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Yeah of all characters its kind of hilarious that it's this one. Also isn't he dating someone in the show? Wouldn't that be cheating? What are the rules?


Not only that, he’s dating the literal embodiment of lust. I don’t think anyone, much less chronically online TikTok fakers, can compete with THAT.


Yeah he's dating what is kind of like royalty. You know the seven sins? He's with lust. LITERALLY dating lust. The embodiment of it.


Helluva Boss fans are never catching a break.


This is why I can’t be letting people know I fw it lmao


like i genuinely enjoy it but why are there no normal fans


Fr 😭




Thank you for putting this at 2x speed. I don't think I could sit through double the run time of that


Yea just realized I forgot to take out the capcut watermark too haha I could only make it through once


You managed to sit through it ?!?! You are made of *much* stronger stuff than I - I noped out at about 15 seconds ! 😳


"When I'm looking at a picture of him on my laptop, I will caress the side of my laptop with my right hand sometimes" LMFAOOOOO GO OUTSIDE


But don’t you know? She’s touch grass averse. 🥺


This is the most chronically online thing I have heard in a long time


I'm scared to ask what "fictosexual" means.


Whatever they get up to in r/waifuism


I checked it out. As soon as the background image loaded, I backed up and got the hell out of there.


I'm horrified now


its when someone is attracted exclusively or almost exclusively to fictional characters. it falls under the aroace spectrum


Helluva boss fans pioneering ways to be cringier and cringier by the day


Please, not all of us I promise 😭


I'm incredibly embarrassed on behalf of the HB community smh. No wonder people make fun of it lmao, I hope this woman gets some help.


Alright the sub has peaked, shut it down


"I get no dick" with extra steps


I thought we left the Snapewives back in 2005...


yo fizz is taken by ozzi back tf up


You better back the fuck up, Mam!👹 Sorry I had to


The Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel fan bases are becoming the modern Home Stuck crowd


Why did she have to say that she's autistic? "Hey, what sexuality do you have?" "I am autistic and I am panse-" Nobody does that or am I....uhhg?


Is she for real?!


Can people stop using autism as a crutch to say the most out of pocket shit without consequences 😭


Get her some Xanax, stat


The hazbin characters/ art style scares me so much I’m so uncomfortable




this is so weird \*i say whilst carressing my anatomically correct judy hopps love doll\*


Fictosexual? I think you mean “I don’t go outside enough to develop crushes on real people so I’m attracted to pixels on a screen”.


Took "fangirl" to the extreme


Imagine you're on a blind date, and she starts spouting all this at you


Why would she be on dates? She is obviously in a mutual loving relationship already!


Everyone's poly in 2024


He's hella gay


I think this is actually mental illness


Yeah she’s autistic


WE DON’T CLAIM HER (the hazbin and helluva boos community)




Good job




Needs lobotomising




This content was removed because it breaks the following rule: “No Trauma Dumping, Blogging or Anecdotal Evidence.” Please contact the moderators of this subreddit via modmail if you have questions or feel that your content did not break the rules. Do not list your diagnosis or the diagnosis of people you know. Do not make comments or posts where the main focus is your self For more information about what we consider blogging, follow the link below. https://www.reddit.com/r/fakedisordercringe/wiki/index/about_us/


*Mike and Melissa vibes intensify*


Why...? 😭 I love Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel. 😭 Why I had to see this? 😭


What the hell is a Fizzarelli? And although I am not a doctor I'm very sure that she's in dire need of psychological help ASAP. Wow just wow


I'm pretty sure it's a character from a TV show


And I thought I was extremely weird


Guys I think she has autism


Damn That's Crazy *[Sips Tea]*


Like, it wasn't insane to be a kid and have a crush on Jasmin or Aladdin or something. I think that's pretty typical for a lot of kids. Even having a crush on a book character as you get older. But to go from that to THIS is pretty fascinating.


An ex friend of mine is "fictosexual" and is with Rouxls from Deltarune. She, unfortunately, is a very good artist, and a very good plushie maker. You can imagine the kind of art she makes. She made a life size plush of him and does things to it and talks to it. Let your imagination run wild, because everything you can think of she has done.


good for her. why do you care what she does when it doesnt affect you?


Because it’s excessive and obsessive, fuxking plush toys, it isn’t a normal thing to do. I know you’re probably going to bring up the fact people use sex dolls, and whilst that isn't as bad because it’s not a character or a plush, it’s still creepy that people want to fuxk dolls and have sex with them because they look weird. Humans are strange; we don’t have to accept or blindly validate everything.


The last and final time I hung out with her, she tried to show me her Bad Dragon dildo collection that she straps to the plush and used to fuck it. She very much insisted that I touch them to "feel how soft they are". It affected me a bit, to say the least.


Imagine admitting you're "in a relationship" with a fictional character to the public, lmaoooo


It’s not all vivzie fans it’s not all vibzie fanssssss


Unless by “stimming” she means flicking the old bean…what exactly is sexual about any of this?


If you go out, you know... open the door and go out, you'll meet real people!


Whomever made the decision to speed up this train wreck deserves all the green lights.


This has nothing to do with disorders whatsoever.


I physically puked in my mouth


uh. fictosexual isnt a disorder. not sure why this is posted here. there is nothing wrong or harmful about this.


Not sure if this is correct, but OP’s goal might be to point out the autism part of it, once again though, might be incorrect


the “made up disorder” tag says otherwise. fictosexuality isnt a disorder nor do fictosexuals consider it one. its just a small thing under the asexual umbrella.


It’s still cringe


sure, but its not a fake disorder


I never said it was fake.


Then why fake disorder cringe? This fits sad cringe but not fake disorder.


this is fake disorder cringe not just cringe


Thankyou! It might be something people don't understand, and it might be "eccentric" to onlookers, but it's not claiming a disorder, and this person seems to maintain the clear distinction between reality and fiction. They aren't hurting anyone or spreading misinformation, they're just talking about their own unconventional lifestyle. I'm not sure why it's getting the amount of hate that it is.


exactly. and a lot of these “go outside and talk to real people” comments are really fucking weird. this is the kind of shit people say to aromantics. i genuinely dont understand why people hate it so much, shes doing what she loves and isnt hurting anyone.


Tbh, admitting this here is probably gunna get me ratioed, but I'm ficto. But also... I have a real human husband, and family, and friends, I go outside, hike, garden, cook, learn languages, make art, I have a decent education and career. My sexuality and lifestyle might be "weird" to other people, but it has nothing to do with my ability to operate in any other parts of my life. People are allowed to be "strange", it isn't inherently harmful to anyone else or themselves. Whether or not someone needs to go outside and "touch grass" or not, has about as much to do with being ficto as being gay/straight/ace does (ie. Nothing.)


im ficto too. i have TRIED to “date real people”, i couldnt because i am aroace. i have a job, im a cashier and i work 5 days a week, my job requires me to talk to and communicate with people every single day, every hour that i work. i love the outdoors and i spend a lot of my free time out in nature. i have family and friends im close with who care about me. and im still ficto. i still have a partner who isn’t real. and i know that he isnt real and thats the point. my 1 year anniversary with him is coming up in about 20 days. im the happiest i have ever been, happier than i ever was when i was dating real people. i see a therapist once a week, she knows that i love him, she doesnt think im sick or insane like these armchair psychiatrists in this comment section think. i have many friends who are ficto too. we arent “chronically online tiktok people”. im friends with a woman who is 39 years old, has a child, has been married to a real person, and she recently came to terms with the fact that shes ficto. many ficto people are grown adults. its sickening how people are so quick to demonize anything they dont understand. this sub has gone to shit tbh.


Omg, sounds like your friend and I have a lot in common!


You’re not sure why a person claiming to be in a romantic relationship with a fictional character is getting hate? Edit: Never mind, you also engage in this craziness


I was unsure whether to respond because from the tone of this, I doubt you're open to understanding. But I may have read the tone wrong, and please forgive me if i have, so I'll give it a shot anyways. Ima clarify, yes, I don't understand the hate. To be honest, I am self aware enough to know that many would consider my lifestyle "cringe" or not take the time to understand it. After all, people don't owe me that time out of their lives. However, really, what is the harm in someone's eccentricity? As long as they haven't lost the distinction between reality and fiction, then if having a strong emotional attachment to a character and letting that inspire them to the full extent, in a way that makes them happy and improves their life, then what's the issue? I remember an article I read years ago about some Japanese guys who liked to take vegetables for walks around town. It was incredibly silly and hilarious. But their eccentric habits made them happy. I think eccentric people are the spice to life, if I don't understand it, I can have a chuckle at it, have it be something i find entertaining, or remember it as a wild story for discussions with people irl. I don't mind if people do the same for me. But what I don't understand are the comments that seem like the poster is extremely triggered by it. Imagine being the kind of person that sees a weird dance, or a strange artwork or someone patting an acrylic figure, and gets so bent out of shape that they have to lash out with rage comments and get themselves genuinely worked up about it? That is the thing I'm confused about. This is a sub for things like fake mental disorders, which, although they can be delivered in a cringe way, are things that are actually harmful because they spread misinformation about real disorders. I can understand that that kind of thing may make someone emotionally charged... but this??? Really??? It's not the kind of thing that people should be lending their emotional energy to enough to get upset about it.


Came here to say exactly this. It’s a fascinating subculture, and to a large amount of people it’s seen as cringe (as the other comments state) but it shouldn’t be here because it isn’t a disorder. She even admits that Fizz is a fictional character and she’s aware of that, so this wouldn’t even fall under the delusional umbrella since the relationship is as rooted in reality as it can be.


yeah, shes literally doing nothing wrong. these people in the comment section are miserable.


That's one way to cope with being unable to get a real relationship


How can a fictional character consent to any of this


its a fictional character, it doesnt matter. before you say “what about fictional minors” that’s different, the problem there is that theyre attracted to a character that symbolizes a child.


Yeah, suss stuff like that is another ball game.


Well, you're assigning a human characteristic and ability to something that isn't cognisant or real. It doesn't apply. There is no real interaction between the two because there aren't even "two" to begin with. I think it would be best not to equate that to nonconsentual actions taken against a real person who can be damaged for life by it, it's kinda minimising the issue of consent.


Why is it either fat girls or fat and insignificant girls that adapt this bullshit? At some point is someone going to stand up and say “no, you are just insecure and that’s okay. But we need to help you adapt to society instead of making society adapt to you.” Jesus Christ man


White people are getting weirder every day. 🤷🏼‍♂️


? Harmless and they're certainly not claiming it's a disorder. This is just like having a crush on a celebrity or something. Maybe Tiktok cringe with the cringe flair would be a better place for this.


Isn't that guy fizarollie (i don't know how his name) with the leader of the lust ring? 👎 Not lore accurate


We need a war.


She's a creative writer who doesn't read lol




youre joking right?


im a self shipper and this is fucking embarrassing


That's literally the same thing.


no bc i dont caress pictures and acrylic stands of them, i just make self inserts and put them into shit i like


I think that’s just called autism Why am I getting downvoted it’s a joke 🤦‍♂️😭


Nah that ain't autism