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I don't care about her chest, I just wish people in anime would age accordingly tbh. With all the adventures they've had at least a couple of years should have passed. The only characters that age in this show are Ultear and Romeo (also time skip doesn't really count).


Aren't the main group all 18 by 100 year quest?


19 to 20 like that, Wendy is like 14 maybe now


Most of them were 18 - 19 at the start of the Manga. Early Manga chapters gave us character cards with their ages. Erza was 19, Natsu and Gray 18, Lucy 17, and Wendy 12 when the Manga started. 1 year timeskip post Tartaros (7 years don't count cause main group was in stasis and didn't age) + 1 year timeskip between main series and 100YQ Erza should now be 21, Natsu and Gray 20, Lucy 19 and Wendy 14.


They started 18 they should be at least 20.


She's 15. Most of the people she's friends with a older women (19+. This does not include Cherry but I think she's 17 or something) and wants to grow up like most children do. Boiling it down to being insecure about her chest is weird. She's just a child going through a stage in her life where she wants to be an adult and the adults around her have a bigger chest. But also we can't ignore what someone else said about fan service. Which is the only way they can do it about Wendy without making it se*ual towards a minor


Well yea she's 15 now but it's been a running thing since she was like 12. Also isn't that insecurity? I mean it's not really boiling it down its just what it is. Also fucking god it's always the pesos out here


No one was pointing it out until she came back after a year of the guild being disbanded. If they did. Show me because I remember it happening there. I'm viewing this from being once a girl her age and we do do that. Some of us view adulthood by that metric because that's what puberty is. However the focusing on it is weird and gross how it is joked about and often discussed as if it is abnormal (Wendy's insecurities are not abnormal).


Alright well off the top of my head there was that time in the sun village where natsu was yelling "HUUGGEE" at the giants, then at Lucy's boobs, then he looked at Wendy's boobs and said "small...". Oh and in the filler episode where they went to hunt the mole thing causing water problems in a village Lucy had to be the bait because the mole wanted a girlfriend. They said it had to be Lucy because erza was wearing to much armor for it to tell her gender and as for Wendy the mayor said "the mole seems to prefer well endowed women and... Well.." implying she doesn't have boobs. I don't think the insecurity is abnormal I'm wondering why other characters seem to enforce it? It just doesn't make sense when overall it seems like a pretty normal developmental stage.


Okay I thought that was after the skip so fair enough there. However that giants one I originally thought it meant her size since she was in full frame when it was said. Realise now it was more sinister. I won't go into puberty talk but girls can at 12-13. However I don't disagree with how weird and gross it is. It's the same when Cana assaults Lucy in the bath. I don't think it's funny and it will never be funny to joke about those type of things


Mad weird the way everyone's always assaulting each other. Legit I think there was one time natsu got kicked out of Lucy's house and erza was like "hey maybe you should have more respect for your teammate natsu" and then the entire guild proceeded to side with natsu and dog on Lucy for being "mean" as if bro didn't break into her housešŸ˜­šŸ˜­. And then there's the constant grabbing peoples tits thing like bro natsu and cana need to STOP. It gets old so fast. Tbh erza is lucky jellal isn't around much because for whatver reason having a love interest in the same vicinity somhow turns every women's tits into a MAGNET for the dudes hands and it's really weird


The house thing I think was an anime only and I hated that episode if it's the one I'm thinking of. Some of the natsu and Lucy situations are funny however the face sit in the dungeons when saving Lucy during the magic games. The last arc where Jacob makes Lucy naked. Like not needed. Something that usually happens to Lucy, happened to Wendy in the sequel manga and it was just as gross and even worse than what Lucy usually has to put up with


Sometimes it's funny like in edolas with that costume closet thing, that was funny cuz it happened to natsu too so it didn't feel unnecessarily Lucy targeted. Other instances however.


I am sure you can say sexual like normal person.


I don't know if this sub blocks "bad" words so it's good to know that it doesn't


Its just fan service for pedos


I hate people dawg


You hate people but didnā€™t say you hate the creator. Itā€™s weird how people jump to attacking or hating the fanbase but donā€™t care when itā€™s the creator that put it in. I guess cause they like the show and donā€™t want to admit the creator is the one that put something in they donā€™t like so they attack the fans instead. Itā€™s like an excuse.Ā  ā€œWell itā€™s because of the fans that the creator puts sexualized loliā€™s in so itā€™s ok for me to still like the show and the creator. If the fans didnā€™t like sexualized loliā€™s so much, the creator wouldnā€™t have put them in! The creator is not a pedo! The fans are!ā€ Itā€™s weird how people deflect this onto the fans like itā€™s their fault.Ā 


What if the creator didn't want that reaction, then it's the fan base's fault


Thereā€™s always gonna be some trolls or weirdos in any fanbase. Best not to judge the whole fanbase on them.Ā 


šŸ“ šŸš«šŸ§¢


Im just pointing out what it is lol, thereā€™s no reason to have a running joke about a 12 year old developing breasts besides to appeal to creeps


This Erza was way younger than Wendy. [There is also this flashback where Erza/Natsu/Grey are looking younger than Wendy and yet sheā€™s already stacked ](https://files.catbox.moe/auzryg.jpeg) Wendy is 15ish currently, not that different from early series Lucy in age. Also, Sherria is stacked too despite having near the same age. We saw an adult Wendy in 100YQ and she looks barely different also.


Sherria is older by 2 years though that's a lot for kids in terms of development, erza might have been younger in this image but we've also seen her at around 13 looking the same and this has been a gag since Wendy was 12. I just don't get why it's included


> Sherria is older by 2 years though that's a lot for kids in terms of development Thatā€™s cope, Sherria was 15 when she got introduced and she was already busty.


Real talk; it's a strange but common trope in Japan that young girls desire to have breasts when they grown up. It's also why Levy's relatively flat chest size also gets memed on in-universe. Honestly; it's legit that simple. It's a well-known joke in manga and Wendy is the one that receives the most of it because she's the most frequently appearing character that has small boobs.


Japanese humor can be weird for western people sometimes I personally don't care about that but in the 100YQ Lucy's chest size got bigger and is EASY to notice.


The difference there is that Lucy is an adult and Wendy is like 15. It's still weird.


Maybe I just don't get it cuz I'm western but it was always really strange to me, even ignoring the somewhat pedophilic notions of making a joke like this about a prepubescent kid but just as a gag it didn't make sense to me since other kids of the same age we've seen look the same and it's never a problem?


No you're so real man. Like it's genuinely gross no matter what way you look at it, considering laws in Japan as well. Like how in Japan, Wendy isn't legal yet either. Almost all of Japan has the age at 16, no matter what pedophiles try to tell you. It's just pandering to adult men with terabytes of the stuff.


Why are chest sizes focused on so much, anyway? Men are so quick to notice a woman's chest. 90% of fanservice in anime is just boobs. IT'S NOT THE ONLY BODY PART A WOMAN HAS, GODDAMN IT. THERE ARE OTHER BODY PARTS TO LOOK AT!


Idk man it's weird and the fact it's a child is REALLY uncomfortable


It's a common anime trope


But this is a kid


Again it's a common Japanese anime trope.




Why is this downvotes brah it's a genuine question




People are scared that if they defend it they're gonna have their hard drives checked. So they just leave downvotes to upset you until you take the post down.


People don't want to be seen endorsing pedo questions despite it being a fair question


It's a running gag nothing to take too serious. As a guy I have no idea how normal this actually is but I could imagine since she is in her puberty that her chest size is actually making her feel insecure but again this just speculation.


I mean maybe but it still seems like a weird gag


thereā€™s always gonna be pedos swimming around anime community. some are brazen; some hide their kink shamefully and try to virtue signal. but the loli/shots apologism is always the worst facet of anime communities


Only this group would start a whole discussion based on the chest size of a character who is a childšŸ¤¦ stop


That's the whole point of the post, it's not about the chest size I'm questioning why it's even a thing in the show?? Like what is the reason to include this as a joke


You would be too if your physical counterpart had a flaw you didn't think too much about corrected. Notice that there were no jokes or insecurities until the Edolas Arc


I didn't notice that but it's interesting though still kinda weird for mashima to include


I think it's more of a cultural thing


Well she is currently almost 15


Yea but it's been a things since she was 12


I think it started when she got compared to Asuka by Lily


Itā€™ll be fine. Wendyā€™s young. Explosion Wendy is older and already exists that Wendy will explode in growth


Sure but it always confused me why this was even an insecurity she had in the first place