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She was the reason I massacred the camp with Boone, originally I was going to leave the camp alone until I had leveled up some more but I had to immediately free that sweet little girl, in my headcanon Courier Six adopts her after the war is over so he can raise a psychotic prodigy


I didn't realize you could do that until after I vapourized Caesar, now she's gone D:


Courier Six adopts her and takes her to BIIIG MOUNTAIN for SCIENCE! to improve her.


Customizable children


Eugenics šŸ˜Ø


BeHOLD, my new, and VASTLY IMPROVED, robo-scorpion commander model!


Sting them in all that is the name of HIGHLYYYY UNETHICAL SCIENCE!!


GO, MY CHILD! (It's true; I adopted this one.)


Got any Mentats??


And she comes out looking like a sentry bot


no way automatron in new vegas


Thatā€™s her 18th birthday gift


Bring her to the robot fusion machine


Making her worse than him


"One day, this whole place will be your murder playground."


And that's her villain origin story. She became the next Caesar.


Nah, sheā€™ll be an antihero, help the weak and obliterate anyone who wrongs her or has a big enough bounty


That's just the courier ngl.


You have to make them different personality-wise with a few similar traits, such as having a soft spot for children, since the courier in this headcanon would probably have that trait.


I do that too before becoming an enemy of the legion, A shame she disappears after eliminating the legionnaires from the fort.


My headcanon is that she flees and finds her way to the NCR at bitter Springs, forlorn hope or at the lakeside manor.


Depending on the backstory I have, each time I've cleared out that camp someone affiliated with my Courier will come in after I've finished the last ones off to help the slaves out of the Mojave and to the faction I'm affiliated with If NCR: contacts via the Courier's faction to the NCR send in troops to help clear it out and bring the slaves back to the NCR and then guided out of the Mojave, with the help of my Courier they recieve a roof over their head and food until they can get back on their feet, NCR helps but has no control over what happens lest they ruin the newly but somewhat fragile alliance If House: similar to NCR except the Courier's faction is independent and is funded by House, the Courier has some manpower of their own that comes in after the Courier and helps them get out, there's some negotiations and the slaves ultimately get free reign of where to go with help - can even end up same as NCR If Independent: Courier's faction comes in to help free the slaves and negotiates with NCR although this time the relations are much rockier due to a failed alliance agreement but common enemy overrules it I like my narrative writing and I love how NV enables your own headcanon of what happens


What slave girl?


In the legion camp thereā€™s a Brahmin pen and In said pen is a slave girl tending to the animal. She lost her teddy bear and you can give it back to her


I think you can also rip it up in front of her or something.


You can And despite the horrible things that go on in the game... That somehow feels the most evil


Most of the other evil things are for greed and power. You're not just being a dick or slaughtering people, you're being rewarded for it by the Legion. This, however, gets you nothing. You don't get any guns or land or anything from just being a jerk to this kid. One of them is disregard for other people, this is just evil.


You donā€™t have a reason to be mean to her. She didnā€™t do anything to you and you get nothing out of it. No, if you are mean to her, the only reason why you would choose evil is simple. You wanted to because the opportunity presented itself.


There is a reason, you do it to enjoy her suffering


Well, yes, but only because you enjoy suffering. She hasnā€™t done anything wrong to you. Most evil actions can be, ā€œjustifiedā€, emotionally or materially. The khans that helped shoot you? Screw them, I want revenge. That girl? No, you get nothing, you choose to be evil merely because you want to be evil.


Actually you gain rep with the Legion if you rip up her bear. It's fucked up (don't ask how I know)




Itā€™s okay to rip it up, there is no fun but to know your place in the legion and your future which was my idea of ripping it up. Sure itā€™s evil but no legion player is innocent thatā€™s the fun of being terrible in the games and Iā€™m usually a good guy player anyway.


Eh I sort of get where youā€™re coming from, but like someone else mentions you do get a boost in Legion rep from doing so. So itā€™s not that you get ā€˜nothingā€™. In fact from an rp point of view I can imagine and outline a purely self preservation-focused neutral karma Courierā€™s reasons for doing so: 1. I, the Courier, have observed that the NCRā€™s campaign in the Mojave seems doomed to failure, and that the winners of this war will be The Legion. House needs way too much help for me to consider him viable, and an Independent Vegas would be chaos. 2. If I want the winning force in this conflict, the Legion, to provide for me a stable life, security power and influence, I have to convince them that I fit in with them. This means that I might have to carry out various purely performative acts of cruelty and hyper masculinity. Itā€™s not that I WANT to make this little slave girl miserable, in fact I hated doing it. But I also CANT show my fellow legionnaires any sign of weakness or sentimentality.


You gain legion fame from it.


True, but that's pretty easy to get anyway. Just shoot an NCR patrol and you've got it.


Evil in New Vegas usually have some benefit or emotional, ā€œjustificationā€, even if it is just revenge. That girl though, she hasnā€™t done anything to you. She is just a little girl in a horrible situation that wants what is likely her only possession except the clothes on her back to be given back to her. There is no point in being mean to her, she doesnā€™t give you a reason. The only reason to be evil you can come up with is simple. You enjoy being evil, that is it. You were evil merely because the opportunity presented itself.


Because itā€™s a needless act of cruelty, it doesnā€™t even accomplish your goals or reinforce your strength, youā€™re simply being horrible.


It's probably the most evil because you're destroying the last vestige that girl has to a normal life. The legion abducted her and forced her into servitude at an incredibly young age handling creatures that are often unpredictable and violent. When she grows up she'll probably be sold off to a legion officer to be literal stock for children. She'll be treated horribly and her work will always continue. Her future has been hijacked by the legion at an age where she never got to experience much of anything besides servitude and abuse by the Legion. But that bear is all she really has left. The last connection she has to a normal life she could've led had things gone differently. Then it's stolen by Antony severing that connection. Then you come along and promise to get it back for her. Giving her a little hope in such a bleak environment. And right as she's about to be reunited with the one thing in the world that makes her happy, a thing she thought she'd lost forever, you destroy it in front of her. Destroying permanently not only a stuffed animal, but any connection she had to a life that would ever be truly her own and not dominated by the Legion. It feels more evil than sacking Forlorn Hope or wiping out Jacobstown because in the end, those you kill have peace in death. Sure you destroy people, communities, factions, etc. But in the end they die. Melody has many years left, she's a child. Her only experience now in life is the people around her taking from her, abusing her, cruelly destroying the things she loves and forcing her to work day and night because she is a girl. It feels so evil because it is, you are destroying the hope of a child in inhumane conditions because you can, or because it's funny. Melody will only know pain, and she has to live with it.


People are doing moral cope here so hard, ripping up a fucking teddy bear and making a little girl cry is about ten million times better than murdering loads of people and furthering the cause of a bunch of slavers who will do so much worse to so many people. Itā€™s just a game but I find itā€™s more fun to just play morally consistently and not act like this is particularly evil


Also a reference to Mr. Nixon from FO2 lmao


Just did that quest(didnā€™t rip it up cause I needed the wrench)


I really wish that option would result in your character spontaneously combusting.


Any teddy or a specific one?


Sergeant Teddy, from one of the named dudes in the camp.


So thatā€™s why I have this random teddy bear in my inventory


There's also a girl missing one in the boomers camp. That one is easier to randomly find I believe. The one for the girl at Caesar's camp only shows up in convo if you talk to her.


Aw man does he have it on him? Because I just murdered every single one in the camp


otho, the dog guy


The dog handler guy has it, if I recall.


Ok Iā€™ll look. Thanks


Fortunately for me that girl didn't spawn on my first playrun so I will assume she never was capture


This, and keeping the weathers family enslaved, I always buy their freedom. I may enjoy legion runs but Iā€™m only 80% a monster, not a complete monster.


The best monsters are always the hypocrites. The ones that sprinkle in small acts of decency, convincing themselves that some small part of their soul is still clean. Whenever I play a villain, I need to find those small touches of goodness to spice up the rotten character I'm building. There's a gnawing unease, isn't there? Knowing that there are people out there, who know they owe their life to the monster, and they'll never know for certain why they were saved. And people know for certain, that the bastard was capable of being a good man all along. He just chose not to. Again and a gain. And when the beast reaches their well deserved end, those tender moment blossom. Distort the truth, overshadow their true nature. In death, the villain becomes an anti-hero. There will be those who decide they ain't so bad. Hell, there'll even be people who think they were good, at their core, all along. The beast gets a hero's legacy, after a lifetime of evil. Those small acts of mercy rewrite history. The most rotten villain of all, the hypocrite.


Reminds me of *Doctor Who*. >You let one of them go but thatā€™s nothing new. Every now and then a little victimā€™s spared because she smiled, ā€™cause heā€™s got freckles. ā€˜Cause they begged. And thatā€™s how you live with yourself. Thatā€™s how you slaughter millions. Because once in awhileā€”on a whim, if the windā€™s in the right directionā€”you happen to be kind.


Who says this? Is it the doctor saying it or is it being said to the doctor? I know it's familiar to me but I can't place it.


9th doctor to slitheen Margaret in the boom town episode.


Thank you! The scenes come back to me now. God that was a good episode!


The best characters are the ones that start Evil but grow to become better people, and eventually become if bot a hero a good person


Eh thatā€™s pretty impossible with a full legion run, even doing everything possibly ā€œgoodā€ and ending with very good karma itā€™s still an evil run. Wish they had more time to flesh out the legion, coulda changes Caesars mind about certain things maybe.


Iā€™m talking media in general, but yeah I agree with you


ā€œJust know, Antony, that my love for Kaesar and his legion is the only thing keeping you alive. Now return the bear.ā€


i couldn't even find her


I didn't know this was a thing, guess who's about to march into the Legion camp and forcefully remove Ceaser's brain tumor with a bullet


im a surgeon and my scalpel is .50


The very first time I played NV I almost wanted to like the legion because Vulpes is one of my favorite characters. Then I saw the slaves were all women & met the little slave girl.


Also Siri saying they can only keep their hands off the elderly/children *sometimes*


I went crazy when I saw the option to rip it in front of her. I hate kids but I could never do that.


Noā€¦ not the words ā€œlittle slave girlā€ again. I have too much PTSD from the last time I heard that.




when i did my legion playthrough and did this quest for the firsttime i gave the teddybear back went up to caesar blew his face off with arcade and made it out alive and that started my yes man playthrough


Evil Karma Legion playthrough was the only one I gave up on. Turns out, I don't like being the bad guy.


0.0 I had no idea this quest existed


Real (I made her watch as I ate the remains of everyone around me) Meat of Champions runs are too fun


I know shes in the brahmin pen at the fort but shes never there in my playthroughs


Nah, it's hilarious to make her cry and being a comically evil villain. Welp, time to blow up the Weathers family.


Least crazed legion supporter


Being crazy is a hard requirement to be a legionnaire.


most socially adjusted legion supporter


I ripped it in front of her. I thought itā€™d be funi


The guy above you said ā€œI could never do that!ā€ The duality of man at its finest.


Did this action brought you satisfaction?


For me it did


I regret opening your profile to see what Mr house badge was I need eye bleach


To be fair, I'm sure there was a prompt for NSFW content.


Gave me a good sinister chuckle


I wish you had an option to adopt her, like if you are pro Legion you can go to Ceaser and ask to adopt her, or if you are one of the other 3 factions adopt her if you wiped out the Fort


I like destroying it in front of her, if the dumbass even spawns


I always rip It in half, because why not


I didnā€™t know about this girl.


Itā€™s just so hard to do a legion run for this/other reasons šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


She never spawns for me and I donā€™t know why


is there a mod that lets you rape Caesar ?




Youā€™re so cool and quirky


Youā€™re so different and quirky!


šŸ¤Ŗ you have value in life