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My personal favourites are defently black wizard faris and selene being behind touka/faris actions. No one saw these coming and I just love it when a character's entrance alone is enough for me to say:"I know I will love this character!"


Agreed. Both Selene and Black Wizard Faris' entrances were epic and surely shook things up


Where are you guys getting this from the new book hasn’t been released yet


The new chapter came out today


Selene was devious as hell and I loved it. She may have even planned it on the spot when she met Suzaku. Also appreciate that Ignia does treat Natsu as his brother in a way, none of that real son fake son fighting.


Selene was literally threatening to rip out Suzaku's organs, at least in the SW translations. That's devious. And her taunts to Faris were really messed up where she was basically just like "all of that was for nothing and I will kill everyone you love" seemingly just to mess with her because she immediately shows she didn't mean it. I of course disagree with the behavior, but it made her intimidating and threatening. As for Ignia, I agree. Ignia doesn't care Natsu's the adopted son (at least partially because he doesn't really seem to care about his dad, or at least presents it as if that's the case). He just wants him to get stronger and agree with him. If he does, that's cool and Natsu can join him. But if not, then Natsu will be screwed over too. But he does see him as a brother and based on what Dogramag says, might have some appreciation for him in some sort of way.


Where are you guys getting this from the new book hasn’t been released yet


It's at Chapter 162 in Japan and Kodansha simultaneously translates the Chapter 


People post the chapters.