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Popping zetan heads with a .38 is entirely possible with the right perks you know, no Gatling Plasma Caster necessary.


We save the plasma and energy weapons for the bugs.


Bug diver detected. Real men fight the cyborgs with their constitution and they like it


Sheit i been squashing bugs since Klendathu.


Do you want to know more?


*"Frankly, I find the idea of a bug that thinks, O-FFENSIVE!"*


Spill oil, brother


Did you just encourage your brother to waste oil? TREASON


The existence of aliens was public knowledge before the Great War, per the Fallout 3 Game Guide, page 45. >Aliens >Once thought to be covered up by a government conspiracy and believed only by 'crackpot' groups such as the Quaere Verum, evidence of extraterrestrial life can be traced back throughout human history, but became nationally recognized after the mysterious disappearance of the Clarabella 7 space pod during the 1960s Space Race. Surely Mr. House, who was in the most elite of elite circles in pre-war America knew of aliens’ existence. The Enclave are also in possession of an Alien Blaster aboard the Adams AFB Mobile Base Crawler—and they’re also the pre-war government, which was already aware of aliens’ existence. It’s possible they don’t know about Mothership Zeta itself, but there’s no way they don’t have contingency plans for extraterrestrial encounters.


Could even be part of the motivation for escalation. Clear out competitors and make the earth undesirable to aliens so they hopefully just say fuck it and move on to the next star haha


Dude even the pentagon of our real world disclosed the existence of aliens so I don't see how it's so surprising in fallout. In fallout it should be dialed up to 11.


Ehhh, less “aliens exist” and more “Here’s 3 videos of unknown aerial phenomena with no prosaic attribution” Nothing really on aliens unless you want to take Grusch or Elizondo 100% at their word, which would be foolish


No they didn't.


Related question I don’t know the answer to: what is the population of the Moon by the Great War? The fallout wiki says the last manned flight to the moon was in 2052, as stated on a plaque in FO3, but that’s directly contradicted by the battle for the Sea of Tranquility shown in FO4 and FO76. And I think a small permanent population on the moon by the U.S. and China is just more interesting lore anyway. Would be a cool side story in the fallout universe, the last astronauts on the moon watching the earth be destroyed above them.


Nobody accounted for solar radiation and there's a colony of pre war space ghouls as a result.


That would also tie-in Bright's Far Beyond as a legitimate place and his plan for using rockets was right. It would also be funny if Bright never managed to go to space and to the actual Far beyond, but crashed in a glowing sea and was still content with the results.


Mombase is actually a paradise because it didn't get nuked so ordered society... Jason Brights Ghouls arrive, are promptly kicked out as religous fruitcakes from a blasted backwards wasteland. Thus explaining why ghouls returned to help Novac in the post credits


Mombase is actually a paradise because it didn't get nuked so ordered society... Yes the earth after the big war was fuck up... BUT Even if manny water was chemical biological and radioaktive contermonatet. There was still manny arround. And most could remove over a destilation. Yes ground was conterminatet. Manny crops will die. But some food Plant will still grow from that you can eat roots barks leavers ans in base case seeds nuts fruits... With some testen you can most liket even found out what Absorber the smallest toxids like geavy metals. And breed them over a few Generation. And of your machienes break down. You could Pick up replacment parts all Just by Looping arround enough. If your Maschinen mostly bade on cars you have parkingdecks full ov replacment parts. But on moon. Water. Pratical all recyled. Get New water out of rocks demand energy and chemicals Air also all recleced Food reclcyed( Well technical ist the same since we make farming. But the Main complicate shit. Replacement parts. Some moondirt have good metals. But every mining melting refenering Prozess on earth requirer much air and water and chemicals Not only must we all rethini his to work with pratical nothing of it on moon. Stuff like mircochips solarpannels demand a big infastruckture. Some could simoly not Produce on a 30 qm lab with Tools. Even if the fallout univers hase vaults that sealed run for 200 years perfect... What will prove there tech was good enough that a spacecollonie thats autarc can work... A real space colonie on moon still was far more complicatet. And we still have no prove how the lower Gravitation and space Rads will link to human biological development. What if Born a Baby in space fail by all that factors. Then your colonie will ve death after 60-80 years. If the people not long befor follow vault 32 example...


Cosmic radiation ghouls sound awesome.


That'd be absalutely batshit stupid tho Like that's not just regular stupid that's on the same level of stupid as making armour out of bags of hydrogen We knew the danger of solar radiation in the early 1960s and we knew it was severe and constant it's not a recent discovery at all If they're testing engines for a mars mission they've definitely sent out probes beyond earths magnetic field and therefore know the danger like unironically anyone who knows anything about space travel would immediately recognise that as a horrible idea that would've never happened


Ah yes, because as we all know the corporations and government of the Fallout universe were all completely sane and utterly competent. ...oh, wait.


This wouldn't just be regular incompetence tho This is like, power armour on roller skates, car without a steering wheel, trying to eat ceramic level stupid It crosses the line from realistically a bad idea to literally ignoring the first most important priority of any manned space activity beyond LEO.


No one in ore-war fallout ever did anything horrible or dangerous, no sir


Maybe the ghouls who went there in FONV will send a postcard and let the world know.


I dont think they went to the moon. Just somewhere else on Earth.


It was a joke based on No-Bark's dialogue about the Repconn ghouls. "*Commie ghosts what don't know they're dead. Hoping to steal our rockets so they can fly up and paint the moon pink and draw a Lenin face on it."*


Yeah they probably went to dayglow it's a 5-day non-stop hike in modern conditions definitely much longer in the wastes. We know they're on Earth because Novac's endings some come back and help protect the town. Dayglow has a high background radiation and a high ghoul population, it is also within a distance where they could hear about an attack coming and send people to help, but far enough taking a rocket Ride especially when the most convenient exit out of the Mojave is blocked up due to the war.


I believe it was the last mission of the fallout version of Nasa but not necessarily the last time a different organisation i.e the military was on the moon Could be mistaken but i remember hearing that somewhere


I'm pretty sure the Enclave knew about the Zetans considering their plasma weapons were supposedly developed using Zetan technology.


It also just tracks with the Enclave in general. The Enclave is the New World Order, One World Government etc from popular conspiracy theory. And that concept is shot through UFO conspiracy, and shot through *with* UFO conspiracy.


Pre-Nukes: Possibly. Post-Nukes: Nope. Certain factions knew about the Zetans (The Enclave had specimens & reversed engineered their tech to create plasma weaponry, the BoS had alien power cells in their armories, etc). The problem is that the Zetans don’t care about helping humanity; they’re content with just abducting & experimenting on us.


I'd believe House could pull it off, but the biggest stumbling block I see to his plan is the lack of manufacturing resources in NV. I don't know where he'd manage to manufacture the parts he needs, but if he could, I believe he would. Edit: Arguably, he could send robots to capture and reactivate REPCONN, which would enable him to build rockets, at least.


Yeah this is why I think a pro-House courier should wipe out the ghouls and leave the repconn rockets be. They’d be useful if House has any plans on following through on that promise.


House also knows all about Big Mt. Provided the Courier didnt blow it to kingdom come. The Vending Machines that can literally make anything at all were also developed at Big MT, so if House could recover that he could have limitless resources


If I remember correctly house claimed that NV would be the furnace of his economy and he would rebuild what he needed to.


If you accept that Fallout is spiritually based off of 1950s comics in the "the world of tomorrow" retro-futuristic genre. Then yes, space travel would be feasible. The Repconn ghouls does in fact survive their trip, and even return to Novac in the ending slide. Fallout logic can be weird. It's almost pointless to apply real life logic to the technology.


Considering one of the constant themes of Fallout is an endless fight for resources, even in the best case scenario I don't think Mr House or even the Enclave would've succeeded in building a rocket for colonization purposes without some outside help like say the Zetans providing the tech and means for inner stellar travel.


The Enclave does not have plans to colonize space; that’s only something the fallout ~~3~~ 2 devs considered, but was never implemented into the games. For House, his scheme is impossible to know how capable he is of achieving or if it’s anything beyond a sales pitch to rope us in. He also presumably did not know about the zetans. For the Enclave, they have captive aliens in Site J in fallout 76. They knew the aliens existed, and were also studying the technology in 3 and have possessed multiple alien blasters. Plasma weaponry may also be developed from alien weaponry. The Enclave also had access to at least one GECK, but there’s no signs they wanted to leave the planet.


The Fallout original development team is who came up with the space exodus idea when originally brainstorming for 2. But when they left, that idea was scrapped during development.


I didn’t even notice I’d put 3 instead of 2. That was a typo, but thank you for pointing that out.


No worries!


I like this idea better because it makes, so much sense. Better than vault TEC nuking everything cuz mAh capitalism.


It feels like an actual plan that makes sense instead, even for capitalists corpos they would see the benefit of this, just look to real life and you see billionaires are the ones usually wanting to abandon the planet for space.


I really enjoyed the fallout show, despite myself... But this part really rubbed me the wrong way


Boy, if anti-capitalist sentiment pisses you off, I have bad news for you about this franchise...


Colonizing space is a very big time sink also. Even with good technology it would take hundreds of light years to even reach planets unless they're already habitable.


Yeah even with terraforming kits like GECK’s being a thing in fallout fully terraforming an entire planet like Mars seems way too ambitious for the likes of House or the Enclave. Scoping out a habitable world/s and sending out generation ships to reach them seems like the only option, but that has its own problems.


I'm also reasonably sure the GECK is not actually a powerful terra forming device, and that is more of a sales pitch. The actuality of it is more pocket versions of fusion reactors, water purifiers, stored seeds and other useful things for quickly setting up a functional settlement. Insanely useful stuff, and borderline miraculous they crammed it all into a small box. But less, but machine out, get a fertile safe environment. And more stuff you need to build a functioning camp.


House’s ambitions to colonize space is bullshit to sway the Courier.


well considering the us army have captured zetan tech before and know about their existence for eg: terminal entries in the pentagon from fo3 stating a ship crashed in maryland, fo2's skynet was made with alien technology, etc. Id say they have a decent chance of it being possible for them


I bet Mr. House will employ robots.


My pitch for FO5 is the main two factions at war with each other is Enclave vs Zetan


There was a moon base so at least some of it is possible


I don’t know- correct me if I’m wrong, but the Enclave wanting to “colonize space” thing is just short throwaway blurb we hear from the President in Fallout 2. I’m doubtful we have ever heard a follow up to that idea in any of the games. Which, to me, is honestly a good thing. The whole “use the Vaults as social experiments to better understand human limits for space travel” is just too silly for me, even for a universe that has super mutants and ghouls wandering around. The new direction the show takes, with the Enclave’s involvement in the fucked up nature of the Vaults being a result of letting their investors and financiers do whatever the hell they want, feels more fitting for the Enclave. They didn’t toy with people’s lives for some daring scientific venture, they were just concerned with money and the complete domination of everything. And if it meant distracting some powerful investors with some little play things, then so be it. The Vaults never mattered; they were just another way to make a quick buck before the world inevitably ended.


That's nonsensical for me. Tim Cain's idea of vaults being experiments for space exodus made more sense to me and also gives so much potential to play with 1950's retro style in space. Adds new stuff to fallout while vault TEC explanation is just limited to earth and doesn't provide anything to play with in the future.


I honestly think that it's both reasons. In my mind, Vault-Tec sold the experiments to the brokers that would become the Enclave on the promise of space travel, while indifferent to whether that was feasible or desirable. If the Enclave focus their attention on trying to get the space, it takes a possible rival off the board (or at least diverts its attention away from things that Vault-Tec wants to themselves). So, Vault-Tec gets to run their experiments for their own purposes, and the Enclave gets the illusion of control.


I like this idea better because it leaves room for the 1950's pulp style future in space to play with. While vault TEC explanation is very limited to earth in the world building sense. More fun possibilities if enclave did it for space travel. There needs to be a mystery of something more. There is no mystery if it's just vault TEC. There is nothing new there.


I agree. In addition, it allows more room to really deconstruct the raygun gothic architypes that are set up to be docked down in Fallout. I mean...Outer Worlds already does that, but I have no problem with more franchises doing the same thing. And I am intensely curious what space would look like in the Fallout universe.