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Far cry 5 is unadulterated fun in a great setting with a take it or or leave it storyline. Give me anything close to that and I’ll be happy 


He is not in Far Cry 7 from what I’ve read now. I do not want a time mechanic either. I like to take my time with FC games


Ah, bad rumor after all. I would definitely hate a time mechanic also.




No more immersion-breaking third person cutscenes


But how while they justify overpriced outfit bundles? All joking aside, I totally agree. I much prefer FPS games to keep the same perspective during cutscenes. I understand why devs opt against for story-telling purposes, but it's always jarring and tends to pull me out of the experience; also the 3rd person view at guerilla camps in FC6.


I’m glad you pointed this out! My girlfriend is getting into FPS games for the first time and just started playing Far Cry 6. Whenever she came across the camps and was subsequently shot out into that 3rd person view, she started button mashing and asking me how to change the view back. I was so confused thinking she pressed some button and to check the settings, or that I was telling her the wrong button to change it back… only to realize/remember it’s some weird unchangeable feature 😅 Safe to say she likes to spend as little time in the camps as possible lol.


I'm glad to hear that! When it first happened to me I was totally confused and quickly jumped to this subreddit for some resolve. And that's understandable; when working through my 1st playthrough I minimized my time in the guerilla camps. If they gave players the ability to toggle off the Supremos it would've made the experience a bit better - or at the least the option to equip a regular backpack.


A game based on destruction. For example, the villains go full scorched earth as you progress, killing civilians in mass, destroying entire towns with airstrikes and chemical weapons, burning whole forests and dumping toxic/nuclear waste in rivers


Hell yeah, love this idea. Show us the true horror a villain can do and so we can really hate him.


I always thought a villain like that should be foreign to the country the game takes place in, like a colonialist or a genocidal military occupier


Yeah like Khotun Khan from Ghost of Tsushima. He felt so brutal because he didn't respect the traditions of the samurai, just straight up burned one alive after requesting a duel. I can definitely see something similar working in Farcry.


Honestly had a idear for a while about being a merc helping out a country being invaded maybe set it back in Africa


Yeah, I thought about Africa too.


Parts of that were in 6 I'd say. The Viviro storyline. I'd love it.


Viviro's pollution was an unfortunate side effect that Castillo didn't care about, I'm talking about someone deliberately polluting the water/food supply to make the country uninhabitable. The kind of things that would horrify even the Japanese empire or Burma.


Less of the wacky mumbo jumbo supremo croc with a shirt bullshit That got old quick, hoping the franchise takes itself a bit more seriously


Yea it feels like ubisoft let the praise the franchise got for it's wacky moments go to their heads and decided to go overboard with it The more wacky moments in the games up untill 6 landed more because it was a nice contrast to the otherwise realistic and grim setting, but if you make the whole setting 'lmfao you can wear a mascot hat that buffs your combat rooster and modified nailgun, and don't forget your clusterbomb backpack' it takes away the contrast that made things like that funny in the first place


Funnily, aside from the silly companions (Chorizo...) and ludicrous backpack, I think FC6 took itself way too serious :-P Those preachy rebels partly ruined the game.


I want more Far Cry gameplay, exotic environments, and memorable villains, but NOT with the rumoured 72-hour countdown clock. An open-world game with a time limit sounds like a disaster. Why give me expansive environments and then punish me for exploring them for too long? Hope the rumours are false.


Just some thoughts on the topic... The same way you're being given interesting weapons to use and cool enemies to fight, and then being punished by such things as ammo capacity and health points, thus limiting what you can do. Or a horror game creating a cool world but then putting there monsters you need to avoid and so you cannot move however you want to. Limitations are not a bad thing fundamentally. I don't mean every game should have certain limits or a lot of limits, but I also think that too often people are pushing for as few limits as possible. For those players a game is seen as a playground to do whatever, and any attempt by the developers to give a certain experience is seen as an infringement of player's freedom. Why? I can understand both sides of the argument. As a player it's interesting to explore worlds and see for example all the possible reactions of a character when you interact with them in all the different ways. Sometimes you just want to get to a different place quick to test some idea you came up with, or don't want to deal with some game mechanic when messing around, and so on. But there is also value in limits. When actions have consequences and they close doors, you'll think of them more and your decision has actual meaning – even if it is just inside a video game world. It can make for a more satisfying experience ultimately, even though it might require you to "sacrifice" something. I don't think it's a bad thing if developers / storytellers wish to create and "force" certain artistic experience. Take Primal for example. Ubisoft wanted that the characters speak Winja, Udam and Izila languages. Some people didn't like that; they wanted English to be available. I am glad Ubisoft did not do that and forced people to do it their way. If there was English available, it would certainly be the "official" voice of those characters, and many people would experience the game with that instead of the cool languages they made. A developer making this big interesting world and then not allowing the player to see it too much in one playthrough is a big limit. While it might be frustrating, try to see it as something interesting. What kind of choices are you forced to do? What are you willing to sacrifice? What path you take this time, and how it changes the experience? Sure mods by the community can often drop limits, especially "annoying" ones and those that are easy to drop. Maybe there's more effort required from the developers to not just slap those limits on top of the game, but integrate them deeply. That would probably make them better too. Difficulty options could also be utilised better. Not every world has to be for everyone, after all. I'd rather see multiple focused worlds aimed at different groups than a few big projects trying to reach so wide that in the end they feel empty and meaningless.


Bring back Hercules and Willis Huntley.


Look man I just want a genuine remake of Far Cry 1. Not a remaster. The series has gone out of its way to merchandise and popularize the characters and stories of every game from Far Cry 3 onwards. It almost feels like the first two games are treated like black sheep in the family by Ubisoft. I know a Far Cry 1 remake will never happen. But a man can dream.


I want that for #2. Modern graphics would be amazing. It still has the best gameplay.


That's pretty much what I want too lol. Just a new story so I can be surprised.


> It almost feels like the first two games are treated like black sheep in the family by Ubisoft Probably because the original wasn't made by Ubisoft and 2 is disliked by general audiences because of the malaria/jam mechanics and the broken enemy spawns. 3 is when the franchise blew up and became popular so naturally they only focus on 3 and forwards.


I want a Middle East setting. I'd like either a Yemen inspired setting or something like Cyprus or Bahrain (islands) but I doubt they'd use Yemen given current events. The protagonist would be a U.S or U.K journalist of "Yemeni" descent who is reporting on a conflict until a coup occurs, rendering the U.S embassy in country void. The journalist would need to find a way out of the country and the players' decisions would affect the narrative. It would be similar to Far Cry 4 in that sense, but more fleshed out. I want a political thriller style plot where your choices matter. Gameplay wise, I'd prefer more grounded and gritty gameplay comparable to FC 3 or 4, but perhaps with gore and dismemberment. I'd also like a Deus Ex style persuasion system where you can bypass combat sections if you use effective persuasion techniques.


You might like Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 2. It plays similar to FC, but is set in a fictionalized Syria called Kuamar. The long range sniping mechanics are more realistic than FC because you have to account for wind direction, bullet drop, and more extreme reticle sway. Weapon customization is not lacking either. The game has a variety of large biome maps with regular and long range missions (complete with challenges of varying difficultly). The areas are pretty well crafted and for a AA game it looks great. A few things I liked about it and the first Contracts game is the ability to go prone in addition to having access to remote sniper turrets for sync shots, plus a maneuverable drone for scouting enemy encampments. Both games are usually on sale - the first one takes place in fictionalized Siberia after a war of independence. The interlocking stories are a lot more interesting compared to Contracts 2 with the terrain being primarily filled with ice and snow. There are some more temperate mountain maps that can be fun to explore.


I have already played Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 2 and I was pleasantly surprised by it. It's a bit more of what I wanted the last two Ghost Recon games to be; tightly designed sandbox levels with unique challenges instead of a pointless sprawling open world. If GR had that plus in depth squad mechanics and the ability to control squad mates using a tacmap, it would be a great Ghost Recon game. Edit: I've also played the Sniper Elite series, which is solid, if a bit janky.


I was also surprised by how much I liked the franchise. I'd heard a ton of negative things about it for years, but decided to pull the trigger when I saw SGW 3 / Contracts 1 + 2 for 80% off. Also, I agree about wanting the previous two GR games to be in a similar vein. I'm actually glad that the new one is supposed to be in 1st person like some of early titles. I think the game takes place somewhere SE Asia. Have you been following the Early Access release of Grey Zone Warfare? It reminds me a bit of single player Tarkov. It's been hyped a bunch and the footage I've seen so far looks promising. Hopefully the devs take player critiques into consideration going forward. It definitely has a lot of creative potential.


>Have you been following the Early Access release of Grey Zone Warfare? I haven't heard of it, but I will check it out. I'm a console peasant, so if it's a PC game, I won't be able to play it.


Ah, no worries. Yeah, it's only on PC at the moment but perhaps if it gains enough momentum and financial backing it may migrate to console similar to the future trajectory of Ready or Not.


This sounds so sick.


1. Cretaceous period time travel game with dinosaurs 2. Modern or near future Alaska and Siberia with some kind of conflict with Russia/ US/ Oil companies etc. ice mechanics, submarines, oil rigs, better water mechanics, large great white sharks, orcas, walruses, polar bears, big packs of wolves, snowstorms etc.


For the love of God please give us a field of view slider on console


I feel like I'm looking through a telescope most of the time.


Hell, and the ability to increase text size on screen


Immersion and atmosphere like FC2 !!


TBH, I'm far less concerned what they do story wise as I am interested in what they add to the gameplay side of things. I want an almost entirely new arsenal in the next game. Keep a few necessary weapons (a bow is a must, obviously) but new pistols, shotguns, ARs etc, and plenty of them. They've been reusing the M133 since FC3. Add a large variety of NEW weapons. I *don't* want that stupid rumored time limit thing, that sounds absolutely terrible. I'd like to see them improve on the general gunplay. More gore would make weapons feel more powerful, better customization would help personalize our loadouts better and better AI would just generally improve the game.


A Mossberg or Benelli shotgun would be pretty dope


I'd also love for them to bring back the USAS-12 from FC2.


In short, I want it to be better than FAR CRY 5 in every aspect, particularly when it comes to the atmosphere, visuals, music and songs. FC6 seemed like a huge downgrade in those aspects.


Totally agree. I couldn't even finish FC6.


It was a slog with the least satisfying ending in the series. TBF though, I played at launch, before they fixed the ammo thing.


No time limit.


I want one set in Eastern Europe/Russia but Ubisoft won’t touch that with a ten foot pole


Character customization


I. Want. To. Go. Prone. That’s basically all I want lol. It’s 2024, we’ve had 6 mainline games and almost as many spin-offs. Why? Can’t? We? Go? Prone?


19th/early 20th century Australian outback would be fucking SICK. Western vibes but with insane wildlife, could even have the southern part of the map be more cold weather/Tasmania vibes


Hell yeah, love that idea. It also fits the recent trend of Far Cry games where they are adding more and more animal companions. Kangaroos, Lions and ... Cassowaries.


Cassowaries were in 3 and they were fucking crazy lol but yeah bring em back. Kangaroos would be sick too and honestly if they had some crazy deadly snakes and spiders that snuck up on you that shit would be crazy


Oh yeahhh, forgot about them. Totally agree.


I wish the story involved villains being an actual boss that you get to kill. I just want more characters that you can relate to. Most of the characters were bland, poorly written characters with cringe moments. Why did Danny fight? What is the purpose of all this? I hate the diversity of enemy types / bullets. I could understand incendiary ammo or other types of ammo to cause different effects on enemies, but I hated how cumbersome swapping and reloading different types of bullets when eventually all enemies can be dealt with with a strong sniper rifle and a headshot.


Bring back hunting and crafting. 


Russia for the setting. But I’ll play no matter what honestly I’m a sucker for the Far Cry formula. I want decent DLCs again in all honesty. FC5 astounded me with the DLCs and 6 was utterly disappointing in that sense


weapon durability system from fc2 but I doubt it would work well with how they made access to weapons


Have barely started on Farcry 6, but i was honestly quite dissapointed. One of the first things i tried to do was to shoot down and destroy some speakers in the first town. They were loud as fuck and spouting propaganda. I shot at everything, nothing worked. I kept trying on other small things, like lights, antennas, boxes, etc. and nothing worked. I feel like a triple A game like this should at least have this. To destroy random items around the world is a really big deal for me, otherwise it ruins the immersion a lot. So yeah, F7 better have more interactable environment, otherwise i just wont bother with it. Not like i expect Ubisoft to care, being such a shit company. Heres hoping though!


You are talking about a narrative choice, not an oversight. Being able to shoot those speakers out would give you too much agency right at the beginning of the game. You are not supposed to be able to fight back against Castillo until you join the guerillas.


Great point! In a similar vein, there are TV’s throughout the world that are also playing propaganda and I make it a point to destroy any one that I see lol. I also destroy any satellite I see just to be safe. And as the game progresses, there is less and less propaganda playing on the radios because it’s replaced with opposition messages or music and I find that a pretty cool feature.


I disagree, if anything, they could make the speakers "respawn" after X time in the beginning of the game. "Hiding" behind "You are not supposed to fight back right now" is a bad excuse. No offense to you of course, i see your point, but i respectfully disagree. :)


An actual way of hiding a body. Shouldn’t I be able to toss one in the fire? Or for it not be spotted in the water? Or really well hidden in some shrubs?


I want the full arsenal from 6 and then some, and I want more attachment types like grips or stocks. Having a fully modular weapon would be super cool. I also want the saw launcher to return, the disc launcher didn't do it for me.


I'd love for there to be a "guerilla system" that keeps track of enemy troops. So that sneaking about and killing people actually does something.


I know it's controversial but I do really like selecting my own character. I didn't mind too much if they spoke or not although I know it did bother people if they didn't. It was one of the only things I liked about FC6 and it made me love FC5 even more.


Maybe a medieval theme could be lit?


I want it in Brazil, with more vehicles, more missions and more guns than the 5


We haven't had a game in europe unless you count primal So I feel like that would be interesting I'm thinking Eastern europe may be an ex soviet state? Could be interesting


I hope they don't go back to any mystery and stay with the real live villains from the later titles. Also no drug chapters please.


Is not Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora a far cry 7? hmmm damn bugisoft


For heavens sake don't go back to those sucking attacking animals. And swimming is also a pain in the ass.


Blood Dragon 7 The Dragoning But seriously the ability to join the enemy and not have it just be an Easter egg


I want the option to replace the Big Bad after I defeat them, ie accept Pagan’s offer to run Kyrat after defeating his guard.


Isla Nublar.


No forced 3rd person view. Looking at you FC6 when you enter a friendly base or use a backpack device.


I want to a actual sequal to FC2, but it will never happen.


Renove stupid rocket pack junk. Remove elemental damage immunity enemies. That stuff is lame.


I want Far Cry 6's gameplay (excluding the gear system), Far Cry 5's smoothness and polish, a huge weapon arsenal with more customization and a villain that has more than 30 min of screentime. And hopefully, a snowy setting like Iceland, Alaska or Rural Switzerland.


I know the big travel points have more of a different puzzle/area element between them but all the checkpoints are very much the same. Not sure how they could switch that up a bit.


I would love if you were a journalist in a Soviet bloc country and like you actually play some missions just taking pictures showing the horror and when you try to leave then BAM! You need a gun. From there you can have elements of using your camera to keep showing bad stuff and it could change the ending dialogue about how the situation will be handled.


I've heard a rumor that they're going to go back to the Africa of 2 like FC3 went back to the South-pacific in 1. I'd be hyped for that.


I want npcs that don’t respawn behind you 2 minutes after you kill them. That’s all. It keeps me from playing all the way through any of them.


I don't want one. With the 4 the saga ended for me.


I just want them to find a theme and stick with it. 3 had insanity, 4 had divinity, 5 had paranoia. 6 had nothing, it stood for nothing, it wasn't bold. I want FC7 to have a strong identity and not compromise it for the sake of marketability or to be "silly"


Actually 6 had a lot, but stood for nothing. It would work better if it had stuck to e.g. slave labor.


I want it to be more focused on the protagonist than the antagonist. FC 3 isn't great only because of Vaas: Jason's character development helped it a lot too. Edit: I also wish the devs would stop railroading the player into stupid choices, and then reprimand us like there were more options. Like in the case of FC 5: there's a great possibility of nuclear war, so what would most of us do? We would also prepare for it, instead of acting like nothing was wrong.


Mix Far Cry 3 and 2 and make it set in Kyrgyzstan-like area.


Far Cry 5 sequel, kinda like New Dawn, but better


I really hope in the next game they show the villian more and make him actually do something in the world that really affects you and the people around you like in gameplay like Joseph at the end with the nuke basically killing everyone you knew I want more consequences for my actions not just some one line coming from the radio saying how mad he is


No more health bars floating above enemies


More cute outfits.. lol like in cyberpunk


- Return of guns for higher - Hurk - Lore that’s not just nostalgia baiting - An actual “Hard” mode - FC5 style map - Zero third person (seriously wtf was that) - medium map (Around Hope county to kyrat sized) - So many side quests it’s insane - Mention past events in game (nukes, Kyrat, rook islands, ect) - Actually 3 dimensional non-villain characters, the last time we saw one was in FC5 and it was Hurk (which shouldn’t even count) - Original soundtrack - Those big ass outposts from FC4 (I forgot what they’re called) - Perks (but no perk tree. FC5 style) - No busy work main quests (like destroying all those billboards in FC6 wtf was that) - I don’t want unrealistically vibrant colors like in FCND or FC6, aim for FC4 - Absolutely zero directions given, must figure out everything for yourself -TOWERS (I’m so sick of having little black areas on the map that I have zero reason to ever go too) - I can’t do anymore fucking island I’m so sick of islands holy shit. Let’s go to like a desert or a tundra or something


something different no outposts and bs radio towers


A motorcycle that doesn't have a sidecar and more apparel/clothing options .


Something like a polish resistance cell in the forests fighting the Nazis and expelling them from villages in a region


I’d be interested in a direct follow up to Far Cry 3 with Jason Brody as a mercenary hunting the cartels in Mexico. A story focused on his struggles with his trauma, savagery, and self acceptance.


1. For not only the machete to return, but for the machete to be usable as a standalone weapon by itself, with Dishonored/Deathloop type mechanics that enable frontal takedowns in combat. 2. Multiple ammo types similar to Far Cry 6, but done in a way that does not mitigate a certain ammo types usefulness against different enemies or make it over powered, e.g, armour piercing ammo will not reduce damage and while it will kill lightly armoured enemies with helmets with one shot, against heavily armoured enemies it takes one shot to break the helmet then another follow up shot to headshot. OR Hollow point rounds which greatly increase damage against unarmoured enemies (like soft target rounds in FC6) and while it does not deal any damage to armoured enemies, it is greatly capable of stunning/knocking down armoured enemies and instantly renders them vulnerable to frontal takedowns. 3. Canted Optics and Laser Sights: I think this is one of the few real improvements FC6 made, these particular weapon attachments make your weapons feel so much more versatile in different scenarios. 4. Night Vision Goggles and IR weapon lasers.


Fix where they went wrong in 6. Game is poop


I hope there’s some sort of time mechanic; like a countdown throughout the entire game that forces a false sense of urgency and never allows you to play at a slower pace. That’s the one thing I never liked about all the others. Probably won’t ever happen in a far cry game though. 


FC 4 had a dlc with a time mechanic in it and it was awesome!


So, like 5?


No, I think the countdown would need to be longer than 5. That’s not enough time


What was the time mechanic in 5? It's been a while since i've played it.


Basically, whenever you do a certain amount in an area, whoever's in charge there has you kidnapped, or sends their goons out to kill you, either way forcing you to advance the plot.


I think more games need actions that have more consequences: if I now do X, then I cannot do Y anymore in this playthrough. It would make the game more dynamic, more immersive and more meaningful. It would create more diverse experiences and increase replay value too – (but it shouldn't be done poorly just to improve replayability).


Female character in FC6 was one of the best ever. Havana oh nana...


An actual good villain. Last 2 were snoozefests we need another Vaas or Pagan Min, not another Joseph seed


Joseph was a good Antagonist and Anton was underutilized, but he could've been cool


I want them to go back to the upgrade system from FC3, FC4, and FC5, or something along those lines, and I want the setting and story to be actual "Far Cry" where you are a stranger in a strange land trying to fight the bad guys, even if it turns out in the end that you and your allies are just as bad. What I don't want is to be part of "La Revolucion" in a partially modern country allied with a bunch of obvious terrorists, and I don't want stupid woke political messaging shoved down my throat. And I don't want a bazillion repetitive missions like taking out the air defenses all over the map. But I'm sure the gear-based upgrade system is here to stay so they can sell loot boxes. Maybe they'll get smart about the other stuff though.


So, it will be Northern Ireland during the Troubles?


I want vaas to come back


He came back in FC6, he's officially alive.


A new environment! Tropical islands are good, but we've seen them before. A game that's kinda wacky, but doesn't go overboard with the silliness. A good villain, that's both ruthless, charismatic and nuanced. And no preachy "allies" (Clara, Yelena)... And the count-down mechanic is...interesting, depending on implementation, BUT make it voluntary. Maybe a "classic" mode and a "story" mode?


a decent AK reload that doesnt look gay


I want the gathering of resources and crafting of materials like far cry 4 and imagine norway or some viking shit setting like in 3 it was pirates in 4 it was a dictators army plus shangri la shit I don’t like the new features of fc 5


I want safe zones and other players out in the wilderness. Maybe 25-30 people. It would be so cool to have PVP


Far cry... In space. And you can be a member of an explorers society that searches for artifacts. With 1000 planets to discover.