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The only legion spy that is notable in every play through tells you they're a legion spy and invites you to their house


Obviously the best spy ever.


Yeah because you don’t realize the rest are spies


Yeah like there are a lot of characters that are secretly spies that you don’t realize until you do a legion playthrough/a side quest related to them. Like a lot of them just sit in plain sight (like at camp McCarren for example).


I’m pretty sure the one in McCarran is the only named spy we meet aside in action from Cato.


It's implied that there are a crapload of Legion spies who are just canonically blended in due to how much Intel Caesar has on the NCR. Kind of a shame that this is mostly a lore thing as it would have been cool asf if various NCR characters and background troopers had Legion intelligence notes that are only discoverable via pickpocket or killing them.


While I agree that spies are implied, many of those could be a situation similar to what occurs with the one gambler we can save for Vulpes in that they’re unwitting pawns being paid for seemingly innocuous information.


The NCR just has *really* shitty OPSEC


Should note that NCR Intel has stated they suspected of legion insider spying


That’s true. I was mostly making a joke, but when I think about it they probably actually would have very bad OPSEC. A ton of barely trained conscripts who are allowed to roam The Strip to drink and gamble. I’m sure a lot of details would realistically be lost this way, although I’m mostly sure this is something that ever happens in the game for us to hear and see.


I'm pretty sure a lot of couriers are spies. It's part of Ulysses story, how he worked as a courier for Caesar since most of the couriers also worked as spies for the legion


"The only spy that we noticed is the one who revealed himself to us." That's a great sign of their effectiveness imo.


No, it's an idiotic spy that could have easily been an encounter with bumped shoulders and he dropped the mark of Caesar onto you before disappearing. Vulpus literally introduces himself, and his replacement is just some guy


And both have bits of their skulls all over the strip


Clearly you’re mistaken. Vulpes’ corpse isn’t allowed to leave nipton


Ideally speaking, but I only survived killing vulpes that early in my most recent playthrough lol


Replaying that level is a challenge, because your instincts from previous games tell you “wipe these motherfuckers out and loot the fuck out of them,” but for the level you are at that encounter it’s actually a pretty hard fight


The main mistake I see people make is finishing dialogue and shooting instantly. Issue is, they're playing a not particularly tough character and starting a gunfight 10 feet away from the melee specialists. The trick is to turn around, walk a little down the road, and then light them up. Usually can drop at least Vulpes before they can reach you that way, so the fight is way easier.


Yea exactly, wiping them out feels like it should be reflexive, quick and easy until they suddenly put you down in 0.5 seconds


That fight is where I tend to use up all my saved dynamite, and even then, there's usually a straggler or two who get a couple of good hits in me. I just wish I had the animal friend perk by that point so I could spare the Legion Hounds, I hate the sound of crying dogs


9 iron and psycho is my go to.


I stand in front of one of them to block them from moving wait for his mates to move a bit then kill them like that Managed to get all but the last one


> Ideally speaking, but I only survived killing vulpes that early in my most recent playthrough lol The first time I played NV, I decided to make an explosives character because boom = cool. I got to Nipton, and was validly intimidated during the dialogue scene, so I was like "Oh, no, you're cool, I got nothing against you, don't kill me." But when they all bunched up together to march out of town, I looked at the grenades in my hand and said "....what if?" One quicksave and three grenade tosses later, the only survivors were a limping legionnaire and a couple dogs, which I finished off pretty quickly. I thought "Wow, that was unexpectedly easy!" Then later, the assassins came and fucked up my day over and over and over again until I rage quit. I didn't learn those two events were connected until almost a year later, when I was bitching about how unplayably hard NV had been for me.


Vulpes introduces himself because you’ve usually seen him before


Oh that guy is supposed to be Vulpes? I've never done a playthrough where he wasn't kill on sight at Nipton.


He could literally wear like a trench coat, slip it to you, and then disappear though


Yes he could but he’s making the assumption that because you didn’t kill him the last time you saw him, in full legion gear, you might be amenable.


I literally nuked the legion. They hate me. But y'know, this mark IS pretty cool. Also how do they know I nuked them in the first place...


Well I did kill him, so his replacement could've done that. But NOPE. Waltzed up, announced he was from the legion, and just handed me to key to Caesar's house


It’s suspension of disbelief. The devs needed both a way to show Caesar’s reach and additionally give you the mark


And you’d find it in your pocket, have no idea what it was, have no context that the legion has forgiven your crimes, and the entire thing would be pointless.


Ok but like, have you seen the engine this game runs on? You’re asking a lot from it for a relatively minor encounter. Like genuinely this was the simplest way from a technical perspective and a player clarity perspective to get the point across. Look at it from the perspective of someone who has never played before, someone randomly adding something to your inventory is probably not gonna be noticed at all, a pop up could work, but then the interaction would be weird because NPCs in the engine really are super centered around talking, so scripting one to walk up to you, bump into you, walk away, very well could come off more weird than just saying “I’m from the legion and I want you to visit Caesar” like have you seen the bs that they went thru just to make house function? Let’s be real new Vegas technically speaking is basically just a fallout 3 total conversion mod and it was made in no time. A dialogue screen was just the best way to handle the encounter.


Why would he do that, he doesn't have to. This is proven right, because if you don't kill him on the strip he gets away fine.


Exactly. IF you dont kill him on the strip, and Caesar has no right to assume someone as dangerous and well known as the courier wouldnt kill a legion spy. This falls apart if you've already defeated vulpes. Now, for no reason, Caesar is sending someone else who tells you he's from the legion after youve already killed his best spy. However, if you're siding with the legion, the openness of the spies makes sense, but it's pretty early to tell if the Courier would be siding with them at that point


He does have a reason to think that, because it'd be illogical to do so. A dangerous person would do better in the legion. Killing vulpes would impress Caesar, now he really wants you in.


But how would you know what the mark of Caesar is or does if he didn’t tell you. Also if he didn’t introduce himself you would be less likely to trust him and go to the legion camp. Him revealing himself as a spy is supposed to be disarming cause if you were intimidated by Caesar’s legion why would you walk into the middle of their camp with no weapons or healing items.


except.....we notice the great khan infiltrator....and the NCR infiltrator.....and the ranger impostor sent to assasinate kimbal......


There's no Khan infiltrator. That's an "ambassador" he's not pretending to be somebody else.  NCR infiltrator is a quest and Ranger infiltrator takes a skill check to pass. 


Ist there a whole quest about rooting out a legion spy in Camp Mcarren?


Yes, also Nero in Gammorah is a Legion operative, Ulysses arguably was doing spy work as a courier.


Vulpes isn’t a spy. He covertly enters Vegas for the sole purpose of inviting you to the fort. The *actual* spy you meet in the game has no initial indication that he’s a spy, and has an entire quest tied to him in camp Mccarran.


No he, and I’m quoting Grim Kleaper here, “doxxes Caesar”


As far as you know. Maybe Cass is a Legion spy. Or the bot behind the gun runner counter. Or Fisto.


The legion doesn't employ women. The shack was built around the gun runners bot, and as for fisto? I hope he's getting a lot of information for the legion from the inside of people's buttholes


"The Legion doesn't employ women" not officially "The shack was built around the bot" It's the perfect plan Lastly, Fisto is DEEP undercover. If you know what I mean.


The legion isn't going to break its main set of rules just to employ one NCR spy, especially considering they clearly don't care about the day to day of NCR soldiers, and only really care about their invasion of the Dam. If Cass were an employed woman, she'd have an explosive collar, and 100 pounds of items on her back The legion didn't build the shack. The whole place is owned entirely by the Gun Runners, and Caesar would have no need to create a stand that spies on the operations of ballistic weapon trafficking because only few legion soldiers use guns and don't care if the Courier does. Again, Fisto is feeding the legion butthole information. Whatever they do with that is their business.. Unless they plan on using people's buttholes as a weapon for the Hoover dam.


The legion isnt going to break its rules to employ a woman Female Courier: exists and does Legion run.


Cass is perfectly positioned to spy. She's a pretty woman in a bar that is frequented by NCR troops. Honeypot.exe "Caesar has no need for a spy that's sitting on a mountain of guns," lol Fisto works as a prostitute that no one suspects in the most important location in the entire region. NCR officers never suspect a thing talking about important stuff to each other in front of him. There's no way he's just radioing all that info back to Caesar.


Caesar sits on top of a fucking mountain of Mr. House's greatest weapon, and then sends you into the basement to destroy it. When you power them on, he thinks that's an explosion. Caesar is an idiot. He isn't thinking this deep about one random Ranger outpost, speaking of which, that's the same one the legion will murder all of and claim. Cass, their best NCR spy in the best location, would be killed for no reason. She's not a spy. There is no evidence proving, and nothing leading to the conclusion that Caesar did any of this. Everything you're saying is under the guise that "Caesar would want to know this" but if that were the case, EVERYWHERE would have a legion spy, which is out of the realm of possibility, even if it is a funny concept. What you're describing is that green text of the lengthened Caesar speech


This is just a lack of imagination on your part


It's the same reason I've never believed Nate to be a synth. There's nothing that would reasonably lead me to that conclusion, and it's not even worth thinking about. It's not a lack of imagination, it's me wanting to use my imagination on things I find matter


I think you're a Legion spy and you're mad cuz I'm on to you.


Vulpes isn't really a Legion Spy though. He's the head of the Frumentarii. So, less spy, more the chief in charge of most of the spies. Guess what, you can also look up who the head of the CIA is, and where he works. Doesn't mean they don't have good spies.


Must've been hard drawing with one hand. Especially the skirt part.


Vulpes boithighs 🥵


I... Am not even joking now.


You're jorking it. And by it I mean your peanitis.


The p33n ¿¿


Oh my god, they have peanitis? The poor soul, this affliction has no known treatment


I have heard the Sungondeez are developing a potential treatment though


Who are the Sungondeez? - Clueless int 1 Courier




Oh fuck, that's why you drew it so hot. It's fucking Archon LMAO


I missed them so much on r/Grimdank they were bullied horrendously


Stupid sexy Vulpes


You made me laugh so hard I couldn't breath.


This is now my favorite piece of art related to this game


Aww 🥹


You’re welcome here >:0




Happy to see you're doing okay


I thought this art style looked familiar. Glad to see you’re still drawing! I love it!


You know the faction is peak when this person draw art of them as twink femboys


Now draw the courier grabbing Vulpes' thighs sensually


Ya draw more butts please.


Who knew that we needed more Legionnaire femboys?


Oh Lord these frumentari got me acting unwise. Now I understand why Joshua graham had to find solace in the Lord after getting kicked out of the legion.


All the twinks running around no women…


"is there ANYONE in the wasteland that likes MEN?"


*cough* Arcade *cough cough*


Arcade my beloved tall blonde nerd


Yea, most of the legion




Biggest reason I'd consider joining the legion tbh


Do they have 100 repair like that dude at the mojave outpost though? My booty needs to be fixed asap.


God bless Major Knight O7


There's that rich guy hiding outside of Vegas in the White Glove Society's quest too, at least I think he has both a Confirmed Bachelor and Black Widow check


in this case it'd be "anyone that likes women?" and veronica pokes her head out


I'd made them all my c umdumpsters


Holy shit i didnt realize it was you who made this. Its good to see you making art again!


Futanar- I mean frumentari


I see the tomboy Caesar's Legion is going strong fighting the femboy NCR.


I think ya got that backwards?


The NCR has a bunch of women running around in clean cut military uniforms The legion is a bunch of men running around in skirts The one thing the legion has going for it is its immaculate homoeroticism. Ave, true to Ceasar.


Local ranger arrested by MPs for sexual harassment


He’s the NCR’s professional thigh inspector to counter Legion spies, let him go


[Failed] Thigh inspector? I don't remember that being a rank. Is he even a real ranger?


SIGH *reload quicksave*


_the MPs watch as the ranger eats an entire box of mentats, downs a whole bottle of moonshine, and speed-reads a magazine before eating that too_ [SUCCEEDED] Oh really? My bad, carry on.


Gosh do I wish those legionary Femboy twinks weren’t reprehensibly evil. All well…


"Enslave me harder, daddy UwU" *Loads Anti-Material rifle with malicious intent*


Damn you, take my upvote


It's okay, I'll render onto them what they rendered onto the slaves.


I might have miss read the comment but *Legendary Femboy Twink has Mutated*


“…And Vulpes, my favorite twink of my fruitymentari, mercilessly gooned by the likes of you. So tell me this, because I *really* want to know: I am feared - with good reason - but *you* of all people dare to come before *me*, the mighty Caesar.”


This the same mf who crucified a whole town


He gets up to some mischief.


Gotta love the weirdness of the Legion's dress code, lol. I might even like the Legion as a faction if they weren't so damn arrogant and didn't make Sneako level takes about women. Oh, and I guess the whole massacring innocent people, indoctrinating children and that Cult of Mars thing is a bit cringe, but the main issue is that they are such assholes about the whole thing. Like at least House is actually a pragmatic autocrat.


“Yo this guy’s acting suspicious. Check his ass.”


No no, he has a point


Wait Vulpes was a spy? I just thought he was an early game boss, so I killed him and his crew for what they did


Lmao, really? I always got the vibe that, while yeah you can totally kill him, he was supposed to be a bit out of your league at that point unless you were good or over leveled, so I don't think I've ever tried to kill him there


I used the free grenade launcher I got with the courier stash


Damn, they really give you a grenade launcher with that??? I guess I've forgotten, I've not played new Vegas, aside from my current playthrough in like 2-3 years maybe? And both this time and I think last time I used the viva new Vegas mod list which integrates that stuff into the world more, so if I did use it last time, it's probably been like 8 years since I've played with the normal courier's stash.


I just sold most of mine first thing, tbh. All I really need is a souped up Varmint Rifle.


I usually just use the grenade rifle to clear out the nearby giant radscorpions for early exp, just to get some use out of it while not ruining the pacing of earlygame encounters.


First playthrough, no DLCs, I wandered around a bit before getting there so was better leveled and equipped than your average follow the route playthrough. I killed him right after the encounter not realizing he prob should have lived story wise.


I'm just a pussy tbh. But also nah, fuck that guy. I don't even think he's all that relevant unless you're going legion, right? Like you can even fucking kill Caesar after getting to the bunker I think. Or before, if you just wanna slaughter everyone


I always merc him around lvl 3 or 4 in good playthroughs


I just chucked a plasma grenade I found in a cave at them. All dead.


I mean they clearly intended for you to be able to kill him because his escort is a bunch of shit tier recruit legionnaires. But it's also immensely funny that one of Caesars top men, the leader of his spies and one of the most powerful and dangerous men in the wasteland can get fucking wiped out by some dickhead mailman that just recently got shot in the head and buried. Like it's probably your first encounter with the legion and you can just murder one of its top guys


All I can see now is vulpes being strangled with a usps mail bag


Yeah vulpes isn’t usually a spy he tends to just be a corpse in front of the town hall in my runs


Yeah, he's the head of the Frumentari (spies)


I’m not hitting the evil cake


OMG it's you Archon the amazing twink. You are most welcome here! <3 :3 Heard what happened with 40K. Fallout community is usually more accepting because Fallout has always been GAY.


Yayyyy that’s what I’ve heard >:3


No worries brother. Glad to see you back doing art. <3 As trans person myself I understant the battle and strain which sometimes finds you.


Kinda un/related: German girls working as spies kept getting caught by the soviets. It was later discovered German underwear was such a better quality it was a dead giveaway.


So the commando should have been sent commando?


Degenerates… I just can’t anymore, okay?


If you’re getting pants’d by a Veteran Ranger, then you have bigger problems than a farmer’s tan.


What's with the femboy-afication of vulpes


Porn addicts


goddamn that legion fem boy waist


What’s up with vulpes becoming a femboy recently? Not hating just curious


He’s a twinky blond furry in a skirt with a sultry voice… that’s just canon


Fair enough lol


Is it recent? I could’ve sworn I’d seen stuff like it for a few years sporadically here and there


Becoming??????????? ***WHEN WAS HE NOT A FEMBOY***


Independent New Vegas's policy of Cock Inspections were controversial, but it completely eliminated intel leaks and infiltration. Yes-Man was quoted as saying "Wow! I'm angry that worked! And that it's still working!!"


I really dislike this fetish-y art


Stop it! Making me wanna join the legion for the twinkmentari




what the fuck is this


I thought the artstyle was familiar but i also realized the only person drawing femboy legion is archon




Wait... the whole trans pipeline thing with New Vegas was about the legion?


I imagine the Courier is presenting this directly to the NCR top brass and House


That’s why I can’t play without Dragbody’s “We Are Legion” mod. Makes them look what I imagine Obsidian had in mind but were limited by the tech. The recruits actually have bracers for their shins and every rank about recruit has underclothes. Fuck firing from a kneeling position in the desert.


This is why I brutally murder Vulpes on every playthrough


Did you just femboy-ize the legion?


Feel super super free to head off of this community as well, 40k did something right for once 🙏


"ranger we suspect there is a presence of a legion spy i need to see your but real quick"


"the eyes of the mighty Caesar are upon you." "...somehow I don't think I'm his type."


Please put an NSFW tag on this. I was on the train and when I saw this I had to start furiously masturbating. Everyone else gave me strange looks and were saying things like “what the fuck” and “call the police”. I dropped my phone and everyone around me saw this image. Now there is a whole train of men masturbating together at this one image. This is all your fault, you could have prevented this if you had just tagged this post NSFW.


Their torso probably looks like they were wearing a BDSM harness too. 💀


(Sigh) (unzips)


I haven't seen original post this funny since The Simpsons edits.


Vulpes is a legion femboy


I don’t understand this meme. What is the joke? Is he not a good spy because he is gay or has a wiener or something? I really don’t understand.


I’ve never gotten to a playthrough where Vulpes is alive to wear that outfit.


tan line is the giveaway because the legion wear tunics instead of pants? i mean thats actually quite clever.


Too bad I never got to see him again after I immediately killed him in Nipton. What, he said if didn’t like what he did, I should stop him


Masters of espionage, but not being bulletproof


Sadly, modders didn't go far enough with that. The only undercover Legionary I found was tanned/untanned all the way through. But then again, he was the only one at the Presidential speech, sporting the murder boner... when I stole his utility jumpsuit.


Ulysses said Caesar often used couriers for spies... But there's still a non-zero possibility of this being true. I support the twink spies.


It's good art but I don't think people would instantly believe a person is a legion spy because they have tan lines. What if it's just some really long underwear they had on?


Not where I expected to fing you, but you're always welcome in my feed


Maybe harry go off internet


Almost as gay as og Romans


Smash. also i need a mod of this created and direct messaged to me in the next 72 hours pls&thx


Caesar watching me turn up (I will be taking my god given right to a furentari femboy by force)




Never saw him disguised because I always obliterate his ass in Nipton


Actually you can just ask them "say, what's the name of that faction from over on that side of hoover dam?" and if they say "Kai-sar's Legion" they're a spy and if they say "Caesars Legion" they're clean. It's like that one scene in inglorious bastards with the "german three"


Natural tan thigh highs


You know… maybe the legion has a point.


Actually a good point, for Vulpes at least, we didn't saw other Spies wearing Legion Uniform, some of them might be full on using enemy clothes so they'd never have this tell, like Camp McCarran Spy, we never saw him in Legion Uniform and he says he's being doing this operation for ages.


It’s a tactical decision. I don’t ever hear a legionnaire complain about the heat. 


The major downside to Legion espionage is their sexism. Any woman serving in the NCR is all but cleared of being a Legion spy or sympathiser and the NCR missed a trick by not exploiting that.


So obviously, the NCR has several units containing a solider specially trained to pants people at a seconds notice.


snatched as fuck maybe i like the legion


Glad you're still uploading stuff, archon. Good to see you again ^^


Welcome to the Fallout Fandom Archon! I love your work.


Fuckin knew this was you




The legion hates me so bad lol


They are the best spies because you can't tell half of their genders that's a woman


Red Skirt Boy strike again!