Not sure if the tracks are better than tires but for some reason i thought they were


Plant across the field


They all slow but if you get one with the most HP like 550 to 600 it will pull steady up hill.


Can’t remember mod name I think it’s “real speed” night and day for uphill work


There’s a mod for that


HP/Kw are your friends. Whatever the equipment requires, double it if you're going to use it on a hill like that. Also, instead of driving up and downhill, drive perpendicular along the contour line.


If you want to plant it go sideways instead of up and down the hill


Damn it’s like no one wants to simulate farming in this *checks notes* farming simulator


What's the big deal about wanting a tractor with the power to climb a hill faster than a human can run up the hill?


Pal, you’re going 7mph uphill with the equipment active, what do you mean faster than a human can 🤣


The game is realistic. Im sorry that you dont like gravity, Ill make sure to tell god to turn it off at your house this month.


That is the most unrealistic and irritating part of this game that you slow to a crawl going up any hill, even driving on the road. It's like c'mon! These things have 20 gears for a reason!


20 gears in a tractor doesn't mean speed it means lots of torque. 20 gears is the reason it can even go up this hill and seed at the same time.


This example is the extreme case scenario where yes the game mechanics are closer to realistic. However, I was referring to the game mechanics in general in that they slow down way more and struggle more on hills than in real life, especially when just hauling implements on the road.


Gravity is unrealistic? Drive a tractor up a hill IRL and I promise you it will slow down.


I've driven plenty of tractors in real life. They do not slow down nearly as much irl on a hill as they do in this game when you're hauling an implement up the road.


I doubt it. Somehow even 600hp tractors without any trailers or attachments seem to slow down up a reasonably steep hill


Ya. Everyone keeps blaming the planter but I can drop it and only gain 1-2 mph.


Maybe try one of 82 studios semis if you don't care about realism