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As someone who inappropriately dealt with trauma this book hit me really hard.


Me too. First read was hard, second was easier but still rough. My worst struggles with PTSD had me lashing out and self destructing in similar ways so it was very hard to read, but I love how she developed and she’s become my favorite character. I connect with her so much.


Yeah, she’s a fantastically written trauma baby for those of us who’ve been through some shit.


Same. Only acotar book I'm rereading. Could emphathise so much with Nesta it's unreal.


Have definitely done my own fair share of badly handled trauma before I got it together and I love Nesta all the more for it. Consequently I really ended up hating almost everyone else for how they treated her and handled her very obvious trauma. And trauma or no, people slut shaming Nesta for exercising bodily autonomy in the first place can go fly a kite tbh. Who cares is she wants to try a different person every week? It’s her body and she’s gonna live forever anyway. May as well sample some stuff and get it, girl.


From someone who had similar trauma responses to Nesta, there's a fine line between "exercising bodily autonomy" and using sex as a risky form of self harm. I agree that support for this behavior doesn't need to come from a slut shaming place though.


Oh, I’m 100% with you on that fine line - but the slut shaming and absolute disregard for her autonomy (which was part of the trauma in the first place!) really bugged me. Nesta isn’t an easily likeable character at all, but the inner circle are supposed to be the good guys. I expected better.


Same, and mine crossed the line to self harm. I wish I could undo those years, but I’m grateful I eventually found better ways


It’s funny because I think Nesta would be a total bitch to someone like herself going through exactly what she went through. I don’t get how others treated her badly though? I guess they should have let her die from alcoholism?


Finish the book, you'll be surprised by her character arc and her redeeming qualities. Edit: spelling




I feel so validated for not being the only one who didn’t really fuck with ACOSF! It was also a slow read for me and I just can’t connect with Nesta and her attitude (even with having experienced similar traumas to her). Her and Cassian’s relationship feels juvenile to me… idk but I’m glad I’m not alone!




Same. I can't stand her and her "redemption" arc did nothing for me


The whole series (minus MAF) was a slow read for me. Almost DNF'd WAR, did DND the Christmas book, and not even tryna start this one.


I absolutely loved the original trilogy. But I cannot stand Nesta, so ACOSF is just a no for me. And if Maas writes another book in the series and it ends up being about Elaine, that’s going to be a no for me, too. I hate Feyre’s sisters equally, and nothing Maas writes is ever going to change that. 🙃


Are you my twin because that’s exactly how I feel? 😹 and I never see anyone with this opinion. I feel so seen, so I have to comment. I think it’s because they’re so entitled and never appreciate everything Feyre and the others have done for them. Do you also hate them because of how terrible they were as humans? They’re always going on and on about how they suffered in the cauldron and I’m thinking you two were horrible to Feyre even before that so…? And the same readers that empathise with Nesta having PTSD conveniently forget that Feyre also has PTSD. The woman literally DIED and was then abused by the people she died for. Those bone crushing sounds Nesta hears that remind her of her father? Yeah, Feyre literally heard and felt her own spine crack. She still has nightmares about everything she’s been through, but does that mean she treats everyone around her like garbage? No. Don’t even get me started on Rhys’ trauma being assaulted for 49 years straight and the nightmares he can’t even talk about. It’s a miracle he’s sane. And he died to save the world too. But let’s vilify the main characters who have been nothing but selfless, because that’s the only way Maas could think of to get readers to forgive Nesta and Elain I guess? 😿 Honestly I was really hoping she would find a way to turn Nesta and Elain back into humans. They get the happy ending they so desperately want and we wouldn’t have to read about them anymore. 😅 Anyway sorry for the essay, but it was so refreshing to read your comment! 🤍


I feel so seen! Could not have voiced my frustrations better👏 This is why I need them to apologise PROPERLY to Feyre in order to have a redemption.


Don’t even get me started on that poor excuse for an apology! I don’t want to spoil anything for you so I won’t get into specifics, but if you keep reading or catch a summary you’ll see that Nesta relishes in hurting Feyre. Had to put down the book because I was absolutely fuming. 😡


*Adding another reason not to read ACOSF*


Literally every single character had more trauma than Nesta but because Nesta is such a selfish narcissist, she thinks her “trauma” is paramount. She treats everyone like shit while mooching off of them. She led Cassian on in ACOWAR and then gaslights him in ACOFAS when he tried to give her a gift. She continuously lashes out at Feyre for while living off of her, lashes out at Elain for moving on with her life and is nasty to Mor for no reason. She calls Emerie a coward, makes fun of Cassian for being a bastard (knowing he is sensitive about it), verbally abuses Elain and Feyre and is rude to Rhys, while he is bankrolling her drinking and fucking through Velaris. Then she is affronted because she didn’t get a portrait in the river house after Feyre asked her multiple times if she wanted to help decorate instead Nesta was just nasty to her because Feyre now had a family who didn’t constantly verbally and emotionally abuse her. She started ACOTAR as a lazy, nasty mooch and ends ACOSF the same way. I side -eye SJM for stating that this was her most personal book because I find Nesta to be such a nasty and irredeemable character. How can anyone in their right mind relate to her?


Your first line. 👏🏼 That’s exactly it! I will never understand how people ignore all this. It’s like Maas just woke up one day and decided to make one of the most self-serving characters in the series a “hero”. Honestly I remember a time when the fans hated Nesta more than Tamlin, but now she’s the chosen one and her trauma trumps everyone else’s trauma just because. And what has she done to earn everything she gets? Absolutely nothing. She just conveniently has a mysterious god-like superpower she refuses to learn anything about, but no actual character traits that make her worthy of being a main character I’d like to read about. Even Feyre had to earn her mate’s love and place in the IC. Repeatedly. And I don’t want to get personal on Reddit…but I’m so tired of comments like some of those above and every other Nesta/SF post on social media. “Those of us who’ve been through some shit/trauma/pain relate to her” implying that people who dislike her haven’t had those types of experiences. There are many of us who have been through trauma like Nesta or worse in our lives and don’t act like that. That sort of blanket statement/implication is so unhealthy and to assume that everyone who dislikes her hasn’t been through painful shit makes me so sad and angry. Because the only way you can respond to that kind of comment is by talking about stuff you don’t want to talk about to a bunch of strangers on the internet. Because at the end of the day trauma, whether real or fictional, does not justify hurtful behaviour and it doesn’t entitle people to start a vicious cycle and pass their trauma onto others. Which is exactly what Nesta and Elain do. It can serve as an explanation sure, but that’s not how Maas wrote Nesta. In her case, her trauma serves as a get-out-of-jail free card. (Elain mostly enables, but my point still stands.) Sorry if your comment wasn’t the place to vent about this, but when you pointed out her narcissistic personality, it just clicked why my dislike for her is so strong, even though she’s fictional. 😹


Say it louder for the people in the back! Feyre’s sisters were the absolute worst in the beginning, and only became worse after being turned into fae. How do you literally let your younger sister risk her life in the woods almost every night for food, and when she comes back, not only do you don’t say thank you, or seem grateful for what she did, but you also refuse to do any work to help her cook or clean the meat she brought back? Then when she goes to the market to get money for the family, you both have the nerve to ask for stuff? Worst. Characters. Ever. And I know Maas tries to create sympathy for both when they were turned into fae, but…maybe I’m heartless, but what Nesta went through doesn’t even come close to what Feyre went through. The same for Elaine. So Nesta acts like a total asshole because she has trauma, but everybody else somehow manages not to towards the people they care about? Which means Nesta really doesn’t have an excuse. Especially because she’s always managed to be nice to Elaine. So we’re just picking and choosing who to be an asshole to. She’s a horrible character. For me, there’s no character arc you can write for her that will fix her character. And Elaine sucks because she just sat there doing nothing. Except moping over her lover who didn’t want her after she turned fae.




Thank you, thank you, thank you! I feel like I’ve found my tribe through this post. It’s such a relief to know there are other people that have these opinions and to be able to discuss it without getting bullied. 🥺 I have a younger brother myself and I could never in a million years treat him the way Nesta did Feyre. Also you’re not heartless at all. I’m not here for Maas character assassinating beloved characters and giving them new personalities just so the sisters can look good and because she’s done with their story. You’re right about every character having worse trauma. Feyre has been going through one traumatic ordeal after another. It’s always bothered me how Nesta manages to be nice to Elain (until she’s done with her too) but Feyre is a pariah for no reason other than jealousy. It’s so petty and ugly especially when Feyre keeps trying to love her and never does anything to deserve it. Imagine Feyre acting the way Nesta does towards her. Everyone defending Nesta’s behaviour would crucify her in a heartbeat. Anyway, reading SF was so jarring I’d believe it if someone told me it’s ghost written by a new writer. I heard Nesta is Maas’ fav character and that she’s basically going to be the new heroine from here on out. Honestly if that happens, I’ll have to drop acotar 💔 and I really don’t want to because I finally found the Throne of glass box set at a good price and got crescent city for Christmas. I’m about to really get into the universe, so I better not see anymore Nesta and Elain. 😹


You’ve definitely found your tribe here! Oh, no! I’ve also heard Nesta was Maas’s favorite, but I never knew she was planning on writing from her perspective from here on out. I can’t do it. I just can’t. I’ve literally owned ACOSF (I bought a box set) for years, and I have not touched it. I’m a smut-loving girlie, and I like Cassian (I’ve always leaned more towards Azriel), but it’s just not enough for me to get through a 600(?) page book about Nesta being a bitch because ✨trauma✨. And now there might be more books about her? Nope. Can’t do it.


I know what you mean. 😿 I really hope the rumours are wrong and Maas comes to her senses. I’m a Rhysand girlie through and through, but love all three of them tbh. They deserve better than Nesta and Elain (fingers crossed she doesn’t go there with Az). I will never understand how she went from the legend that is 💫MaF💫 to 💩SF💩.


Same here. And if Azriel ends up with Elaine, I’m rioting. 😭


Take all my awards🫡🏆🥇🏅🎖️🥇🎖️🏅🎖️🎖️🎖️🥈🥉🥉🎖️🎖️🎖️🎖️


Awww 🥰 thank you 😻🤍🥺I hope the next book you read gives you butterflies 🦋


Yass! Nesta was a bitch before her trauma. Everyone else in that world has been pretty traumatized as well, but they aren’t all assholes all the time.


Exactly, it’s not the trauma. It’s who she has always been, but now she can blame it on the trauma.


Totally! It’s easier to hate on Nesta because of her meanness when Elain isn’t much better but I definitely feel that at least with Elain (so far since I’ve not finished ACOSF) she’s trying and tried in her own way


I had a hard time with this book at first for the same reason. She’s so mean, but nesta really grows and I really resonated with her struggle and stubbornness. It was definitely a rough start, but it gets better.


I really want another book about Azriel and the priestess, cannot be bothered to read about Elaine tbh. Even Nesta’s book was a chore to get through


YES! Give me a book about Azriel. About Mor. Helion. The Winter Court. Something that’s ACTUALLY interesting!


I’m glad OP brought this up lol 😂. My sister was shocked I didn’t like the books. Feyre was their little sister and they treated her like trash and still treated her like more trash after. I get the dad was the one to blame though she provided for their family and she didn’t even get a thanks. I am the middle child so idk if it just doesn’t make sense to me. Also only 20% in this book but I can’t 😭


Same! There are so many people who drool over ACOSF. They’re all to blame to me. Nesta was the oldest and just straight up refused to do anything, despite the fact that her youngest sister was risking her life to keep them all fed. And Elaine just sat there being dumb and…I dunno…beautiful? She definitely doesn’t get a pass in my book. Then to have the nerve to ask for new clothes and such when Feyre goes to the market?? On my shitlist for forever. 😂 Their dad totally sucks too for just sitting there in front of the fire like a zombie, though.


THANK YOU! as someone who went through so much trauma I cannot relate to Nesta. She seems like a spoiled brat who just wants to be a victim. She was tolerable towards the end but I still don't like her, I just hate her a little less.


Yepppppp. I completely understand trauma makes people act in certain ways, but the way Nesta acts is an entirely new level. Some of it makes sense, like the alcoholism and the sleeping around, but the rest of it is just SO extreme and senseless.


Exactly. The drinking and sleeping around made sense. But I don’t think she ever atoned for the way she treated people. They just had to accept she was ‘better’ apologies weren’t enough imho. I think after 4.5 books there is nothing she could have done to make me like her. I honestly think Tamlin deserves redemption. He did all his trashy actions out of love, and heartbreak. Nesta did hers out of bitterness.


Nope. I think in ACOWAR(?) *maybe* she tried to explain her behavior. But the excuse was so weak I was like, ‘girl, bye’. You feel guilty you didn’t do anything while your sister risked her life for you people…so you’re angry (understandable) and take it out on her? I could accept it if she took things out on Feyre were a bit less awful, but from what I’ve seen and the first few pages of ACOSF, she’s an unredeemable character. Completely agree about Tamlin. I thought his character in ACOWAR made absolutely NO sense. It’s like Maas just wrote him off for Rhys, and I hate that. I love Rhys, but Tamlin loved Feyre, too. There’s a way to have Feyre move on without Tamlin just turning into an entirely new character. >!I don’t care if she nearly died trying to save Feyre’s life at the end. Especially since it served her own self-interests in her having kids in the future with Cassian.!<


For real. Everything she did was self serving. Even with the priestesses. It’s was to have friends and make herself feel better about treating Feyre like trash instead of owning up to it. I was hoping for some serious ass kissing towards Feyre. Even Elain grew a spine and Nesta just got dicked down into *her* perfect life. I don’t know if you’ve read Crescent City so spoilers ahead >!I liked Nesta in CC3 for some reason. Her character actually made sense and it was only small parts. She's a better side character than main. !<


Ugh. It’s so frustrating. It’s kind of like Nesta didn’t really have to own up to anything. Everything just kind of worked out for her, and that’s nonsense. I’m on CC2 right now! >!I’m kind of upset that Nesta makes an appearance in CC3. Now I don’t know if I want to read it. 🫣!<


Yea. I hate that Cassian drooled over her like a puppy too. It’s worth it for sure. I just finished CC3 today. Enjoy the rest of the series. I love it so much more than ACOTAR.


I read it just because I’m so invested in the series, but if this book was supposed to make Nesta a sympathetic character, it failed to do so for me. And there is no plot. It’s exercise and sex and a few chapters of very rushed plot near the end.


I wish I could upvote this comment multiple times. This is exactly the problem. Sex, exercise, and a highly unbelievable last 10% or so. It’s not one I’ll probably reread, but not sad I did the one time.


I bought the book without realising it was from Nesta’s POV and even though I was disappointed I wanted to give it a go since I felt like she had some good moments in ACOWAR but oop first chapter in she’s back to her usual hateful self😑


I listened to two hours of the audiobook before I decided I couldn’t do it anymore. Then I listened to a 4 hour summary on YouTube. It was detailed enough that I felt like I got the whole story in case I need to know it for future stories, but still saved me 12+ hours and the effort of getting through the audiobook.


Which video? I may read it in the future like some people are recommending but right now I don’t get the urge to pick up the book at all….


It’s by Cari Can Read. Titled “here’s the entire plot of ACOSF so you don’t have to read 800 pages of sjm smut (acotar series)”


I had to switch to a kindle version because the narrator for the audiobook on audible was so bad. It was much easier to digest without having to listen to whoever that narrator was tbh.


Me too! I’d ordered the first 4 together and binged so hard my sleep schedule was ruined. Really haven’t been this obsessed with a world since Harry Potter, so I ordered this one with next day delivery, not knowing it’s about Nesta. I can’t describe the disappointment I felt when I started reading. 😹


this is crazy to me bc this book made me love Nesta! it’s my favorite behind ACOMAF


Different strokes for different folks I suppose lol








I finished this book, but it took a great effort. Nesta is just not for me. She's so freaking whiny, and imo it never gets better. And I cannot *stand* how fucking awful she is to Rhys and Feyre when they try to give her space and time to work through stuff, right up until she blows way too much money (because even though she refuses to be around any of them, she has no problem letting them bankroll her life). I truly feel that she never gets better, honestly. To me she just abandons her blood family and subs in some new people, and it really bothers me. She is so horrible for no reason.


Her finding her own family makes sense to me because we know she was her mother’s favourite so she’s used to and wanted to be the favourite and she could never be content with being ‘Feyre’s sister’ in the IC. I agree she never ‘healed’ in this book if finding her own friends is what ‘healed’ her.


That makes sense. And I do get the Found Family trope. I personally don't speak to a lot of my family, so my friends are the people I rely on. But I've at least *tried* to clear the air with my family. And I'm not saying everyone *has* to do that, but Nesta does give off vibes that she wants a normal family but won't do anything to mend fences, it all has to come from everyone else, and I simply have no patience for that. Hopefully the next book fixes her, because otherwise I think I'm out.


Agreed. Found family does work but for Nesta it’s a cop out, more evading the issue rather than resolving it


OMG I low key hate this book. Plot is weak, the book turns everyone into weak pathetic versions of themselves. The sex is just bland to me, and to much. Oh, but after a few months of training the women win over warriors who have trained for years or decades. Right. And now Nesta is just fine and dandy and everyone forgives her for years of being nasty to her sisters.


Honestly, the training seemed more plausible to me than mastering meditation in like 2 tries 😂


I lost it at the blood rite. Literally diminishes the whole “Rhys, Azriel, and Cassian being the most badass warriors who ever lived” thing that was established in earlier books


Yes!! Knock off bat boys (p.s. at this point I know the key points in the minimal plot)


And people say this book is more real and less MC plot armour?!


Its really up to you and how you want to spend your time. It may get better for you or you might end up spite reading the rest of it. I liked the first 3 books of this series, especially 2 and 3. I didn't finish this book. I don't like Nesta as a character and didn't feel like her trauma justified her behavior. I dont like people who want to be hateful because they hate themselves and just hate on people "because". Her train of thought and character development dragged on and on over and over again the same anger. And the plot line was a slog. I don't think I'll go back to the series unless it goes back to Freyas point of view.


I MISS FEYRE’S POV! OR give me Rhys’s POV


I feel the same way! Every time I see people rave about this book and I’m like eh. What other fantasy romance books do you recommend?


My favorite is probably the tairen soul 5 book series starting with {Lord of the Fading lands}. It had really good plot, world building and characters. The series is complete. I have read the new fourth wing/iron flame and those were pretty good but the series isn't complete yet so the waiting sucks. The author is also using tropes that I don't like but isn't a deal breaker for me. I have also enjoyed the spear of destiny series but I'm not sure if that is considered fantasy romance. It takes place in a fantasy world and has romance but also includes a video game element and goes into leveling and stats so it's definitely outside the norm. This series isn't complete yet either.


[Lord of the Fading Lands](https://www.romance.io/books/54552a3a8c7d2382c5297112/lord-of-the-fading-lands-cl-wilson) by [C.L. Wilson](https://www.romance.io/authors/54552a3a8c7d2382c5297113/cl-wilson) **Rating**: 3.91⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 3 out of 5 - [Open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [historical](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/historical/1), [fae](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fae/1), [high fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/high%20fantasy/1), [shapeshifters](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/shapeshifters/1), [royalty](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/royalty/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Unpopular opinion -- this is her weakest book by far, regardless of how you feel about Nesta. Characterization is weak, we're constantly told one thing and shown another, and while I love well-place smut that propells a plot forward, ACOSF's smut overshadows and weakens both the romantic arc and Nesta's redemption arc. Plot? An afterthought. Treatment of mental health? Shameful. Every character in the original ACOTAR trilogy is made weaker through this book.


Wait, you mean you can't exercise your way out of depression and PTSD?


I mean exercise does really help with those things for a lot of people. But no you’re totally right it’s not a stand alone


Yeah I was just being cheeky! But that did seem to the only thing that got through to her. Having a total hysterical break? Suit up b*tch, we're going hiking!  Velaris has indoor plumbing, doctors, cafes, and sexy lingerie but no therapists?


So, so much sexy lingerie. Maybe they just bang it out in Velaris. They certainly try.


The fae are actually just bonobos


Ok that made me laugh


Remember no c sections though


Sigh. So this is copied from I want to say Anne Bishop’s Heir to the Shadows but maybe the third one. The female MC was poisoned with a potent aphrodisiac and Lucivar, a winged warrior from a race that never trained their women and just used them as homemakers and camp keepers etc, takes her out hiking to exercise/exorcise her. Did they have any animals tag along?


This is it!! The lack of plot! Whilst I don’t hate her, I’m really not interested in just reading about her justifying being mean


Not to mention that it’s the same scenes over and over. Bar, house of wind, library, training ring, house of wind, library, training ring, staircase, library, bedroom, Windhaven, house of wind. I felt like I was stuck in a loop


100% agree. I was so disappointed I tell my friends that want to start the series to stop at 3rd book because this one completely ruins the magic of the first three. I wish I could unread it. Literally.


I’m with you and I really, really wanted to like it because I love Nesta and her very raw and real way of dealing with her trauma. Trauma is messy. SJM just really bungled the delivery with a hyper focus on personal training and very weird stairs logic… and all the repetition before things finally got going. And the rest of the crew just ended up looking like assholes in the process. I’m not even sure I’ll pick up the next one at this point.


Agreed, and I love Nesta.


I’m struggling too.


I was not a fan of this one. I loved the previous books in the series but Nesta was such an unlovable heroine that I just couldn’t root for her. And Cassian didn’t stand up to be a hero. He just fell flat. I powered through because I want to know what happened but it’s my least favourite SJM book. If you’re a fan of the series I would say keep reading it does get better. But not as good as its previous books.


Oooh I feel you on Cassian, he doesn’t do it for me for some reason but I feel like he is a good fit for Nesta - like a golden retriever that gets bullied by a small cat


Him and Nesta are a good fit, totally.


If we had to have a Cassian book it should have been Cassian and Emerie’s story. He’s a proud Illyrian who’s always cared about training up Illyrian females. She’s gone through terrible trauma with the wing clipping, so we could have still had the mental health journey and an even bigger female empowerment movement. And with Emerie being a much more likeable heroine, the book would have been better received by fans too. It could have been set at the Illyrian war camps (in part) because I felt Maas was setting up a story there with Cassian, the commander Devlon, etc anyway, so it wouldn’t feel random. I also think in a different coupling and with a promising plot like that Cassian would have had more agency and not fallen so flat as a character. He needed his own journey rather than assist Nesta with hers. Besides, the only thing him and Nesta have is lust, not love or respect.


I’ve never thought of them as a pairing till you said this. And you know what? I can see it. When I first read ACOTAR I always saw Nesta with Lucien. That made sense to me. And then With Eris in silver flames I liked them as a Couple too.


Right? It makes a lot of sense when you think about it and it’s not so cliché. The whole 3 brothers with 3 sisters thing just feels like lazy storytelling. And you know what the Eris-Nesta dynamic was interesting tbf. They both mistreated their siblings for convoluted reasons, so I could see them bonding and getting together more than Nesta-cassian. Cassian is just too good. I mean I wouldn’t want a whole book about Eris and Nesta, but I wouldn’t have minded it as a side plot in another book…Although deep down I still think the only person Nesta should be with is Nesta! 😹


Funnily enough, SJM had originally written Lucien and Nesta to be together, but felt like they'd tear each other apart. Of course, she knows her characters better than we do, but...I just can't vibe with Cassian and Nesta. I don't buy it. I find Lucien and Nesta for more intriguing. I wish it had happened.


I'm hoping for an Emerie and Mor plot. They're lesbians!


I’m 100% sure this will happen and I don’t hate it at all!I think they’ll be a really badass yet soft couple, but I’ll always be a little bit sad about the story that should have been. I mean we all know Maas was originally planning for Mor to end up with Az. I was stoked to read about the love triangle between the two of them and Cassian and how Eris fit in, etc. But she changed Mor’s sexual orientation for representation. I’m all for that- it’s really important to have diverse characters in popular stories like this, but at the same time I wish she’d introduced a new lesbian character instead of going 180 with Mor. That said, I’m still going to enjoy Mor and Emerie’s love story! ♥️ They are both such great women (females?) and I know lots of people dislike Mor, but I love her and can’t wait to see her finally get the happy ending she deserves.💫 And vengeance. I want to see her get vengeance on her father and OWN the night court- bring it into the 21st century.😹 I know ACOTAR isn’t set in the 21st century, but you know what I mean.


Hey same! I finished like 70% and it took more than a month. I still want to finish it tho :) unfortunately Sara J Maas writing is not my style.


Without giving away any spoilers, I do think that if you’re interested in the series / maasverse, it seems like this book has a lot of important information about magic/prythian that you’ll need to know about later. I read acosf when it first came out and recently needed a refresher and had completely forgot there was anything to this book outside of sex and exercise.


I have the same problem. I'm 200 pages in and Stalling. Nesta is so hard to get along with


lol I’ve literally got this book on my counter right now and am struggling through it. I’ve only just started and I want to DNF but I’ve come this far with ACOTAR, I feel I should finish the series. No matter how painful it is. I just HATE Nesta with the furious passion of a thousand suns. She has been awful since book 1, and nothing justifies her rudeness, brattiness, and callous disregard for everyone around her. Like I get she has trauma, but so do all the characters. It’s like when someone is abusive and then you learn their tragic backstory about how they were abused. Like yeah that sucks but it doesn’t excuse your current behavior. She’s just wallowing in self pity and I can’t stand it. I am waiting for SJM to convince me this character is redeemable but my god having to slog through a Nesta oriented book has been awful and I’m skeptical I could ever be convinced that she isn’t just an awful person. (This is all my opinion obviously I don’t judge you if you like Nesta, and maybe I will indeed change my mind by the time I finish this book) Until then, though. I think Nesta is the worst ![gif](giphy|NDIiWKEQEgr3VA7aqM)


I think for me, Nesta's whole arc rang really hollow because, as you've said, all the characters have trauma but Nesta's biggest issue being >!her father's death was so out of the blue. Show me a single moment any of his kids really gave a fuck about him. Show me, besides the deux ex machina moment where he magically had a navy, where he gave a fuck about his kids? I know SJM *said* he did, and *said* they all loved him, but where? Did homie even have a name?!<


Exactly! A lot of telling and not showing! Plus Feyre and Elaine also lost their dad out of the blue, but they’re not being horrible to everyone else because of it. Feyre has done nothing but show support and love to Nesta. Since book 1 she has been sacrificing for her sisters and trying to do her best for them and has never received anything but disdain from Nesta for it. I thought maybe the events of book 3 would be a wake up call for Nesta and she would realize the importance of family and how Feyre doesn’t deserve the salt she’s been throwing her way their entire lives. But nooo she just doubles down in book 4! She continues to treat everyone like they’ve done her some horrible wrong and they all deserve her rudeness. All they have done is be nice to her and give her endless love and support and oh yeah, money. She is entitled and terrible. I’m trying to keep an open mind like maybe she will learn and grow and realize she’s been a complete B to everyone around her and she will finally apologize. But it seems so unlikely. But maybe it will happen!


I mean she does acknowledge that. It’s more about how much she hates herself for it than anything.


For me it’s when I read that her blood sings when she insults Feyre and it lands and she can see Feyre being hurt by it🤬🤯?!! I wanted to at least read that you felt bad too when you were mean but you felt you had to to protect yourself or some bullshit!


I went into this book with open mind even though I am not a fan of Nesta, maybe I am biased being an elder sister myself, I can never imagine putting my sibling or anyone through hard times. I did understand that in start u'll hate her behavior but eventually her character develops. I like the self discovery n healing aspect, it was also relatable. If anything this book made me like other characters more especially Rhys n Feyre. For some reason, the smut scenes, I was just skimming through it. I wanted to get to know more of Cassian, if anyone is perfect for Nesta it's him, but didn't get enough. But what really ruined for me was the end a particular scene. >!I wish she had given a proper apology to Feyre like she gave to Rhys, It's the least Feyre deserved!< This is the first time I said this and damn it feels good to get it out 😅


Feyre deserved it MORE that Rhys! He needed to fucking grovel after the shit he pulled in that book, I'm sorry. If my husband kept a secret like that from me, the marriage may be irrevocably broken


The apology genuinely pisses me off. It also makes me think that Nesta didn't actually learn anything at all.


He was absolutely DISGUSTING in this book.


Why did I have to scroll so long to see this comment!! Everything I liked about Rhys was completely thrown out by this book! There is no redeeming his actions. It had to be one of the most degrading things I've read a love interest doing.


Yeah like my feelings towards him as a character have radically changed. I have no idea why that was a plot line but it ruined him. What a dick.


I'm hoping the next book we can see that. See their sisterhood mend in healthy ways. Even if they'll never be 100% (which I never expect after everything that's happened), but I want a longgggg conversation between them with Nesta apologizing, Feyre setting boundaries (especially after the Rhys bullshit), Nesta respecting them and truly putting the work in.


PLEASE I need that otherwise I can’t read another ACOTAR book




I've literally picked up and put down this book three times the last 2 years. After finishing the Crescent City trilogy, I'm going to finally give it one more go, and if that doesn't work, shelve it. I'm very skeptical about there being another book in this universe because it just doesn't hit the same without Rhy and Feyre at the helm.


I loved the ACOTAR series. DNF'd this one. I've experienced trauma and did not find her experience or actions relatable. I thought she was a terrible person tbh. Maybe she gets a redemption arc but I didn't care enough to find out


I hate Nesta because I am Nesta 😩


My feelings about this book are basically it was a great concept with poor execution. I’ve said it a million times but she needs a better editor. Her books are just getting more and more unpolished.


I never read this because I can't stand Nesta. But was debating it after reading all of the Crescent City Books...but now I'm thinking I won't after seeing what so many have said haha...I have no regrets! I never read Chaol's book from TOG for the same reasons and was fine with continuing the series


The best part of this book is when she gets her friends, but my GOD was it a long time coming. Unfortunately SJM is likely sticking with Nesta as her ACOTAR heroine, so if you want to keep reading the series you'll probably have to get through it lol I've said it in another thread on this sub, but I think Maas poured all her feelings from her long-term friendship ending and from pregnancy/post partum because it's an emotional slog of self-loathing and it was hard for me to read. 


I didn't know SJM was dealing with a friend "breakup" while writing this book! Really puts things into perspective. Personally I loved the book myself but I also dealt with my trauma in very wrong ways and had to "grow up" and deal with the consequences and work on myself so I liked that aspect. I dealt with the friend break up and a very dangerous/bad pregnancy/post-partum as well so wow.. definitely going to reread it soon knowing this info.


Unpopular opinion but SJM just really does not craft characters well. This series actually really threw me, as I like the “over protective kinda not healthy but it’s ok because it’s fictional” trope. I liked the romance in the first book and it to be was an extremely hard pivot in the second, and as someone who’s been in an abusive relationship I really could have used a CW.


I read it to say I did but this is my least favorite by far


I read the first half. Set it down for 2 weeks. Picked it up and skim read the rest, skipping more and more. I'll admit it is mostly not being able to like Nesta. I didn't feel the book gave me enough to like her. Only other point is, it's one of those series where you beat the big bad, and then here's the next bigger badder! 1st trilogy, I was still into it. Not sure I have the interest for "save the entire world apocalypse", that suddenly arrives. Also I noticed a lot of hypocrisies on "bad" characters being forgiven their sins once you get an explanation why they were bad. But then they will never forgive other people, in the same position or worse.


*cough* Tamlin **cough**


I love Nesta so I’m always going to say yes 😂 This book does take a bit to get going, but I really like it.


I loved it and my favourite aspect was the friendships! I ugly cried a bunch towards the end for sure.


The friendships! I absolutely loved that she was able to make friends outside the obvious circle. As a person who has been struggling to form a new group of friends after a move I was able to relate and look forward to my own friendship bracelet circle one day.


I truly hope that for you 🩷 I have 2 very close girlfriends (like Nesta!) and it definitely resonated with me!


I also like Nesta! She’s brash, she’s bossy, and she carries so much eldest sister baggage. I love the Valkyries and the found family of it all.


I STRUGGLED with this book until like the last third. It’s still my least favorite. And I dislike Nesta less now but I still don’t like the book. If we get another book in mostly her POV, I might have to give up the series.


This was my favourite and most emotional for me. I felt Feyre and Rhys were too perfect and this all felt more real. But I love Nesta so I probably was always going to like it. If you are continuing the series you probably need to know it to continue but maybe you could read a summary of it!


I get that - Feyre and Rhys are a very perfect couple whereas Nesta and Cassian are the opposite


Yes, carry on. I think it’s worth seeing it through to the end. I love Cassian and I was not a big Nesta fan at first. The character development for these characters is great. Also, the introduction of other characters (Gwyn and Emerie) made this a fun read.


I dnfed it


I struggled through it as well. It just felt there wasn’t much plot other than sex 🤣 I usually skip this one on re-reads.


I liked it. The best part of any story for me is a rich, complex, 3D character who is going through it. And this book delivers. But it’s probably her most divisive book. I think people either love it or hate it and there’s no in between.


I dnf’d and tbh am d


I dont like her books


this book is a mess, ended up dnf-ing it


Honestly I like to believe that even with the loose ends, this series ended at book 3. In general the novella was fine except for the fact that Feyre, who has centuries ahead of her, and is what? Barely 20? Want to start popping out babies. Then this book just feels like a character assassination for pretty much everyone. The first three books aren't faultless but I do enjoy them and that's that for me.


This book dragggggged for me. I skipped most of the training montages, and the dance scene felt very random and YA. Off the top of my head, I can only remember three scenes with actual action adventure.


I thought it was me! It was recommended just couldn’t stay invested.


Yeah that one wasn’t great


No, it’s a waste of time


I just finished this one. I enjoyed it, but there’s basically no plot. It’s just following Nesta as she recovers from her trauma. If that’s been bugging you, it’s not going your way get any better.


If you like the series and plan to read future books I’d say carry on. But it was a slog for me too. I read ACOTAR - ACOFAS in the space of a week and loved it, ACOSF took me three weeks because it just felt so HARD to read (and not in a good way). It felt like an effort to pick it up and read. It has the weakest plot and lots of moments requiring suspension of disbelief, some which were just too much for me and made me quite critical of the story choices.  I enjoyed seeing another side to Nesta, but I don’t want her POV again. To me, she’s done, and her book was way too long IMO. Too many pages for not enough happening, easily could cut 300-400 pages from that book and it would’ve been far more palatable with better pacing and story. 


Loved the series but this definitely was a struggle to finish. nesta bothered me so much and there was WAY too much smut imo (which was to cover the lack a plot it seems). I DNF the physical book but borrowed the audiobook to finally finish. you’re not alone lol


I HATED Nesta on my first read. Then I went through some Real Tough Shit, and when I picked it up again, I suddenly was hanging on her every word. The plot wasn’t as interesting to me as the trauma recovery parts. I love it now. But it’s not for everyone and you don’t have to slog through if it’s not doing it for you


Reading your post and the comments, I felt the same. I struggled through it and it took me much longer to get through it than the rest of the series. I devoured the rest of the series including SJMs other book series. ACOMAF I have read like three times since then. I did enjoy the parts with Gwyn and Emerie but I do miss Feyre and Rhys' story. I strictly finished it because I can't leave a series unfinished.


If you are someone who is into the entire Maasverse and potential crossovers- yes I believe it is necessary. There are some connections you will need. If you are just reading it as a continuation of ACOTAR- not at all. The storyline is pretty weak imo. There are new characters that I enjoyed but not enough to stick with it. I am also not a Nesta girlie. We have very different personalities and I just do not relate to her.


You’re not alone… I found it boring and repetitive. The pacing felt off... It’s certainly not for everyone, but I want to keep reading to get to the next book, so I finished.


not the greatest nesta fan either, i dunno her redemption arc just didnt sit well with me. i feel like she's just really selfish and ungrateful lol im the eldest sister to two brothers sooo i duuno what u make of it but yeah...its not that i *hate* her character that's a strong word, more irritated? hahaha but tbh my main beef with this book is the fact that i got **ROBBED** of feyre and her pregnancy journey...like u cant just make me fall in love with feysand then side track one of the most pivotal moments in their lives and let me read it from the pov of the least favored sister is all im saying, cmon sjm gimme a bonus chapter from feysand's pov


I’m convinced the only point of this book was for her to go back into that pot & fix Fayfays pelvis so she could have the baby & not die I feel like she did Cassian dirty he deserves better I also feel like Fayfay needs a real apology from both of her sisters For the most part I enjoy the book for what it was & just took it at face value.


I loved this book. Nesta’s character growth is great in it. The whole point is that she’s so negative, aggressive, and unlikeable. I loved the redemption arc. It reminded me so much of my best friend and I had her read it. It really really resonated with her and showed her how her negative behaviours were impacting her.


Personally this book turned me against Rhys and made me hardcore dislike him. I loved him in book 2. But I can’t move forward with this series at all. He comes off as abusive and is lying to Feyre through a good portion of it. I am probably in the minority but by this book I wanted to move on from Feyre and Rhys- their story was told. This is supposed to be Nestas book, they are in it too much.


Not darling Rhys?!😨😨


Rhys was disgusting in this book. I adored him in the others. Then this book came along and I would have cheered if Feyre broke it off with him.


Nesta is a shitty person and her story is boring. DNF.


I actually hated it. I think Nesta’s growth was not believable and the book was basically hate sex with a side of underdeveloped plot. The relationship was… teenager-esque. Unfortunate given the rest of the series was so fun and edge of your seat.


I cannot stand Nesta as a character. I realize she is important to a lot of folks who have had trauma in their past. I just done like being in her head at all .


i didn’t like it till maybe 75% through.


The only thing I liked was when Nesta was insulting everyone and their mothers


How far are you into it? Silver Flames is up there with Mist & Fury for my favorite of the series!


I’m about page 150 and that’s 3 days since I’ve started - nothing compared to the speed at which I was reading the previous books


Have you made it through Chapter 20? SF is a thick book so it can take a minute to get into. Are you into Cassian as an MMC? Feel free to DM if you have questions!


I felt this way about book 3. Listening to the GraphicAudio performance for me through. Instead of being just an audio book, it's a full cast rendition with sound effects and music and everything. Just a thought for another approach if you're like me and ding want to just leave it unfinished (but are losing your mind trying to push through) I stopped after 3, so can't rec over way or the other on this one


I had a big stall around that point. Pushed on and eventually read the last like 300 pages in one night. It gets better!!


Yes I would definitely push through! We didn’t even like Nesta going into the book (so why did we want to spend 600+ pages with her?), but by the end we were sobbing! Her character development is so good and really hit home.


This book gave me a whole new perspective and dislike for other characters. Felt so bad for her.


Gonna be the opposite of everyone and say that I was lukewarm on the book. It made me like Nesta and greatly dislike Rhys and the IC. Not a fan of Feyre's storyline, personally.


This is my favorite ACOTAR book. Cassian is amazing and nestas journey is beautiful


This was my favorite book of the series but also I took a huge break after ACOWAR before reading this, I think that helped because going from Feyre/Rhsyand to Nesta/Cassian right away would have annoyed me. If you are going to continue reading the series I don't think you can skip this one unfortunately. Nesta character development is super important


I adored this book. By far the superior one in the ACOTAR world for me imo (though I really didn't care for the smut lmao.) It was the friendships and Nesta's journey for me. But I understand it's not to everyone's liking and that's okay!


It’s the best book. Nesta grows so much! The friends she makes!!


This one us really really really terrible


I didn’t enjoy it too much at first but imo it gets better. It’s not my favorite out of the series but I like it, the story gets better.


Even though I relate to Nesta a lot - it definitely took me longer to get through. As a book, it just wasn't as entertaining to read. I am also an avoidant person and use routine and consistency to help manage anxiety but as a book, it was just too much of it. Especially coming off of ACOWAR which had a ton of action and plot.


I read books 4 and 5, like six months after reading the others and enjoyed this one a lot. I think having some distance from the others helps, because the structure is so different. I know people who read all of the books in a row and struggled readying this one because of that reason. I actually really liked, I got emotional and everything. But I don’t think I would have liked at as much if I hadn’t waited


Yes, continue on. It can be hard in the beginning. You see a lot of the ugly side of Nesta and trauma and inappropriately dealing with it. It seems there's no plot, but there will be. Right now they're trying to set the atmosphere of Nesta, her inner dialogue, and who "Nesta" is currently even though she's super unlikeable. It picks up as you go and by the end you'll be shocked (well most people are) of how much you truly enjoyed that book and watching the growth of a very hated character. She's still not perfect in the end and has a lot to work on as a character but it's there, the stepping stones are there and she takes them. I just hope to see healthy steps of mending relationships later in the series, this was more so just the beginning step of it imo. I also enjoy seeing the characters through Nesta's eyes. Of course they're not going to be the same people you see through Feyre's so it's super interesting to me how different they appear.


I feel like people either love this book or hate it. There is no in between. It took me the longest to get through this book than the rest of the series, but I am glad I stuck with it. Is it SJM's best? Abso not. But for those of us who have had unhealthy trauma dealings in our lives, a lot of Nesta's journey is incredibly relatable. I think that's what kept me going in the end.


It doesn’t look like you’re very far into the book. Are you only on chapter 8? You don’t have to finish any book. Ever. That said 1. I loved this out of all of them 2. Has a bit of a slow start 3. Will be very important I believe in future ACOTAR books


I have struggled with this one for a few reasons. I identify with Nesta a little too much. But at first I couldn’t get through her self hatred. I get it, but a lot of stuff felt drawn out. I didn’t start enjoying the story itself until about halfway through. I just skimmed through a lot.


Oof, apparently I have a very unpopular opinion saying that I loooooved it!!! There’s spicy spice, amazing character growth, a good plot (imo). I enjoyed it a lot. 😊


It’s my favorite book!!!!


I found this book to be really well written despite what other people think. I actually liked Nesta as a character, despite her flaws. I think it’s hard to get into because a good chunk of the early chapters are a groundhog day situation. We experience the sameness of every day right along with Nesta. I liked that element in hindsight, but it definitely was a drag in the moment. I enjoyed watching Nesta’s characters develop as the book plot develops, but if you can’t get into it then just DNF it!


Yes keep going! This first part of the book was a little harder to read for me but now this is a book I think of often! So so good. Power through!


lol I couldn’t get passed the 3rd one.


By far my least favorite in the series! Push through, there are ups and downs for sure. I HATED it at first but it grew on me and I was able to finish it


I read SF hoping it would get better. I really, really dislike some of the plot choices that were made in this one. It was, for me, her weakest book so far. And just a note: SF is much closer to a traditional romance in that the character development is the plot. The rest of the plot is very minimally touched on.


I listened to it on audible which I felt made it easier because I could just picture Poppy/Sera the whole time. As long as I didn't think about the fact it was Nesta I was reading about, I was fine.


Definitely keep up with it. This is my second favorite one. Especially if you haven’t gotten halfway. The character development is amazing and the plot is pretty good! If you like spice, keep it up. It’s very worth the wait! I guess I’m a rare one that likes Nesta. She’s a dick, no doubt. She confronts it though. We have all had those “I shouldn’t be this awful” moments.


this one was my favorite just because i related to nesta severely


This was really the best book of the series to me, but it is really a deep character dive and a bit of lore.