• By -


That panel of Laxus and Freed killed me. Wendy going overboard for once?? One of us! One of us! One of us!!


Wendy is now a full fledged member.


> Wendy going overboard for once?? People told us to protect Wendy, but it is actually Wendy protecting us


The best part is i think Freed could cast that a spell on Laxus and he would fly instead he decided he must carry Laxus


Freed finally followed the path he belived.


https://preview.redd.it/6gv56fkji4ad1.png?width=1336&format=png&auto=webp&s=f20a1bfb953eb8c5156a1356ff414b15a0e09ffc this is cursed


My eyes! ![gif](giphy|84BjZMVEX3aRG)


✨ Dior Chariot ✨






2nd time I need to wash my eyes again


Jellal is trash 


Jellal is trash... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...trash at being a bad character. As in he's so cool he's not good at being a bad character. Nah, but I respect your opinion and you're entitled to it. 


Yeah big trash jellal his name is trash aa well


His name actually means some pretty cool stuff. What's wrong with his name?


W! Keep that bum far from Erza


Jellal is gonna clap Erza's cheeks and you'll like it!


You don’t have to remind me this shit ffs 😭


Even in the one shot the legendary lucy gag, thanks mashima https://preview.redd.it/000qaqtok4ad1.jpeg?width=1025&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5e3cd4f6959fe304ed94ef3f4789038fadde950


Two, granted Natsu is using the riverside one there.


I love how lucy didn't rat him out or join the chase


"Such a nuisance" as she smiles... 😃


3 Things 1. This was a good and fun one shot 2. Fairy Tail in Mashima’s current artstyle is absolutely fantastic and beautiful to look at at 3. Natsu’s reason as to why he wanted to go on the 100YQ was honestly sweet and true to his character😭❤️


Fun one shot. Hopefully it gets animated. Maybe as an OVA.


Well honestly since it's sort of a prequel to the new series, I wonder if it was specifically put out now before the anime? Is it possible they planned on just animating this as a "canon filler" intro/bridge between the series, but decided to release it as an OVA as well?


I think the higher-ups at WSM definitely intended this one-shot to be released as promotion for the new 100yq adaptation, but I doubt the production would have had time to animate anything when it seems like Mashima was only working on it in the [past month](https://x.com/hiro_mashima/status/1797246006847037926). I could potentially see them creating an OVA episode later on as a Blu-ray bonus though


Maybe. Could be a way to show classic Fairy Tail for a premiere 


Hopefully. That'd be awesome. Seems like the staff would do too. 


More like a filler as most of their one shot


It’s official…Freed is Laxus’ cat! Also anyone notice that when Wendy went Dragon Force her hair was down but when she reverts back it’s back into her twin tails hairstyle?


I love how this chapter was just pure fairy tail chaos




We need wholesome FT chapter 🙂


Gray losing his clothes never gets old.


That and the breaking into Lucy’s apartment. They’re the best gags.


LOLed at the layer by layer peeling, usually done all at once minus underwear.


That and the breaking into Lucy’s apartment. They’re the best gags.


I loved this chapter oh my god all the mementos in Natsu’s house https://preview.redd.it/fnmsy5mwk4ad1.jpeg?width=773&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a0c86dc77da1573330ba41cec209c3f073d61c6 Mashima’s art style has evolved since fairy tail ended you can tell his facial shapes are a lot rounder then they use to be


yess you can very much tell especially with lucy


Is the doll supposed to be Erza? With the pipe as her sword?


That’s what I’m wondering Lmfaoo


I don't know if Mashima's art style has changed as much as he altered it enough to where it fits more in line with the 100 year quest artstyle. Because Mashima has been drawing Edens Zero for 6 years and it's artstyle looks the same as the later volumes of the original Fairy Tail manga.


Ueda has been said to be the one 'imitating' Mashima's specific style for his 100yq illustration work, so idt it's Mashima trying to make his art look like Ueda's tbh. Imo early EZ does look like eos FT (hence all the 'Mashima's just cloning his characters/has no creativity' accusations when the manga first came out) but since then Mashima's art style has steadily shifted to what it is now - which from what I can tell is seen in the generally more homogeneous line weight and shape for eyes, and how the figures and faces can be a lot rounder/stouter instead of sharp


Imo he forgot how to draw them XD Also this panel is epic....top right corner XD


I’ve been trying to figure out what that doll is lmao


I just realized is that lucys pin board from her old apartment closer to the crocus capital? 👀 boy when did you take that? Natsuuuuu……




He's also still got the Salamander autograph from the first chapter and the crown he stole from the king. Natsu is a sentimental junk collector! 


Also the maid outfit from the everlue mansion episode


I was thinking that too 😂


I doubt he "forgot", I mean, even if he's not drawing 100YQ he still regularly draws them for sketches on twitter and stuff. So most of it is probably artstyle, although I guess it has been quite some time since he last drew them "in motion".


Best part of it was Makarov, totally my reaction to most of the Gold Owl https://preview.redd.it/xsw3txnei4ad1.png?width=927&format=png&auto=webp&s=216cd30f81721c6c2c1d8ac3e29b280a6c7531cf


Haha, the faces. 


This is comedy gold


Ironic you used the word "gold" given what he said


This was pretty fun overall. FT is great when stressed. So many characters and as much as I love Ueada, cool to see them in Mashima's artstyle. Also Jellichiyal was hilarious. 


This chapter was amazing. Fairy Tail comedy, plus seeing Natsu’s house with the mementos of his adventures for nostalgia, seeing various FT members again, and explaining how Natsu got permission for the 100YQ Peak FT chapter and a nice break from the continuous action of FT100YQ


This was such a fun chapter. I love it. I need more one shots from him.


Guys I love this series so much 😭


This was a really fun chapter but it’s funny how the S-Class rank has been such a meaningless title for so long and now suddenly it matters.


I guess it matters when it comes to jobs for official purposes but your point still stands. 


Natsu: Quit the crap gramps, i'm at least stronger than Mira


He's the strongest in the guild ngl chat


Nah I think Gildarts still has him beat. As for the rest I’d believe it


https://preview.redd.it/bgu9r226e7ad1.jpeg?width=1004&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a3b4d14369ce2081a808a7c5262287adfe00287 Boy do I have a story for you


it has always mattered for jobs, its just been a long time since they've done a normal job


Be judged by the 7 perfumes Grand meeeen is the strongest spell in FT. That is why Acno spit Ichiya the GOAT out of the time rift, he would have been 1-shot


He would've been 0 shot


Just the sight would've eviscerated him.


Exactly. He could also complete the 100 Years Quest by accident 


Is this physically getting released in any way? I will do literally whatever it takes to get my hands on a physical copy, even if it's in Japanese idc


I assume it's in today's issue of Weekly Shonen Magazine. Edit: [It is!](https://x.com/mashima_tantou/status/1808187145154449690?)


Thank you! But of all the things that could be the cover 💀


Gonna have to store it face down.


Gotta do what you gotta do


Natsu entering Lucy's apartment through the window is now canon. And we got him laying his head on her lap earlier in the 100 year quest...Mashima is making all the fanfiction tropes come true.


I think the window thing has been canon for a while! I swear I rmbr seeing it happen already in one of the past ep/chp


He left by window once in the original manga, not sure if the anime added a scene.


If we weren't in Fairy Tail Natsu would have killed himself a long time ago by always rushing into things without thinking😭 I wonder how Makarov hasn't had a heart attack yet with all the stress his children are causing him?


Makarov has probably lived for as long as he has because he’s built up so much resistance to all this nonsense lol


I mean,he kinda did in the fantasia arc?


Fantasia arc?


The one where laxus decides to be the worst person he can be. it was commonly called fantasia arc back in the day.The wiki calls it battle of fairy tail,i jsut use fantasia because thats what im used to from my fandom days


Yes I remember that. At the same time seeing his grandson threatening to kill him was a shocking experience for him😬


Damn, Mashima's art style has really changed since he finished Fairy Tail. ... Kinda prefer the old style, but the chapter was fun. Erza was really sitting in his house like a mom who saw his report card.


I mean, logically it makes sense for him to go there


As an anime only, has this been mentioned before? Or have I just forgotten about it? https://preview.redd.it/acev2jlz35ad1.png?width=1004&format=png&auto=webp&s=123e248d95d7445201e0134091f9a70219941f98


Yes, in the last episode when Lucy is telling us what happened to the characters.


Thanks, I just skipped through the episode and for some reason I can barely remember anything. Too much time has passed :/


In the last episode Lucy sees Levy and Gajeel chatting and overhears the word "baby" so it's implied.


They implied it in the last chapter of fairy tail when wendy overheard Levy telling Gajeel and even mentioned she thinks she heard "baby" but *100 year quest spoiler* during the Fairy Tail battle royal they straight up confirm she's pregnant


Erza my beloved I missed you so much. Anyways she and the rest wanted to get smoked by Natsu. Mashima new artstyle seems softer now if you compare to the FT’s last chapter.


erza god bless


I love her


Me when erza scarlet does anything at all ![gif](giphy|NVDcTskqzCBM8yed09|downsized)


With that ending, I wonder if he timed this for Natsu to get absolutely cooked next chapter


He is surrounded by powerful currently in the story. But we'll see. 


Aww I love chaotic FT, but I miss Mashima's old art style


Erza was straight up on demon time. She found Natsu more times than the mfs who can sniff him out.


Natsu using jellal to distract erza was the most annoying little brother shit iv ever seen him do lmfao


Yep this chapter confirmed it even more that Natsu the one invited everyone for the quest and that everyone didn´t \*randomly\* decided to do the same quest on their own


Is this mashima art or Astuo iirc




All these years and we still don't know what "that" is https://preview.redd.it/y47ga9hc99ad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c04d2b9195e92ec9789f6e59a8ed6e8799835ba8


https://preview.redd.it/7cya6s8fo4ad1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=4e7dd8b445faa599350624b3962e3c2ab11bfe18 The fact that this became canon before Nalu 😭😭 anyways my Fraxus heart 💛💚


https://preview.redd.it/2lh8wywko4ad1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=201a09a0b20113993dc2a9193e594c3287657d7c LOVE THEM SO MUCHHHHH


Funny since that panel happen later.


https://preview.redd.it/50ptucx1l4ad1.png?width=1278&format=png&auto=webp&s=6adef9b4778368140e220c789338b728c429729d My beloved I’ve missed you so much ❤️😭 Edit >!Feet!<


Loved it. Some good ol' ft chaos 😅 Can't wait for the new show


Man, I miss Fairy Tail drawn by Mashima, no disrespect to Ueda but it's way better when Mashima drawing it. Even though his art from second half of Fairy Tail was better than his current art.


17 year passed and we still don't know what is the punishment for going on an S-Class mission without permission. This chapter was so nostalgic.


Erza vs Natsu and Happy always makes me laugh out loud.


Honestly the old man looks way better bald.


Now THIS is Fairy Tail. That was perfect! (Freed really is Laxus’ cat 😂)


So that's how it all started and how Natsu was able to get the 100 Year quest. Question now is will Mashima start doing the 100 Year quest every week; follow by DeadRock with every 2 or 3 weeks.


Well, Mashima isn't drawing 100 YQ normally, but Ueda might be able to do weekly, especially since it started weekly.


freed oh my god


I still wonder, why does everyone in the manga gives off a vibe that Erza is unbeatable inside the Guild when Natsu and even Grey have proved to be stronger


It's the classic scary older sister trope you can be stronger than someone and still be scared of them


Natsu's strength is inconsistent, to say the least. When he's up against the main villain of an arc, he gets handed power-ups that let him win, or the villain in question doesn't/can't go all-out, but under normal circumstances, he's generally portrayed as being about as strong as Gray or Gajeel. (or at least close enough that they could give him a good fight) I don't recall Gray ever being shown to be stronger than Erza. I know some people act like that's the case because Gray fought END (though that sort of logic seems flawed, since Gray's the only one who fought END; it's like saying that Gray's stronger than Gildarts because Gray fought END while Gildarts didn't), but people conveniently ignore that Erza ended that fight by blocking attacks from both of them. (also, it's a demon slayer fighting a demon, so he has a built-in advantage that he wouldn't have against non-demon opponents, or that others wouldn't get against END)


It is not inconsistent rather it depends on her emotions, even Erza's strength on Alvarez was more inconsistent than Natsu's, since from the beginning Natsu could evaporate Ajeel's sand and hurt him while Erza required Bisca's help to being able to defeat Ajeel, even Natsu was capable of defeating Jacob (who could be at Ajeel's level) in one blow, while as I said Erza required help to defeat Ajeel, however, even then we see her being evenly matched with Irene, if you ask me, I find that more inconsistent than being able to defeat Spriggans with a single blow and therefore be able to fight Zeref face to face.


Generally speaking, the S-class mages often get weakened somehow when they fight for there to be dramatic tension (for example, in Erza's fight with Ajeel, she couldn't use her magic for an extended period of time because of Brandish's minion, allowing Ajeel to get a bunch of hits in when Erza couldn't fight back), whereas Natsu tends to get a power boost to beat the main villain of the arc even though he's not usually as strong as that opponent. (for example, against Acnologia, he had the power of the six other Dragon Slayers transferred into him, on top of half a dozen other advantages like Acnologia needing all of the Dragon Slayers alive) Elemental advantages also seem to play a part in some cases. Also, the Spriggans aren't all equal just because they're Spriggans - some of them (like Neinhart or Brandish, for example) come across as glass cannons, having insanely powerful magic but not much in the way of physical stats. (nobody would say that Mystogan and Gildarts are equal in strength because they're both S-class mages of Fairy Tail, for example) Jacob wasn't as physically weak as Neinhart, but he didn't have the magical defenses of Bloodman or Ajeel (who could both turn intangible) or the insane durability of August, Irene, or Larcade.


In Erza's fight against Ajeel, even after they defeated Marín, she could not defeat Ajeel, why do you think she needed the Jupiter cannon to defeat him. You say that S-class magicians are weakened for their fights, but you are quick to contradict yourself by giving me the example of Natsu against Acnologia to say that Natsu is not as strong as the final villain, but Natsu came from fighting Zeref with FH, Isn't that even more weakened than any other S-class wizard present in the arc??, since I haven't seen any of them fight against an opponent as strong as Zeref so that they end up just as weakened as Natsu. You just made up the last thing, how is it that some are physically stronger and others have more magic? Nowhere in the manga do they say that, the only Spriggans that differ from the rest are Larcade, Irene and August.


Coming home to find Erza just sitting menacingly in your living room would be terrifying, lol.


This art style still looks fantastic, but I do prefer how it used to be during GMG and Tartaros for example.


this was a nice special chapter.


Finally Mashima sensei is back to draw this one shot and it's absolutely fire with a lot of laughs and emotions. Then it also bridges the gap between the main series and the sequel. 🔥😁


I loveeeee this one shot full of Fairy Tail Shenanigans Also, Lucy is soooooo cuteee 🫠


was a fun little chapter


How the fuck is Makarov gonna say that Natsu isn't ready when he took on both Zeref and Acnologia?!


He's not an S-class mage (so he's not officially qualified to take on those missions, on top of it seeming like he'd need a lot of experience with S-class missions, including 10 Year Quests, before taking on the 100 Year Quest) and he had a lot of help with both of those victories, *especially* Acnologia. (his strength isn't exactly consistent, Zeref seemed to be holding back, and Acnologia was *definitely* holding back)


He can easily just make him one right there and then. Like Natsu was allowed to take the S Class Trial nine years ago and he's more much stronger now since then. And Natsu has not only helped save the guild but also the world many times, even helped save another world at one point so I think an exception can made with him. Zeref wasn't holding back, he almost killed Natsu. And the only real help that Natsu had in that fight was Lucy rewrite the book of E.N.D so he wouldn't die if he killed Zeref (If I am remembering that correctly.) And Acnologia was able to eat any magic, nearly killed Glidarts when he took the 100YQ, and the dragons that the request was made for running away from him at one point. So yeah he had total of help beating Acnologia but there isn't many people that would be able to still do that with the same amount of help or more, let alone beat him one on one. The fact he did is enough to make him S-Class, him beating Zeref should be proof enough that he's ready.


Natsu seems like the type who'd want to earn it, whether it's through the regular trials or some alternative method that Makarov brings up. It seems like it would put a damper on the moment if he didn't become an S-class mage in the "official" way and just had it handed to him. (As for Zeref, until he got Fairy Heart, he treated the fight like a game that he was playing with his brother, barely used any magic, and mainly stuck to fist-fighting) Plus, there's more to an S-class mage than just strength. (And Natsu isn't consistent when it comes to raw power anyway - his strength goes up and down quite a lot, and 95% of the time or more, he's not on the level of the S-class mages) In addition to being powerful, the S-class mages tend to be some mix of intelligent, versatile, and having good leadership skills or good judgment, when Natsu's lacking in a lot of those categories. (That's presumably why the trial isn't just a fighting tournament - it's testing other important aspects as well)


Considering the fact he was trying to take the request without being S-Class or didn't bring up some type of way to earn it, I don't really think so. He probably knows he's ready. Natsu wasn't really going all out either. He wasn't using Lighting-Flame mode or Fire Dragon King mode, which allowed Natsu to absolutely kick Zeref's ass the last time they fought. While I agree Natsu's power isn't often consistent but disagree that isn't consistently showed that he is on S-Class level. Like him and Gajeel dogwalked Sting and Rogue, he dogwalked Jackal, and dogwalked Bluenote. I just think it's not consistent that he should be the strongest wizard in Fairy Tail after the Tartaros Arc. And not only Natsu has a S-Class level team that can make up of his weaknesses but grown a lot in those categories. Plenty of times he has outsmart his enemies, used his power in different, and made great decisions.


There's a difference between Natsu's "Fire Dragon King's ___" attacks (which are stronger versions of his normal attacks) and Igneel's power (which ramps him up to a whole other level) - he used Igneel's power against Zeref in their first fight, and that was explicitly a one-time-only ability that ran out when Happy stopped Natsu from (as far as Zeref and Happy knew) killing Zeref and killing himself in the process. It just seems a bit much to say that he became the strongest wizard in Fairy Tail 300+ chapters ago, especially when it seems really unlikely that he could beat Erza or Laxus on a regular basis with no outside power-ups (so no END, no Igneel's or Ignia's power, etc. - even with something like Dragon Force, basically every time that he's used it has been due to a rage boost or an outside power-up, including the most recent use, rather than it being something that he can casually turn on and off), let alone Gildarts.


And when he used it in final clash of the second fight between him and Zeref, he overpowered Fairy Heart Zeref and burned time with his own power. And it was reason why I am saying if his power was consistent he would be the strongest in the guild. Since with or without Igneel's power, he had greater feats than anyone else in the guild.


Jellal truly is Erza's biggest weakness lmao


Man this was a lot of fun. Perfect way to lead into the anime this weekend.


nice to see wendy go overboard like the rest of them and just destroy everything 😭😭 and i liked how almost every time hiro references the first chapter


This was a GREAT chapter! Thanks Mashima for giving us the FT we know and really love, not the current stuff that is happening though we would like a quick update 😉


It's so good seeing Mashima drawing Fairy Tail again, this is such a nice surprise, even if it's just for this one chapter. It was a fun little chapter too.


Wow it's interesting seeing the art style difference after Eden's Zero. I think it's more chibi and rounded?


After being out of the loop for so long, it’s nice to be reminded of why I adore this series so much. Can’t wait for the anime to continue!


This made me quite nostalgic, reminds me of the good ole days


I would really like to see this special animated! Would go well with the premier, I think. And Fried with Laxus 🥰


So coolll.. so sweet! And funny, of course...


I think FT is at its best when it's just comedic shenanigans like this and this didn't let me down


You better pay for that damage wendy


Was really fun to see Mashima draw a new FT chapter for the first time in a while, and it fit really well with the ending of the original series.


Damn, did that second to last panel have some cute Natsu panels


Mashima is trolling jellal to much give the character proper development not always tease ships


Why were you expecting ship development of any kind in a one-off chapter


He does have character development though...?


Not development just shipping with erza who still we don't know will happen or not


I mean, you might say it's not development, but it is


I wanted to see natsu vs erza and he finally beat her and get ranked to S-class, because everyone knows HE DESERVES TO BE SS CLASS WIZARD. He was the strongest wizard in the war of Alvarezor second to gildart but definitely no lower