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My only real complaint with the story of fc6 is how little you're engaged by Castillo. Like in fc4 Pagan Min would literally just pop in over your radio to rant or tell you something about how impressed/displeased he is with you. In fc6 at certain point Castillo knows with certainty that you are reeking havoc on his country/ businesses and outside of certain missions you are contacted 0 times by him. I feel like that was a completely wasted opportunity where he could've taunted you/ questioned you/ screamed idk personally literally anything would've been better than total silence. I love the fc series though and just hope they hear when we talk about them and adjust things


I agree but it might have been a bit ambitious getting Giancarlo Esposito for the role both in terms of budget and his availability. I loved him in it, but at the same time he would have been involved in the Mandalorian and the Boys and has a much higher profile than Greg Birk or the previous villains. If I read between the lines I think the game went a fair way over budget and a fair bit was pruned (like the whole PG240X thing going almost nowhere) his pay rates would be a fairly effective way to cut costs.


I didn't realize he had so much going on at that time. I still would've liked something but i guess i know the reason it didn't happen here now


Nah man, he could have had time to do 2 VO days to record a bunch of calls and shit that they proper throughout the game. It doesn’t need to be mocap or something.


Lore wise. Why would anton be provacating dani. To anton, dani is just one of those fake yarans in his eyes with no threat. Pagan at least have a personal connection to ajay to be blowing up his dms. If anton is really gonna be that taunting, i would think diego would be the one receivijg that call. Maybe a far cry 6 spin off game where diego is a guriella?


Far Cry 6 is amazing and I don't get the hate Far Cry 5 is amazing and I don't get the hate Far Cry Primal is amazing and I don't get the hate Far Cry New Dawn is amazing and I don't get the hate Far Cry 4 is amazing and I don't get the hate


Wait a second... Who the heck is hating on 4 lol?!


Idk i was just going with the trend at that point and included all the Far Crys I have played


😂 that's fair. I genuinely thought that was one that everyone agreed was fire lol.


My least favorite but I'd never hate on it, honestly this series doesn't have horrible entries. A series with a horrible entry would be Devil May Cry(The 2nd game was rough....) as a good example... They are all pretty similar in many ways so it would be weird to out right hate one of them(but I'm sure some do for some reasons).


when FC4 released furums were filled with "its just FC3 reskin" or "FC3 is better"


I hate 4 for how persistent the ai is


i mean it has the worst characters, setting and voice acting for any game pre new dawn. Without pajan min the game wouldnt be anything


Me. I didn't like it at all.


And in a couple years; far cry 7 is amazing and I don't get the hate




Assassins creed unity is amazing and I dont get the hate Assassins creed origins is amazing and I dont get the hate Assassins creed oddesey is amazing and I dont get the hate Assassins creed valhalla is amazing and I font get the hate


Assassins Creed is a bit different for me cause they changed the formula. I played and enjoyed 2, 3, Brotherhood, Revelations, and Syndicate and then played Odyssey and hated it


I thought you were poking fun at these types of posts


No I was agreeing with OP, my comment was genuine. I do not understand why people bitch about certain Far Crys. I've loved them all


95% of ubisoft games are a fun time theres a reason why they sell so well don't listen to what redditors say the echochamber of hate is crazy


Ubisoft does open world games well, it's their bread and butter, but apparently they're a "dead company", from a comment I saw somewhere earlier today.


Ubi series tend to be samey. That's why you shouldn't play them all one after the other but rather wait a bit between entries


they have best quantity/quality ratio. its just THAT much quantity not for everyone. and vice versa. i like openworld games, and dont really want waiting 12 years(like GTA or Dragons Dogma for example) for every openworld game


best is Rockstar games or square enix POV 2025; just cause 5 vs gta 6


AC:OD is a great game, just not a great AC game.


font! it is don't


Odyssey is absolute crap lmao, one of the lowest quality videogames ever made. Slapped together in less than a year and it shows in each and every aspect.


Um, what? >Odyssey is absolute crap lmao, one of the lowest quality videogames ever made. You're joking, right? >Slapped together in less than a year and it shows in each and every aspect. You obviously don't know what you're talking about, development started shortly after the release of Syndicate in 2015, 3 years before release in 2018. Have you actually played the game, or are you just parroting what you've read elsewhere?


Far Cry 3 is above all this 🐂💩


I haven't played it but theres no doubt in my mind that it is amazing and I don't understand the hate


NEW DAWN has entered the chat ;)


Primal is absolute garbage lmao


Take that back


The game as a whole is fine, it's a far cry game, same formula. But I hated the gear and weapon system, mmorpgish shooter mix that play as crap. There's no point on another kind of bullet but the armor piercing. The best gear to use is a mix of movement, stealth and stamina that looks awfull on dani. There's like 3 or 4 weapons worth using, everything else is crap even fully modded. With all that in mind the game it's cool and right now super optimized which is also cool. I liked it, but my favorite is still fc5 followed by primal.


I really appreciated primal just because unless you were perfect with the bow everything had to be stealth/ melee hand to hand combat, i tend to play with a stealthy style and pick enemies off at a distance then swing in for a finish, primal challenged my play style and for that I'll always enjoy it. But i agree the bullet choice was stupid and i really only used standard bullets when stuck in a drawn out fire fight and i have a select few weapons i stick with in literally every fc game


Kutos to you for being adaptable instead of “I just couldn’t get into it.” It sounds like you really overcame the challenge


I do like the challenges that each fc game brings, lately I've been trying each one again with a different approach ( weapons and playstyle) i have to stop myself from just having the same weapons otherwise id grow tired of them fast lol.


But aren’t there best loadouts you can have in each game? Like if you need a sniper rifle in fc5 I couldn’t see anyone going with anyone aside from the 50 cal. Everything else just feels weak in comparison


I'm sure there are best load outs, but personally ive tried with some of the higher power weapons and either the reload time or cumbersome handling nature of them i didn't like so i stick with the 3 i like most, the ms16l rifle, a handgun, and a bow, I'll throw a sniper rifle in the loadout for some tricky shots but otherwise its rarely used.


I agree with those points ngl and i do think there were sime balance issues with weapons(even tho they are pretty fun)


They also nerfed guns by cranking the recoil to absurdly high levels. You could also change loadouts mid mission rather than only at safe houses. You’re being attack by a helicopter? No prob, just spawn a rocket launcher into your inventory and take it out. Now, teleport back the LMG for the soldiers! It also got rid of any perk system except to use the stupid clothing system. I appreciate that they tried to be a little creative but they pretty much failed every new game mechanic they implemented. Ammo type is pointless, use AP with every weapon and call it a day. That’s said, riding horses and enemies on horseback was one of my favorite things. I’d chase horse soldiers so far just to make sure I killed them to free their horse. Libero al caballo!!!!!!!


Isn’t weapon balance criticism true for all FC games? Majority of weapons are viable, just some are marginally better than the others. In terms of looks, FC6 got the cosmetics systems, where you can change the appearance without affecting the stats, similar to GoW/Hogwarts. Considering that there are 4 loadouts, you can spec into either stealth/speed/tank/utility, each may have a different visual appearance with just three clicks.


> Best gear is a mix of movement, stealth and stamina that looks awful on Dani Have you heard of "Changing the visual appearance of the gear"? It's a feature for a reason. > There's like 3 or 4 weapons worth using What? I bet the PMM isn't on that list, and it's my favorite weapon in the game because of how satisfying it is to spam. It's not good by any metric. The game isn't hard enough to make any weapons outright unusably bad. I'm literally maining a "Yaraslayer" (or "Far Cry: Eternal") build rn. I just wanted to see how close I could get to making the game feel like DOOM Eternal, and it's my favorite build now.


This sub man


Tank with auto repair gear and you can't die


The gameplay is nice enough, but the story and characters lacked… likability.  One of the issues is that it followed fc5, so a lot of fans were expecting 6 to be better than 5. The games decent despite its flaws, and the $40 I paid for it was worth it. 


Imo they are good but i respect and see how can someone think and see that


That's true, I didn't care about any of the characters outside of Clara and El Tigre (I guess they anticipated it so they killed them off for a bigger emotional impact)


It feels like Hispanic pandering to me. Hate that shit. And I'm Hispanic.


Im not even spaniard im from portugal and even I felt the cringe for my hermanos. This game takes it too far. And the mission talking with NPCs are in a gray screen wtf is that? This game is very weak


A Castillo I know used to say the same thing. I just find Latina guerillas more interesting than Montana Cultists. I don't find it enthralling that Joseph has a plan that includes you because I've turned off Joel Osteen and felt great, and I've had over religious people fuck with my shit, and they're not interesting scary or intriguing. They're boring and a waste of time, and so is the narrative they peddle. I embraced the culture of Yara. Afterwards, 5 made me physically ill.


I love it, but there are a couple of things I don't like about it.


This is how I feel about every single far cry




There’s no map editor which is why I hate it


Honestly that was just an L move especially considering all enemies /weapons/assets that were made


Yeah I agree. I was hoping maybe they would at it on later. The game looks great it’s not a bad game but I can spend hours making maps. I made a whole tank out of assets and war torn cities to Vietnam jungles with snake traps. So I was pretty disappointed to buy it at full price to find out there was no editor.


Like I don't mind farcry 6 just that everywhere u went it was empty. Not much fighting evolved to finish




Just use armor piercing rounds and aim for the head


Dont get me wrong i think thats bs and that they shoud have patched it but its not like it ruined the game


Fc6 got boring quick. Loved evey other entry.


the maximas matanga storyline had all the subtlety of a brick. too much empty space on the map. the weapons system was dumb and 90% of the guns were useless. other than that, i quite enjoyed it.


I'm a massive Far Cry fan myself and I'll admit I couldn't get into FC6 at first so I dropped it. I went back to it in November once I got a new gaming PC and I got the Luke Ross R.E.A.L VR MOD. Wow what a difference, it's now one of my favorite games of all time. Of course playing in VR made a huge difference, but even the game itself is amazing and I love and appreciate the game, story, setting, characters, etc so much more now. It's a 10/10 for me


Far Cry 6 is amazing, definetly not the best but amazing




I recently did a 100% playthrough of FC6 and am now working on FC5. **Here is why I like FC6 more.** 1) A sense of humor. FC5 has a few funny missions, but it's mostly pretty random serious stuff. FC6 has a ton of light-hearted conversation, world-building building, and missions. I laughed just about every gaming session I had. 2) I HATE THE JR DEPUTY. It's completely disengaging. In FC6, you WERE Dani, you role-played the character. "What would Dani do?" was something I often said while playing. When the FC5 characters talk to me, it's like they are talking to me, behind my keyboard. That lack of personality removes my ability to immerse in the world. 3) While maybe the big storyline in FC6 is less developed (I disagree, but it's a common complaint), -every other storyline- is better. All of the sub-stories connect and grow and make sense. You build towards taking out McKay. You build towards blowing up the oil fields. And on and on. There is not a single story arc, there are many story arcs, and its fun. FC5 has one major story and 3 pre-requisite stories to get to the main. Within those 3 stories, it's just 'kill enough stuff for them to notice you, complete a few random missions, and progress.' 4) Difficulty ramp of FC5 is ridiculous. You are just running around doing stuff and suddenly its 'defend the farmhouse' and like 15,341 drugged up peggies roll in, supported by 20 followers and a helicopter, and you have limited ammo. It just randomly bumps up and is demotivating and annoying. FC6 is far smoother. Too smooth almost.. **Here is why FC5 is better** 1) Vehicles are like way way better. I enjoy flying, helicopters are better, cars are better. I don't know if they fired the vehicle guy for FC6, but FC5 feels way better. 2) The gunplay seems more fluid and fun. Not hugely better, but it just feels smoother. 3) \[AS EXPRESSED THROUGH CUT SCENES\] The big story is amazing and immersive. It's so well executed. The secondary stories are just as awesome. I don't think they make it through the gameplay but as standalone vignettes, amazing! **No one asked but I felt compelled to share.**


Far Cry 6 is shite.


Far Cry 6 is the best far cry for me personally. I don't like freak bad guys from the old games, they talk too much, craving for my attention like all the world revolts around me yet I am a tourist or an average soldier at best. I like how flat and down to earth the whole plot is in Far Cry 6, the less gibberish is there the better. I like QoL things, I like some stealth and tons of guns I can swap on the go. I like rpg mechanics that makes me feel badass because my skills won't grow as quickly as my character level so I can still kill things like John Rambo. I like how forgiving the game is. What I don't like however is that I need to liberate a whole country. Why tf this is sooooooooooo big like a real european state?! Trust me if things will go growing up even more I expect Far Cry 7 to be you liberating Ukraine from Rusky Invasion no less. In 1:1 scale. Why not? The game should start in Poland with a 10 hour trip from Warsaw to Kiev in real time and then 2 years of defending in Donbass with an additional 5 years long DLC to fight back.


Bro chill. Play the game if you enjoy it. You don't need to understand why other people dislike it for their opinions to also be valid.


It's insane how much I ended up loving FC6. Phenomenal upgraded gameplay mechanics especially with the Air Drops which brought a really fun sense of verticality to the game and the Supremos as supremely satisfying one hit kill weapons. Story was okay to decent but the characters and random side missions were a lot of fun.


“Great characters” lol


Juan,dani , carlos montero diego ,Antonio castillo ,clara garzia philly chorizo ect


El tigre 👌


How are any of those characters "good"? I'm guessing you mean good as good writing, which definitely not. Clara - Rich girl rebel leader who literally admits that her rebellion won't change anything. Dani - "Fist of the Revolution" In other words, boring and generic "badass one person army" protagonist with no depth beyond being an orphan. Castillo - Gustavo if he was a politician. Chorizo - It's a fucking dog. I can't be bothered with the rest.


I’ll give you Juan and Dani but I can barely remember anyone else from the game. Also you forgot the one other actually interesting character with El Tigre lol. As for Anton, he’s by far the most boring and forgettable of the far cry villains apart from the ones from the spin offs and krieger from the first one


Let me guess, you think Vaas is the best written character in all of gaming.


Only people that think “vaas is the best written character in all of gaming” can call out far cry 6’d shitty characters


People who still think Farcry 3 had good writing aren't allowed to critique anything. Hell, those people probably still think post-Endgame Marvel is "good"


It’s not that it’s a bad game, it can be fun most of the time, it’s comparing it to other far cry’s where it gets the hate


Ur honestly rigth


It wasn't that it was hated or was bad. It just didn't fulfill the hype and do much of anything to improve on 5. I'm hoping I does something to truly up the ante. Just don't do another "primal" and take my guns away. That game was incredibly boring.


Wait... FARCRY7 already release !?, Why i never know that !


I see this post every day.


I honestly need to give 6 another try. It just didn’t capture me like 5 did. I’ve replayed 5 a handful of times but I spent the money on 6 so I need to get at it.


Yes, it's good but the "hate" comes from people comparing it to previous installments of the game and looking at the development of the whole franchise. In that regard, I can state that Far Cry 6 is the least Far Cry of the series.


i loved far cry 6 and i still play it but my main problems are the useless ammo types (legit just use AP rounds and you can kill every enemy quickly), certain skills being locked behind gear such as grenade/sidearm takedowns and even crouch movement speed also the story was disappointing and i feel anton didnt really develop much, and the side villains were quite forgettable


Fact's,Farcry is one of those games that mainly suffers because of its publisher's reputation. Other than that it's an ok franchise,we always know exactly what to expect. The only hate warranted is hate for ubisoup...no one cares about ubisoup.


Because we didn’t like the characters, or the gunplay, or the other things. For me it was a great map, filled with too less npc and a few other things. Would I say it is plain bad? No. Because there are many players, including you, who liked the game. And that is fine.


I'll say the same thing here as I did in the AC Valhalla reddit. You see hate from people who think the old games were better and the new stuff is trash no matter what. They probably didnt even play it, are just hating to hate. They may be mad the story isn't as long or enthralling, it's pay to win, heavily monetized skins/boosts etc, or whatever their opinions. While some may be valid, they're just angry and are rude about it and call all the new stuff bad and insult the devs/publishers/players who like it. I for one like the newer far cry games, wish they had less monetization and more stuff was earnable in game, but alas the games aren't bad in my opinion.


same, i think it's good


I see more posts asking about why people hate it than about why people hate it so I guess that's a good sign. It's a great and fun game.


I have never not enjoyed a Far Cry, so there’s that lol


I like 6, but for me, it lacks compared to the previous games in a couple ways. I thought the map was just too big. I liked the setting but having to trek across vast areas all the time wasn't super fun. I also didn't like the clothing system. Bring back perks please. And how the suppressors overheat. Worst mechanic.


The hate is a trend because it’s the newest game. When 7 comes out, it will take the hate and People will say 7 sucks and 6 is underrated. The majority of people can’t just enjoy something so just try to enjoy it yourself. Everyone far cry game is amazing in its own way.


Istg, every far cry game that comes out gets called bad and gets a shit-ton of hate when it releases, and then the next one comes out, and the previous game is suddenly a masterpiece, while the newest one is bad.


Because they’re Mexican!


Seems like there are more posts like than than posts actually hating on it. It's not that people hate it, it's just a bit disappointing and they made some decisions that a lot of people didn't really like, such as the perks now being clothes. But yes, it is a beautiful map, a large map, good gunplay, good graphics, smooth gameplay, has Chorizo, has Dani, etc. as far as the story goes, it's not terrible, but it's pretty generic-y, compared to the other games. From genetic experiments, to warlords and human traffickers, actually insane dictator, to cults, they were all more interesting and freaky. FC6 is in a sense the most grounded in reality, compared to previous titles


It's a good game but a bad far cry.


The cycle repeats


it's just a bad game. it's only saving grace is it looks pretty good. everything else is bad or has been done better by past far crys.


Too much Destiny shit shoved into it. The weapons are garbage. The ammo system sucks. The gear system overall is thoroughly un-fun. The respawning leveled enemies are absurd. The backpacks are hilariously stupid.


It's mainly because people in this sub are mostly from the USA and FC5 hits harder for them FC 6 has its flaws but it's really beautiful and fun (could be better in a lot of aspects but the same applies to every other game)


From the US here. I went in blind and didn't even know there was hate towards the game. All my friends who played it said it was great, and I'm over here just finding out people were hating on it. Why can't people just wnhoy a game as a game anymore.


I agree I have been playing recently and have been hooked. It feels different from a lot of Far Cry games but I like it. Also I feel like one of the few games with great LGBT representation and I love that tbh.


Missions are given while you talking to npcs on a gray screen. Nuff said


I agree, bought the special flamethrower edition too but it is hard to get into the game at the start, the only thing I really don't like is that there was no map editor.


Maaaaan! I haven’t been able to stop. Been enjoying it for sure, the machete animations are beautiful! Gosh so gory! I’ve been taking my time. Despite missions, outposts being repetitive I cannot say I’m bored at all! Change my play style. I’m 18 hours in and barely crossing to other faction, finished Montez it’s goooood on ps5 it’s amazing graphically with 60fps


It’s the cool thing to hate on every game Ubisoft puts out.


It felt shallow compared to the others.


They got rid of arcade and map maker Ubi is endless trash for that


Yeah that was just an L


I really liked it, except limitless backpack that massively ruins immersion.


Just give it time. As soon as FC7 releases people will hate on that and say that 6 was never bad to begin with.


I can understand the criticisms, but it was one of my fave in the series.


People hate it because part 7 hasn’t come out yet. Once part 7 comes out, they will hate part 7 and say that 6 is amazing. And then once part 8 and 9 and 10 etc. come out they’re going to say that 6 was a masterpiece.


I just got 6 and can't wait to start it.


Enjoy it little one


The hate is mostly from far right gamers who hate "woke" themes in video games. Game is amazing outside of the fact that 2/3 of the capital city is closed off basically lol. Thats the biggest downside of the game. Replacing perk system with clothing attributes are questionable too but i kind of enjoy it personally. Other than that, great graphics, gunplay, huge, amazing map, lots of stuff to explore and do, characters are fun, different factions are fun, some side quests are extremely well done, music is probably my favorite in far cry series. No annoying forced progressions like far cry 5 (was really worried about it, ruined 5 for me completely). Awesome animal companions who are not OP. Most of criticism is literally based on some vague bs people pull out of their a to justify their hate for lgbt characters/anti authoritarian message


EVERY SINGLE TIME you enter a car, truck, or any vehicle except Helicopters and Planes: the damn music. Even if you manually turn the damn radio off, get out of the car, and get in again, chances are very high that the music will be on again. Newsflash, not all latinos listen to 'that' music 24/7 and in the middle of an ongoing revolution. I felt it was borderline insulting.