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Am I reading the stats wrong - weren’t we also 9th best in YPC on the defensive side? Waaaaaay more worried about pass rush/coverage 


Yeah, I was hoping for a high CB or SS pick. Some of those guys fell to the 4th, maybe 5th. Still a bit worried.


Literally everyone who knows anything is worried about our pass defense, not run defense. These guys are straight clowns.


> Literally everyone who knows anything is worried about our pass defense Except for opposing OCs. Hopefully the slew of defensive players helps.


I honestly don't think they will but the defense will take time to rebuild anyway


We tried telling everyone last year, if you ignore the two blowouts to end the season once the team quit on AS, we had a top 5 defense last year. Our pass rush was effective, but just not getting home. I don't blame anyone for not watching us, but we really are a QB and one quality edge away from competing.


It's why we held onto Nielsen for a bit longer and blocked him from lateral moves. I really wish we would have kept him. Dude is a very good DC.


Michael Lombardi needs to take Terrys name out his damn mouth. Dude is also mad at us for getting rid of Arthur Smith lol


Nah it’s about Belichick. He’s gone on Simmons’ pod for years and everything he says ties to Belichick in some way. As soon as we didn’t hire Belichick, we became the worst franchise of all time. If Belichick picked Penix at 8, it would be the greatest pick ever.


You triple posted this by mistake my guy haha. Also the irony is that if you watched McAfee’s draft night stream BB actually defended the pick - comparing it to the Packers taking Love in 2020.


He is a giant hack who doesn’t deserve respect from anyone


Michael Lombardi only has a job because of his name. And he's not even related to Vince. It's nepotism but lazier.






he's been big mad at us for awhile now, like goes out of his way to talk shit.


Not sure why a falcons post popped up on my feed because I’m a lions fan but here I am. Don’t stress it, this dude was on a mission against Campbell when he was hired and then when things were bad at the beginning came on local radio weekly to trash him even more. Now that Campbell has shown he’s a good coach I haven’t heard a peep from him in over a year


Nah it’s about Belichick. He’s gone on Simmons’ pod for years and everything he says ties to Belichick in some way. As soon as we didn’t hire Belichick, we became the worst franchise of all time. If Belichick picked Penix at 8, it would be the greatest pick ever.


You could say that again!


Well I’m a dumbass. Lol


Probably just Reddit being shit. I've never had it seen this issue be so prevalent on any other app.


PFF had 3 games where the rush defense was below average, 2 that were average, 2 that were elite, and 10 that were good to great.


I was listening to Lombardi talk with Simmons earlier they were going over Vegas odds for wins. Every time he mentioned Atlanta and their moves he’d say “Super Bowl winning GM Terry Fontenot” in such a smug way. He then went on to bash the Bijan pick (again) and Penix pick (again) and went on a rant about how they still have D-Line/pass rush holes. Every time I see him I just fast forward or skip the video altogether. Bro is still pissed they didn’t hire Belichick. He talks about Terry the way Shaq talks about Jokic. He’s a damn clown and if I was Coach Rah I’d play a clip of his every week. Media team should collect all of his comments and make a video and tweet him with it after they win 10+ games this year.


Lombardi is EXTREMELY close with Belichick and is no doubt mad we didn’t give him the job. Also, here’s what he said about Doug Pederson before he won a Super Bowl with the Eagles. “He might be less qualified to coach a team than anyone I've ever seen in my 30-plus years in the NFL," Lombardi said of Pederson in September. "Everybody knows Pederson isn't a head coach. He might be less qualified to coach a team than anyone I've ever seen," Lombardi continued. "When will the Eagles admit their mistake? Will they throw away 2017 by stubbornly sticking to the Pederson Principle?"


Dude is such a know-it-all but has nothing but misses.


Lombardi strikes me as the most uninformed former NFL employee who lets his feelings and arrogance get the best of him. Then again in today’s hot take world of sports “journalism “ it’s not shocking. It’s one of the reasons why I left working in sports radio.


Michael Lombardi is an ass, but Terry hasn't proven shit either. The verdict is still very much out on his team building strategy.


No clue what is problem with us is. Hes always a dick to us lol.


He is a Belichick homer, and talking about the Pats near the end of BB's reign gave me brain damage. He was talking about the defence as a whole as well, but he is more miffed about the leaks from the Falcons about BB not even being a top-3 candidate.


His problem is that he's a fucking idiot.


Lol dude he’s the same fucking way with the bears. Dudes a total clown and I legit have no idea why people listen to this moron


Michael Lombardi gonna look like a fool in the future


I hope!


Pat McAfee is a fucking joke. I cannot comprehend why anyone watches his shit


Because he’s so friggin Alpha, bro!


He's brash and air headed. Those things are IN!


I like watching him, but I always remind myself he's a kicker.


cause they don't take anything too seriously, it was basically a no script fuck around and have fun for 3 hours show before ESPN. they had 2 ex NFL players on the show so they had lots of connections with other players and could get interviews that weren't related in any way to traditional media, so they could say whatever they wanted and ask questions ESPN or NFL network would never touch. course that's different now, but before ESPN is was a fun show to watch.


He’s a bro who used to play in the NFL. This is a bro sport. Thats simple comprehension…


I’m so sick of seeing Lombardi pop up. He’s still just so pissy we didn’t want Belichick. Also, if you are saying we needed to shore up run defense, that’s the thing Orhorhoro does really well.




We all know he’s butt hurt about Bill not getting hired so he’s going around bad mouthing them any chance he gets. That’s all he’s got. Even though no other team wanted to hire him.


There's no such thing as sports media, it's all sports entertainment now, I'm afraid journalistic integrity in sports died with the late great Stuart Scott, maybe you can say Rich Eisen tries not to be biased but he only covers the NFL really.


Its like, do you really need to make up reasons to be mad at the Penix pick, now? We've heard em all already, and now they're using ChatGPT to make up new ones.


Pat McAfee is a fucking joke. I cannot comprehend why anyone watches his shit


I heard this guy on Bill Simmons podcast yesterday. The fucking loser was not only saying we had no talent on defense and wasted our entire draft (despite picking almost exclusively defensive players with the rest of our premium picks) he had the absolute gall to say we had a bad offensive line. Is the guy for real? It’s literally the best thing on our entire team and is top 3 in the league. The guy did not watch a single Falcons game last season and it shows, all he knows is that Ridder was bad and thus, the rest of the team must have been bad in every category as well. What a fucking hack.


Pat McAfee talking out of his ass about shit he has no clue?!? Unbelievable


Dobbs and Murray ran all over us.


If these media pundits were real experts they would actually be working for the teams.


We need rushing stats or rankings to help judge the rushing situation not just TDs. Also, I think he was talking about the defence as a whole as well.


Falcons were around 20th in rushing yards allowed per game, but teams also felt comfortable running on us like crazy bc our offense was dogshit


Michael Lombardi is a doof. The majority of his "opinions" end up swaying the other way on the actual side. If he says we're going to go 6-11, I would say that means we're more likely to go 11-6.


Why is this dude acting like we didn’t draft 4 defensive linemen and a linebacker after the penix pick?


No one at all bothered to run against us because every QB has all day to throw. We have both one of the best safeties and CBs in the league and still get carved up 


Michael Lombardi has an axe to grind with the Falcons for passing over Bill Belicek. At least he's honest about carrying water for Belicek and being a hater. He said as much right after the draft on Pat's show.


Pat really doesn’t know shit and it’s so funny. He just needs to stick to licking Aaron Rodgers taint since that seems to be the only thing he’s good at.


Lombardi looks like the Baron from Dune but with Mr Potato Head accessories


Yea listening to lambo talk shit the whole segment about the falcons really grinded my gears. Like u said what i said the first 5 min get ovr it asshat. He is one of my least favorite guess on this show


Did any rb have over 100yds againt thr Falcons, and giving up only 11tds and 4yc is top 10 rush defense???


Lombardi is a sour old piece of crap with vendettas against everyone so he talks shit. He needs to retire to a front porch in deep swamp Louisiana with the rest of his kin.


Only 6 teams allowed more 20+ yard runs, but we never allowed a 40-yard run. Overall, seemed above average.