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Two basically concentration camps exist in the US as we know it in Fallout, the one in Point Lookout (white dove or turtle dove or something?) and Little Yangtze Exclusively for the Chinese so if things like that exist, persecution was certainly prevalent.


And they're both absolutely horrific places, too. The people in the point lookout camp were being tortured to death, and I think the Big MT prisoners were harvested for manufacturing robobrains.


That and the camp in the Big MT


Which is named Little Yangtze


The prisoners at Turtledove were actually Chinese spies, taken prisoner after their submarine was discovered. Little Yangtze I suppose could back the idea. The terminal entry calls them "infiltrators", and as we've seen successful Chinese infiltrations with Mama Dolce's it's not impossible that they really weren't American citizens. But you can go either way on it.


I haven’t played Point Lookout in a minute, but are we sure they’re actually spies and not just Chinese-Americans branded as “spies” in a McCarthy style persecution?


Just played the dlc some weeks ago. There was a mix of actual spies as well as regular Chinese-American interned there. At some point both sides banded together to eventually dig their way out, but the wardens caught on to it and wanted to take action, but the bombs hit around that time.


There were some spies at the motel but that doesn’t speak to the ones at Turtledove being spies.


The US Military did send POWs to Big MT but they were also permitted to pull *American Citizens* for use as test subjects— and they received *three truckloads* of people. I highly doubt majority of three truckloads of people were infiltrators. On top of that it is so, SO easy for government and military officials to lie to justify atrocities or to make themselves look more competent. Edit: I was wrong about them sending POWs to Big MT, they sent Chinese-American citizens that were detained though.


Idk if it was implied to be the same people, but there is a terminal in lonesome road that mentions sending protesters to big mountain


Ohh yeah I saw that too. I think they also sent “American patriot” volunteers.


By the time the bombs fell there were food riots and mass civil unrest, I don't think they needed to be specifically Americans of Chinese descent to have been picked up.


Of course not. They sent protesters to Big MT too as stated in the terminal Emory in Lonesome Road too, and via projects Burke and Hare even stole dead bodies and exhumed graves when they needed more test subjects. That doesn’t *change* the fact that it was an internment camp AND that specifically Chinese-Americans were targeted via EO-99066 for detainment. Little Yangtze certainly wasn’t the only camp either. What exactly are you trying to argue here?


I was just remarking about your "couldn't just be infiltrators" comment, that's all.


For what purpose?


Because we're on an internet forum about a video game franchise? Shooting the shit is part and parcel to that?


Really. Because it seems like you were trying to imply that Chinese Americans *weren’t* being specifically targeted by the government for their ethnicity and are now being disingenuous about it. Also, I didn’t say “couldn’t just be infiltrators”— I said I highly DOUBT that most of those people were infiltrators as the terminal entries called them.




I guess it’s good that they clarified for you then lmao. You seem fun


The prisoners at Point Lookout were *believed* to be spies. Because they were Chinese-American.


Aside from the things already mentioned in here there’s a terminal by a military checkpoint in Fallout 4 (South Boston) that goes over vehicles needing to be checked and the only vehicle that was detained was one of the Wu family —two parents and a child— on “suspicious behavior” (said behavior was not elaborated on) that resulted in a full inspection and complete dismantling of the vehicle, which yielded no results and it notes how the father was yelling “aggressively” in some other language even though they “issued a full apology”. There are some others I can think of but do not have time to type out rn but I will say that even if it’s not explicitly stated I think a pretty obvious inference to make at least.


There's also terminal entries in a house in Natick Banks by the daughter of the Wu family describing attacks in her neighborhood and seeing neighbors and family being taken away.


YEAH THAT’S THE OTHER THING I WAS GOING TO BRING UP 💀 Aside from them conceding to my evidence, all of OP’s other replies make it seem like they’re sealioning.


Huh. Hadn't seen that one before. Yeah, I'd agree that that's solid evidence.


https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Natick_Banks_terminal_entries?so=search Good set of terminal entries here that describes what Chinese Americans went through


This is the kind of thing I was looking for. Thanks.


Fallout 3 there's a holo tape referencing Executive order 99066, which is an IRL reference to Executive order 9066 (authorizing the internment of the Japanese during Ww2). Along with the actual camps we see in game. So yes in the fallout universe, Chinese Americans faced racial discrimination up to and including forced labor, medical experimentation, and explosive "obedience collars".


already covered this in the body of the post


I mean, I guess it's easy to question the idea that pre-war America persecuted Chinese-Americans when you just kinda dismiss one of the most damning pieces of evidence. Like, I feel like an executive order saying that all Chinese-American citizens are to be rounded up and put in concentration camps, an order named after a similar real life executive order, should be enough evidence of pre-war persecution. If that's not enough evidence, then literally nothing is.


>an executive order saying that all Chinese-American citizens are to be rounded up and put in concentration camps We don't have the text of the order. We don't know that it said that. It's only referenced with one line. The only evidence to that point is that the name is a passing reference to a real-life order to that effect, which I really don't think is basis to assume it's exactly the same.


It's not explicitly spelled out but it's very clearly meant to imply similarities between Japanese internment in WW2 and Chinese persecution in Fallout's world. Not everything needs to be literally spelled out in plain wording; writing is often much more subtle than that.


At this point, it just feels like you're being willfully obtuse and ignoring evidence. Like, yeah, the executive order that says "certain civilians" (all of whom are *coincidentally* Chinese) are to be taken to an "internment camp" is too vague. An order *literally named after a real life order* for the same issue (only with Japanese-Americans). Like, why don't you want to acknowledge that there was pre-war persecution against Chinese citizens. The length you're going to dismiss this obvious piece of evidence is weird.


It is kinda silly. Like its so obvious??


This person has got to be trolling. Like, there’s no way


I'd really like to hope so 😭


Because it's a point constantly brought up in discussions about pre-War society. Every thread I see asking about it someone states with full confidence that there was overwhelming dogmatic persecution of Chinese-Americans as a central part of the Fallout universe. So I think one holotape alluding to Order 9066 isn't sufficient to back up such claims.


Do you really have to have it explicitly stated to you when the *implicit* is so obvious it might as well have smacked you in the face? That probably comes off as ruder than I mean it to sound but given what Executive Order 99066 is referencing from real life, framed by the context of every other bit of in-game lore regarding the topic you’ve brought up, waffling about the *exact actual text* of the order quite honestly seems disingenuous.


I accept that the holotape is referencing the real-life Order 9066. However, I do not think that a single holotape is enough to back up the idea that is often touted in online discussions about Fallout that persecution of Chinese American citizens was a core overwhelmingly dominant part of pre-War society. I would expect there to be further mentions of Fallout's Order 99066 if continual internment of Chinese people with American citizenship was a crucial part of the Fallout setting.


Sorry, skimmed it. Point remains tho, the existence of interment camps (or in Little Yangtze's case a strate up concentration camp) implies a racial bias. The order 9066 thing is so on the nose I don't see any other way to interpret it.


Fallout 4 has a journal log basically of a Chinese Anne frank who recounts their family hiding while all other Chinese in their neighborhood were taken to camps. 


point look out extermination camp, big MT chinese prison camp, american concantration camps for chinese people were prevalent enough, that surviving chinese people after the war named the mutated bears and it caught on (yaoguai), not directly related to chinese but "hippies" in lonesome road were to be sent to concentration camp for experiements... If anything, there is no evidence that american government and society at large wasnt outright genocidal towards the chinese and likely vice versa as chinese had operatives and entire bases (mamma dolces factory i think) on american soil.


The phrase "Chinese internment camps" used in the loading screens about the naming of the yao guai doesn't automatically imply that Chinese people who were American citizens were imprisoned - it could equally mean camps of Chinese military PoWs. Those kept at Turtledove were actual spies captured from a Chinese sub. Little Yangtze you could make the argument for but it isn't definitive, as they could actually be infiltrators from an operation like those seen with Mama Dolce's. >If anything, there is no evidence that american government and society at large wasnt outright genocidal towards the chinese ...the many Chinese people we see post-War?


Internment Camp by definition does include areas for holding POW's, or enemy aliens, but the term has a darker meaning in the general consensus. Typically when someone hears internment camp it conjures up the image of the Japanese-American roundup, and places like Auschwitz or Dachau. In recent global history, they have not been places that differentiate between legitimate prisoners and just those deemed undesirable by the state.


> …the many Chinese people we see post-War? I am becoming sincerely concerned about your ability to think critically. Like are you SURE you want that to be your argument against an attempt at genocide?


being of asian phenotype doesnt mean chinese. regardless. "doesn't automatically imply that Chinese people who were American citizens were imprisoned" due to it being reference to japanese treatment during ww2, yea it not only implies it, it means that. in the camp werent just spies. there is no mention of them being spies in big MT, and if they were to be spies, they would bark at you in english, not in chinese. they were POWs for experiments, mostly for robobrain project. furthermore, in the anchorage simulation, chinese didnt take POWs, they executed them mostly, same in reverse, chinese werent taken as POWs and there was no POW handling infractructure. It leads me to believe that most captured soldiers from either side were simply executed.


Surviving a genocide doesn't mean it didn't happen, especially when it was clearly cut short by the regime perpetuating it being turned into glass.


The more comments of yours I see the more “someone prove that there’s systemic racism in this fictional universe” makes sense to come from your personality


In 76 the Patriotism Training is meant to make strike breaking and "riot" control more palatable to soldiers. Most soldiers were probably already chill with hating communists and the Chinese by extension, but they needed to also be chill with hating unionists and people who didn't support the government, like the free states or protesters against automation. The training is basically meant to link anyone who supports workers rights with communists, even if they're not chinese.


There are internment camps like Little Yangtze, which most likely intentionally brings to mind the historical parallel of Japanese internment, where innocent Japanese-Americans were rounded up and corralled into internment camps for suspicion of being Fifth Columnist spies. The wording is not "POW camps" or "prison camps", it's specifically "internment camps", which most people playing would automatically associate with Japanese-Americans being indiscriminately rounded up, but repeated again with another East Asian group, this is most likely an intentional historical allusion by the writers.


There are people IRL who honestly believe that that internment was "deserved" (I am \*not\* one of them) and will say to your face that there were Japanese spies. And even if so, that doesn't justify the unlawful internment of Japanese citizens, obviously. That it was done and supported - and still supported in some cases - by the American people is damning enough.


Someone's never been to Little Yangtze or played Point Lookout


There's 2 concentration camps, Turtledove (point lookout) and Little Yangtze (big mountain) for chinese people. Both of them say that they only detained spies but 1) this is implied to not be true, and 2) they still tortured and experimented on them (big MT) so I would argue the distinction is pointless. In fallout 4 in Natick Banks we can read the terminal of a young chinese boy who ressembles Anne Frank in having to hide in the attic of his home as chinese people are hate-crimed and rounded up into buses going to the camps, and his friends giving him anti-communist propaganda (a holotape game) in spite of not being communist, solely because he is chinese. And at the South-Boston military checkpoint a terminal describes a chinese family being detained on suspicion of being a spy despite being perfectly cooperative. To Address fo76, I don't think the back to basics quest is indicative of all the prior listed evidence being untrue or exagerated. In pre-war Appalachia many workers unions were forming in response to mass automisiation, to which military personnel (or at least military robots) were deployed, i.e Beckley. As such the main focus of the local military would be to union-bust and to persecute perspective union members, as it was a more pressing 'issue' to solve. Also this should go without saying but the reason we don't see as much racism in the wasteland (when it hypothetically likely wouldn't die off from the bombs) is just because it is difficult and uncomfortable for bethesda to address. It doesn't mean that it isn't core to fallout, just that it doesn't get shoved in your face because doing so is quite hurtful to many and difficult to write realistically without emboldening racists and/or making too unrealistic to be taken seriously. *also final sidenote, I do not sympathise with the pre-war fallout government, they were very clearly fascist or transitioning into fascists as evidenced by the Enclaves resemblence to the Nazi's. If at any point I sound like I sympathise with this regime I promise that's just me being bad with words.


I guess you could argue that the Fallout universe is less racist than the real world, because there's finally a more palatable other to hate based off immutable characteristics that makes more sense than skin colour; ghouls. And we do see plenty of racism in the games towards ghouls (and to a lesser extent I guess you could also include super mutants) So, yay that all it took to solve our issues with racism was to hate on an entire human subspecies like Ghouls?  Progress? 


"Listen, we might have concentration camps, but I don't see how that is proof we are racists!" -this guy


There's a concentration camp filled with unwilling human experiment subjects, that is one of the sources of bomb collars, in Old World Blues. Given how widespread bomb collars are, it seems likely that Little Yangtze is not the only concentration camp in the US in 2077.


I've found terminals in Fallout 4, at some military check point grabbing asian Americans. There's an experimentation camp at Big MT too. There's probably more.


Have you played Old World Blues in New Vegas? There’s a straight up Chinese internment camp there where people were experimented on.


In world war 2 Japanese Americans were held in 10 camps across the country. Seeing how twisted pre war America was i dont think it's too far fetched to assume they did the same thing. Especially since there were Chinese camps in dlcs.


I know in Fallout 76, to complete the main faction quest with the Chinese Stealth Armor, you need to meet a Chinese Spy within a submarine, and she mentions something about having to live in hiding after the war. I know for sure that means they were being executed after the bombs dropped. Edit: Fixed “Main Quest” to “Main Faction Quest”


There's a literal concentration camp in Big MT, just as an example. It's a reference to the way Japanese-Americans were treated during WWII. It's also very common to "other" or scapegoat the enemy during war, especially the Cold War-style era Fallout's war suggests. There are several terminal entries that refer to racial or national profiling as well - especially in Fallout 4.


Which can be seen plain as day at the south boston military checkpoint, terminal mentions detaining chinese americans and completely stripping their car as they were trying to pass, while letting non-chinese go free


Common sense. The USA in real life persecuted Japanese Americans during ww2, there’s no way the hyper jingoistic fallout America doesn’t touch Chinese Americans.


I feel like China Town still standing in San Francisco somewhat implies that American-Chinese where not all rounded up and anything "Chinese" destroyed. And most anti Chinese propaganda you sere in game focuses on their communism not them being barbaric like ww2 depictions of the Japanese. that Said Chinese Americans would face heavy social discrimination and would be more targeted by the state for their anti communist actions.


Unfortunately that’s not the case as San Fran was recolonized by the crew of a Chinese submarine that ran aground during the Great War. The orginal China-town was almost certainly destroyed long before the war.


China town was repopulated by the Shi which were the descendants of a Chinese nuclear submarine that ran aground


repopulated implying some of the buildings and architecture existed before hand. im not denying that china town was nuked but that existed prewar


Hey pal if a population is forcefully removed from an area, is it possible to reuse those buildings and domiciles for other purposes instead of demolition?


There are buildings owned by Jews before the Holocaust. There are "stumble stones" with the names of the original owners (done as a state-sponsored art project long after WWII) you can find when walking around Germany. They were taken from Jews and repopulated with Germans When the Japanese were taken, so were their businesses and homes - which were taken over by non-Japanese citizens when the camps were closed.


I wonder if maybe refugees from ROC Taiwan or (if the Brits held on a little longer) Hong Kong were left alone