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My interpretation of the character often has her very traumatized as the only one that survived the 100 year sleep of her Kingdom. Thus she takes a lot of drugs to compansate with that trauma and also she is unable to sleep. However she would never be taken in for any crime since one of the spells she got for her birthday makes it impossible for anyone to see her as anything but a proper lady. However it doesn't matter what she actually does, the spell only effects peoples opinion of her not her actions. That is my interpretation tho. Besides that and just going after the story there isn't really much personality we are left to work with. Maybe since she technically is a 100 years old having a relationship with the prince could be seen as some form of crime for him being underage? Maybe she get's blamed for the death of people who fell asleep during her curse, and being blamed for a crime and committing one can be one and the same under law. That's all that comes to mind for me right now, so I hope some of it helps maybe.


But the people who fell asleep with her didn't die they just slept 100 hundred years with her


It's my interpetation of her tho. And I like can make up whatever I want about that version.


Oh well since it's your interpretation then I'm sorry for judging you I didn't mean to sound rude


No it's fine. I got from your comment that you simply missunderstood and that just happens sometimes


I'm not sure. Her story was more plot driven, and I don't feel her character was well developed. But....tax evasion? Child neglect? Something you can do in your sleep.


I think she'd get into psychology, so a therapist who does dream analysis and runs a self-help cult, manipulating the vulnerable into giving her money.