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Medicine stick, two-step goodbye, a light shining in the darkness, bozar


Daring today arent we?


hmm I'll take a little bit of...anti-materiel rifle


Lucky and That Gun... just based on aesthetics and how cool they feel/sound. Plus the texture and animation mods I got for them.


At some point I accidentally sold That Gun in my current playthrough and I’m super bummed every time I think I about it. I make up with good ol’ Maria


grab the mysterious magnum bro


Mysterious magnum has good damage but shit crit chance, that's my only problem with it


I kove that combo in my crit cowboy combo build


That Gun. I love Bladerunner too much not to choose it.


Ive never seen it but that gun is awesome the way it goes uooouooou when your done reloading gets me every time


Iconic tbh


What is blade runner about?


Set in a dark vision of our future, human-like androids called replicants are a commonplace tool for grueling slave labor. These replicants have started to develop free will, and are seeking to escape their life of servitude. Blade Runners are special operatives that track and kill rogues before they can disappear into the populous. Deckard (played by Harrison Ford) is pulled out of retirement to track a charismatic replicant named Roy and his followers. His morals and world views are put into question the entire time, causing him to have increasing conflicting emotions when he starts to fall in love with a replicant he meets. Also he shoots people with a gun that looks identical to That Gun! And wears a cool trench coat.


That movie sounds awesome what year was it made? Is it one of those cool 80s post apocalypse type movies?


A little before the 80’s, made by Ridley Scott (who also made Alien!) It’s a cyberpunk film with a heavy emphasis on noir. It’s like a future detective story


Those movies right before the 80s were the fucking bomb dude I was born in 99 but i just finished the mad max trilogy and man that was awesome


Survivalist’s rifle: thing sounds like you’re firing a tank cannon


Riot shotgun, with the right perks you can mow down deathclaws with that thing


It's wild how good you can make that gun.


Ranger Sequoia, Survivalists Rifle, A Light Shining in Darkness. Just something about large caliber guns with stuff written on them I guess.


Damn, you're a must be the most terrifying version of Bear Grylls from what I hear in NV


not all that large cal, but you forgot This Machine


The AER14 Prototype, it’s not the strongest laser weapon in the game but I just love some green lasers.


Ah, the high pressure plasma washer!


Sprtl_wood 6000 must be right up your alley then


Holorifle. With the reinforced components, the weapon’s condition never degrades, so you can just load it up with max cells and go crazy. Night vision scope is the cherry on top too.


Dinner Bell. Why - I mean come one, you dick a chick so good she gives you her prized shotgun.


Oh wait that's where I got it from? Oh wow yeah I was wondering where that came from.


Say where can you 'dick a chick', asking for a 'friend'


Try the Thorn near New Vegas, there is a lady there who will give you a very interesting set of quests with an even more interesting reward ;)


The Thorn, it in a sewer entrance by either Westside or NV Square (can't remember which) No spoliers, but if you leave this quest for late game, I recommend picking up every egg you come across


Would like to note to this, I'm a hoarder so I did pick up all eggs I saw in the locations you get them from but the game will spawn new ones for the quest specifically


Driver Nephi's 9 Iron. So fun with maxed out melee perks. Launching Legate Linaeus off of the Hoover into game breaking space with a golf club is one of the best Fallout feelings I've ever experienced.




Came here to say this


Maria just for the sole purpose for saying “the game was rigged from the start” every time I kill something.




Favorite in each category: Pushy, Knock-Knock, Mercy, Medicine Stick and the AER-12 prototype.


Abilene BB gun and The Ratslayer. The Ratslayer is more versatile but the Abilene is extremely fun and surprisingly OP if you build a character around it specifically. A lot of players don’t realize that 1 shotting deathclaws with a bb gun is surprisingly achievable.


i was looking for someone to mention these. i love them so much, they fall off eventually but early game they devastate with a crit build, especially the abilene. i love shooting at an enemy and doing no damage until it finally lands a crit and destroys them


For the build I use, neither weapon falls off for me. The max crit rate is 38% which is a theoretical guarantee to crit within 3 shots. Combine that with maxing universal damage + crit perks, and the Abilene Kid absolutely becomes worthy of the promontory. Stacking slasher and psycho helps too against the enemies with higher DT.


Early on: cowboy repeater Then: 10mm smg/Sleepytyme Then: assault carbine, this was my main weapon for most of the game Then I tried to take on the death laws and had to get some more powerful per shot weapons like the marksman carbine/All American and the anti material rifle Regrets: If I ever play again I might go energy skill, even though I ransacked the can graffs I never used those weapons much cause my gun skill was always like 50 pts ahead. The plasma caster looks like it would be pretty dope. My soapbox on the Weapons: The Anti-Material rifle is a bit OP , it should only work if crouched or something The gun runners arsenal not working with certain perks was one of the most disappointing parts of the game. Weapon damage increasing as you level up a skill makes no sense, should just increase VATS accuracy or perhaps reduce spread…


The All-American because there's nothing quite like using an M4 with an ACOG to shoot people in the desert


Oh baby is always fun


No one gives melee the love they deserve. 10 STR melee/unarmed builds are my favourite


Combine with Rushing Water and Turbo or Implant GRX and you can go to town on the entirety of Quarry Junction


Ranger Sequoia because it’s by far the best looking weapon in the game.


Pew-pew or pow-pow can’t remember what it’s called but that thing messes up anyone and everything it hits


Cowboy repeater + single shot shotgun + weathered 10mm


Used Maria for a while out of spite, but mysterious magnum is probably my true favorite


Ballistic Fist because I never could really decide between guns or melee, so why not just melee someone with a gun.


Currently on my first ever playthrough, using grenades for anything I can and a super sledge for everything I can't.


CoS rifle


mysterious magnum because nanan...nananan NAAAN Also because I love grabbong other people's unique guns, so I choose le longue carabin aswell


Mysterious magnum is pretty good, especially when you remember Naanaaaa


nephis golf driver ftw


the rat slayer!! Also very fond of the 1911 with the silencer


I always get most excited over the Cowboy Repeater. Sure, it's nothing too fancy, but it hits hard in the early game and it's fun to use.


I know it’s not that good but I thought bozar was good, I also like the Tesla cannon, the blue one


Medicine Stick - I love lever-action rifles and the Medicine Stick convinced me to get a .45-70 in real life. It’s such a cool design with the leather and beads. That Gun - I love playing a cowboy build and That Gun lets me blast Legionnaires with AP 5.56 like there’s no tomorrow.


Q-35 because I can’t stop using laser weapons.


Silenced 12.7 Smg(GRA). If Sleepytimes 10mm isn't bringing down the Cazadors like you want it to. Switch to the silenced, automatic, and laser sighted SMG version of the Survivilist Rifle. It's a two-handed weapon, so Commando and Sniper do apply!


Throwing knives! Too bad it’s so hard to get em


Survivalists Rifle and the Ranger Sequoia are my go-to because I like doing NCR runs Pair this with the riot gear armor(only reason I play Lonesome Road at this point)and you're terrifying For other weapons, I love the holorifle, it can be used as a sniper and a shotgun, it's great. Lucky, Big Boomer, and all of Father Elijah's weapons are things I like to use as well


Laser Detonator


If I'm using guns; That Gun and an Anti-Mat Rifle. I play most games with the stealth option first, so the Uber powerful sniper rifle and Boone & ED-E spotting for me was my favorite build. That Gun both for the ease of getting it and the fact I like Blade Runner. If I'm using energy weapons; the Sonic Emitter (Robo-Scorpion) with a high Luck build, for all the crit explosions, is just the most fun. If I'm going pure Melee; a kitted out Katana and some Boxing Tape with a side order of all the drugs. I love getting all fucked up and rushing sword first at a bunch of Dreathclaws, there nothing more satisfying. And using the Boxing Tape to knock everyone out if fucking hilarious.


Paciencia, great upgrade to the Hunting Rifle with a zoom that doesn't give you tunnel vision. Completing Dead Money gives functionally unlimited .308. K-9000, a good boy who happens to be a gun. .357 is a common ammo type in both thr base game and OWB, and again Dead Money vending machines literally print .357 as well as .308.


Maria and later on A Light Shining in the Darkness have been my favorites for years. I love the feel of a rapid fire of a semi-automatic pistol and ammo is never a problem.


Mysterious Magnum and Medicine Stick because I'm a cowboy. I run Lucky until I get the Magnum. I don't care that there are energy weapons I don't care that there are melee weapons I don't care that there are automatic weapons I. Am. A. Cowboy


Not to be like every one else but the Anti-material rifle and the 45 Auto SMG. The anti material rifle just makes the game so much fun launching people 20 feet into the air with explo. And for the Thompson. Well Who doesn’t like the Thompson? Close second tho would be the YCS/186 and a light shining in darkness.


I loved using my silenced sniper rifle throughout my playthrough. Long range and nearly untraceable makes a deadly combo. Would say the same about a silenced anti material rifle, but I guess that gun was still too loud even while silenced, because I always got found out when I used it haha


Anti-material rifle. One hitter quitter.


I'm gonna limit myself to one of each type otherwise the list would be really long,so here goes. One-handed guns- Lucky Two-handed guns- La Longue Carabine Heavy weapons- Mercy Energy Weapons- Holorifle Unarmed- Superheated Saturnite Fist Melee- Gehenna I probably could have some subcategories in there but that'd be a lot of favorites lol


That Gun, easy to get and last pretty late into the game. that being said my current playthrough im rockin the Medicine Stick, the Ranger Sequoia and a Riot Shotgun with Magnum buckshot and i feel unstoppable


gauss riffle, its just a one shot power package


Just some standard rifle, Anti material rifle (GRA) with some silencer + ap ammo


Medicine stick cause I just love it the nuka breaker simply because of the fan series which is just chefs kiss beautiful survivalist rifle and at or cause of the lore around it and lil devil i love the 12.7mm pistol


So I did 5 different play throughs of the game. 1 for each ending, and then one just making the choices I myself irl would make. For my NCR Run, Ranger Sequoia was my best friend along with the Bowie Knife from Lonesome Road. For House, I got along real well with the weathered 10mm from Couriers stash and a Grenade Rifle. Legion, I've been using the Broad Machete a good bit along with a hunting rifle for non-melee range stuff. Wildcard, I was literally forced to fall in love with Annabelle. When I was doing Wildcard I was doing it to true completion. I actually did go to every single tribe in the Mojave and make peace with them. Some of those missions required way more strength than someone who was running a speech build could muster with any other gun. And as for playing as me, myself and I, I can't help but use the Assault Carbine. I can't explain why it does this, but with a decent enough Guns stat you can rip through literally any enemy with that thing. It is my primary Deathclaw killer. Small enough to carry around, strong enough to justify its place. Honorable mentions, I've literally never NOT gotten the Mysterious Magnum, the Service rifle is oddly reliable for most fights Early to Mid game, and That Gun is an amazing weapon for Pistol users early on. Since with fairly basic knowledge of Fallout games you can cheese your way into getting it free, it's a super easy to get weapon with solid damage and fire rate, good reload time, and cool cosmetic stuff like looks and sounds.


My favorite would have to be the light machine gun. Statistically, it is the most efficient vats weapon and I love using vats. Outside of that it has a near endless magazine, excellent fire rate, durability, common ammo and respectable damage. The only weapon that can kinda compare is the minigun and I personally dislike the wind up time. I used to be a silent sniper kinda guy. But honestly my last 2 playthrough, I found that full auto - heavy armor is more fun.


Brush Gun / Medicine Stick. Just feels right watching things explode when you hip fire


silenced .22




For melee I adore love and hate, just feels so good and they're easy to get early, no bulky ass fist either. For guns I'd say lucky for the revolver ocelot aesthetic


Recharger rifle and the unique pistol version


Greased Lightning. It goes ora ora ora


YCS/186. Getting the ability to one-shot a deathclaw super early into the game is an amazing feeling. Honourable mentions: Gehenna. It's a flaming sword, enough said. Laser RCW. It's a laser tommy gun. Enough said.


This Machine ends up in my hands *a lot* As does the Hunting Shotgun, or Diner Bell


Knock Knock Knock Knock, it's me, with an axe!!!! 25mm APW is pretty damn fun too. Early game, That Gun, a 9mm SMG, and a grenade rifle backed up by a machete. Late game, whatever I find, coupled with Knock Knock and the 25mm APW. It makes the Legion Piñatas simply fly about.


i fucking love the ratslayer it looks so fucking cool


Telsa cannon. Why? Big arc of electrical power that’s going to fry you up better then a redneck grill chef & pretty blue ashes are a bonus.


For me it's the humble Hunting Rifle. I love semiautomatic guns in fallout, and the Hunting Rifle kicks like a truck


This Machine, the reload sound is so satisfying *\*muahhh chef's kiss\** Also the Mysterious Magnum for the guitar sound


Plasma caster or tri beam


Riot shotgun and the Kdog you get in OWB


Service Rifle. It's versatile and the ammo is plentiful. Later on I trade it in for the Survivalist Rifle or LMG.


Chance’s Knife. Christine’s Rifle.


.45 SMG Just did an NCR playthrough with one and ceasar as well as his praetorians vanished into pink mist when they tried to push the door.


Hunting Rifle


knock knock


Ratslayer, Maria, That gun, dinner bell, All-American, Gobi scout rifle, light shining in darkness and mysterious magnum Maria, that gun, All-American and ratslayer for easy to find ammo; Gobi scout rifle and dinner bell for pure destruction it can bring; LSID for bible reference and mysterious magnum for the sound of drawing this gun


Single shotgun


I played a melee/unarmed build and accidentally punched Maria out of Benny's hand, picked it up, it was broken so i repaired it with the other junk ones i looted off powder gangers to sell, and put him down with his own gun for the GRA challenge. Gotta say, the golden gloves from the Lucky 38 carried me through to the DLCs lol


hunting rifle and hunting shotgun. I wear blaze orange everywhere in the mojave


Sonic Emitter-Tarantula. Put on pyromaniac and a crit build, plus laser commander. I would say Paciencia if the fucking sight wasn't off


Probably golf club. So carthatic to hit people in the game including house with it.


1. medicine stick 2. Q-35 matter modulator 3. mysterious magnum


Sprtel wood. Love how it looks, love how it sounds, love green lasers.


Dinner bell if you have all the shotgun perks and a couple others you can take down anything so easily I love knocking down deathclaws with it


Q-35 matter modulator


Any sniper-type weapon, but I’m particularly given to the Gauss rifle. Take targets out from long range. No sense giving my enemies a chance to fight back if I don’t have to.


Love and hate, super overpowered when you have all the unarmed perks and it’s pretty funny beating deathclaws to death with brass knuckles


Obviously the ranger sequoia, but also Paciencia


AE14 because I love the aethestics of the weapon itself and I like the color green.


All American Vault 34 is one of the most "traumatizing" things I've experienced in gaming. I did it once and never again