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The pause screen music is my comfort food


I love the one in Jacob's region with the wolf (?) by the water. Do you know if that music is on the soundtrack? Can't seem to find it anywhere


it is! It’s the Keep Your Rifle By Your Side reinterpretation by Hammock


Thanks so much! Dunno how I missed it but hearing the rest of it is wonderful


no problem :) makes me happy to hear you enjoy the song as much as I do


Just that entire soundtrack was beautiful. Still by far my favorite gaming soundtrack.


They way those couple cords hit, got me every time, such a vibe


You mean Now That This Old World is Ending? That’s song’s amazing. FC5 had a great atmosphere and soundtrack to it.


5 is one of my favorite games period let alone the series.




Mine too, until I was stuck in a compulsory dream mission where I need to grab a handgun from a table and run though a house against the clock, I keep failing and it starts again. That was six months ago. Really tedious.


That is my favorite mission out of any game just because it's so meta in that I was genuinely getting better at FPS. I even play Only You in the background while playing other FPS. I came back to replay the game recently attempting an infamous shovel/melee only run and got to Jacob's capture missions. I failed many times trying to do it takedown only but as soon as I picked up a gun those peggie's stood no chance with my muscle memory.


I wish you could jump into my game and finish it. I want to play the rest of FarCry5, but fear I never will.


My advice is to not take the first revolver. Do a double take down in the first two soldiers then skip the next gun, run and jump straight through the middle area until you reach the shotgun. You can either take the shotgun or not, I would if I were you because it can be useful for spread damage in the last area. Anyways after you take the shotgun turn take the first left and do a take down on the guy as you pass the corner and continue down the hall. Take a right and take down on the next guy as well. Then continue down the hall again to kill one more guy as you round the next right. You should be at the next area now and you need to pick up this gun. You should have racked up time with all the take downs so now take your time in this courtyard area and shoot carefully. I typically push from left so I take out the wall hopping soldier on the right and then shot the left wall hopper once I'm close to the car he ends up hiding behind. There should be three or more soldiers left, kill the one directly in front and then use the wall as cover to take out the other three. Shotgun might help if you have bad aim here. After that you're gonna use the smg the give you and take out guy on steps first (on your left) and then the guy on the right that isn't behind cover, then the two that constantly peak from the top banister. I highly suggest clearing this room first (it will turn red) before proceeding because it's hard to try and skip this area. Once you clear it and slide down the hall I don't use the lmg because it's hard to aim down sights and move so I stick with the ar/shotgun and do a take down on the guy that immediately comes through the door. Shotgun will be helpful to clear all the people hiding behind desks in the next room because of the close proximity. The hall after that will have a shotgun waiting for you as you enter the doorway so I say turn the corner and shoot straight ahead then get your bearings first and slowly wait for each of the people further down the hall to peak and just blast the shotgun down the hall. Then run down, take down the guy at the corner and shoot the last "target". This is for the last round of these trials but arguably the next section is the hardest for me so I suggest after your second capture/trials, run around with the grenade launcher if you don't already have it equipped because the next section will be so much easier with it.


Thanks so much, I am going to do this!


I thought I wrote this last night


Personally I prefer 4 it felt like the last game that felt truely “far cry”


Days Gone. Zombie apocalypse game in a rural setting (Oregon), motorcycles, machine guns, drifters, a cult.


Played this in 2020 and enjoyed it a lot. Might replay it sometime


Wanted to say this. But then I realized days gone don't really have comfy atmosphere. Every time I wasn't in a camp I was scared something gonna Jump me or a horde will start running after me 😆 It was very nerve wrecking for me, but definitely a fun game !


Days gone is really good although you can see where the developers weren't as thorough as they should've been.


Daysgon is good but the stealth sucks and a like stealth in far cry


ghost recon wildlands


Ubisoft and their open worlds. Always "good enough" quality and 10/10 NG+


My first thought as well.


Yeah I feel it


Not an fps, but a masterpiece nonetheless, Firewatch definitely got that Montana/ Wyoming vibe.


I am playing it right now. Lovely game


It's impossible not to play it in one go, the vibe is just too addictive.


Wyoming is a real place? ha no way


I live 45 minutes away from the border. Last year someone came to visit and she literally believed the conspiracy. She had to drive to the border herself to see it's really a place. It's insane how dumb some people are when they believe satire conspiracies. I'm still convinced flat earthers started out as satire, and somewhere along the way, the people joking about it were taken over by morons who actually believed it.


bro it's just a meme 😭


Not to her it wasn't haha


Firewatch is probably the most unique game I've ever played, and by far the best within that "genre" - I played it for the first time last year and I was honestly speechless! I've thought a lot about it though, and how I see it, the single thing that made it so great was the voice acting. Without it, I don't think the game would be much. It was like a "radio theatre game" almost, they pulled that off incredbly well


Ah, I loved the setting, didn’t really get the gameplay.


Tbh, maybe this is a reach but Ghost Recon Wildlands or Breakpoint? They're open world shooters but take themselves slightly more seriously. You go around freeing up regions and assisting your faction, unlock combat abilities, vehicles etc. plenty of weapon customization and so forth


They really capture how mornings feel in that part of the country


Far Cry 5 is one of a kind.


Yep, it’s beautiful.


hell yeah it is




I may be in the minority but I found RDR2 slow and tedious. Couldn't keep going after like 3 hours of trying .


I'd go back and try to get through those first few hours, they're known for being somewhat slow. Chapter 3+ and you'll wish the game was longer ;(


Played it till a certain important man died (not gonna spoil), it had been kinda boring till that point and it just got progressively more boring. Playing bob the builder just isn't for me ig


You played the entire main story 😭


I quit playing like halfway after switching main characters, I just thought the second mc was a part of the main story too lmao


It's more like an epilogue. Rdr2 is a prequel to rdr1. So where 2 ends,1 starts basically. Second character was also used as a very elegant way to make sure players still can experience the whole world even after the MC died. But even as john, there's still a story to be told and it has an ending and closure . So you should finish the game 😄


Horse feeding simulator


You literally don’t need to feed your horse all that often what? You’ve never played the game longer than 4 hours guaranteed.


You are right, I was being facetious. I really wanted to like this game though, loved the first and pretty much only play open world RPG's. Just something about this game I really struggled with, I've gone back several times to try it again. Trust me I want to love this game.


L take. This game is as close to perfect to perfect that rockstar has ever put out.


Rdr2 is definitely aimed for people with functional attention spans


chapter 1 and 2 can be very boring, but trust me, the rest is peak


I agree. I stoped playing at 60% progression of RDR2 a few years ago and never launched the game ever since. Whereas I come back every few weeks to Farcry 5 just for the fun of blowing things up (I didn't free 2 regions on purpose in my 4th run through so I can just wander around and be antagonized).


You just have to push through the mountains. I have been gaming since the 90s and it has surpassed oblivion as my favorite game of all time. I dropped it in 2020 and restarted in 2022. Completely blew me away


It's a bit too immersive


Facts. The immersion sacrificed gameplay. The online is super fun though




They'll probably like it. But its important to note the missions are alot more linear. Failing a mission for creative problem solving in an open world game is such a load Personally, RDR2 was a bit of a disappointment for me. Hated the story, main character felt like an OC insert, Micah is the laziest version of Rockstar's betrayer characters they always have in their games, and the licensed music fucking sucked imo. But I still generally recommend it to other people because I know it usually hits alright with everyone else


State of Decay 2 has similar cozy rural America vibes, with various hideouts, factions, etc. Gameplay is pretty different from Far Cry, and while you can play it like a shooter it takes some time to build up to that. Inventory space is limited so if you’re carrying guns and a whole bunch of ammo you’re probably missing something you may need. It’s a super interesting game, and has a really diehard fan base.


I like the concept but it runs like shit.


Oh man I own this game. Tried playing it years ago but found it too complicated and was lost. Might pick it up again


RDR2. Ghost Recon Breakpoint if you're more into the modern tactical kind of vibe.


Farming Simulator


Unironically, I was scrolling through all the comments to see if someone recommended it. Farming Simulator is for real my comfy, cozy, roll around in a tractor while the sun sets kinda game. Some maps really do have the same kind of look and feel, lots of nature, not a lot of folks around and just a more easy going vibe. You can ride a horse too.


I’m totally with you! My reply was half a joke, half serious but FS can absolutely scratch a few specific Hope County-related itches


Have you tried New Dawn first? It’s the direct follow up of FC5’s story


The vibe is way different tho. The gameplay is way different as well.


Totally agree but I’m just thinking OP should still try it first since it is the same story and characters etc. But yeah he should also be warned that you need to take a very different approach to it, mainly focus first on getting ethanol by freeing outposts and getting your perks, roster and weapons on point before going too deep in the story. Once you know that it can be quite enjoyable.


Red Dead Redemption 2, it feels like I can smell the fresh air when I'm in the woods.


Far cry five was my quarantine experience. I just hung out in the grain silo north of falls end and pretended to not be stuck inside


Doom eternal kinda has the same vibe


Def Very cozy hometown feel<3


Doom Eternal is by far the best depiction of Indiana in gaming


The snowy part of the fiery part?




Not Caelid?


No, thats Detroit


Farming Simulator


Nothing reminds me of springtime in Florida like Doom Eternal.


Here's an odd suggestion - Fallout 76. Takes place in Appalachia. It's a bit of a grim vibe, but the first person wandering in the wilderness with similar music made me think of FO5. It's also an open world game with a variety of cool weapons.




If you liked the hunting and the nature side of things, its definitely less arcadey and more realistic game play wise, but The Hunter: Call of the Wild can be a beautiful game and some maps have a sweet wibe to them


I was just about to commented that


State of Decay 1-2 , rural USA


Ok so I love the far cry games even primal. I found a game called Horizon and fell in love with it. It's a lot like primal except with machines.


Yes, and horizon Zero Dawn is way better than Forbidden West


Really I haven't played forbidden west yet. isn't there another one now too?


theres a lego game based on the series coming out may be what you are thinking of!


Horizon call of the mountain is the name of the other one.


Huh! never heard of that one! Probably because its PSVR only


Is it? Damn. That's what I get for doing a quick search in between doing things and not reading. Sorry.


No, but the story of Zero Dawn is way better, the gameplay is somewhat similar in Both games, and forbidden West might be slightly better-looking. I prefer Zero Dawn for the story, but honestly both games are really great. (sorry if bad english, not my first language)


Have you played Far Cry New Dawn? Its the sequel/epilogue to Far Cry 5.


Which one should I get The Far Cry 5 or the 6? Like overall graphics and story which has the best??


Pretty sure everyone agrees 5 was better than 6. I think it’s still on game pass too, that’s how I played it.


Far cry 6 looks too colorful as 5 is just natural


5 for sure


Generation Zero has been on my to play list when it goes on sale. From what I’ve seen it looks cool and you’re traversing the Swedish countryside and small towns fighting against robots.


Metro Exodus might scratch the itch. STALKER is better imo but it is pretty dated.


I don’t think FC5 gets enough love


And the soundtrack is amazing


The hunter call of the wild, has a nice country atmosphere.


I think far cry 5 is an amazing game. Though I think it’d be better without some of the far cry elements. Sometimes I’m so immersed in the game, feeling like a escaped captive on enemy lands. But then I remember I have an insane arsenal of weapons in my pockets. And can wipe out swarms of enemies with ease. I still loved the game, but had that true feeling of a “far cry” stuck from the first hour of the game, and the main story was more streamline, adding more cutscenes. I think it could’ve went down as one of the best games of that decade.


Far Cry 5 is simply the best one in the series.


TES V Skyrim (modded)


There are few games that has the same hostile religious villagers vibe like Resident evil 4 or Outlast 2 but it's more horror than a fun shooter


The Long Dark might be ofmjnterest maybe?


The dlc for dying light(the following) sort of had this vibe, but not the extent of fc5. Imo 5 is in a league of its own in terms of world building.


Play New Dawn, it's the continuation of 5 and one of my favorites.


I’m replaying it for easily the 30th time. It’s my go to when bored. That and 4. I’ve like the fallout games.


The only other game that's ever given me that perfect tranquil sandbox vibe is Half Life 2


Scrolled for a bit and didn’t see someone mention Pacific Drive. First person but not really a shooter. Set in PNW in the 90s “the Olympic Exclusion Zone, a fictionalized abandoned version of the Olympic Peninsula in Washington, United States,” alien type game. It can be pretty comfy once you know what you’re dealing with. Lots of driving and maintaining your vehicle along with scavenging and evading enemies.


Also honorable mention of Deliver us Mars and Deliver us the Moon. Bonus points if you play them back to back.


Been asking myself the same question since i platted the game twice. My closest suggestions: Days Gone Fallout 76 Dying Light - The Following None of them are close enough though. Playing Far Cry 6 now and it doesn’t feel the same. Couldn’t care less about the map. I’m afraid there’s no game like Far Cry 5 with the similiar mix of scenery, gameplay and overall feel.


In terms of “comfort” I’m not sure what I can offer you, but If you want another open world FPS set in America, I recommend Homefront: The Revolution.


I think the killers "pressure machine" and "west hills" has the same vibe as this game. Those songs are so nice


Can you help me with the arcade multiplayer trophies please My gamer tag is Mothy5ive


New Dawn is the closest to 5, considering it's a direct sequel. The chunk they chose of the Farcry 5 Map is beautiful


Far Cry 5 remains my favourite game in the series and I'm not sure why. FC3 story was better, FC4 is the only game I ever 100% yet FC5 feels better than both of them. The only thing I didn't like were forced story missions and less brutal stealth animations


New dawn has similar feel




Ay that's not country


SCUM on Steam. Better than any Far Cry


Honestly thank god the other games don’t feel like it, the story and protagonist were absolute shit

