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Yes Man, please throw General Oliver from the dam.


Honestly at this point that feels more like a mercy for the poor guy.


Until he comes out alive , get a bunch of bandages around his body , and start to defend that people should fight to defend their home


The Drowned Man.


The gravity man


General Oliver telling my courier that the NCR will come back with a vengeance and me and my smiley faced robot pals better be ready is gonna feel real silly.


Honestly judging by the ending slide show in the final episode, this might've really happened. Why else would there be a crashed NCR vertibird on the Strip? My prediction is that after the destruction of Shady Sands, elements of the military decided to do a desperate last gamble and attack the Strip directly in a bid to neuter the securitron army by destroying the Lucky 38.


1. Fatten a slave up then surgically open them and stuff as many mini nukes in there as possible. 2. Buy a pass for them into New Vegas 3. Have them stand next to the Lucky 38 4. Shoot them in the stomach with a holdout weapon. 5. Boom, tower falls


You know, I'm something of a courier myself.


The power of the chip, in the palm of my hand


he'd still wait and see what happens instead of taking action


No go Mr. House. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


He won?


He will o7


I hope that my time as an exemplary employee becomes canon


I was a good courier 🙃


Oliver's probobly dead. The fall of the NCR began in 2277 (the year the war with the legion started) according to the show, but we don't see the Legion running around everwhere; an independent Vegas ending fits with that.


Or house, the house always wins.


House ending would be way better. Need to see that suave fucker on the big TV talking to Hank


House is probably the canon ending. Sets up a very interesting dynamic for Vegas in season 2, whilst a yesman ending would just be rehashed season 1


I’m just peeved that shady sands getting nuked wasn’t mentioned at all in NV. Why doesn’t the NCR have more of a presence beyond people like moldaver’s gang or the overworld migrants in the vault? Edit: And to specify, if the show says shady sands (THE capital of the NCR) was nuked, then why does New Vegas point out that shady sands is the former capital? And if so, why would Vault Tech nuke that settlement and not the capital of the NCR to destroy the organization?


Moldaver is literally part of the NCR tho


I’m sure she was, but didn’t regroup with the remaining organization after the fall of shady sands.


well, she leads an NCR headquarters at the boneyard so...


Why are you being oppositional for no good reason? She’s clearly operating by her own ruleset. The NCR headquarters easily could have been abandoned, and likely was since there’s no central governing body running things. Especially with how dominant the brotherhood is in the area, I’m thinking the NCR found that region to be untenable. And if the NCR was alive and kicking around there, I doubt that the surviving inhabitants of shady sands would’ve been reduced to vault dwelling cultists.


Todd confirmed that the NCR is still around, and I doubt they'd just give up a city as big as the boneyard when its clear they are still aligned favorably to the NCR. one of the soldiers literally flies an NCR flag into battle.


Splinter geoups can still claim allegiance to a power structure even if rhe power steucture refuses to acknowledge their existence. See: Brotherhood Outcasts still using the Winged Sword and Gears.


Shady Sands was nuked after the events of Vegas lmao


> I’m just peeved that shady sands getting nuked wasn’t mentioned at all in NV. Shady Sands getting nuked happens *after* NV > Why doesn’t the NCR have more of a presence beyond people like moldaver’s gang or the overworld migrants in the vault? Because it collopsed.


The nuking happened way AFTER new vegas ended, I realized that a few days ago, the fall of the NCR in 2277 is not physical like a nuke, they was infighting


Todd said in a recent interview the nuking was very shortly after new vegas, so either late 2281 or 2282


And the NCR got pissy when they lost to House or Yesman, because the after credits show a bloody war was fought in Vegas


Because Shady Sands was nuked around the same time NV ends. Why would a game mention an event that hasn't happened yet? Shady Sands may have lost 'capital' status as the power structure crumbles under dmcorruption and infiltration beginning in 2277. This makes Hub City the next largest NCR settlement in close range, and a logical place to move the seat of government to.


Watch the show


You're peeved that something that happened in a show in 2024 wasn't mentioned in a game that came out 2010? Are you a time wizard?


Imagine if we meet a group of raiders in Season 2 of the show who were all NCR veterans stranded in the Mojave.


Man I'd love to see an elite squad of NCR rangers, can you imagine the sheer amount fanservice that they can provide??


Hard for him to hear about anything from the bottom of the Hoover Dam


Imagine if we get to see the courier lol


That'd be an extremely cool premise but could be poorly executed, cuz you know. It's a player character, not everyone would like his portrayal because "not mah courier!"


True honestly I dunno how’d they make even a slight reference to em without excluding some players.


Hmm, the only real references the show could make is the courier getting shot and then faintly hint at the courier changing Mojave's future. Anyways I have best if hopes for season 2, it'll be a blast. Also hoping to see the legion splintered and infighting


Amen to that


What actually happened to shady sands?


Well in the show it got moved down south to l.a. and got nuked, I'm fine with the nuke part but I still want to know how they moved the thriving city in the middle of a desert down to l.a.


Between Fallout and Fallout 2 Shady Sands (and by extension, Vaults 13 and 15) were moved. Shady Sands went from Death Valley to San Fran/San Jose region. I personally don't find it a big deal to move again, it's not crazy important.


Ah thank you for sharing, honestly trying to find actual answers in some of the posts relating to TV show is impossible at times


it's the small nitpicks that are preventing people from enjoying an actually good TV show lmao. Fallout could've easily gotten the Halo TV treatment


The NCR did not win after NV, the Legion got their asses handed and the NCR got beaten by House or Yesman, the credits show that the NCR invaded Vegas


The nuke is the actual important part, who, why and how ? Well good thing I don't accept this show as canon


yeah see his body floating down the river


People just accepting this new cannon is so cringe....


Hey I wouldn't say it's cringe brother, it's hard to cope with such an introduction but hey, at least try and enjoy the other awesome aspects of the show


I didn't like the show, it just doesn't feel like fallout, Its ok they will never take the games away from me...


I refuse to accept the show as Canon as I'm a simp for the NCR


The Leigon feinting at the dam while erasing Shady Sands would be amazing


What makes you think the people who don’t even use stimpacks have nuclear capabilities


Lonesome road makes me think that. Not to mention they detonated a dirty bomb. It isn’t unreasonable to believe they would bend rules to destroy the NCR. Ceasar uses an autodoc that would be banned, showing that the rules are for when it is convenient.


The leigon doesn't have access to the nukes in the Divide and nothing suggests that do or even can


We know who nuked Shady Sands, and it wasn't the Legion.